under fire

Chapter 1160 Rat Drilling Bellows

The valley winds.

There are towering cliffs on both sides.

A dark fork in the road.

A team is resting.

The dejected Lieutenant Okawa looked at the footprints facing the north in a daze.

There are side roads everywhere in the canyon.

There is no detailed labeling on the map at all.

Most of the canyons are impossible to walk through, and entering the canyon is like walking a maze.

The team entered the mountain from the east, and the guide had never been here at all.

I don't know where I am now.

If you don't have a compass, you don't know how to go.

The combat target of the advance team itself is the Eighth Route Headquarters, and it is not cost-effective to fight with the Eighth Route Secret Service Regiment.

After chasing in such terrain for most of the day, one was killed and four elites were injured, and they didn't even see the shadows of the eight routes.

There are really not many people in the eight groups in front, forty or fifty at most.

However, it is easy to be ambushed in pursuit.

Lieutenant Okawa had long since lost his ambition and confidence.

There is no guide in the depths of the mountain, and if you continue to pursue, you may be attacked again.

In such a valley, even aviation has nothing to do.

The headquarters had ordered the assembly, so they had to inform the headquarters of the general position of the special task force, and had to give up the pursuit.

After lunch, they took the wounded out of the mountain to the west.

In the valley to the north.

The winding valley is like a maze.

A battalion full of wounded soldiers stopped at a three-way intersection.

More than a dozen stretchers and more than [-] wounded.

The only female soldier, Wang Yinzhi, was changing bandages and applying medicine to the seriously wounded.

Fortunately, Crazy Yang knew the devil and seized the medicine in the medical box.

Liu Manhe was having a high fever, and was falling asleep after being given an injection by the health soldiers accompanying the secret service team.

In front of the team, a soldier hurriedly came to report: "Report to the platoon leader. Company Commander Ma, about five or six miles ahead, a large number of puppet troops were found at least one battalion, and there are still a large number of devils behind. They are heading south."

The special company commander's complexion turned black: "It's a big trouble, the ghosts behind are still lingering in the advance team."

Ma Liang, who was looking at the map with Crazy Yang, also changed his face: "No, I'm stuck in a valley now."

The warrior who scouted eastward returned: "Report, the valley to the east is a dead end."

The special company commander looked serious: "It's strange, why are these forks all dead ends, and the ends are all cliffs?"

A platoon leader hurriedly asked the scouts: "Is there any trail to climb up the mountain?"

"The mountain road is too steep. If there are no wounded people, it's barely okay." The scout looked worried and shook his head: "And there should be no road on the mountain ridge."

Ma Liang turned and walked towards the radio soldier who had switched on: "Contact your staff and ask where they are!"

The radio soldier shook his head: "The canyon is too deep, and the power of the radio station is insufficient, so we can't contact you for the time being."

A row of long hair frowned: "The advance team devils now have at most one more team left, why don't we break out from the south?"

Crazy Yang next to "Hit it head-on" shook his head: "I can't beat it!"

The special second platoon leader muttered: "This time we are rats drilling the bellows, and we are beaten at both ends."

Li Laosi replied: "Then eat the bellows."

The special company commander withdrew his gaze from the top of his head and looked at Ma Liang: "How about you carry us into the valley of the forked road to lure the devils away, and you go up the mountain ridge."

"Don't be joking." Ma Liang was taken aback, and after speaking, he patted Crazy Yang beside him: "Go up the mountain to see?"

Crazy Yang was not seriously injured and recovered quickly.

Behind Li Laosi and Ma Liang, a group of four trotted back for a certain distance, looking at a path attached to the cliff.

Ma Liang called Li Lao Si: "Go up the path and have a look."

The first platoon leader followed up: "It's still up to me."

Li Laosi looked at the cliff and felt a little nervous, so he handed the rope to a row leader.

At this time, the team was more than [-] miles away from Hu Yi outside the mountains in the southwest direction.

When the two climbed to the top of the ridge, they were immediately dumbfounded: there is no road on the ridge!

The narrowest point is less than the width of the sole of the foot.

At this time, the team is in the middle of the continuous S-curve. Even if they climb over the mountain ridge, the canyon below is still this canyon.

There seems to be a small path on the opposite mountain ridge, but even if it can go up, there is no way to bring the wounded up in a short time.

After the second platoon leader came down the rope, he said with a dark face, "It's better to fight the devil directly."

Li Laosi took the rope and came down, followed by climbing to the opposite mountain ridge between the cliffs.

The four returned to the team.

The front correspondent rushed over: "Report, the vanguard of the puppet army is three miles away."

"Keep your voice down." Just as Wang Yinzhi finished speaking, he saw Liu Manhe blinking: "Commander Liu, you're awake."

Liu Manhe was a little confused. After listening to the special company commander's brief explanation of the situation, he shook his head and tried to clear his mind: "It's pointless to go any further. You can move up the mountain ridge, and all the wounded will stay behind the interruption of the valley."

The special company commander was stunned for a moment: "No, let the soldiers find a way to take you up the mountain, I will stay"

"Look at me now, I'm strangled to death with a rope tied to my chest?"

"With a stretcher." The special company commander no longer hesitated: "A platoon leader"


"Hurry up and get ready to go up the mountain."

The correspondent from behind arrived panting: "Report, the devils from the advancing team behind have not come up, and are still parked at the three-way intersection."

Liu Manhe called the special company commander: "There is no time, your injury is minor, hurry up and take the soldiers up the mountain."

Ma Liang murmured with Crazy Yang's second platoon leader for a while, and Ma Liang suddenly ordered: "First platoon leader, lead a squad immediately, go forward, and stop the vanguard of the puppet army!"

The special company commander was angry: "What are you going to do?"

"Since it's all about attracting, we can also attract on the top of the mountain ridge, and hide the wounded in the chasm valley. If the puppet army dares to come in and search, we can kill them with stones on the mountain ridge."

The special second platoon leader looked excited: "That's right, so we can drag the enemy here, and when it gets dark, we can slowly pull the wounded up in the eastern valley."

Staff Liu thought for a while: "It is impossible for the puppet army to search all the valleys. If we retreat a certain distance and hide in the valleys."

"Yes, you can hide in any valley. There is a path on the eastern mountain ridge. We can take cover on the mountain ridge."

"A platoon leader, don't fight hard with them, don't expose all your firepower, people can hide everywhere in the valley, the important thing is to buy time."

"Second platoon leader, you immediately lead a squad to harass and shoot the little devils advancing in the rear?"


Ma Liang explained: "The puppet army must not have a radio station, and the enemies on both sides must not know that we are blocked in the middle!"

The team in the valley immediately moved.

There are stones and bushes everywhere, and the road is not easy to walk.

The speed of carrying the wounded to the east valley was not fast at all.

A platoon leader led a squad to keep heading north.

Until meeting with the vanguard.

A platoon leader briefly glanced at the figure of the leading soldiers of the puppet army in the north, and immediately ordered: "Go ahead and occupy a favorable position to meet the enemy."

A platoon of more than thirty tired puppet soldiers slowly appeared in sight.

A row of long pull the bolt and push the bullet to load: "Squad leader, shoot with me, and the others will retreat to form an echelon."

They were all old soldiers who cooperated tacitly, and they were not too nervous, and immediately dispersed according to the order of the platoon leader.

The puppet army is less than [-] meters ahead.

With such a distance, whoever attacks will suffer!

Even if there is only one squad, it is no problem to stop the puppet army for a whole day!

The key is that there are devils behind the puppet army, and the little devils have grenadiers!

Falling behind and not being able to shoot the devils and puppet soldiers, a soldier felt that it was not enough: "Hey, platoon leader, why don't we go up the mountain?"

"Don't go up, if you go up the mountain ridge, the little devil will follow up and you will be in big trouble. After a while, we will fight and retreat until it gets dark. The little devil will not take the initiative to go up the mountain ridge."

A row of leaders aimed their rifles at the leading puppet army and slowly pulled the trigger.

Gunshots rang out.

Echoes endlessly in the canyon.

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