under fire

Chapter 1176 The county government leads the local armed forces

Chapter 1176 The county government leads the local armed forces

Yang Deshi now has both sides.

The superior arranged for him to break into the enemy camp, which perfectly solved his identity problem.

Think in your heart how to develop the base area behind enemy lines.

He believes in his own ability, and in some concentrated settlements, he is all his own people. However, the big man must not lose power for a day, and the water conservation group must be in his hands.

Supplementary regiment.

Yang Deshi looked sincere: "Commander Chen, according to the regulations of the higher authorities, the Water Conservation Corps is organized at the regiment level and is itself a local armed force. It should accept the leadership of the county government!"

Head Chen said with a dark face: "When the Independent Regiment was still the Ninth Company, we wiped out the reactionary armed forces surnamed Gou. The Sun brothers reorganized the anti-rebel armed forces into the Water Conservation Regiment. We didn't do anything. How do you ask me to speak?"

Yang Deshi was confident: "You don't need to tell your superiors. The county government has already reported this situation to your superiors. Besides, the Water Conservation Corps is organized at the regiment level, but it is managed by the Ninth Battalion. Do you think this is appropriate?"

Head Chen was helpless: "You are also a member of the independent group, it seems inappropriate to do so?"

Yang Deshi's tone is sincere: "The independent group has indeed helped us, but we must stick to our principles to prevent the emergence of hilltopism."

This guy is always hating, and it seems that he is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but what he said is indeed true. Head Chen was stunned for a moment: "Mountism? What do you mean?"

"As revolutionaries, it is our duty to bear hardships first, and we should adhere to principles in our work. If we allow the independent group to develop in our base area, we are covering them up, and we are irresponsible to the common people."

Chief Chen's head was a little buzzing. County Chief Yang's speaking skills were indeed high, but he added that the group was poor!

It is difficult to support oneself, and there is no ability to enter the plain development base.

The superiors did give repeated orders not to engage in small cliques
Seeing that regiment leader Chen was silent, Yang Deshi turned his head and looked at the political commissar of the supplementary regiment next to him: "The superior asked us to enter the enemy-occupied area to carry out guerrilla struggle behind the enemy, so... I have a suggestion, we should establish an armed task force to enter the plains, see if it is appropriate or not ?”

The political commissar was stunned for a moment. This person is indeed capable. He has only been in office for only half a year, and he saw the shortcomings of the supplementary group: "Mayor Yang is far-sighted. We really haven't done this job well. In the future, I will ask the magistrate Yang to support us more." work."

Head Chen kicked the political commissar under the table: "The plain is still a guerrilla zone of the national army. It's not appropriate for us to go there, right?"

Yang Deshi shook his head: "National Army guerrilla zone? It's been so long, I would like to ask, has any of us seen the National Army guerrilla?"

Head Chen learned something through Wang Peng, the national army is not without guerrillas!
But when he just came to prepare to recruit Ma Dabangzi and the gang of bandits who had voted for the devils, they were directly wiped out by the independent regiment who beat the rabbits.

This matter is not small, the fewer people who know about it, the better!
He had already issued an order to Wang Peng who knew the news, to keep it absolutely secret.

Some things can be done, but not said.

He knew very well that Yang Deshi came to him to talk to the political commissar about these things in order to gain the support of the supplementary group.

Yang Deshi's idea is very simple.

With his ability, there is no problem leading a local armed force.

Now that he is the head of a county, it's impossible for him to lead people into battle, right?

Of course, he also has self-knowledge. In terms of commanding battles, he is indeed not as good as the battalion commanders of the Independence Regiment.

It doesn't matter, as long as you know people and use them well, you can directly compare yourself with the one in northern Shaanxi in your heart.

Therefore, he felt that there should be an armed task force in his hands.

But the establishment of an armed task force, the combat effectiveness of the county public security team is too weak, and the people of the water conservation team may not be reliable.

Therefore, he also planned to select people from the supplementary regiment to form an armed task force!
Now the captain of the armed work behind the enemy is Su Qing. Although her organizational relationship is in the supplementary regiment, the team is actually formed by the political commissar of the independent regiment.

He also didn't feel like he was in control.

Once the supplementary regiment sets up its own armed task force, then the entire An County will have nothing to do with them.

As for the relationship with the devil, he didn't think it was a problem at all.

Back then, so many chief executives came from Whampoa.

Of course, the fewer people who knew about "breaking into" the enemy's interior, the better.

Perhaps, only the dead can truly keep secrets.

Therefore, he made up his mind to cultivate his own team and get rid of everyone who knew about it!

Some time ago, all the national troops in the Taihang South area surrendered, and they are being reorganized into the Zhongyong National Salvation Army.

Those guys from the Chongqing government in the anti-Japanese coalition government were so bold that they began to carry out public activities under the eyes of the devils.

No matter how stupid he is, he knows what happened.

The little devil is colluding with the Chongqing government, planning to use the Zhongyong National Salvation Army to play a conspiracy!

Some time ago, he had already written a Wanyan analysis report based on this situation, and after reporting it to his superiors, he was also praised by his superiors.

There was silence for a while.

Seeing that the political commissar of the head of the regiment did not speak, Yang Deshi smiled and took out a document from his briefcase: "This is a reply from the superior to the armed forces of the county government leading the Water Conservation Corps. Therefore, we are a family, and we are closely united and fight devils together."

Li Youcai never dreamed that the gendarmerie would ask him to preside over the investigation of the warehouse burning case.

I passed the news to Su Qing yesterday, they did this, so naturally they have to solve it.

I nestled in the small courtyard and waited for a long time.

Finally there was a knock on the door.

Li Youcai ran into the yard, looked out through the crack of the door, and then opened the door.

The monkey's sinister smile appeared in front of him: "Hey, why are you so strict in broad daylight?"

"I want you to take care of it." Li Youcai squeezed the monkey away, and looked at the alley outside the door.

Su Qing leaned against the wall and was walking into the alley with another woman, seemingly carelessly.

Quickly lead Su Qing into the house.

Li Youcai stood behind the table and poured Su Qing a glass of water, a little surprised: "Why did you come here in person?"

Su Qing replied calmly: "This is my job, what happened?"

"It's agreed to burn the smoke and soil. You even burned all the warehouses of the devils. The businesses that rely on the devils' military headquarters have suffered a lot. Complaining to the military police headquarters puts a lot of pressure on Maeda. The police force was originally in charge of this case, and it was said that it took three days to solve the case. , In the end, three or three days have passed, and the captain of the police force has been dismissed twice, and I, the deputy captain of the investigation, will not be able to survive, and now this matter has fallen on me again." After Li Youcai finished speaking, his eyes moved unconsciously Glancing in the yard outside the house door, the monkey was lying on the courtyard wall and looking out.

"Isn't it a good thing for you to investigate yourself?"

"Sister, can you stop joking?"

"Do you think I'm a joker?"

"Point out the way."

Su Qing thought for a while: "Just report it. Say Yu Jingsan did it."

"But... evidence must be required, right?"

"I'll find a way to give you evidence."

Li Youcai was very relieved of Su Qing's assurance: "Also, you should restrain yourself during this time, the loyal and brave National Salvation Army that is reorganizing in the south will come back next month."

Su Qing was expressionless: "Can you get a specific plan?"

Li Youcai shook his head: "As a small deputy captain, I still don't have access to those secrets, but a large number of firearms and ammunition have been transported from the warehouse at the train station, all of which are standard weapons of the national army."

"You mean that the devils will use the puppet army to deal with us?" Su Qing knew the result a long time ago. The large amount of guns and ammunition brought by the devils must have been prepared for the puppet army, so they burned the devil's warehouse. It would be very difficult to do it again. Big, and most likely a trap.

"The guerrillas are wreaking havoc everywhere. The Gendarmerie Commander will organize a joint investigation in the next few days. All local armed forces will be reorganized into the Zhongyong Nation Salvation Army to facilitate unified command and end the former grassroots commanders who are independent. To the Gendarmerie Command The situation where the orders are obeyed while the others are violated." In the past, Li Youcai was determined not to be able to say such high-level words, so he felt that he should have made some progress.

The Water Conservation Corps can be regarded as the grass-headed commander under the security regiment. If reorganization is a troublesome matter, it must be arranged in advance. Thinking of this, Su Qing stood up: "Okay, let me arrange to get rid of the big cancer Yu Jingsan. , then the monkey will inform you how to find the evidence."

Li Youcai stood up, "I'll see you off"

"Need not."

As soon as Su Qing went out, Liu Wenxia greeted him from the alley: "Captain Su, there's a message from the independent group, asking you to rush back to the wine stand for a meeting immediately."

Su Qing nodded: "The specific meeting time?"

"The news came from the Lushuipu blockhouse to Lao Qin last night, and it was just delivered to the county seat. The meeting time is scheduled for noon tomorrow."

Time is tight, and there are still many things to do. It seems that I can only borrow Li Youcai's motorcycle for a trip. Su Qing thought for a while: "Time is tight, go to Lao Zhou first."

 Local armed forces such as county brigades, district squads, and guerrillas do not belong to the Eighth Route Army.

  It is a unique organization system for the armed forces. Its main body is the "off-the-job militias" in the counties and districts of the base area. They are assembled into teams with a certain combat effectiveness. Perform tasks in the county or district.

  What is implemented is the trinity armed construction thought of "main force, local armed forces (guerrillas), and militia".

(End of this chapter)

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