under fire

Chapter 1167 Food for Guns

Chapter 1167 Food for Guns
There are still ghosts sweeping the mountains.

The Banxian with a squad of veterans had no objection to staying in the mountains with the old bandit Qi.

If you really want to go east and enter the enemy-occupied plains to fight guerrillas, you may lose your head at any time, and you will only go back if you are a fool!
Captain Qin did not refuse Hu Yi's invitation, and agreed to help the old bandit Qi train the soldiers of the Sacrifice League, and organize another militia team by the way.

As for the number, what number does the ranked team need?
In the reconnaissance platoon of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment, Xiao Hongying served as the reconnaissance platoon leader.

The old gangster Qi served as the deputy platoon leader.

The benefits of the independent regiment, which lacks even paper, are reflected here. Hu Yi directly orally appointed the platoon commander in the name of a staff officer, without the need to report to the superior.

It's the same as the company commander sacrificing the platoon leader on the battlefield, and then submitting documents to his superiors afterwards.

There are more than 50 people, which is naturally six squads. It is not surprising that there are such teams in the Eighth Route Army.

Sanlian used to have more than 30 classes and more than ten platoons!

Now that the personnel are determined, the next step is to choose a location.

"Little devils often raid, so the cottage naturally has to choose a place with dangerous terrain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, where you can advance or retreat."

"This area is full of cliffs, it can be anywhere."

"But you have to have a house. It's going to be summer soon. We don't have a house. We can't bear the mosquitoes."

A member of the Sacrifice League immediately suggested: "I know a place with caves and dangerous terrain. There are no more than 800 devils. He will never be able to surround it."

Old bandit Qi pointed to the map and asked, "Where is it?"

"It's the Lingqiu Cave in Huangwei Mountain in the south, where the national army was there some time ago. Now that the national army has withdrawn, it's the right place!"

The half-immortal next to him muttered: "You said that place is so good, there must be a friendly army defeated."

Captain Qin nodded: "The territory has been laid down. It's just right if there are routs. After passing through, you don't even need to build a house."

Logically speaking, as long as Captain Qin finishes his studies and returns to his original position in the army, he should be adjusted to battalion level, but now with Hu Yi, he almost never mentioned his position.

First of all, he is generous and doesn't care too much about it. The purpose of studying at the Anti-Japanese University is to improve his ideological level, and the commanders at the grassroots level learn tactics and improve their combat effectiveness.

Following the Secret Service Regiment to the Independent Regiment, especially the fighting style of the Ninth Battalion, opened the eyes of a bunch of bumpkins.

The original combat experience of laying a landmine and shooting three shots and directly charging was too embarrassing to share it.

Hu Yi was on the other side, looking at the winding marching route of the Nine Battalions on the map from entering the mountain from the east to exiting the mountain to the west.

A straight line was drawn directly to the south, and it was planned to re-open a fast marching route along this straight line.

It is naturally impossible to walk in a straight line in the mountains, but we must find the shortest route. This task is directly handed over to the old bandit Qi.

That Commander Hu, Battalion Commander Hu, we decided to choose the Huangwei Mountain area as a development base.

You choose the place, remember one thing, the place where there are people is the base, and the place where there are no people is nothing.

There should still be a lot of ordinary people hiding in the mountains. When the time comes, let Uncle Li and the others arrange militiamen to gather the mountain people, and at the same time try to plant summer grain again, but the problem of seeds is a bit troublesome.

The grain harvest in the mountains is not good, only sweet potatoes are grown.

"Then plant sweet potatoes. You need to make a list of other seeds. Within ten days, I will find a way for you from the other side of the mountain."

There are many places in the mountains, but there are too few villagers, so it is difficult to develop.

You don't have to worry about this, it still hasn't rained on the plain, I'll find a way to send you a group of refugees.

Captain Qin was stunned for a moment: "We have no foundation at all, no food, and you send refugees into the mountains to make fun of their lives."

You don't have to worry about food.

However, the lack of local staff is not difficult to handle.

"I will solve it. I said, don't mention it one by one. You make a list of the manpower and materials you need, and I will find a way." Hu Yi suddenly discovered that if the refugees in Qingshan Village were transferred here , there should be no problem.

Old Bandit Qi is ambitious: "That's good, there are no other problems, as long as you can take Huangwei Mountain smoothly, everything else is fine!"

Hu Yi was a little worried, and hesitated for a moment: "Well, let's go to Huangwei Mountain together. If there is a rout, we can clean it up by the way."

Old bandit Qi was overjoyed, now he had food on hand, although it was not much, he could still hold on for ten days and half a month, as long as he didn't encounter a large group of devils, life in the mountains would definitely be no worse than on the plains.

Ma Liang is sleeping.

I was worried all night.

The puppet army devils finally all passed through the canyon.

Not long after dawn, the devils and puppet soldiers who had been on the road all night drove the peasants to the south in a hurry.

There were too many devils and puppet soldiers escorted, and there was no way to do anything.

The scouts scouted on the mountain ridge and found that it was impossible to march.

A large group of people slipped down the cliff.

A platoon leader looked at Staff Officer Liu: "How is the injury?"

"The fever subsided in the middle of the night last night, and it should be recovering slowly." The health worker next to him showed joy on his face.

"That's good." The platoon leader turned around and ran to another bush, and found the special company commander: "Hey, company commander, the enemy is gone, let's get out of here quickly."

The special company commander opened his eyes and shook his head: "Where is the second platoon leader?"

"There is no news yet. No gunshots were heard in the south all night. In the deep mountains and old forests, you can hide anywhere. They should be fine."

"Then hurry up"

The mountain wind is a bit cool.

Insects and birds chirping.

The team moves in a deep canyon.

The scout looked at the dense footprints on the ground until the sun shone from the top of the canyon to the bottom of the canyon, and finally the sight gradually opened up.

The leading soldier suddenly stopped, pulled the gun, pulled the bolt, and loaded the bullet: "There is a situation"

Follow the soldiers behind to look around.

"It seems that the friendly army is defeated?"

"What do they want to do?"

"It's probably for reconnaissance."

"Then what do we do now?"

"I'll go and have a look, you two warn me."

"You be careful."

The two parties finally met after a lot of blood and blood, and neither of them said their own numbers.

The friendly soldiers were so hungry that they glowed green. They originally wanted to attack the devil's supply team. Unexpectedly, the little devil and the puppet army heard that there were eight roads nearby, so they were so tight that they even urinated with three or forty people.

I didn't expect a Balu to emerge from the valley at all, and I wasn't in the mood to ask why they appeared here at this time.

"What are you talking about? Let me borrow food instead?"

"That's right, when you come to our territory, you should leave the food behind"

"Hey, why don't I give it to you?" The soldier of the secret service group put his left glove in the grenade rope, and held the grenade high with his right hand.

"Then don't blame our brothers for being rude!" The leading friendly soldier waved back.

More than a dozen people with submachine guns emerged from the bushes outside the valley.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the soldiers of the secret service group were stunned for a moment: "There are more people than people?"

Looking at the bulging dry food bag on the opponent's body, an officer stepped forward directly: "Hey, don't say we are bullying you, just put down the food on your body, and we will let you go."

"Aren't you Ming Qiang?" The special soldier's face darkened.

The officer suddenly thought of the method of the deputy division commander, and was taken aback: "If you put it down voluntarily, it's not considered robbery."

And this statement?The special soldier was shocked: "Shameless."

The officer sniffed suddenly: "We have been without food for more than ten days, and we eat leaves and grass roots every day. Many injured brothers starve to death."

"Then why don't you snatch the little devil's vanguard?"

"We can't beat it? Since we are allies, you can do it!"

"Damn it, what you're holding isn't a fire stick, it's a submachine gun."

The officer cried: "We can't fight, we have sneaked twice, and there are only a few people left in the platoon of more than 30 people. Now our brothers only have three or four bullets in each gun, and we don't even have a chance to fight the devils with bayonets." nothing."

"That. It's definitely not for free. Otherwise, you don't have many bullets in your guns anyway. If you want food, you can exchange them with guns!"

The officer wiped his nose: "What you said is true?"

"of course it's true."

"How to change?"

"You make a price." In business, of course, you can't make an offer first under special circumstances. I only have one bag of food. If not, the two comrades in the back have a bag of dry food. If three bags of dry food can really be exchanged for a submachine gun Well, if this business is taken back, it can last at least half a year.

"One gun for one dry grain bag!" The officer gritted his teeth: "You have taken advantage of it. This gun can be exchanged for three hundred oceans outside the mountain. It's no problem to buy a thousand grains of grain."

Special soldiers stunned
Seeing that the other party did not speak, the officer hurriedly increased the price: "Two guns for one dry ration bag on your body!"

This price is added
The special soldier was about to make this deal, when he suddenly saw such a submachine gun hanging on the opponent's body, he said just now that they were originally a platoon
Thinking of this, I quickly asked, "How many guns do you have?"

"Some brothers were beaten to death by devils, but the guns were not retrieved. Now there should be more than ten more."

"I still have a few bags of dry food behind me."

"I want as much as you have!"

"make a deal."

(End of this chapter)

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