under fire

Chapter 1155 Live Teaching

The false company commander led seventy or eighty men on the way out of the mountain.

He was in a bad mood.

This time when I went into the mountains, although I didn't kill a single villager, I was forced to set fire to several houses and robbed a little bit of food.
After all, those villagers are also my compatriots, and everyone didn't just pop out from the cracks of the rocks. Who doesn't have distant relatives in ten miles and eight villages?
The food they robbed. To be honest, he didn't like it at all.

Not to mention the poor color, the cornmeal is also mixed with a lot of kudzu root.
Feed that thing to the imperial army's wolf dogs, even the dogs won't eat it
In the past, I was also a person who ate the emperor's food, for the sake of my family.

After being forced to become a puppet army against their conscience, the cowards of the anti-rape team threw stones at their homes at night.

There is also a leaflet wrapped on the stone, warning myself to be a Chinese with a red heart on a white background and a conscience.

You must be in Cao Ying and your heart is in Han.

We must always listen to the call of the county government anyway.
Want me anyway?

No problem!Isn't your anti-rape team capable?You just need to beat the little devil away, don't talk about it anyway, let me go against the sky!

Taijun heard that his dog legs were threatened.

Where can I hold on to my face?

Under the personal intervention of the gendarmerie, the patrol team and the newly established county police team are doing their best to solve the case!
It is estimated that many of those student babies will die again. Is it so easy to raise a baby if you are pregnant in October?
I really don't know what those people think
Thinking about something on my mind, after this trip is over, I will take some time to send some food into the mountain later.

Give some compensation to those mountain people who burned their houses down.
Looking at the devil "instructor" in the middle of the long line behind, I feel mixed feelings.

The battle outside the mountain was fierce, but fortunately, those young people from the Sacrifice League were guarding every entrance into the mountain day and night.

Before the imperial army entered the mountain, those mountain people got the news and hid their women and children deep in the mountain.
After all, I didn't suffer from the little devil like I did a few years ago.
War makes people mature, and rumors are flying all over the sky. Some say that the imperial army is here to save the fire, and some say that the imperial army is a devil or a beast.

Ordinary people don't know a few big characters, how can they tell the difference?
When the devil issued an order, the common people had to work as free labor for the devil.

There are more than two hundred people carrying stretchers and pushing wheelbarrows behind.

On the stretcher, there are imperial army and imperial association army, wounded and sick
Most of the wheelbarrows were transported into the mountains a few days ago, unfinished military rations, and food confiscated from the mountains.

Although dogs don't eat it, they can still be sold!
For those country folks who are too poor, such things need to be mixed with some wild vegetables to make porridge.
The long team was walking in the winding ravine, and there was no end in sight at the back.

On the nearby mountain ridge, one or two people from the patrol team are arranged every two or three miles, so that they are not afraid of being ambushed.

After the convoy was repeatedly ambushed by small groups of guerrillas, the Constituency formulated targeted measures to defend the transportation line.

There seemed to be someone running down the mountain ridge ahead.

There was also a voice: "Report, there is a situation ahead!"

The vanguard stopped slowly, and the false company commander who was walking in the middle retracted his mind and looked up.

A member of the tour team came down from the mountain ridge and ran directly in front of him, out of breath: "Report the escort team ahead. The Imperial Army convoy was attacked successively."

The false company commander hurriedly ordered to the messenger next to him: "Notify the Taijun immediately."

The leader of the Devil Army Cao Zhang came forward with an interpreter, and immediately ordered the team to stop after hearing the report.

With a livid face, he pulled out the map and pretended to read it for a long time, then looked up at the patrol team member Niaoyu and asked
The accompanying traitor hurriedly translated: "Taijun asked you to explain the details"

The patrol team hurriedly reported: "Oh, my old lady. By the way, I went to work early in the morning just after dawn."

The translator is speechless: "Don't be wordy, hurry up and talk about the details"

"Not long after the sun came out, a team of imperial association troops escorting civilian husbands came out of the mountain{"

"speak English"

"There are at least [-] or [-] Eight Routes that came here. Those Eight Routes first pretended to be the Imperial Association Army. I don't know from which corner they got on the road and followed the authentic Huangxie Army that was escorting the villagers. The common people killed all the imperial association troops, and followed those fake imperial association troops to dig ditches on the road, but they were of no use in the end.”

"How do you know those people are eight ways?"

"Hey, it's not easy? If the national army is defeated, they can just grab the guns of the Imperial Association Army and sell them on the black market. After all, the Imperial Association Army is also their former brothers, so they won't kill them all. Besides, there are only eight soldiers. Only then will the villagers be saved.”

The traitor’s level of bird language is not low, and he interprets directly at the same time, and suddenly winks at the tour crew, which means that the prince is dissatisfied with his long-winded: "Speak to the point"

"The imperial army is all dead."

"How did you die?"

"Didn't you let me talk about the point?"

"Then you, let me tell you about the details of the eight-way attack on the imperial army."

"Those fake Imperial Army were standing by the side of the road. At this time, a big man from the Imperial Army convoy came and the eight-way machine gun suddenly rang, and then hit the Imperial Army convoy by surprise."

"How far is it?"

"About five miles."

"How many troops, how many firepower machine guns?"


The translation is finished.
Sergeant Cao's face was ashen, and he roared: "The Imperial Association Army will immediately gather and run forward. We must find out those Tubalu and those villagers, and cut off their heads."

The translation is over.

The eyeballs of the patrol team next to him rolled their eyes: "Taijun, absolutely not!"

Translation: "Taijun asked you why?"

"On the way here, I saw a group of Eighth Route Army hiding in the valley. It was probably a fake Imperial Association Army. So I went to investigate secretly and found that there were many people on the opposite mountain ridge. If we go there now, we must have ambushed"

"How many people are there?"

"One or two hundred"

"Is it one hundred or two hundred?"

"I didn't see clearly."

Niaoyu: "Baga, it doesn't matter whether there are one hundred or two hundred and eight roads, leave a Ban Huangxie army to guard these civilian husbands, and the others will follow me immediately!"

The company commander was stunned for a moment, and immediately stepped forward to persuade: "Taijun calm down, at this time we are short of troops, it is better to wait."

"Your, conscientious, very bad." Sergeant Cao struggled to speak broken Chinese, and simply threw a big ear scraper over, and then said in a bird voice: "Do you want to buy time for the captured ordinary people to escape? "

The false company commander had no choice but to immediately assemble his team.

"Run forward!"

"The enemy is coming!" The observation post was excited: "The distance is three miles, there are about a hundred people, and they have been separated from the civilian husbands."

The flag-whispering soldier next to him kept waving the flag, and his mouth was not idle: "The battalion commander is really good at predicting things."

The observation post replied: "If the devil comes with the civilian husband, this ambush is really not easy."

There are more people, and things are naturally easier to handle.

Captain Qin even made an explosive platoon.

More than [-] people dug a long row of holes along the simple road in the mountains, and taught how to bury landmines directly on the spot.

Qi old bandit attacked the puppet army and seized more than 60 grenades!

In this sweep, the devils were at the front, and this group of puppet troops, as the logistics echelon, didn't even have a chance to throw a grenade.

The platoon leader began to explain: "This is the easiest way. Seven grenades are tied together with leggings. You only need to ring the middle one from a distance, and all the grenades will explode. This trick is called the ground collapses."

"The second method is not to tie the grenades together, but to tie the six matchsticks together and tie a larger stone under it. After the middle grenade explodes, the other grenades will be blown up, followed by the six blown up ones. The grenade will pull the fire, this trick is called the fairy scattered flowers"

The platoon leader pointed to the disassembled grenade: "Because the fuse in the middle has a delay function after the grenade is fired, in order to prevent the enemy from discovering the smoke, a part of the fuse has to be cut off like this to make a detonator." .”

The platoon leader carefully put the grenade body on the wooden handle: "You must be careful in this process, if you blow it up, no one can save you."

The platoon leader tied the hair rope to the grenade ring: "When pulling the hair rope, try to dig a shallow ditch, cover it with soil and sweep it with branches, and make sure that the enemy cannot find it."

On the other side, the platoon leader is talking about tripping thunder.
The soldier next to him stared wide-eyed, his hands trembling
Suddenly, the butt of the grenade started to smoke

"Get down quickly." There was a mess next to him.

The platoon leader is still there, and his face is even more cheerful: "Hahaha, you are afraid of farts, this is a coach bomb, and it is not loaded with explosives."

It took a long time for the soldiers lying on the ground to get up, this damn thing is too scary, right?

"Squad leader, I won't take you to play like this."

"Fucking, I've made it clear to me. It doesn't matter if the hand bomb smokes. The puppet army is afraid of death. They will throw the grenade out if they pull the fire, so you must pay attention to the time, or get down immediately, try to hug your head, and turn your back The grenade, judge the time, if it is less than three seconds from the time the opponent throws it to the ground, if you move quickly, you can pick it up and throw it back."

On the nearby mountain ridge, more than ten machine guns were divided into four groups, each looking for a position.

The mountain beams on both sides are now under the control of Jiuying.

As for the patrol team reporting to the devils and puppet troops?

What I want is for them to report!

If you don't report the letter, how can the invincible little devils leave the common people and come here?

Of course, some soldiers also doubted, what if the little devils let the common people fight in the front line?
Hu Yi just said lightly: "The little devil may do this when he is attacking a difficult situation, but this kind of encounter, if the little devil brings the common people, it will be a burden instead, and the common people running around will even become an unstable factor."

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