under fire

Chapter 1166 Soldier's Dream

Weapons are assigned quickly.

Then there is the issue of personnel.

Hu Yi didn't want those puppet troops from the security regiment who dragged their families along.

Some of the villagers who wanted to go home waited by the side of the road after receiving food from He Dawu, waiting to go back to the mountain with Jiuying.

The remaining young and strong directly participated in the independent camp on the spot. As for the identity and background investigation, that is what the armed forces department of the county will do later.

Most of the puppet troops came from the city. As for who is the good guy and who is the bad guy, even if Captain Li was here, he couldn't find out for a while.

The members of the armed forces recognize their own people, and there are not many people who have committed serious crimes. Most of them have evidence of returning to the war.

Three dollars for travel
Captain Li couldn't afford the money, so he planned to pay the bill with food.

The puppet soldiers waved their hands, forget it!

Let Captain Li sign a letter on the Huixin Anti-Japanese War Certificate and leave directly.

This feels very strange, as if giving Balu a great favor.
Simple, crude.

Captain Qin did not go with Captain Li.

This time he went to the base area to join the friendly forces.

The original task was to assist the guerrilla detachment to cover the transfer of villagers, but the task had already been completed.

There are still wounded in the mountains, and he has to lead the recovered players back to the team to continue learning.

Instead, he followed Jiuying along the way.

Being poor and used to it, he asked Hu Yi for a bomb launcher.

By the way, busy the Ninth Battalion with the two recruit platoons.

Jiuying is ready to leave.

Captain Li stretched out his hand to Hu Yi: "Everyone can't do public activities for the time being. There should be a lot of remnants of the national army in the mountains. You have to be careful."

Hu Yi looked at the hand offered by the other party, and was stunned for a moment: "If you encounter any difficulties, you can ask Captain Li Heshui to send a message to the mountain."

Captain Li smiled heartily: "They are all our own people. If you can't stay on the other side of the mountain, you are welcome to come over at any time."

Hu Yi was a little puzzled: "Your current situation... I personally think that it should be more difficult than ours."

"Although this side is poorer than the other side of the mountain, our mass base in this area is much stronger than yours." Captain Li paused after saying this: "There was a severe drought last year, and the lives of ordinary people on the plain over the mountain were much better than that of this area." more sad."

Hu Yi smiled bitterly: "Thank you for your kindness, take care."

"Take care of yourself."

Li Heshui was waving goodbye to Xiao Hongying: "Your business is my business."

Watching the soldiers of the Ninth Battalion go away in the darkness, Captain Li stood side by side with Li Heshui: "Are they really going to occupy the top of the mountain?"

"It's not to occupy the top of the mountain. They plan to open up a base in the mountain. In this way, we can connect with the first division through the independent regiment."

Captain Li's expression couldn't contain his excitement: "This Battalion Commander Hu is not simple. He wants to leave our members of the Sacrifice League, but throws the mountain people to us. It's clear that he wants to open up the situation in the mountainous area east of Ling County. "

"I heard soldiers from the Ninth Battalion say that Battalion Commander Hu is still the staff officer of the regiment."

"No wonder."

Hu Yi didn't agree to the old gangster Qi's attack on the rout.

He stubbornly believed that the defeated soldiers were still friendly troops before they turned to the devils.

The old bandit Qi didn't insist anymore, he was also a defeated soldier, and he had a deep understanding of the feeling of suddenly becoming a bereaved dog.

After turning over a mountain ridge, the team took a temporary rest.

Old bandit Qi sat next to Hu Yi, and suddenly said, "Captain Li and the others want to gain a firm foothold in this area, it will be very difficult."

Hu Yi lay down and looked at the sky: "Why do you say that?"

"This is similar to the situation I used to have when I was in the Neihuang area. Captain Li and the others can be defeated by any decent rout company."

Hu Yi said indifferently: "Captain Li and the others are not many, but they have a mass base. Even if they are raided by devils, believe it or not, even if there is only one of them left, within a month or two, he will be able to pull out again." A team of hundreds."

"I believe this, and to be honest, I'm also surprised that those ordinary people have learned kung fu in less than two days, but they dare to fight desperately when they see devils."

"Now tell me about your roots in the mountains."

"Don't worry, I promise to follow the rules of the Eighth Route Army."

"The focus is on the people."

"But I don't have many people in my hand, Xiaoguang has money, but it's useless?"

"These mountain people will be your foundation in the future. I will give you another platoon. There are so many broken soldiers in the mountains. You have guns and money. Don't complain to me."

The old gangster Qi was a little upset: "You can't snatch passing merchants, and you're not allowed to tie up big households. Once you run out of money, you'll be clinking poor in the mountains. Where do you want me to get food and guns?"

Xiao Hongying next to him interjected: "No food, no guns? Don't you know how to find the devils and puppet soldiers to snatch them?"

The old bandit Qi turned his head and deliberately lowered his voice: "Do you know why Chief Hu doesn't want those defeated soldiers?"

Luo Fugui curled his lips: "Those rout soldiers can't bear the hardship of being an Eighth Route Army, so Boss Hu wants you to lend a helping hand when the rout soldiers are desperate."

"Hehe, you all can see clearly, I feel... as if I'm on a pirate ship"

"Grandma, I really want to do it, but Boss Hu doesn't agree."

"But... I'm really not good enough."

Xiao Hongying interrupted their nonsense: "When our No. [-] Class was first established, there were only three of them!"

"Don't brag to me about your glorious history"

Hu Yi's voice came again: "Those defeated soldiers are afraid of devils from the bottom of their hearts. When they hear the word devils, their first thought is to run away. Their blood is already cold. You are responsible for igniting their blood again."

"Give me a slap gun"

"Without shells, it's useless for you to hold them."

The old bandit Qi continued to raise conditions: "Give me all the details."

"I'll leave you, Little Kusano."

"Aren't you cheating?"

"The little devil surrendered, just like the traitor who surrendered to the devil, and besides, only you can pay and send it to his family."

"What if he runs away?"

Luo Fugui interjected: "Grandma let him stain his hands with the devil's blood and make a vote, and he can still run away."

"That's a good idea." The old gangster Qi nodded, "The imperial army will lead the way when we go out of the mountain."

That's the end of the conversation
Hu Yi looked at the sky, his mind began to become blurred.

He knew very well that joining the team for five years was not a short period of time.

His personality is obviously different from that of many grassroots commanders.

It seemed a bit awkward to even say the word "comrade" from my mouth.

In the team, I always look like an outlier.

In terms of getting along with the common people, he is not as good as Hao Ping.

Resolutely implement the orders of the superiors without compromise, which is no match for Wu Yan.

He even thought that he might not be able to sacrifice his life to protect the common people, which is not as good as Lao Qin at all.

As for the high knife, it's not easy to compare. They are very popular.

If it wasn't for the political commissar of the head of the group to open the net, the mistakes he made before.

He should have been turned into a leader long ago, or even expelled from the team.

This time, Li Heshui brought the latest round of learning requirements for army commanders from his superiors.

He suddenly felt that according to Zheng Feng's request, he, the battalion commander, might be fired!

He was already a colonel six years ago, and it didn't really matter whether he was a battalion commander or not.

After going to the Anti-Japanese University for a month, I learned to reflect.

In terms of understanding oneself, the political commissar can be counted as one.

That woman should understand part of it.

It is the little girl who really understands herself!

Every man has his own dream.

Being driven out from Heishan Baishui by the little devil, if there is a chance, he must fight back.

This is his real dream, and it is also the common dream of all the soldiers who come out from between the white mountains and the black waters!

But it is impossible to leave Jiuying alone now.

The appearance of the old gangster Qi gave him a glimmer of hope.

No matter how high the ideal is, you have to take the first step in a down-to-earth manner.

He didn't know if he did this under Xiao Hongying's instigation, because his consciousness had become lower, or he had gone astray.
Anyway, report this to the political commissar when you get back.
Xiao Hongying next to her had a different idea.

The second battalion, which is rooted in Miaohong, can do it, so why can't the ninth battalion do it?
Doesn't he like Gao Yidao?

This time I followed him into the water, if something really happened, the second battalion was the one who did the same thing first when hitting the board.

Besides, although the situation is unclear now, it is exciting to think about grabbing territory with the reactionaries.

[The next severe drought, locust plague, and the territory laid down by the devils will make it easier for the eighth master. Following the turning point of the chapters of Sun and Pang's puppet counterattack, do you think you can get through it? 】

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