under fire

Chapter 1168

The sun rises again.

Huangweishan Field Hospital.

Surrounded by mountains.

It's like a paradise.

Sporadic gunfire sounded around, breaking the tranquility.

There were so many wounded in the field hospital that it was impossible to transfer them.

Outer west.

On the ridge.

A dirty figure hurried into the camouflaged temporary headquarters, and saluted the soldiers lying behind the fortifications: "Report to the battalion commander, the line of defense is shrinking, and the vanguard of the puppet army coming from the north has reached the first line of defense. The brothers who are in charge of the outer defense line in the north are already on fire."

The dark-faced battalion commander looked at the map in front of him, and his face became more gloomy: "The devils and puppet troops went straight to our hospital. It seems that this place has been exposed long ago."

A horse-faced officer next to him turned pale: "All the ministries are sending people to us, and we can't hide it from the little devil!"

The battalion commander turned his head: "Continue to reconnaissance."

The horse-faced company commander whispered: "Hey, why don't we."

The battalion commander's face became even more gloomy, staring at the horse's face: "Second Qin, do you want to join the enemy?"

The horse-faced company commander was startled: "How is that possible! I mean, before the devils encircle, we still have time to run west."

The battalion commander's tone was cold: "Behind us, there are so many brothers lying in the cave, leaving them behind and running away? Are you still alone?"

"We have a division of more than 6000 people, and there are only a few hundred numbers left to move, so we have to save some seeds."

"Don't talk about it, as long as we can hold this mountain ridge, the little devils can't form a siege to the hospital."

"The battalion commander, the third battalion commander, they all ran away." The company commander was a little unwilling.

The battalion commander said in a serious tone: "Anyone who says to escape will be punished on the spot!"

The observer next to him held up his binoculars, looked at the mountain ridge to the west across a valley, and shouted: "Report, a group of guerrillas and eighth-way guerrillas were found in the northwest!"

The battalion commander grabbed the binoculars again and looked at his men waving signal flags on Mount Liang in the west: "Eight-way guerrillas? How could there be eight-way groups in our defense zone? Ask them...how many people are there?"

"Less than one hundred."

"Strange, don't they know that a large number of devils and puppet troops are sweeping through the mountains, and they come together to die?"

The order and the scouts ran up the mountain one after another, and the scouts spoke first: "Report to the battalion commander, something is wrong, a large number of devils are coming from the south, cut off the communication line to the west"

The orderly panted heavily: "Report...the emergency order of the guard battalion, abandon the second line of defense, all shrink, and defend the hospital"

The battalion commander's heart sank. In fact, he only had a hundred people under his command. It was impossible to defend the entire western front.

The establishment has also been messed up, and he, the battalion commander, is the company commander!

The devils are coming, if you give up the formation and retreat, the west line of defense will collapse immediately, and the situation will be even more severe. Moreover, there are too many people in the division hospital, if the devils plane bombs, there will be no room to move around.

In the deserted valley.

The mountain people are busy.

After digging the pit, throw the sacks of grain into the pit with a tent at the bottom, and cover the top with tarpaulin.

Then cover the stone with the moss side up.

Others were chopping bushes and weaving headbands for camouflage.

On the side ridge.

Hu Yi put down the binoculars.

There are many mountains and mountains, and the telescope can't see far at all.

An hour ago, gunshots were fired in the southeast of Huangwei Mountain.

Then, the buzzing Jazi plane appeared in the distance.

The soldiers who scattered for reconnaissance did not return.

The old gangster Qi was a little puzzled: "Could it be that those guys from the Second Battalion also took a fancy to Huangwei Mountain and started fighting with the broken soldiers in the mountain?"

Xiao Hongying put down the binoculars to see the planes circling in the distance: "It doesn't look like it. The gunshots spread too widely. There are only a hundred and ten people in the second battalion. He doesn't have that much ability at all."

Luo Fugui suddenly said: "Boss Hu, why don't you all go back, there are routs everywhere in the mountains, if Huangwei Mountain is so easy to set up a mountain and a stronghold, those routs must be the first to occupy it."

The faint gunshots in the distance suddenly became denser, followed by the sound of violent explosions of hand bombs
The old gangster Qi suddenly said, "No, there are mortars. The distance is no more than ten miles!"

Hu Yi swiped his finger back and forth on the map.

After a while, the scouts from all directions returned to the mountain ridge, pointing to the map and explaining what they had discovered.

Hu Yi quickly marked on the map, suddenly closed the map and got up, and ordered: "All gather, disguise, go east, go out!"

Huangwei Mountain has been surrounded by groups.

The guns fired, and the sound was deafening.

Clouds of gunpowder smoke billowed and filled the hillside.

More than a hundred puppet troops stood on a gentle hillside.

Guard the supplies.

Everyone, including the civilian husband, trembled in fear and looked up at the battlefield not far away.

The eyes followed the planes in the sky, and the plastered planes swooped back and forth to drop bombs and strafed like eagles catching chickens in the sky.

The false company commander had mixed feelings in his heart.

For the first time in history, the imperial army did not let their own imperial association army take the lead, which seemed to be something to be happy about.

It is not shameful for the imperial army to doubt one's combat ability.

Besides, fighting this kind of tough battle is something that the Imperial Association Army can do.

In the distance, another national army soldier who was thrown from his hiding place by the bomb dropped by the plane was thrown high.

The puppet soldiers with numb scalps were talking and muttering.

Surprise: "This one sure flies higher than the guy that just blew up"

Sigh: "These people really have a backbone, and they will not surrender even if they die."

An idea: "You can save your life if you vote for the devil. At worst, you will be scolded a few times. The imperial army will blow up your body so badly that you will have to walk on crutches in the future."

Contempt: "These idiots are really stupid."

It's a pity: "Even if you don't want to surrender to the devil sincerely, can't you just find a chance to run away later?"

Sarcasm: "Why don't those elm heads open up?"

Reasonable: "Loyalty and filial piety are a dilemma, the body is handed over to the parents, put down the gun and raise your hand, isn't it beautiful to escape this disaster first?"

Puzzled: "Hey, why didn't the imperial army let us go and capture prisoners this time?"

Darkness: "Hey, wouldn't it be more beautiful to collect the corpse later?"

Expectation: "Hahaha"

Two brigades, nearly [-] devil soldiers were divided into multiple groups, and devil messengers were waving signal flags everywhere on the mountain ridge.

Every valley is full of yellow figures.

Aircraft swooped down to drop bombs and strafed the defenders' mass firepower, mortars removed heavy fire points, and grenadiers hit cover positions.

Suppressed by light and heavy machine guns, the infantry fired precisely, and then kept the rhythm and advanced one by one.

The bayonet stabbed the corpses on the ground again and again.

Don't rush forward, don't intersperse.

The soldiers who resisted stubbornly fought back silently.

Panic roars and screams rang out.

Another mortar shell was loaded into the barrel, and the turret came out of the barrel, smashing into the smoke that had not cleared away in the distance.

Boom boom boom.
Three shells fell around the mortar, and the landing point was no more than ten meters away from the mortar seat.

The fallen mortar was covered in blood and muscle tissue.

The machine gunner suddenly lay down behind the Maxim heavy machine gun, and the soldiers surrounded by the gunpowder immediately stepped forward and pulled the machine gunner away, and another came up and began to arrange the canvas belt.

The flare of the machine gun's horn flashed again, and the ammunition belt was stretched over half a meter
Boom boom boom. Four or five grenades smashed hard next to the heavy machine gun, and the machine gun team misfired again.

Followed by someone on top again
The groaning light machine gunner was moved away, and the women in white nurse uniforms moved the wounded to stretchers and carried them away.

The light machine gun shook twice, then fired again.

After more than ten rounds, the bullets roared again.

The soldier hiding behind the stone raised his rifle to aim and shoot.

Followed by pulling the bolt, another bullet was fired, and with a bang, a bullet would penetrate into the soldier's head.

I no longer have the mind to think about the issue of death and immortality, but the difference between early death and late death.

There is no way to retreat, as long as one more step back, the devil can directly face the wounded line of defense in Lingqiu Cave.

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