under fire

Chapter 1156 The smoke comes out of the monster

The south foot of Taihang Mountain.

There are mountain ridges stretching down from the big mountain. The terrain between the mountain ridges is open, and the terrain gradually turns into hills further away.

A canyon with a width of more than [-] meters divides the mountain into two halves, the north and the south.

A rugged road stretches out from the mountain pass.

After the road exits the mountain pass, there is a large open land directly. The mountain beams on both sides of the road are like big horns, and they are far apart.

The open land is full of rocky and thorny jungles.

In an ambush on such terrain, both sides can find cover, so an ambush is not easy to fight.

There are only twenty or thirty devils, and most of them are puppet soldiers.

The enemy's fighting power is not strong.

However, it is not difficult to fight the unmasked devils and puppet troops!
So Hu Yi decided to fight positional warfare directly, and the layout of the battlefield was relatively complicated.

Captain Qin led three students and led a platoon of members of the Sacrifice League brought by Li Heshui as bait.

One mile to the east of the landmine location, directly follow the mountain devils and puppet troops to fight with open swords and spears.

Wait for the opportunity to retreat after the battle begins, luring the enemy from the rocky terrain to the open area with little cover.

Then gradually increase troops from the two wings.

Ambushes in enemy-occupied areas without a mass base must be penetrated at once by using the arrogance of the devils.

Otherwise, the little devil would find out the situation of the Eighth Route through the patrol teams on both sides of the mountain ridge, and then proceed step by step.

The terrain is open.

It is also necessary to prevent the devils and puppet troops from running up the mountain ridges on both sides after the battle starts.

Hu Yi added another platoon of members of the Sacrifice League of Li He sailors to the reconnaissance platoon, which was commanded by the old bandit Qi and was in charge of the northern mountain ridge.

The main force of the attack was more than a hundred soldiers from the second battalion and one company, which were placed on the mountain ridge in the south.

The company commander and Hu Yi can be regarded as classmates of the Kangda University.

We studied together at the Anti-Japanese University for a period of time years ago, and now Gao Yidao is away, and Hu Yi has the highest position. Although the second battalion and the ninth battalion refused to accept each other, the first company commander still had a big picture and readily agreed to follow Hu Yi's command.

Hu Yi is not worried about the combat effectiveness of the Second Battalion, as both sides know the basics.

Scouts spotted an unidentified procession to the north.

Luo Fugui led Li Heshui's remaining platoon to guard the battlefield.

Dirty face put down the binoculars: "Damn it, it's a broken soldier"

Luo Fugui, who was watching the devils and puppet troops two miles away, turned his head: "How many people are there? Why are they here to join in the fun?"

Dirty Face muttered: "Could they be here to help?"

Li Heshui shook his head: "The devils have occupied this area for more than a month, and the defeated soldiers didn't dare to attack the puppet army. As soon as we attacked, he came. Hehe, at this critical moment, we can't let them come here."

Dirty Face probably understood the general thoughts of these rout soldiers. They used to be the masters of this land.

After being chased away by the little devil, he can only admit that his skills are not as good as others, but if other people come to grab the territory, he will definitely not be happy.

Just like the dogs in the village occupy the territory, if a lion comes, it can only hide in the corner and shut up and lick its wounds.

But at this time, other dogs entered its territory, and it definitely barked more than anyone else!
Dirty face is trying to kill some ghosts and puppet soldiers to avenge the dead brothers.

How cool it is to beat devils, even if you come to help, hehe, you don't need it now!

Looking at the rout soldiers approaching from a distance, these cowards clearly thought that the Eighth Route Army was easy to bully.

An unknown team appeared behind them, and they would fight with the devils and puppet troops and face enemies on both sides.

As long as you're not one of your own, it doesn't matter who you are coming here at this time!

The messenger kept waving the flag: "The battalion commander said, warn them first, and scare them away."

Dirty Face immediately pulled the trigger of the machine gun.

Wen Wuquan next to him yelled: "Brother Zhang, pay attention, they have an official behind them"

The battlefield may change at any time, and no one knows whether the mines arranged on the valley road will work.

Dirty Face began to look for the commander of the friendly army who was hiding among the bushes and rocks where the broken soldiers were hiding.

The crooked sub-machine gun can also be aimed, although the accuracy is not very good.

Missing is a warning, when hitting the back of the ball
Shanliang Beigou.

"Report, there are eight roads on the mountain ridge"

Company Commander Kui stared: "I know there are eight routes, how many are there?"

"Thirty or so."

"Quickly go back and report to the battalion commander" Thirty-odd eight roads dare to be arrogant?Company Commander Kui waved his hand: "Is there any law to make trouble on our territory?"

The words just fell off, bah
Gunshots sounded from the ridge.

Shoo. Captain Kui felt a bullet flying over his head and back, Hun'er was almost taken away.

It's a bit like the sound of gunshots on March [-]th. Tubalu ambushed the devils earlier, and probably got a few good guns, but he dared to point the gun at Lao Tzu and shoot?
I didn't dare to snatch the little devil's things.

When is it your turn, the Tuba Road guerrillas to run wild here?
Before the devil came, he had seen those Tuba Road guerrillas in the north, with old sleeves and shuttle marks.

I can't beat the little devil, so I'm afraid of you idiots?
There must be a distance of one mile, afraid of him getting a ball?

Company Commander Kui turned in his mind for half a circle, and immediately became angry: "Brothers, give it to me"

The broken soldiers had the same thoughts, they didn't pay much attention to the Tuba Road, and immediately scattered and approached the mountain ridge in a wretched manner.

A mile away, a person is like a grasshopper, and aiming at it is naturally impossible.

It's probably okay to make a call.

The devils and puppet troops coming out of the ditch are constantly approaching, and the machine gun fire cannot be exposed for the time being.

Dirty Face intends to directly use the crooked sub-machine gun as a rifle.

The ten thousand rules next to it took out a chemical bomb.

Although the origin of the rout soldiers below is unknown, at any rate, he was once a national army, so he didn't plan to kill him.

"Attention, the fourth line, the third guy from left to right is holding a machine gun" the observer raised his binoculars and muttered to the dirty face.

The machine gun muzzle began to adjust.

The Land Eighth Road on the mountain ridge actually shot the [-] Dagai rifle like it was raining.

The broken soldiers who had just advanced more than a hundred steps slowed down immediately.

Commander Kui immediately yelled: "Machine gun. Where did the machine gun go?"

The rout soldier next to him hurriedly reported: "Wang's machine gun was shot."

"Who else can play with machine guns, hurry up and make up for it."

A moment of silence, whoever is the machine gunner will die first, the iron law of the battlefield!
Didn't you verify this again just now?
None of the defeated soldiers who survived the devil's bullets and escaped from the devil's encirclement were fools.

"Damn, you bastards." The company commander Kui couldn't know what his subordinates were thinking, and raised his hand to point to a squad leader next to him: "Hurry up and organize a counterattack with a machine gun."

Being able to be the squad leader in a rout is naturally capable.

He knew what kind of temper the company commander had. If he didn't go, that guy would get so ruthless that he would even pull out a gun and kill himself on the spot.

I had to crawl on the ground and yelled at the same time: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and cover me?"

There are many strange things in the drought years, and only the machine gun fire provides cover for the attackers. This time, the rifles are used to cover the machine gunners. The rout soldiers have brought the rules of the battlefield to a new level.
At 400 meters, it is purely a dream to hit the eight roads with cover.

Also, the chances of being hit by an eight way are very small.

just now.

Shooting stopped on the mountain ridge, and wretched figures among the bushes and rocks approached the machine gun with the squad leader.

Bang bang bang.
Da da da.
Finally the Czech machine guns fired back.

Before the devils came, the north had already started fighting.

Dirty face was a little puzzled, which one did the rout soldiers at the foot of the mountain play?
Bullets flying into the sky?
The shooting stopped, and both sides ceased fire.

The rout machine gunner who was shot was still alive, rolling on the ground, still groaning, and the bullets shot from the mountain ridge earlier came out from the back and into the chest.

There is no way to scream.

The machine gunner is dressing with a tourniquet.

Everyone knows what this kind of injury means.

Just peace of mind.

Squad leader Que lay down behind the stone after the shuttle shot, and slowly loaded the bullets into the magazine.

The deputy shooter was busy bandaging and didn't take out the spare magazine at all.
There was no more fire on the ridge.

No one dared to get up after lying down in the wilderness for a long time.

The company commander Kui at the back said angrily: "His mother doesn't have many bullets in the Eight Routes, get up quickly, get up, let me charge!"

One by one, they stood up helplessly and pouted their farts, when they suddenly heard a bang in the bushes.

Without an explosion, it is naturally not a shell.

The guy next to the landing point was scared to death and immediately stepped forward to pick it up: "Oh, I'm going to burn me to death...cough cough."

The one next to him heard the words and took a look: "Hey, is there still smoke? Is there a monster?"

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