under fire

Chapter 1154 3rd Party Power

All men, women and children in the village were gathered together.

The black crows killed hundreds of people.

Liu Baochang was a little confused.

It was obviously the security team last month, so why did it become the Royal Association Army?
These days, ordinary villagers may not know what the Imperial Association Army is. As the village head where the township office is located, he naturally knows a little more than the villagers.

However, no matter who sits on the county magistrate's chair, he has to eat food, and if he wants food, he cannot do without the common people who farm the land, so it shouldn't be embarrassing for the common people!
The war is in chaos, the worst is to grab some food and things
The big reed hen raised at home was hanging behind Captain Liu at this time.

He stubbornly believed that Captain Liu still wanted to protect the villagers, even if he was acting like this now, he must be doing it for the higher-ups to see.

Because Captain Liu is his nephew.

dear nephew!
"Hey, what are you catching this time?"

Captain Liu said with a dark face, "What are you arresting? This time, the imperial army is here to visit everyone and give us welfare."

"Don't lie to me, what kind of virtue is a little devil, your uncle and I are so old, but we can't stand it."

Captain Liu smiled wryly: "Don't talk about little devils, talk about the imperial army."

Liu Baochang murmured: "Imperial army? Is it just saying that we want to co-prosper the little devils?"

"Shut up, the little devil is coming"

chug chug.
The motorcycle clears the way, and the big car goes directly to the entrance of the village.

A ghost jumped out of the cab.

Captain Liu hurried forward to salute: "Report. Taijun Chichuan, all the villagers in Shilanggang Village have assembled, please give me a lecture."

Second Lieutenant Chi Chuan squeezed out a smile and sang a long string of birdsong.

The translator next to him immediately shouted: "Fathers and folks, Mr. Chichuan said that the imperial army recruited everyone today to let everyone live a good life. In the past, you were oppressed by corrupt officials, and the imperial army came to rescue everyone. .”

After speaking, he looked at Second Lieutenant Chi Chuan, and there was another burst of birdsong.

"Today, let's have a high-end experience and take photos for everyone." The translator took out a stack of black and white photos and beautifully made certificates: "Look, the folks in Chengguan Village have already taken pictures, and this photo must be posted on On the good citizen certificate, everyone will have a good citizen certificate in the future, and they will no longer have to pay taxes when entering the city.”

So the devils started busy making people line up to take pictures.

It takes three or two days to fill out the good citizen certificate on the spot and post the photo.

The people in the mountains have never seen this kind of battle before, so the devils can do whatever they want.

The translator yelled again: "Listen up, everyone. From now on, this certificate of good citizenship cannot be transferred, and you must bring your certificate of good citizenship with you when you go out. If you don't bring it, you will be caught by the patrol team, and you will be fined [-] yuan, or you will be shot."

"Also, in the future, autumn grain will be levied on the basis of acres of land, and one hundred catties of grain will be paid per mu of land."

In the old days of the Republic of China, there was a national ID card, that thing was useless, the villagers didn't care about the good citizen's card at all,
A villager dared to ask: "You said you only pay one hundred catties? No apportionment or donation?"

"Of course, the imperial army forgives everyone. Each family is calculated on a per-person basis, and a month is spent a year to build roads, build artillery buildings, and dig ditches for the imperial army. The imperial army has no choice but to do this. We must unite and defend our hometown."

Another middle-aged man saw that the other party's tone was still kind, and asked, "But the crops have just bloomed, and summer locusts have already appeared. Can we pay less for the autumn grain?"

The translator of "Che" sneered: "The national army used to charge one hundred and fifty, but now the imperial army only charges one hundred, so don't push your nose and face."

The middle-aged man stopped talking, straightened his spine, and even felt superior because he dared to ask.
The translator spoke again: "When you see the imperial army in the future, you must respect it. Also, for the sake of common prosperity, the imperial army has specially prepared benefits for everyone. Our Shiyingang Township Junior Primary School, Senior Primary School, and Middle School all open a bird gate." Chinese courses, so that the younger generation of the elders will have an extra skill to make a living, so that they can work in a business owned by the Imperial Army, and they can find a good job in the county."

A villager immediately asked: "Then, what about the tuition?"

The interpreter patiently explained: "The tuition fee is still the same. The Imperial Army is considerate and will provide everyone with Mr. Niaoyu for free. There will be no extra money. From now on, children over ten years old must go to school, and there is no violation."

The villagers immediately had different discussions: "Is there such a good thing?"

"Eighty percent of you are uneasy and kind."

An old pedant in the village turned black, and said to the young man next to him who had patched seven or eight patches: "The little devil is doing the Xinminhui again, trying to turn this place into a second puppet Manchukuo."

The young man hesitated: "Then what shall we do?"

"Report immediately to superiors"

The second lieutenant was very satisfied with the scene and muttered to the interpreter for a while.

The interpreter spoke again: "Everyone is quiet, ah. The Taijun said that everyone will form a militia in the future. If there are any routs, bandits, or Eight Routes to fan the flames, they will destroy the new order and destroy everyone's new youth. Everyone must report to the Imperial Association Army in time, and the Imperial Army will spare no effort to protect everyone. Anyone who dares to cheat without permission, kill them!"

Captain Liu stepped forward immediately: "The Liu family village next door just didn't listen to the imperial army's orders and secretly communicated with bandits. As a result, all the food in the village was robbed."

A certain villager immediately muttered: "I've heard about this. I heard that those rout soldiers were caught by the imperial army and all stabbed to death."

"No, I heard that a few days ago, the imperial army harmed the little lady in the Wangjiagou in the mountains."

"You know what a fart. In these days, it's not bad to be able to survive. Besides, that little girl knows everything by herself, and she didn't ask for it."

"I always feel like something's wrong."

Mountain temples are generally built on mountainsides where wind gathers energy.

A defeated army is sleeping in the woods near the mountain temple.

in the temple.

Several people were drinking and talking.

He didn't pay attention to the mountain god at all.

After escaping from the mountain ridge, the patrol team rushed into the temple panting: "Battle Commander, something is wrong, someone ambushed the little devil's convoy!"

The battalion commander Kui who was sitting at the top immediately jumped up: "What did you say?"

The person who reported the letter hurriedly told the story of what he saw in detail, and finally added: "Brother, could it be the other escaped brothers who did it?"

The battalion commander Kui turned his eyes and patted the table: "The devils have been watching so closely these past few days, and there are still people who dare to attack the devils in our territory. They are obviously trying to spread hatred for us!"

A middle-aged man in a navy blue tunic suit frowned: "The little devil is dead, and he will definitely search this area."

The battalion commander was walking back and forth in the room, and suddenly stopped: "Director Liu, surnamed Liu, didn't you say that there are no other teams in this area?"

"Don't yell at me!" Director Liu glanced at the battalion commander, a little dissatisfied: "You ask me, I just got this news just like you, how the hell would I know?"

The battalion commander Kui waved to the company commander next to him: "Second brother, hurry up and tell the brothers to gather and retreat to the mountains immediately."

The reporter from the patrol team hesitated for a moment: "Brother, why don't you send someone to ask?"

Battalion Commander Que: "Where are they now?"

The tour team hurried to the wall where the map was hung, raised his hand, and pointed: "It's at this mountain pass, look at them, and they are going to snatch the little devil's transport team out of the mountain!"

Battalion Commander Kui shook his head and shook his head: "This matter is a bit tricky. If they succeed in snatching it up, we will definitely take the blame for it."

Company Commander Kui, who had just arranged for his subordinates to retreat, turned his head: "No, we will split half of the meeting, anyway, we have to go, and before we leave, let's join in the fun."

Director Liu, who was sitting and thinking, suddenly shook his head: "I think it's best not to get involved in this matter."

The battalion commander was a little dissatisfied: "Why?"

"Think about it, if it's really our people, as soon as we show up, the little devils will be convinced that we will also participate in robbing their transport team, and we will no longer have a good foothold in the future."

"Then what do you mean?"

Director Liu frowned: "Don't let them succeed. In this way, we may not have to run away."

"Good idea!" The commander of the battalion was overjoyed, and nodded in agreement: "There is nothing more important in life than life and death. Our brothers are all people who have died once. I have seen through many things. As long as the little devil promises not to attack, we will fight with you." He does not offend the water in the well."

Company Commander Kui looked sad and shook his head: "Dealing with little devils is tantamount to seeking skins from tigers. We have to vote for devils, or pull flags to fight with them. There is no other way to go."

What he said seemed reasonable, and Commander Kui nodded: "Let's take a step and see."

Director Liu thought carefully: "No, the most important thing now is to prevent Balu from taking advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!"

Battalion Commander Kui then nodded and said: "How about this, take two steps, let's go to see the excitement first, if we can stop them, we will stop them, if we can't, we will just run away!"

After all, they are all people who escaped from death. They say they are not afraid of death, but in fact they are more desperate than anyone else.

It is impossible for a person without faith to truly be fearless.

Battalion Commander Que was able to escape from the devil's encirclement, so he was naturally a veteran on the battlefield.

Obviously, he doesn't know much about human accidents.
As for Director Liu, he obviously has a lot of background
[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Long Buse, 19455 rewards, thanks to the brothers who have been subscribing and supporting...]

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