under fire

Chapter 1152 Is it so easy to fight an ambush?

More than a dozen "puppet soldiers" of the reconnaissance squad, who had just trained for less than a day, are on the mountain ridge to catch the traitors of the patrol team.

In the past, I saw the puppet soldiers trembling in their legs.

Now that I have a gun in my hand, relying on the number of people and the power of the crowd, I just grab and stab one by one.

It's a pity that he was inexperienced when he started it. He survived one stab and two stabs and still survived, which made a lot of noise.

Seeing the movement in the distance, the traitors of the patrol team dared to stay on the mountain ridge, and ran to the other side of the ridge without a trace.

Several soldiers' crotches were wet.
The platoon leader was yelling: "This hasn't even been on the battlefield yet. Killing an enemy will make you like this. I really convinced you."

"When I used to butcher pigs, I always stabbed him in the neck. Who knew that I couldn't kill him with one knife."

"Remember next time, when stabbing the little devil, the bayonet should be from the abdomen upwards"

"Where's the belly?"

"It's the stomach, stab the enemy's heart upwards from the stomach or the back, avoiding his ribs, understand?"

"No wonder. My bayonet is bent."

"Don't worry, just poke it a few times and you'll get used to it"

under the ridge.

There is chaos on the highway.

"Move faster, quickly cover the upper soil." Wen Wuquan kept yelling.

He was anxious, the devil convoy was coming soon, and the ditch on the ground had not yet been covered with soil.

Li Heshui is equally nervous and is educating the villagers.

Because, the puppet army escorting the villagers were all lying in the roadside ditch at this time.

It's just all gone
No wonder he, it was the villagers who were detained.

The puppet army is part of the security regiment of the friendly army that was supposed to protect the villagers, and it has been less than a month since they joined the devils.

The crimes committed in the mountains are no less than devils, and murder and arson are more active than little devils!

After a certain stunned youth found an opportunity to pick up a stone and beat a puppet soldier to death, other villagers followed suit.

If it weren't for the guns in the hands of the fake "puppet soldiers" nearby, the villagers might not have attacked Li Heshui.

The old gangster Qi next to him was so angry that these ordinary people didn't listen to his greetings at all.

The unarmed common people attacked the puppet army without any sarcasm.
Li Heshui had to reveal his identity: "I remember clearly, we are the Eighth Route Army, and we are here to rescue everyone."

"We have been looking forward to your return for a long time, but why are you wearing this dog skin?"

"Don't interrupt, we're going to fight the devils later. When the gun is fired, everyone will lie down in the ditch by the side of the road. If anyone runs around, the devil's gun will not recognize anyone. Do you understand!"

"Um...can you give me a gun?"

"That won't work, you haven't even trained, and you will miss our major event by shooting indiscriminately."

"Give me a knife head office?"

"Okay, I'll give you a few knives, everyone get off the road now, and cover the corpses of those puppet soldiers"

The observer yelled strangely: "The devil is here."

A tricycle popped out of the front ditch.

Followed by two ghost cars.

This happened a lot along the way.

The dirt road in the mountains was not well repaired, and the speed of the car was very slow.

The purpose of entering the mountain with an empty car was to transport the seriously injured soldiers of the imperial army to Changzhi City for treatment as soon as possible.

This road has been running for more than ten days, and there are very few attacks.

As a result, not many devils were escorted.

Two devils wearing goggles sat on the leading tricycle, and a crooked handle was erected in front of the cart devil.

The devil military doctor sat in the cab of the first car, and there was also a machine gun on the roof of the cab, revealing the small half of two devils wearing steel helmets.

There were three devils crowded in the cab of the second car, and it is temporarily unknown whether there is anyone in the car.

There are only ten devils in sight.

The old bandit Qi also led the bandit apprentices to fight the devil's ambush before.

First choose favorable terrain, plant two mines, throw grenades, and then charge.

This time almost everyone has a gun in their hands, and there is no shortage of bullets.

Two machine guns were hidden in the bushes by the side of the road.

I made up my mind: "I said mule, are you nervous?"

Luo Fugui had a dark face. Although not many devils came, it was the first time he stood face to face with devils on the side of the road.

Although there are not many devils, it is not enough for him to scan a large area, and he still has no idea: "Grandma's face to face with devils is so close, this thing has never been done before."

Just like that, can he also be a company commander?

Old gangster Qi shook his head, he had no choice but to cheer up the bear: "I heard that you beat up the Devils' convoy before?"

"Convoy? What is that? The Devils armored vehicles have been shot several times." The convoy was getting closer, and Luo Fugui spoke a little tremblingly: "You said. If the devil won't see him, let's shoot?"

"You're afraid of a ball! I'll hit the machine gun on the car in the back later, and you can deal with the motorcycle machine gun in the front. It's okay, right?"

"You can shoot accurately, if grandma's little devil's machine gun fires, his first target will be me"

"Don't worry, pay attention to raise the muzzle of the gun later, so as not to damage the motorcycle"

"Why isn't Boss Hu here yet?"

"Another group of puppet troops came out of the mountains, and Chief Hu said to help us."

The motorcycle leading the way arrived quickly with a puff of dust, and the machine gunner pointed at the puppet soldiers and civilians who had let down the road.

With a creak, the motorcycle stopped.

The machine gunner devil operated half-baked Chinese: "Hey, why do you stop here?"

Cars are approaching from behind.

The old bandit Qi showed a traitorous face: "Report to the majesty, we have been walking for a long time, and we will take a short break."

"Hurry up!" The devil's machine gunner on the car body enjoyed the attitude of the Royal Association Army.

"Grandma's long-winded ass to do it"

Da da da.
The gunshots sounded clear and piercing, and the devils in the cab stared blankly at the flames of the muzzle of the big and thick pseudo-military machine.

The five big and three thick bears did not disappoint him, the machine gun swept a large area, and the ballistic trajectory followed the machine gun that would be pulled towards the roof of the car.

Before the machine gunner on the roof could pull the trigger, the bullets arrived.
The ghost driver in the car behind reacted very quickly. When the gunshots first rang out, he started to shift into reverse gear.

When Luo Fugui swept the machine gun at the first car, the devil had already slammed on the gas pedal.

The sound of the car engine just started to roar, and then the windshield shattered.

In the bushes, Dirty Face's crooked sub-machine gun was firing loudly.

The whistling ballistic trajectory pulled back and forth twice, the driver's body shook twice, the car swayed twice, and fell into the ditch on the side of the road with a bang.

A ghost climbed out of the cab, and seven or eight rifle bullets directly beat him into a honeycomb.
The old gangster Qi had a black line and hit the devil's machine gunner accurately. Unfortunately, before the bullets fired by the shell reached the devil's machine gunner's body, the two devils on the roof were beaten several times.

More than [-] people rushed forward, opened the car door and put it on the cargo compartment. A devil military doctor who was screaming in the driver was pulled out, and then stabbed in with a bayonet.

There was nothing in the trunk of the car lying on the side of the road except a stretcher, bandages, and a few boxes of medicine!
"Fucking empty car" ran to the busy Luo Fugui with a dirty face, pouted.

"Damn it, am I delusional?" Li Heshui didn't fire a shot: "Since when is it so easy to lay an ambush?"

The common people killed the unarmed puppet soldiers just now.

But when the gun was actually fired, no one dared to stand up.

Li Heshui came back to his senses after a while, and shouted to the people on the side of the road: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and help!"

Luo Fugui rummaged around on the devil for a long time, got a lot of good things, and then greeted the dirty-faced motorcycle
Seeing that these two guys wanted to run away, Old Bandit Qi immediately stood in the middle of the road and stopped him: "What are you doing?"

Luo Fugui was flustered, but braked in time anyway, with a righteous face: "Get the gasoline out, I'll go to Boss Hu's side to have a look."

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