under fire

Chapter 1153 Genuine Independent Camp

The east-west part of Zhongtiao Mountain connects the southern end of Taihang and Taiyue base areas.

Zhongtiao Mountain stretches all the way to the west, connecting with Qinling Mountains.

The devils used Changzhi, an important military town in the north, as their base. Since the end of [-], they have launched more than a dozen large-scale attacks against the Jinsui Army, the Central Army, and the local security forces that retreated to Zhongtiao Mountain.

Two years ago, 20 national troops were surrounded, with 20 casualties and more than 4 captured in [-] days.

The devils only killed more than [-] and injured more than [-].

The battle loss was 25 to [-].

The Eighth Division of Taiyue of the Eighth Route Army was active in the Taiyue base area between Changzhi and Zhongtiao Mountain.

Every year, we face large-scale mopping ups by devils in spring, summer, and autumn.
Right now, the friendly troops operating between Changzhi and Zhongtiao Mountain near the Taihang Lingchuan are running and landing under the new round of purges by the devils.

The friendly army fled into the eighth district defense zone with the cheek of the county government in exile.

The Lingchuan area is just between Taiyue and Taihang. If we can develop a base in the enemy-occupied area, Taihang and Taiyue can be connected into one piece.

More than 1 square kilometers of land fell into the hands of the devils, and more than [-] ordinary people were living in dire straits of burning, killing, and looting by the devils.

Two days ago, the Taiyue Base Area Fourth Prefectural Committee ordered the armed task force operating west of Ling County to march overnight to the enemy-occupied area east of Lingchuan.

There is no way, the devils are also sweeping Taiyue with heavy troops, and there is no way to get people out of the division
A certain division in the Taihang base area Pingshun guerrilla brigade went south, aiming at the enemy-occupied area east of Lingchuan.

However, Li Heshui was sent by the headquarters to the east of Ling County to establish a new armed task force behind enemy lines based on members of the Sacrifice League.

Originally, a group of anti-university students were to be received, but the devils raided and transferred the anti-university students.

Li Heshui didn't wait at all. He took only two people and went directly south to find the former comrades of the Sacrifice League.

It's a pity that he doesn't know whether Captain Qin is someone arranged for him by his superiors, and he can't reveal the secret.

Then, the Second Battalion, who came to give Gao Yidao "King Qin", arrived at the Lingdong mountain area.

He Dawu, who arrived at the east of the mausoleum first, was in a good mood. Before, he had to obey the orders of his superiors to withdraw from here, and finally came back.

Immediately contact the county independent battalion through the internal line lurking in the former Kuomintang-controlled area.

Followed the soldiers of the County Independence Battalion into a dilapidated house.

Immediately two people came out of the room.

It's an old acquaintance!
Hurry up and salute: "Report to County Magistrate Lu, He Dawu will report to you!"

The magistrate of Lu County is not simple, and he also serves as the commander of the independent battalion.
"Let's sit in the room first." The head of Lu County was overjoyed, and turned to introduce the person next to him: "This is Captain Li of the Ling County Armed Work Team."

He Dawu immediately stretched out his hand: "Hello, I am He Dawu, the head of Pingshun District [-] and the squadron leader of the guerrilla detachment."

The three of them entered the house, and the county magistrate Lu waved his hand to them to sit down: "Time is tight, to make a long story short, you came at the right time, and according to the instructions of your superiors, you will immediately be incorporated into the third company of the county's independent battalion."

He Dawu stood up immediately: "I obey the orders of my superiors!"

County Magistrate Lu signaled He Dawu to sit down again: "Next, our main task is to find out the deployment of the enemy and puppet troops stationed in the counties, townships, villages, and the artillery towers newly built by the devils, and at the same time wipe out the Kuomintang bandits and attack small groups. The Japanese and puppet armed forces that swept up the village."

Captain Li added next to him: "There are heavy Japanese and puppet soldiers in the county and township, and we will not target them for the time being."

He Dawu hesitated for a moment: "There is a situation."

County Magistrate Lu was a little surprised: "Say it!"

"What should we do with the reactionary rout in the occupied areas?" General He Da said his own thoughts.

County Magistrate Lu shook his head: "Correct your rhetoric, there are no reactionary routs in the enemy-occupied areas, only reactionary bandits or puppet troops!"

The captain frowned: "Isn't it right to do this?"
Thinking of the confession made by the secretary of the base area a few days ago, County Magistrate Lu immediately looked serious: "Don't forget, thousands of our comrades died at the hands of the reactionaries, and most of the activists we developed were ruined. I don't want to hear what anyone said. Compiled words."

"Alright then." Captain Li didn't say anything more. The main job of the armed task force is not to fight the enemy head-on.

County Magistrate Lu turned his head to look at He Dawu: "The District Chief He, first wronged you to be the third company commander of the Independent Battalion."

He Dawu stood up again: "I obey the order."

County Magistrate Lu turned his head and shouted to the door: "Guardian"


"Hurry up and arrange for Company Commander He to bring the comrades to rest. After I am done here, I will call the commanders above the platoon to have a meeting to discuss the reorganization."

The guard hurriedly saluted He Dawu: "Commander He, come with me."

When the two left, Captain Li looked at County Magistrate Lu with some doubts: "Why can't the friendly army be recruited?"

Lu Xianyou seemed a little helpless: "There are some things, I must obey the orders of my superiors, can you understand?"

Li Dui has been engaged in underground work for a long time, how can he not understand?The county magistrate Lu said that he could only obey the orders of his superiors, and he said "I" instead of "we"!
Moreover, the county magistrate Lu was already the county magistrate of the anti-Japanese democratic government and the battalion commander of the independent battalion in Ling County three years ago before organizing the withdrawal from Ling County.

It's just that he, the county magistrate and battalion chief, has endured humiliation for the past three years and used his identity as the Sacrifice League as a cover to secretly engage in underground work.

The independent battalion fighters under him are no more than a hundred, and they are usually scattered all over the place!
As the captain of the armed work, he has no right to intervene in local affairs.

After the county magistrate Lu explained, he got up and left directly. He had to reorganize the guerrillas brought by He Dawu.

Then, an armed team member ran into the dilapidated house: "Report to the captain, Captain Li of Lingdong sent someone to pass the news."

"What news?" Captain Li immediately stood up.

The Lingdong Captain Li mentioned by the team members is Li Heshui, the armed task force newly established by the superiors in the east of Lingxian County. Li Heshui is his former comrade-in-arms!
"They joined forces with the Independent Battalion of the Eighth Route Army, saying that they wanted to fight the devils and puppet troops in Lingdong."

Captain Li was stunned for a moment: "Isn't it? They fought just a few days ago, and they lost soldiers and generals."

The team member hesitated for a moment: "He only brought three people with him, and he just wants to fight devils?"

Captain Li smiled: "Do you find it strange why the superior set up another armed task force?"

"I remember that you must be a platoon-level soldier to become a member of the armed task force?"

"The situation is changing, and our thinking must also change!" Captain Li paused: "His hometown is in Lingdong, and he has a mass base. You must know that this area is too big and the situation is complicated. Our work team alone It is impossible for people to develop base areas in a short period of time.”

Hu Yi's idea is not complicated.

Now that the people from the second battalion are here, it's time to have a big game.

The little girl selected some soldiers from the militia who were willing to go with the Ninth Battalion. They had never fought in actual combat, so they could be called soldiers of the Ninth Battalion?

Since Luo Fugui entered the ninth class, Chen Chong, Shi Cheng, Tian Sanqi, Tang Dagou, Lao Meng, recruits from the division, Daomen, and the Qin team, which one of them didn't go to the battlefield as soon as they came?
They even got together because they ran into each other on the battlefield.
As for Li Xiang and the female militia, there must be exceptions, right?
With a backbone, even if most of the team is recruits like sheep, the combat effectiveness is not much worse.

Of course, beating devils will definitely not work.

But there is absolutely no psychological pressure to bully the puppet army with more fights and less.

The Ninth Battalion has no pressure to fight the puppet army, but it does not mean that the puppet army has no combat effectiveness!

A "guerrilla" brigade of a friendly army was completely annihilated after being surrounded by the devils and puppet troops in Changyao Village.

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