under fire

Chapter 1174 Take what you need

Chapter 1174 Take what you need
Hao Ping was overjoyed.

A meeting solved the problem that the Three Battalions had to hide in the mountains despite having a large number of people.

After reorganization, the five platoon leaders under him were directly promoted to company commanders.

Due to the large number of refugees pouring into the mountains and the difficulty of recruiting troops, all five companies were overstaffed.

Among other things, even eating is a problem now.

I have heard rumors for a long time that the superiors will continue to streamline their troops and simplify their administration in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the combat troops.

The third battalion, which lacked weapons, was naturally the first to be streamlined.

When I was worrying, I didn't expect Gao Yidao and Hu Yi to come to my door.

There are 27 people in a standard platoon, not counting the commanders. Hao Ping didn't have that much thoughtfulness, so he sent all the squad leaders.

The platoon leader naturally didn't give any. As for the equipment, let alone a gun, he didn't even give a bayonet.

The seven companies are mixed with new recruits and veterans, and there is no need to make any adjustments. Of course, under his habitual thinking, he values ​​the third company under his opponent more than the first and second companies.

It was dark yesterday and Hao Ping didn't see it clearly. When Hao Ping saw the stretchers carried out by the second battalion and the ninth battalion, he realized that he had miscalculated.

Counting carefully, there are at least thirty machine guns!

The rifles were not one by one, but in bundles, and many of them still had blood stains on them.
When Xiao Hongying asked for Sanlian with a smirk on her face, Hao Ping's expression didn't change at all, and he didn't even feel any heartache at all.

However, he proposed to add three light machine guns and fifty rifles. The reason is that all the personnel of his third company will be handed over to the ninth battalion without any changes!
The three companies are not unusual, it is Dalian with nearly 200 people and six standard platoons!

This request didn't seem too much, Xiao Hongying, who was short of people, agreed without even thinking about it.

Gao Yidao didn't make any comments. To be honest, he thought that the soldiers trained by Hao Ping had to go back to the stove after taking them back.
Food is not easy to get, too many people is not necessarily a good thing.

And I and the company commanders under me will probably have to go to the Anti-Japanese University. This time, I must find the team leader to solve the problem of the instructor first!
Otherwise, the team is likely to have problems.

The handover between the two parties went smoothly.

Xiao Hongying looked at the neat team of Sanlian, and always felt that Hao Ping was playing something tricky!
Hao Ping is not stupid, handing Sanlian over to Hu Yi is like giving his son to his brother, which can ease the relationship with Hu Yi.

Secondly, Gao Yidao inserted Tian Sanqi'an into the Ninth Battalion, not only got grenades, but even mortars.

Even Wang Peng, a brother army that is poorer than the Independence Regiment, now has all shotguns replaced with cannons, grenade grenade to the company, and machine guns to the platoon.

The battalion commander abruptly changed from a substitute to the main battalion of the supplementary regiment.

The living reality is in front of him, he is not stupid.

Of course, Pan Zhuzi, the capable man, had to stay.

"Fox, Hao Ping doesn't seem to feel any pain in my heart."

After Hu Yi saw the soldiers under Hao Ping, he understood Hao Ping's thoughts: "Hehe, he wants to borrow chickens to lay eggs."

Xiao Hongying was dumbfounded, and after a long time, did Jiuying take in a group of white-eyed wolves this time?

Feed them, equip them with equipment, and then most of these guys will secretly send the things to the third battalion.
When he thought of the vast mountainous area to the south and the many routs in the mountain, he immediately threw the thought of being trapped by Hao Ping out of the blue.

Hu Yi didn't make too many arrangements for personnel, and let Ma Liang, Li Xiang, Luo Fugui and He Chuanlin, the third company commander sent over by Hao Ping, discuss it themselves.

He left a standard company with about a hundred people in one company.

The remaining people formed three platoons and directly supplemented Ma Liang, Li Xiang, and Luo Fugui Company.

Soldiers have been together in squads since they joined the army. If there are no special circumstances, they will generally not disrupt the formation of soldiers who have established a comrade-in-arms friendship.

But selection has to be there.

Xiao Hongying's reconnaissance platoon is very difficult to get in now, those who don't know kung fu and those who don't have special skills are not needed.

There is no hurry now, because Hu Yi has already set the tone, and she can choose ten people from among them. As for how to choose, no one knows now.

Everyone in Jiuying knew that they would definitely ask Crazy Yang to help.

Li Xiang's heavy firepower became even more popular.

Only Luo Fugui with a dark face became the company that no one wanted to go to.
Gao Yidao was a little depressed. He went to meet the staff of the friendly army, but Hu Yi brought back the guard company of another friendly army. Although it was only a crippled company, there were dozens of people at any rate.

However, he himself was not interested in the reactionaries, and he didn't mention anything to Hu Yi at all.

Hu Zaisui, the head of the reactionary faction, has a motley crew under him!

Not only the traitors, the Water Conservation Regiment, the Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade, the female militiamen, bandits, the Volunteer Army, the Huidaomen, the Sacrifice League, and the reactionary guard company, but now there are even devils who are utterly irreconcilable.
no Zuo no Die!
Leading the team to part ways with Jiuying on the road, he planned to go back to Sanjiaji first and ask Hu Yi to give a message to the head of the regiment. He would return to the regiment headquarters to report to the head of the regiment in two days.

He was a little jealous of the twenty or so submachine guns, but fortunately he also got two, so it would be okay to give the guards a look in the future.

That thing can't kill a person wearing a thick cotton coat with a single bullet, and it can eat bullets. It's not as good as a pistol. Is a bayonet good for seeing blood on the battlefield?
Submachine guns are good for street fighting, but guerrilla warfare in the mountains is purely useless.

When Jiuying passed by Qingshan Village.

The militia guarding the intersection discovered the vanguard team led by Ma Liang early on.

The villagers who were replanting in the field and a company of soldiers all put down their work when they heard the news.

Look up to the west col.

Hu Yi's face was cold.

Looking at the green sorghum corn stalks all over the ground, the villagers seem to be picking up the broken stems.

In the open space before replanting, even the sweet potatoes in the field were allotted.

Fortunately, sweet potatoes are easy to grow. Just cut off the vines with leaves and insert them into the soil and water them frequently.

Hu Yi had expected this scene to happen a long time ago, but when he actually saw it, he still felt a little blocked in his heart.

Even if you don't want to accept the result in your heart, there is nothing you can do.

Feeling a little gloomy, he turned around and asked the mule to go to the hillside to burn paper for the young and old underground.

Hu Yi stood on the road in a daze.

The long line behind sat or lay on the wilted corn sorghum stalks.

A few good people started to break off the corn stalks, peeled off the hard skin with their mouths and chewed wildly.

Then, a long line of people followed suit, looking for sweet corn stalks everywhere.

Xiao Du, the captain of the militia, ran up to Hu Yi, and still called him as before: "Company Commander Hu, you are finally back."

Hu Yi's tone was cold: "Who did it? The devil or the puppet army?"

"It's a devil." In Captain Du's view, there is no difference between a devil and a puppet army.

It wasn't Li Youde, Hu Yi felt a little better.

Thinking about it, it should be like this. If Li Youde took action, the crops would not be destroyed so thoroughly.

Why did Wu Yan fail to protect the crops?

Platoon Leader Ling in the team spat out a mouthful of scum, and looked at Balu standing with Mincun working together, and seemed to be touched in his heart.

wine stand.

Wu Yan led a team to guard the mountain pass day and night.

The reconstruction work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

The tent of the former enemy headquarters was set up quickly.

across the river.

The guards of the Independent Regiment are lining up to build huts for the villagers of Jiuzhan Village.

The doorway of a simple shed that has been erected.

Xiaodou stood at the door.

There are only two people in the room, the head of the regiment and the political commissar, and the logistics department is still in the mountains and has not returned.

Health teams treated the wounded in temporary tents across the river.

Head Lu frowned and turned his hands behind his back, circling the political commissar sitting at the table in the low room.

The political commissar was still as virtuous, holding the tea mug steadily to bask in his expression.

"One is in the first division, and the other is going to the friendly forces zone. Those two get together again without worrying about it."

"Hehe, it's better than the second battalion and the ninth battalion when they left the mountain for a few months and half a year without any news."

"The matter of reorganization is imminent. The two of them worriedly said that they would arrive in two days, but there is no news yet." The teacher pointed out that there was a telegram. This time, the news of the second battalion and the ninth battalion came directly from the division. The leader felt a little proud, at least, other regiments didn't have this kind of treatment.

The political commissar didn't know what he was thinking: "I think you seem to be in a good mood."

"I said that you, a political commissar, don't seem to be in a hurry at all. The Anti-Japanese University has urged you several times. If our independent group doesn't reply, it will be completely ruined. I also heard that the last training session organized by the Anti-Japanese University for grassroots commanders .”

Commander Lu didn't know that the news that the Second Battalion and the Ninth Battalion were coming back was first reported by the special agent group to the division, and then forwarded to the former enemy headquarters by the intelligence department of the division headquarters.

Not to mention that Hu Yi and Gao Yidao were with the spy team.

 I saw a memoir about looking for a brother army to exchange a gun for four three-month-old "old" soldiers. The reason is very simple, because four or five people in the army in the mountains have a gun. The problem is: no one can change the gun. .

  Recruiting troops is relatively easy.
  In the Kuomintang-controlled area, the source of troops is simpler, and the strong men are directly arrested

(End of this chapter)

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