under fire

Chapter 1161 Genuine guerrillas fighting the autumn wind

A team of more than a hundred people walked through the hills and ridges.

Dirty face, black hands, messy withered hair, skinny and strong men, young and old.

Single column, the clothes are messy, none of them are wearing military uniforms, they are all dressed in coarse cotton clothes, black trousers and patches, and ordinary people.

In April, the temperature in the mountains is low, and many individuals only wear a gown with a straw rope around their waist.

If it weren't for half of the people in the team carrying guns, they would have thought that the team of beggars from somewhere gathered together.

There is an excited expression on every dirty face.

More than a dozen people in the lead hung their shells on their shoulders, followed by seven or nine old sleeves with various bird guns.

Spear darts, big knives, guillotines, red-tasseled guns, shuttles, standard hunting bows and all kinds of bows.

The faint gunshots to the north gradually faded away, occasionally ringing out.

Captain Li was in a heavy heart.

The armed team members who were reconnaissance in front trotted to Captain Li: "Report, there is a situation ahead."

"what's the situation."

"There is a member of the Sacrifice League and an Eighth Route Army soldier stuck in the col, and we are not allowed to pass."

Captain Li was stunned for a moment, and his face brightened: "Eighth Route Warrior? Take me there to have a look."

Several people turned a corner, and a team member in front was confronting two people who were lying on the small high ground by the roadside.

Captain Li raised his head and asked, "Which part are you from?"

Ba Lu, who was in charge of security at the height, poked his head out: "Are you their captain?"

"That's right, I'm the captain of the martial arts in Ling County." Captain Li paused at this point, then turned and pointed to He Dawu next to him: "This is the second company commander of the Lingchuan Independent Battalion."

"Tch, I just said that you are the martial arts team of Ling County, and now there is an independent battalion, you say." Ba Lu suddenly shrank his head and turned to ask the member of the Sacrifice League dressed in ordinary people next to him: "Aren't you Is it an independent camp in Ling County?"

The one from Ximeng was a little confused, and lowered his voice: "Yes, but I don't know them."

"Could they be some kind of broken guerrillas of the national army?"

"Look at their whole body patches are worse than ours, they should be our own people!"

"My own people? I think they clearly saw that we won the battle and wanted to fight the autumn wind."

Captain Li was anxious to know what happened to Li Hebu, but seeing that the person in front suddenly stopped talking, he turned around and asked the scouts, "You didn't reveal your identity?"

"I told you, they didn't believe me"

Captain Li then raised his head again: "Which part do you belong to, tell me quickly?"

After speaking, he waved his hands back, and the four team members immediately made a detour to climb the mountain, preparing to capture these two alive.

The one who was lying on the high place finally poked his head out and continued to groan: "Say it out and scare you to death, listen up: one stab at Dongyang, two shots at Taihang, three. Let's go back."

Captain Li was angry: "Presumptuous, you are wearing an Eighth Route Army uniform, and you dare to talk nonsense! Hurry up and ask your leaders to come over."

Seeing that the other party was full of momentum, the soldiers of the second battalion in charge of guarding were originally bandits, and thought, are you scared of being an old man?
Immediately got excited: "Pretend, you continue to pretend, and you still want me to be the leader? I don't care what kind of fairy you are, hurry up and get out!"

Captain Li suddenly smiled: "I said, as the Eighth Route Army, don't you say you don't even know the three disciplines?"

"Hehe, I'm so old, what are you doing? Let me go."

Captain Li waved his hand: "Unload their guns and speed up the mountain ridge."

After ten minutes.

Captain Li, who had climbed over the mountain ridge, was a little confused.

What he saw shocked him.

At least one company of Eighth Route fighters and more than 100 militiamen are cleaning the battlefield.

The rifles lay all over the place.

There are more than twenty machine guns.

That's grenade, six
Is the long tube wrapped in cloth next to it a mortar?

That's right, there's a bench next to it, that's for sure.

There are ordinary people beside him. They should be civilian husbands. There must be three hundred
On the wheelbarrow, there are tents and food
The little devil is sweeping the mountains, where are there so many people in the barren mountains?
Bang. There was another gunshot in the distance.

Followed by the cheers of the crowd.

After receiving the news, Xiao Hongying came to Captain Li with her small hands on her back: "From the eighth division?"

Soldiers with guns on their backs were everywhere, and Captain Li, who was dazzled, hadn't recovered yet. Seeing someone ask him, he immediately answered: "Captain Li of the Armed Work Team of the Eighth Route Army's Eighth Division and Fourth Prefectural Committee."

Xiao Hongying was aggressive: "You arrested our people?"

Although they didn't deal with the Second Battalion, but there were outsiders, it was the face of the Independence Regiment.

"That's a misunderstanding, we heard that you..." Captain Li was going to say that Li Heshui was besieged by devils and puppet troops. Looking at the situation in front of him, it seems that the information is too far behind: "We came to reinforce Li Heshui, what about others?"

"You know Li Heshui? He is busy recruiting troops."

"Then you are?" Captain Li always felt that everything in front of him was unreal. The Eighth Route Army had dress requirements, and all female soldiers had to cut their hair short to meet their ears. This one actually had a hole in the top of his military cap.

"Chang Hongying, reconnaissance platoon leader of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment." Xiao Hongying's eyes were sharp, and she immediately looked at He Dawu behind Captain Li: "Hey, isn't this District Chief He? Hehe, we meet again."

Seeing the little girl coming over, He Dawu who was standing behind was still dazed: "Hello, me."

You can run fast enough.

Captain Li's face darkened, "Are you shooting the prisoners?"

"What's the matter? The armed task force is eliminating traitors."

Hearing the word Su, Li Dui felt palpitations for no reason: "Did Li Heshui invite you here?"

Xiao Hongying heard that the words in this man's mouth were not quite right: "Why, this Kuomintang-controlled area is not the base of your eighth division, can't we come?"

Li Heshui, who got the news, arrived just in time: "Old Li"

"What's the matter with you here?"

"Let's talk about this later, you came just in time, and I just need to ask you for help with some things."

Captain Li ignored it: "Why did you shoot the prisoners?"

Xiao Hongying next to her was startled. This person has been holding on to the killing of prisoners. Killing prisoners is a principled mistake in the Eighth Route Army.

Rolling his big eyes twice, he immediately sarcastically said, "Which eye did you see us kill the prisoners?"

Captain Li looked serious: "You guys are going to make mistakes like this."

"Hey, I said, don't label yourself indiscriminately, the common people are taking revenge over there."

Li Heshui hastened to add: "Yes, yes, it is the common people who seek revenge on those traitors who committed the most crimes."

"Then why don't you stop it?"

Xiao Hongying was displeased: "Oh, you don't feel hurt when you stand and talk? The little devil is burning, killing and looting everywhere, why don't you stop it?"


Play tricks?Who wouldn't!Xiao Hongying, who was suffocated for not being a devil, said angrily: "What are you? You said you are the captain of the armed work, what proof do you have?"

"They can all prove it!" Captain Li pointed to the team members behind.

"Then I'm still the head of the regiment." Xiao Hongying immediately called several veterans: "Do you think so?"

"That's right, this is our Red Leader!"

"Counselor Hu, do you think so?" Hearing that there were comrades from the armed task force, Hu Yi just came over when Xiao Hongying directly pulled him over.

Hu Yi easily tore the girl away: "Let me tell you, Captain Hong, can you, old man, go to inspect the north side first, there is still a group of rout soldiers over there."


Finally seeing a normal person, Captain Li thought for a while: "Staff Hu? Hello!"

Accustomed to seeing comrades who are all patched, Hu Yi did not reject it, and stretched out his hand: "Are you Captain Li?"

"After the First World War in Zhongtiao Mountain, the devils occupied most of the county towns in the plain area, and a small number of friendly troops also hid in the mountains for activities. After the friendly troops withdrew this time, the superior asked us to establish a base in the enemy-occupied area as soon as possible to deal with the new complicated situation. .”

Hu Yi nodded: "I heard from Captain Li Heshui."

Captain Li looked around: "According to the instructions of the superior, the independent battalion newly established by Comrade Li Heshui must accept the leadership of the county party committee."

Li Heshui was a little embarrassed, and quickly explained: "At that time, I happened to meet comrades from the Nine Battalion, so I used the number of the Independent Battalion. Since you are here, you will naturally belong to your leadership."

"If you still recognize the county party committee, that's fine. Then let me ask you, you have studied in northern Shaanxi and you are also the captain of the armed work team. How can you do the thing of shooting prisoners?"

Xiao Hongying, who was next to her, saw that she was still holding on to him: "Then let me ask you, what should we do with the traitors who burned, killed, and looted? Let them go back and continue to do evil?"

"You're still young, it's no wonder you don't know the policy."

"Who do you think is young?" Xiao Hongying looked at her small chest and became angry: "Now that the armed task force is taking the lead and the common people have a public trial, can this be called killing prisoners?"

"Did you misunderstand what I meant?"

"Tell you, thinking of the black case that our superiors sued us, let me tell you, there is no door!"

"I mean, why don't you use bayonets? Isn't that a waste of bullets?"

"What?" Xiao Hongying couldn't turn the corner all of a sudden.

Hearing Xiao Hongying's chicken blood and duck blood, Hu Yi even forgot what he wanted to talk about when he came to meet Captain Li.

He was not good at dealing with rescued common people, so he threw it directly to Li Heshui.

He left with Xiao Hongying.

Li Heshui knew Captain Li's temper, and shook his head: "Hey, Captain, what do you think of the villagers rescued this time?"

"Send them back to the village, tidy up and start rebuilding immediately." Captain Li was not polite. Although he is a captain, he has been active in enemy-occupied areas for a long time. Li Heshui has just returned from studying and is not familiar with local work.

The two began to mutter.

After a while, Captain Li followed Li Heshui to find Hu Yi again, and cut straight to the point: "Are you short of troops?"

Hu Yi just wanted to do a good thing, and never thought that it would be so bloody: "If there is nothing else, we have to prepare to go home."

Captain Li shook his head: "You don't know the latest order issued by your superiors?"

"What order?" Hu Yi froze for a moment.

"The various ministries are broken up into parts, marching into enemy-occupied areas, and carrying out extensive guerrilla warfare in enemy-occupied areas."

"Even if you enter the enemy-occupied area, you should enter the enemy-occupied area familiar to all ministries, right?"

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