under fire

Chapter 1170

After waiting all night, no one in the encirclement broke out to the west at all.

Hu Yi took out his pocket watch and felt the slight rhythm of the silver pocket watch.

It was six o'clock in the dim light.

Normally it should be bright morning.

However, the sky is still overcast.

There seems to be signs of rain.

A bolt of lightning suddenly pierced the sky.

It was thunder, not gunshots.

The gunshots that rang out all night in the encirclement became more and more sparse.

From time to time, puppet troops with torches came out of the encirclement.

Most of the stretchers were covered with white cloths.

The reconnaissance soldiers who followed the puppet army and carried the wounded soldiers finally came back: "Report, I found the devil field hospital in the valley about ten miles to the south"

It started to rain.

Not much rain.

A team hurried south between the ridges.

Two hours later, the team reached a ridge.

More than a dozen devils carried a stretcher and began to climb the mountain ridge from the west.

A voice on the top of the mountain ridge suddenly yelled: "Stop. Uh. Taijun"

"Baga." The man on the stretcher cursed directly, "You didn't realize until we got here, are you being lazy?"

The puppet army couldn't understand, but nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, it should be
The old bandit Qi stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped the puppet sentinel on the outside.

Without stopping, continue walking along the mountain ridge.

"Where are the rest of you?" Liu Yuanqing asked intermittently, cursing on the stretcher.

"Report to Taijun, we are on duty in one shift, and we will divide into two shifts according to Taijun's instructions, and the other brothers will sleep in the woods!"

"The whistle changer hasn't come yet?"

"Uh, we were just replaced." The squad leader of the puppet army replied cautiously.

The imperial army carrying the stretcher stared at the puppet army with green eyes, which made the puppet army's heart tremble: "Taijun, have you eaten? Missy Missy?" Liu Yuanqing sniffed, and spoke with a pleasant face. The puppet army waved: "Your porridge?"


A few minutes later, the old bandit Qi immediately ordered to the soldiers: "Send the signal, the puppet army guard post on the mountain ridge has been cleared."

The team quickly retreated down the ridge, leaving only the bloody smell on the top of the ridge.

Then, a group of villagers at the foot of the mountain began to go up the mountain.
Another team of devils with dried blood on their clothes led a group of puppet troops eastward.

Sanyo Kusano can speak Chinese: "Don't worry, I'm very trustworthy. I've made an agreement with Liu Sang. I will never attack the imperial soldiers."

Hu Yi walked in the second place: "You don't need to do it."

Seeing the devils in ragged clothes came, the leader was still a sergeant commander, the two devils on guard and more than a dozen puppet soldiers followed and saluted: "Please show your ID"

Sanyo Kusano took out his ID card, his face was a little strange, and the bird said: "Thanks for your hard work."

There was not much dialogue between the two sides.

The puppet army behind moved their knives directly.

The puppet soldiers who were left alive didn't understand what happened, so they knelt down and begged for mercy: "I have an old man."

Then I heard the narrow-eyed devil ask: "How many devils and puppet soldiers are there in the valley?"

The puppet army replied without hesitation: "One banhuang devil, two platoon puppet troops."

"How many wounded devils are there?"

"There were like thirty or so before I came out in the morning."

"How's the situation in the encirclement?"

"The national army resisted very tenaciously. All the wounded national army were killed. I heard that more than 1000 people died, and some of them hid in the mountains. I heard that they will all be wiped out at noon today." The puppet army told the news.

"As far as we know, there should be a company of puppet troops, right?"

"No, the devils picked a platoon to clean the battlefield this morning." Hearing the suspicious tone of the other party, the puppet platoon leader quickly emphasized: "The ones who were on the night shift yesterday should be sleeping. At this time, there is only one platoon guarding the devil's hospital."

Soon, the corpses of the devils and puppet soldiers were carried away. More than a dozen puppet soldiers and two fake devils stood guard at the mountain pass with guns in hand.

The team continued down the valley.

A large tent appeared.

Doctors and nurses in white coats are busy.

Seeing the imperial army and the puppet army coming, the puppet army guarding everywhere quickly stood up straight.

The imperial army entered the largest tent, and the military doctor who was performing the operation looked back: "Baga, the most important place for surgery"

After looking at the bayonet tip protruding from the abdomen in disbelief, the nurse next to him screamed in fright, and the sound disappeared.

Then the shell guns began to ring out in the camp, the gunfire was dense and short.

All the puppet soldiers on duty died, and the thirty or so sleeping puppet soldiers did not resist at all, and all became prisoners.

After confirming that there was no more survivors in the wounded barracks, a large number of villagers followed into the valley.

The action of cleaning the battlefield was flustered, but very fast.

"Report, there are puppet troops from the east carrying the wounded."

The old bandit Qi was stunned for a moment, muttered to Hu Yi for a while, and then walked to the puppet prisoner: "Is there anyone who can speak bird language?"

All the puppet soldiers shook their heads.

The old bandit Qi had no choice but to pick out two puppet soldiers who didn't wet their pants from among the prisoners: "If you want to survive, how to speak later, don't I need to teach you?"

The legs of the two puppet soldiers trembled: "The little one understands, the little one understands"

Eight puppet troops were carrying four wounded devil soldiers. The leading puppet army saw a few imperial soldiers standing behind the two puppet troops at the entrance of the valley, and asked directly, "Beng Yagou, why are there gunshots?"

"Just now I found a deserter on the mountain ridge"

"Aren't you on duty in the west? Hey, why did Tai Jun come out?"

Bengyagou was a little trembling when he spoke: "Taijun asked me to come over here to take a look. I changed shifts. The imperial army asked if the battle in the mountain was over."

"Your face is so white." The leading puppet army was a little puzzled: "It should be soon. Those guys ran to the top of the mountain for more than 100 miles. The mountain is high and the forest is dense. It is estimated that none of them can escape."

"Baga." The dirty face behind the puppet army cursed.

The leading puppet army hastened to say hello to Taijun
The ghost on the stretcher groaned in pain, opened his mouth and cursed, "Oh Baga, hurry up. Let's go."

The old bandit Qi picked out the six soldiers in his platoon, and arranged the task in a low voice: "We will follow the puppet army into the mountain later, everyone must remember the password clearly, and do whatever the devil asks, understand?"

A soldier was shocked: "Deputy platoon leader, aren't we going to die?"

"You were originally a puppet army. The mountains are so chaotic. Now go back to our old profession. You are afraid of a ball."

After half an hour.

Dressed in puppet military uniforms and red cuffs on their arms, the team rolled along the valley and turned a corner.

The puppet army was busy with the civilian husbands, carrying the corpses and throwing them into the dug pits.

The cave halfway up the mountain was emitting thick smoke, and the fire was burning above the cave.

From time to time a long tongue of flame appeared.

Occasionally, human-shaped flames can be seen running wildly in the dense forest, and then igniting another forest.

At the foot of the mountain are densely packed corpses of the national army, and confiscated mortars, machine guns, and rifle ammunition are piled up into a hill.

Seeing a puppet army approaching, the puppet battalion commander directly asked Beng Yagou he knew: "Where is your company commander?"

Bengyagou replied with a frustrated face: "The company commander was busy all night yesterday, and he is catching up on sleep."

The false battalion commander waved his hand: "It looks like it's going to rain heavily, so hurry up and get to work."

There were a lot of new people in the puppet army, and the puppet battalion commander didn't recognize that several of the puppet soldiers with dirty faces were not his subordinates.

Soon, the stretcher team followed Beng Yagou carefully to the group of wounded soldiers and ghosts sitting together.

The devils were slightly wounded and were looking up at the situation of clearing out the remnants of the enemy on the mountain ridge, discussing with each other and buzzing.

Several devils were singing, as if they were singing a soul song for the dead devils.

The devil next to him was still treating the wound on the spot with the team's medical nurse.

Seeing stretcher soldiers from the Imperial Association Army coming over, a few devils who were slightly injured and had to be sent to the hospital for surgery, cursed and were carried onto a stretcher by the puppet army.

I saw the dallying puppet army.

The interpreter standing next to him pointed at the nose of the old bandit Qi who was looking around: "What are you still doing? The imperial army has shrapnel on his body. Hurry up and carry it back for surgery. If something happens, be careful with your head."

"Yes." Bengyagou knew that as long as he dared to say a word, these murderous demons would definitely kill him first.

That guy named old bandit Qi was strapped with explosives. If he set himself on fire, all the devils in this area would probably die!
Fortunately, he didn't have the idea of ​​dying with the little devil.

Being a puppet army yourself...isn't it just to survive?

In this situation, how dare you scream.

One more day counts as one more day
Soon, ten puppet soldiers with cuffs on their arms, carrying five stretchers, walked west along the valley amidst the devils groaning and cursing.

not long time
The false battalion commander looked at the team of more than [-] people behind Shanbeng Yagou, and was stunned for a moment: "Bengyagou? Why did you come back so soon, kid?"

Bengyagou is not as nervous as before: "Hey, play for the Imperial Army, earn a performance"

"Hurry up, bring the registered rifles over there to our baggage team camp"

"Aren't you going to lift the wounded?"

"The imperial army is about to pay homage to the dead imperial army, and I will come back to carry them later." The pseudo-battalion commander lowered his voice: "Remember, I told your company commanders not to sleep, and quickly pick the ones that we have in our hands to replace them." One change."

The dirty face behind suddenly said: "Battle Commander, why don't we move the machine gun?"

The pseudo-battalion commander is happy, this subordinate has a future!
His face darkened again in an instant: "Fuck it, the imperial army won't let us use it. Besides, our battalion doesn't have many machine guns. Do you see the box over there? It's full of spare barrels and magazines. I'll go talk to the imperial army later. The military quartermaster spoke, took the opportunity to carry it away for me."

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