under fire

Chapter 1173 Preparations before the regiment

Chapter 1173 Preparations Before Returning to the Regiment Headquarters

A small-scale battalion-level meeting was held after the devil's summer raid.

The political commissar of the head of the regiment is not there, so the venue is naturally the lobby of the regiment headquarters.

Fortunately, Hao Ping, who came back first, had already laid thatch on the roof.

The branches on the legs of the table were still covered with leaves, obviously just repaired.

A horse lantern was hung above the table for the first time.

The result was that it was dark under the lamp, and there was nothing on the table that could not be seen at all.

Hu Yi spread out the map and glanced at Hao Ping.

Embarrassed, Hao Ping took down the lantern and put it on a corner of the table.

Gao Yidao, who came in first, did his part to let the old god sit on the top.

Hu Yi showed no expression, and announced the opening of the meeting with a knife at a high level.

Head Gao Yidao learned from Lu and pretended to glance casually at Hu Yi, then at Hao Ping, and then fixed his eyes on Hao Ping's face, but still did not speak.

Hao Ping felt a little terrified and dissatisfied: "Did you call me here in the middle of the night to see if there were any spots on my face?"

"Ahem. That Hao Ping, your Sanlian didn't suffer much this time, right?"

"If you have something to say, just say it, don't play with those crooked intestines"

Gao Yidao suddenly withdrew his gaze and turned to look at Hu Yi: "Counselor Hu, let's talk about it."

Hao Ping was a little upset. Yang Deshi almost shot Hu Yi before, but in the Independent Regiment, the Third Battalion and the Ninth Middle had a dispute.

He didn't do it, but Yang Deshi was the instructor of his third company at that time.

He couldn't get away with it, at least at the time he also felt that Hu Yi should be shot.

Later, Yang Deshi was transferred away, and this Liangzi directly became a gap between him and Hu Yi.

Even the political commissar of the head of the regiment couldn't fill the gap.

Therefore, he really didn't have much interest in the meeting initiated by Gao Yidao.

Hu Yi didn't seem to hear Gao Yidao's words.

He seems to be like this every time he has a meeting: distracted.

Hao Ping stood up: "If it's okay, I'll go first."

Seeing that Hao Ping had reached the door, Gao Yidao finally said, "Three machine guns, fifty rifles, for two companies."

Hao Ping had already stepped over the threshold with one foot. Hearing this, he turned around and came back.

"What? Uh, it's fine!" Hao Ping looked at Gao Yidao excitedly.

Hu Yi's face was calm, and he seemed to have forgotten those past events: "This matter must be approved by the regiment."

Hu Yi's thinking is very reasonable, although he doesn't like Hao Ping.

The combat effectiveness of the third battalion is also the weakest in the entire independent regiment, but it must be admitted that the fighters trained by the third battalion are far superior to the second and ninth battalions in some respects.

Because the soldiers of the third battalion spend most of their time in the mountains and have fewer combat tasks, the basic training time for standing in line with wooden knives and guns is much longer than that of the second and ninth battalions.

Hu Yi really has no time or energy to train recruits.

He knows the level of fighters trained by Lao Qin and Chen Chong himself.

Even the soldiers under Sun Youshang's Water Conservation Regiment were not very comfortable with it.

This time out of the mountain, the Ninth Battalion suffered too many casualties.

The direction Gao Yidao is considering is to develop his Black Tiger Village, and it is definitely too late to recruit new recruits now.

Hao Ping sat down again and looked at Gao Yidao with hope in his eyes. To be honest, he didn't like Gao Yidao because Gao Yidao would deliberately find fault with him every time he held a meeting.

The three parties seemed to have negotiated terms, but the scene fell into silence.

Hao Ping gradually became calm: "When will the gun be given?"

Gao Yidao was a little impatient: "Hu, do you have nothing to say?"

Hu Yi was expressionless and didn't answer.

Gao Yidao looked at Hao Ping with a dark face: In this way, the friendly army in the south is retreating, we plan to open up a base in the mountains over there, are you interested? "

The Second Battalion and the Ninth Battalion have a lot of troubles, and on the surface they seem to be difficult to deal with, but in fact they will get together every time they fight.

Logically speaking, his third battalion wouldn't get involved at all, and of course he didn't want to get involved. Every battle would be a big reduction in personnel.

"I'm not familiar with the south, so forget it." He thought he wasn't that cold-blooded, so he directly rejected Gao Yidao's proposal.

Gao Yidao squinted his eyes, and quickly understood Hao Ping's thoughts: "The guns are ready, but let's make it clear first, I want your second company, Hu Za. Hu, you can figure it out."

Xiao Hongying was annoyed when she saw Hao Ping, because Sanlian used to have a mentor from Yang.

Hao Ping was lying on the ground.

After Hao Ping left, Hu Yi went out with him.

Gao Yidao continued to sit in the position of the former team leader and think, and the first step of the plan was only half completed.

Hao Ping was too conservative and didn't dare to go to the south, which was actually expected.

The plan he discussed with Hu Yi, the next target is Wu Yanyilian.

With Wu Yan's personality, they must come up with a comprehensive plan.

The Black Tiger Village has already become a fact, and there is no problem in convincing the head of the group next.

Hu Zaisui's higher-ups had no objection to the fact that Hu Zaisui exchanged equipment with a sub-district outside the mountain, and he should have no problem persuading the political commissar.

The newly opened base areas cannot play the banner of the Eighth Route Army, and it is not a problem at all in the Independent Regiment.

The former enemy headquarters is at the wine station, and there is no need to go to the division to report to the superior.

But the ninth battalion ran ahead of the second battalion because he had the Heihuzhai ninth battalion and the water conservation team.

The Ninth Battalion has one more Su Qing's armed task force than him.

Therefore, he felt that Wu Yan should be pulled to his side.

As for telling Hao Ping about this matter, he would definitely not agree, and it would be nice to stay at home in the mountains when the time comes.

It's just that he still hasn't figured out what Hu Yi's purpose is for arranging people in the mountains!
"Fox, are you done talking?" Zai Xiaohongying came out of the darkness.

"Well, Hao Ping only agreed to exchange people for guns, not to go south."

"Compassion doesn't command soldiers, even if you give him eight hundred guts, he won't dare to go."

"Learned new idioms again?"

"Hey, Crazy Yang said it."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Tomorrow morning, let Ma Liang and Li Xiang mule pick someone out."

"How many times did Gao Yi pick Hao Ping?"

"Second Company, what, what's your plan?" Hu Yi actually didn't intend to choose, as long as he was a soldier from the Third Battalion, they shouldn't be far behind.

"We want Sanlian Hao Ping's Sanlian is his foundation."

When he returned to the base area for the first time after being promoted to the camp, Hu Yi was taken aback for a moment: "How do you know?"

"Hey, Ma Liang went to see it when it was dark, and those brats took the bullets and went to the third battalion and third company." Xiao Hongying looked proud.

"Then you can figure it out."

"Hao Ping will definitely disrupt his third battalion if he doesn't sleep tonight, so no matter which one we choose, we won't be able to take advantage of it."

"Then what are you happy about?"

"Hey, most of the staff in Dabeizhuang are recruits now. He can rest assured that he will definitely be placed on the periphery. I can guarantee that his third company will leave Dabeizhuang before dawn!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"As long as you stay in Dabei Village, don't just want his Sanlian!" Although Xiao Hongying didn't like Hao Ping, she had already figured out the personality of the independent group members.

Gao Yidao is not a good bird at all, but the mountainous area in the south is too big, and with the cooperation of the Second Battalion, the business of the Ninth Battalion will definitely be bigger.

Jiuying is short of people, at least there must be more people than Gao Yidao to have the right to speak.

Wait two days to go back, and then pick another camp from Sun Youshang and Lao Meng.
Let Lao Meng draw some student soldiers to the south to preside over the overall situation.

There is old bandit Qi in the military, so it's not a big problem, but she doesn't want to let the Ling County Armed Work Team get involved in local work.

Because they are really poor!
At that time, no matter how hard he struggles with the Second Battalion, he won't be able to fight!
Now there are still two problems to be solved. One is that the number of friendly troops brought back this time is quite large, so the friendly army division guards can directly serve as platoon leaders at the grassroots level. It has to be implemented, and this matter cannot fall into the eyes of the superiors, otherwise the superiors will probably send them away.

The second issue is also a big one. The killing of prisoners by the Sacrifice League has to be reported, and the matter is handled by the independent regiment. At most, Hu Yi will be locked up for a few days.

If it is concealed and not reported, once it is found out by the superiors, the nature will be completely different.

Hu Yi, the battalion commander, would never be able to keep it.

There is even the possibility of being shot.

This matter must not be sloppy. As for how to solve it, the political commissar of the regiment leader is more experienced...

(End of this chapter)

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