under fire

Chapter 1177 Must be the 8th Route Army

Chapter 1177 Must be the Eighth Route Army
Bao Si was in a bad mood.

This time the devils raided, the independent regiment moved ahead of time and did not fight much.

However, with the help of favorable terrain to counter-sweep, there were also many small-scale battles that harassed the devil's logistics.

The lightly and severely wounded are still dozens of numbers.

The division headquarters was raided by the devils, and the division hospital has been transferred.

There was no way to send seven or eight seriously wounded people who were in urgent need of surgery to the division.

If no anti-inflammatory drugs were sent into the mountain, the injuries of several lightly wounded people might turn serious, and the soldiers with arm and thigh bones might even face the consequences of amputation.

Uncle Niu, who got the news, was kneading noodles with wild vegetables, stopped his hands, strode out of the kitchen, and stopped suddenly when he reached the gate of the cooking class.

In the past, every time she came back, the little girl would go to the cooking class first, but this time she went directly to the regiment headquarters. It seems that the girl has grown up.

After thinking for a while, I went back to the kitchen.

Luo Fugui, carrying two big burdens, went straight to the cooking class.

Hearing Luo Fugui's footsteps, Song Xiaoci, who was writing a slogan on the outer wall of the cooking class with a lime bucket, called out to Luo Fugui: "Mule."

"Reporter Song?" Luo Fugui stopped and replied nervously, "Uh, are you busy?"

"Hey, is your company commander girl back?" Song Xiaoci subconsciously asked.

Luo Fugui was taken aback for a moment, company commander?Instantly understood: "Are you asking Boss Hu and the girl?"

"Come back this time, is there any good fighting story material?"

"Yes..." Luo Fugui didn't dare to say much, and hurried into the cooking class, and went straight to Uncle Niu's room.

"What are you doing?" Uncle Niu who heard the voice followed in.

"Girl asked me to give it to you." Luo Fugui put down one of the burdens.


"There are too many, you can help the girl tidy up later."

Song Xiaoci just put down the brush in his hand, and ran into the gate of the cooking class. He looked around and was about to go to Uncle Niu's house where Luo Fugui was talking, but saw Luo Fugui running out again with a bag.

"Comrade Luo Fugui, don't rush away, tell me the battle story."

Luo Fugui stopped quickly: "I still have things to do."

This woman is really pretty, but Luo Fugui doesn't want to talk to her, he can't move his tongue all the time.

Go out of the cooking class directly next to Song Xiaoci.

Song Xiaoci didn't care about it, and trotted to keep up: "Hey, I told you not to leave yet."

The real versions of Beasts and Fairies entered the rebuilt courtyard of the health team one after the other.

When Bao Si saw Luo Fugui, he immediately smiled, "Mule, are you back?"

Luo Fugui looked proud: "Hey, your grandma owes Jiuying a big favor this time."

"What are you talking about?" Bao Sishun took the burden and was taken aback for a moment, so light?
Xiao Honghong came out from the wounded hut behind Bao Si with eyes wide open: "Da Niu, it might not work."

Bao Si felt that the burden was light and peachy, and the edges and corners inside were still a little bit tight through the cloth, and looked at Luo Fugui: "What's inside?"

Luo Fugui rubbed his hands excitedly, with some anticipation: "Will you know if you open it and have a look?"

Bao Si wasn't in the mood to talk nonsense with Luo Fugui, so he could send Luo Fugui to the health team in person, and based on his feeling, he guessed that there might be medicine in the bag.

After untiing the heavy and heavy burden, he only glanced at it, and the gloomy expression on his face disappeared immediately.

After looking at the dead face of Baosi for half a month, he actually smiled?Song Xiaoci, who was following Luo Fugui, was a little curious: "Is there any medicine? Can you let me see it?"

Bao Si laughed exaggeratedly, he suddenly felt that the wounded had hope again.

There was a buzzing in his head, even though the political commissar said that the medicines would not be delivered until tomorrow at the earliest, one day might mean one or two lives to the wounded.

Bao Si rolled his eyes and suddenly fell back.

Luo Fugui had sharp eyes and quick hands, grabbed Bao Si, and muttered in his mouth: "The crow's mouth of the wicked girl is actually right, Bao Si is really happy to death!"

Xiaohong next to her hurriedly put down the wooden basin with the bandage in her hand, and came up to pinch the four of them.

By the way, he glanced at the big bundle in Bao Si's hands.

He directly dropped Bao Si who had just woken up, reached out and took out a box, his eyes widened: "Suan'an?"

Then excitedly looked at the label on the other box: 〈薬〉ペニシリン. "Penicillin" ともいう.

Just because other people don't understand, doesn't mean the health team doesn't understand either.

Before the Chinese New Year, the instructors of the Anti-Japanese University came to the wine station and taught a lot.

Bao Si was so excited that he shivered all over, he turned around and ran to the clinic with the burden in his hand.

He could see very clearly that although only two circles were exposed under the white cloth, it must be surgical forceps, and it should be all surgical instruments!

It doesn't take a brain to think that Jiuying must have robbed the enemy's hospital!

Under the setting sun, the sparkling muddy water river flows quietly.

Uncle Niu sat on the edge of the suspension bridge and smoked a cigarette.

This time he was not smoking dry tobacco, he was afraid that the little girl would come over and choke her later.

It's time for dinner soon, and the little girl who went to the regiment headquarters hasn't come to the cooking class to report yet.

Jiuying has been out for more than half a year, and there must be a lot of things to report.

Time flies so slowly.

All the veterans know that Uncle Niu is in a good mood, and some of them even go to the side of Uncle Niu to smoke.
Jiuzhan Village is going to be rebuilt, and Sun Cui is very busy.

Seeing that Ma Liang, who was all wrinkled in military uniform, came with a large group of puppet soldiers.

He directly left the villagers who were building a shed, and picked up a bag from the ground next to him to meet him.

Like Hu Yi, Ma Liang also likes to be tidy. Sun Cui stuffed Ma Liang with the military uniform he had prepared earlier: "Sister has prepared new clothes for you, and you are finally back."

Ma Liang was a little embarrassed, but fortunately, although the soldiers behind were curious, no one spoke, and lowered their voices: "We will not stay for a long time when we come back this time, and we will leave in a few days. See if you can find a way Settle them down first?"

A group of villagers, including women and children who built shacks in the distance, did not come to watch the excitement.

They just stopped what they were doing and watched quietly from a distance, without talking to each other.

They didn't look at Ma Liang, they were looking at the dusty man at the end.

That man was the commander of the Nine Company, and they stubbornly believed that Hu Yi was still the commander of the Nine Company.

That man is very cold, as cold as the winter that has long passed, and everyone knows that his heart is not cold.

It can even be said that they are very close, but no one steps forward.

This time, we brought back a lot less familiar faces, and so many more strangers.

Don't think about it, I must have killed a lot of devils and puppet soldiers.

At most until dark, the legend about him will spread.

I heard Gao Yidao said that he took people to the plains. Although the crops in the mountains were harmed by the devils and puppet troops, everyone was fine.

The goddamned little devil didn't even see a hair on the villagers.

That is his ruthlessness, so that everyone can still live safely in the mountains.

He's back, and he's back with more people.

Not only that, but what you bring is also more reassuring.

In the past, Wang Xiaosan had only one submachine gun, and the people behind him had twenty or thirty.

Although there is an iron piece on the military cap, the villagers stubbornly believe that they are also the Eighth Route Army.

The team following the man must be the Eighth Route Army
Sun Cui suddenly raised her voice: "What are you all doing in a daze? Hurry up and make room for the men to prepare a place to rest."

A group of villagers watching the excitement immediately dispersed.

Everyone went home, throwing out the rags from their homes one after another.

The top men go home, of course they have to live in their own homes
(End of this chapter)

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