under fire

Chapter 1175 You must have misremembered

Chapter 1175 You must have misremembered

Political Commissar Ding turned the tea mug: "The superior requires all ministries to streamline their teams and improve their combat effectiveness. In principle, a gun should not exceed two people."

Head Lu became more and more annoyed as he thought about it, so he sat down at the table, picked up Ding De's tea mug, and drank it cleanly: "The first battalion has few recruits, and the second battalion got more guns from the mountain. It's not a problem, but The third battalion has to lose at least two companies, and the ninth battalion you love, we haven't figured out their real status until now."

Political Commissar Ding lifted the kettle and filled the cup with water: "You are the head of the regiment, what do you ask me for?"

Head Lu was unwilling: "The county government asked the Water Conservation Corps to join the Jian County Armed Forces Department. We couldn't refuse. After all, the Water Conservation Corps itself is not an independent team."

The political commissar sat down and looked at Head Lu: "The Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade is also mixed with the Ninth Battalion. How do you plan to deal with it?"

"Hey, when our independent regiment was so poor that it was three companies, no one looked down on us if we didn't love my uncle or grandma, and we could only sit in the last row when we went to the division to hold a meeting. This time, when things started to improve, someone made a decision. to our heads."

"Then I wish you can sit in the first row at future meetings." Political Commissar Ding knew what Captain Lu was complaining about: "Yang Deshi has become the county magistrate, and we can't say anything if he wants the Water Conservation Team. It's best to let Jiuying himself solve."

"Yang Deshi is a member of the independent group, and the married woman is the water that got out, but he reached out to his mother's house. It's a good thing he can do it."

"They're all comrades. It's not a good idea to say that. Do you feel uncomfortable seeing that they are at the same level as you?"

"Hehe. Can the armed forces in other places compare to mine?" At this point, Head Lu added: "According to the requirements of the superior, our independent regiment has been able to take off the hat of the C regiment and directly apply for the A regiment."

"It's still not enough to rely on people to make up the number, and the equipment will only be considered if it can keep up with the superior."

"It doesn't matter if the county government has important people. The composition of the Water Conservation Group is complicated, and the ideological work of the Ninth Battalion itself can't be put on the table. They made such a big commotion in the joint enemy area. If it weren't for the Water Conservation Group to support them, they would face raids by devils at any time. Keeping time in your hands is not necessarily a good thing.”

"Are you really willing to give up like this?"

"The independent group now has close to [-] people, can you take a longer view?"

"How do you say that?"

"The superior asked us to send the second battalion to meet the staff of the friendly army. Can't you see it?"

"The 10 friendly troops can't defend, we have small arms and legs." Commander Lu stopped immediately when he said this, and quickly flipped through the map: "The second battalion and the ninth battalion got together again, and it's interesting that they all came back from the south. "

"In the last rotation training of battalion-level cadres, our independent regiment did not have the materials to catch up. This time, the company and platoon-level commanders must not be messed up." The political commissar looked at a document in front of him: "people from other units It’s been almost a month since school started, and our staff doesn’t have a score yet.”

Head Lu looked at the map and didn't look up: "How about this, you can apply to the teacher and directly set up a branch school with us."

"You can really think about it." The political commissar suddenly stopped at this point: "You can try it."

A company of two sentries hid beside the path, carefully observing the approaching figures.

"Hey, why does that look like Xiao Hongying to me?"

"Well, that's right, it must be. There is no other one in the Taihang Mountains who wears such a small military uniform and has braids on his head."

"My mother, the wicked girl is really back? This liquor store is their territory, doesn't it seem like a good thing?"

"Behind the wicked girl is Ma Liang, hey, that's Battalion Commander Hu."

"That big guy is Luo Fugui, and the one behind is Li Xiang. Hey, they're carrying mortars?"

"The one behind seems to be the third company commander of the third battalion?"

"it's him"

"Hurry up and report to the leader, I'll be watching here"

The security post ran across the suspension bridge: "Report to the commander, the Ninth Battalion is back."


"Already passed Qingshan Village."

Head Lu stopped looking at the map: "These worry-free people are finally here, where's the little girl?"

"Uh, she brought a group of allies, and most of the divisions have submachine guns on their chests. Ma Liang, Luo Fugui, and Li Xiang are all there, and they are also carrying mortars. The third company of the third battalion is also here."

"What about Gao Yidao?"

"didn't see"

"Okay, I see." When the sentinel left, Captain Lu grabbed the military cap on the table and looked at the political commissar: "Go and see?"

"They have to come to see you sooner or later, what are you in a hurry for?"

"That's true." Head Lu went back to the front and sat down: "It's interesting that the people from the third battalion and the ninth battalion mixed together."

Ding Deyi looked at the thoughtful expression of the head of the group, and was a little surprised: "Hu Yi and Hao Ping reconciled? This is impossible."

"This is the job of your political commissar, don't ask me."

"Jiuying regards Sanying as a deadly enemy, and even the person who is Gao Yidao is very different from Jiuying when he is with Jiuying. This is strange." The political commissar directly grasped the point: "If Jiuying and Sanying are no longer hostile, hey, It’s all worrying.”

"Hey, the only advantage of our independent group is that we can make our own decisions. Now that County Magistrate Yang has asked for the command of the water conservation group through his superiors, I want to see what tricks the little girl can play this time."

Head Lu felt like a cat scratching his head, time passed so slowly.

Until a braid appeared at the entrance of the regiment.

Then there is a military cap with a hole on the top of the head, and then two big eyes are exposed.

Xiaodou, who stood guard with ears pricked up outside the door, smiled broadly, and weighed the whole box of unopened bullets that Xiao Hongying had just stuffed for him.

The people in the room didn't seem to see her, Xiao Hongying showed half of her head, and rushed into the room with a whoosh: "Hey, I'm back!"

Head Lu was taken aback by "scaring", and raised his head: "Oh, am I dazzled? Who is this?"

"Hey, uncle, we meet again."

Head Lu smiled brightly: "Tell me first, what happened this time?"

Xiao Hongying looked at the political commissar: "Let me tell you some good news first."

"After going away for more than half a year, you still tell the bad news first."

"Bad news. We've lost a lot this time."

Head Lu put away his smile: "What's going on?"

"It's a long story." Xiao Hongying began to talk about the exchange with friendly troops.

Head Lu waved his hand: "Stop, stop, Ma Liang has already reported this matter when he returned to the base area. Let's talk about the key points."

Xiao Hongying continued to laugh: "Later, I went to the sub-district and originally planned to eradicate the reactionary sect, but those people came to the door. Has Gao Yidao already reported it?"

Head Lu was right: "Well, I don't need to talk about this part."

"Later we entered the mountain, and were followed by the devil's advance team. We turned half a circle in the friendly defense zone, and then came back."

The Devil's advance team usually only takes action against the first-level headquarters of the Eighth Route Army's Divisional Brigade. Commander Lu is a little suspicious: "Will the Devil's advance team follow you?"

"Yes, later we also beat up the Devil at a railway station,

"Hit the devil at the train station? By the way?"

Xiao Hongying spoke confidently: "Well, just by the way?"

"What happened next?" Head Lu pulled the cup in front of the political commissar again and poured it into his mouth: "What happened to the friendly soldiers you brought back?"

"Uh, it's a friendly army that's broken. They have nowhere to go, so they're following us for the time being."

"Why did the division send a telegram?"

"Then we met the Secret Service, they have a radio station."

"What happened to Hao Ping's third company?"

"Sanlian? Of course Hao Ping's Sanlian is in Dabeizhuang."

"He Chuanlin is the commander of the third battalion and third company, right?"

Xiao Hongying stared at her big clear eyes: "You must have misremembered, He Chuanlin is now the deputy platoon leader of the Ninth Battalion's reconnaissance platoon."

Pfft, the sip of water that Commander Lu just drank almost sprayed on the political commissar's face: "Ahem. Still reconnaissance platoon? Where's Hu Yi? Tell him to roll over and see me!"

Xiao Hongying hurriedly stepped forward to give Captain Lu a hammer on the back: "You haven't heard the bad news yet."

"Then keep talking."

The circles of Xiao Hongying's eyes turned red: "The friendly army was defeated, and the defeat was complete. Their group army hospital was surrounded by devils, and nearly 2000 people died."

The political commissar finally interjected: "It is indeed bad news."

(End of this chapter)

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