under fire

Chapter 1171 Don't hate the long way back

After attacking the devil's wounded barracks, he dared to join the devil's team without running away.

The villagers are picking off the clothes from the corpse, even the bloody bandages.

The scalps of Captain Qin's platoon leaders were numb.

I was so nervous that I was shaking.

Mentally redefine what it means to be bold.

I saw the captain arguing with the members of the Sacrifice League, but no one went up to persuade them.

Captain Qin was stopping the old bandit Qi who was about to attack: "Don't forget the eight points of attention, the last one is not to abuse prisoners."

Old Bandit Qi's eyes were red: "Hey, your mother can see clearly. I am a member of the Sacrifice League. Your rules don't control me. If you directly stabbed these guys who followed the devil to do evil, how did you abuse them?"

"If you do this, Battalion Commander Hu will be punished."

The old bandit Qi cursed sadly: "Your mother's surname is Qin, and you are really lenient. Then you go to the mountains now to see what the little devil has done?"

Captain Qin was not afraid at all: "Little devils are beasts. We are not!"

"Just now you killed the wounded soldier of the devil, you seem to do it too?"

"Devils are not prisoners." Captain Qin's voice became smaller and smaller.

Hu Yi was lying in the bushes on the mountain ridge, looking through the binoculars at the situation of Huangwei Mountain in the east.

There are at least a thousand devils that can only be seen, and what kind of bird festival is being frantically held!
There seem to be more devils at the foot of the mountain than the puppet soldiers and civilian wives.

The vicinity of Huangwei Mountain is completely easy to defend and difficult to attack.

However, in the face of the devil's aircraft, artillery, and flamethrower attacks, the friendly forces had no power to fight back.

In addition, there were too many wounded friendly troops, and they were too concentrated, and the target was too big, which attracted the devils to encircle and suppress them.

The terrain in the mountainous area is complex, the fewer the fetters, the smaller the team, the easier it is to avoid the devil's mopping up.

If it was just the hundred and ten routs or guerrillas, it would be impossible for the devils to send so many troops to encircle and suppress them.

The binoculars searched the crowd carefully. Did not see a single prisoner!
Although I look down on those who have no backbone to surrender.

But when he really found that there was not even a single person who surrendered, Hu Yi's heart began to turn cold!
According to the outer guard post of the friendly army, there are nearly 2000 people in the mountain plus the strengthened spy battalion.

In other words, almost all of the nearly 2000 people died!

Put down the telescope.

Take off your cap.

After three or four minutes of silence, he turned his head, his tone trembling: "Withdraw"

The overcast sky continued to rain.

Between the peaks and ridges, a group of broken soldiers followed more than twenty-eight roads, and hurried eastward over a mountain pass.

Behind, followed by a long line of stretchers.

It looks like a good place to hide. Of course, the premise is that you have enough rations and salt.

In the deep mountains, eating only wild vegetables and mushrooms for ten and a half months may not necessarily starve to death.

But human beings are not animals. Humans simply cannot stand the lack of salt for a long time.

There are several villages passing by in the mountains, all of which are deserted without exception.

Ma Liang led two squads and followed the friendly army all the way eastward, looking at the ruined mountain village in a daze.

Thirty or so rout soldiers leaned against the wall at the entrance of the village, looking forward to see through, all of the rout soldiers were tied with black cloth strips on their arms.

"Hey, what are they doing?" the platoon leader asked knowingly, gloating in his tone.

Ma Liang thought for a while: "It is estimated that their official died."

After walking in, I found that the arms of the rout soldiers were wrapped with bandages dyed black with pot ash.

When the dying friendly army saw that it was the Eighth Route Army, they didn't shout at all as they did when they saw the Eighth Route Army enter their defense zone.

Half a month without food and salt, the rout soldiers had long since lacked the strength to look at the dry food bags slanted on the shoulders of the Eighth Route soldiers, and they didn't even have the strength to go forward to grab them.

The platoon leader who brought Ma Liang back had an intuition that something was wrong: "What happened?"

"Mr. Ling, he."

"I'm holding your old cat, what's wrong with him, sir?"

"He gave the porridge made by his own wild wolf to the patient. He starved to death last night."

The platoon leader rushed forward and kicked the guard to the ground: "Where is the commander?"

"It's already buried."

Ma Liang took a deep breath and asked in a low voice, "Isn't the friendly army not short of food?"

Lying on a stretcher, Liu Manhe tried to sit up: "Deputy Commander Ling? He should belong to the 45th Division. He is dead."

The special company commander winked: "The reactionaries don't have a single good person!"

After searching his brain, Liu Manhe said, "Don't beat people to death with one shot, this... How should we evaluate it? We have to look at the problem comprehensively. This one is opposed to our Eighth Route Army going south, but it is not ambiguous to beat devils." , I heard that he loves soldiers like a son, and the common people under his rule have a good opinion of him."

A row of long muttered: "If we don't fight devils, we will create friction, and we deserve to die."

Liu Manhe suddenly said: "Remove half of the food on your body."

The commander of the special company was shocked: "staff, what are you doing?"

"These people must be the soldiers of the division guard battalion of the friendly army. The first platoon leader, you can ask them if they are willing to go to our base area."

A platoon leader immediately refused: "That staff officer, you want me to recruit them? I won't do it."

"Three Epochs"

"Okay, I'll go, isn't it okay to go? Don't just talk about discipline."

"You boy is going to be turned upside down"

A platoon leader entered the village to find the friendly platoon leader who had visited the grave, pulled him aside, and conveyed Staff Officer Liu's words.

The platoon leader of the friendly army was stunned for a while, with a hesitant face: "I will try."

Dozens of down and out soldiers gathered outside the kitchen.

As soon as the platoon leader of the friendly army finished speaking, he immediately drew accusations from a group of down-and-out soldiers.

"Shut up for me!" The platoon leader of the friendly army shouted: "Everyone knows that there are only 2 people in the Eight Routes in the mountains. Why can they be rooted in the mountains, while we have 10,000+ people, and we are beaten when the devils come. Will it be defeated?"

The staff officer in the kitchen tried his best to squeeze out, and directly took out his pistol: "You poor boy, you dare to speak for the eighth way, believe it or not, I will kill you now?"

The platoon leader of the friendly army saw that the staff officer didn't even pull the plane, and didn't turn off the insurance. Instead of dodging, he stepped forward and grabbed the staff officer's wrist: "Come on, come on, you officials who are on the street, and those who listen to the military command If so, then why don't you listen to them and cast devils?"

Seeing that the platoon leader was not afraid of death, the soldiers next to him had different expressions.
The staff officer was dizzy from hunger. He was directly shaken by the platoon leader.

The soldiers behind hurried forward, wobbly and hurriedly supported the staff officer.

The platoon leader grabbed the staff officer's pistol in his hand, and looked at the crowd of soldiers in a mess at the kitchen door: "Everyone has eyes, the bastards of the military command are deliberately smearing the eight roads all day long. Our division is almost gone now.
However, Balu gave us food regardless of past suspicions. Everyone’s heart is full of meat. You should continue to stay here and wait to die. "

The soldiers at the door of the kitchen were not calm anymore, and the reconnaissance platoon brought back five bags of dry food. With so many people, even if they dig wild vegetables to save food, they can't last for three to five days.

But no one echoed the opinion of the platoon leader.

The platoon leader of the friendly army, who was sitting in the huts to hide from the rain, was discussing with the remaining squad
"At this time, it is serious to be able to survive. As early as those years of the Northern Expedition, the Eighth Route Army is actually a family with us." The people in the friendly guard platoon really know more than ordinary soldiers. Obviously, this person should have read a lot book of.

"We serve as soldiers, isn't it to defend our home and country?"

"As long as you can beat devils, you can go anywhere"

"It's better than staying in the mountains every day like before, waiting in fear for the devils to come and sweep them away"

A skinny figure came in from the hole in the wall: "Platoon Leader Ling, I'll go with you."

Followed by another one.
One by one.
Platoon Leader Ling suddenly asked, "Where's the staff officer?"

"He just woke up, he didn't want to eat, and said he was going to find Master Ling."

Platoon Leader Ling stood up immediately: "Hurry up and pour porridge for the staff officer, and I have to carry him away. I have just made an agreement with Eight Routes. Troops, no problem."

One of the subordinates suddenly said: "I think the reputation of the eight roads is on the shoulders, and this matter should be fine."

The devils slowly withdrew from the mountains.

Some traitors of the investigation team were left behind to lead the puppet army to continue running around in the mountains.

Thousands of friendly soldiers who were scattered and hidden in the mountainous area were already starving because of the devil's raid and lack of food.

Even a small group of traitors can't deal with it

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