under fire

Chapter 1192

If it weren't for the previous screams.

Plus the nine battalions of soldiers left on twelve bicycles.

Nothing seemed to happen outside the village.

There was no blood on the ground.

The land on the main road at the entrance of the village has been shoveled for half a foot and just filled with new soil.

"Why did you poke the devil's eye socket?" Ma Liang complained, "It made everyone's heart skip a beat."

"Less bleeding." Madman Yang was a little impatient.

Ma Liang's face was dark: "Where is it missing? It's all over the front and back, and even the brains are poked out."

"No need to make up"

"Why don't you make up for it?"

"Fix your clothes," Madman Yang said, and jumped on the roof next to him, intending to bask in the sun for a while.

"Don't go, pass my hands again"

Some eventually disappeared, stripped and buried in the ground.The crops at this location will be more prosperous in the coming year, and the grain grown here will definitely not be eaten by oneself, and will be delivered to the city at that time.

The villagers even thought about the future.
Eight Roads can also kill people, but fortunately, they only kill the devils and traitors who rob their own land.

Those who speak bird language are all devils, regardless of whether you are a commoner or not.

Still thinking about it for the villagers everywhere, more than ten Balu pretended to be traitors and rode their bicycles to the west.

Even if the Devil's Detective Team investigates afterwards, they will never find the head of Xiangmo Village.

All the villagers have to do is to rot this secret in their stomachs.

It seems that the rumor that Balu is the team of the common people is true.

Killing a devil is not a bit unequivocal.

I heard that in several villages next door, the boys in the family secretly voted for Balu, and they can still be taken care of by Balu.

As long as the people in their own village don't speak out, they will be fine.

Moreover, the devils are going to merge the villages and towns. I heard that the villagers who entered the concentrated settlements are not as good as death.
After weighing the pros and cons, casting eight is the best choice!

I heard that Balu is also recruiting daughters
"Sir, my second son is sixteen. Look, can you join the army?" The village chief brought more than a dozen villagers with dirty faces and ragged clothes, and the villagers led the eldest sons from all over the place.

Luo Fugui is very busy: "Of course, you can go west from here and enter the mountain from Lushuipu. If someone asks, they will say that they want to join the [-]th Battalion and [-]th Company of the Independent Regiment, and someone will receive you."

The staff of the investigation team were a little stunned. When they went to the household to investigate, every household said that they did not have strong labor.
Where did these young people with good physical fitness come from?
A few girls whose faces were smeared like the bottom of a pot and their hair was indistinguishable from men, pinched the corners of their clothes and stood outside the courtyard, daring not to come forward.

The chief's wife, Yan Yuese, who stayed in the village, walked forward: "Daughter. Do you want to join the Eighth Route Army?"

"I will mend my clothes, will the Eighth Route Army accept me too?"

"Of course, look, that pretty girl over there, isn't she the Eighth Route Army?"

"Wow" the girls started crying
"Cry, and tell all your misfortunes." The chief's wife motioned to Song Xiaoci to take a picture.

Such news material must be promoted.

Although there are not many female soldiers in the Eighth Route Army, there is definitely no problem in joining the quilt factory, the health team or even the Women's Rescue Association.

It seems that Pingyuan work is not difficult to do. To get the common people to agree, they must know that Balu is the team of the common people.

When a person joins the Eighth Route Army, in fact, a family or even a family will become a staunch supporter of the Eighth Route Army.

It is their greatest hope to let them see hope, attack the county seat, and then counterattack locally!

The common people have scales in their hearts and know who they can trust.

For the chief's wife, doing this kind of grassroots work is familiar.

I have seen many tragic scenes of being burned, killed and looted by devils.

She vaguely felt something was wrong with what happened outside the village, but she really didn't care at all.

even thinking.
The Eighth Route Army has military regulations. Could it be possible to defeat the devils by sticking to the regulations?
All the rules are formulated to defeat the devils!
Madman Yang sat on the roof with his arms crossed. He didn't like the mess in the yard.

But listen to the clamor and look at the excited faces.

No one asked if there was military pay.

No one asked if there was a pension army when he died.

No one even asked where the troops were after joining the Eighth Route Army.

Except for men.

And women.

There were even half-old children who were crying and unwilling to leave.

Madman Yang's expression finally turned serious.

From the bottom of his heart, he really looked down on the Eighth Route Army at all.

Even more despise those villagers who may have never washed their faces in their entire lives.

Before, he had never looked directly at those villagers.

Because he is the best soldier above.

He is the best student.

It's something they can only look up to.

Drink coffee, eat western food, listen to beautiful women sing at Paramount, watch the graceful posture of dancing girls, and stroll around the bustling streets with beauty.
There are cars in and out, and even planes.
Even yesterday, he disliked the ragged clothes with patches on his body.

Every night of the national army officer's song, wine and wine, beautiful and elegant music
The family members of the officials took advantage of their privileges to do business, reselling ordnance to make a fortune
Those were once their own dreams.

There was an old man in the yard who was scolding because Balu refused to accept his little grandson: "Your mother looks down on me? My boy and Wu Shui were born for a year, but they grew a little slower. After another year, I promise to be able to. higher than your line"

Several staff members were not angry, and persuaded them earnestly.

In the end, the old man did not survive, and reluctantly agreed to accept it.

The old man left happily and shouted when he saw the villagers
Madman Yang's eyes are a little moist, this is his compatriot.

A compatriot who is struggling to live under the iron shoes of the devil.

Madman Yang suddenly jumped off the roof.

Walked up to a child with no pants and a runny nose, squatted down, took out all the property in his pocket, three dollars of ocean
Hu Yi promised him that after the mission was completed, he could leave freely.

It was only an expedient measure that he promised that girl Chang Hongying to join the Eighth Route Army.

He has a straight temper and repays his kindness. Jiu has rescued his brother. He is willing to do dirty work for Jiuying as an animal for his brother.

After this matter is over, even if he goes up the mountain and becomes a bandit, he will continue to fight the devils.

He has faith and is the first to the nation, civil rights and people's livelihood of the prime minister in his early years.

It is the livelihood of the people that they can afford to eat and not be bullied.

The common people are equal to those in power, and that is civil rights.

Dare to beat the devil and sacrifice his life for this, that is the nation.

On the other hand, the Eighth Route Army, this morning, the "head" who was bigger than the regiment commander, like everyone else, ate porridge and ate mixed noodles.

These villagers, as long as they reach their height and age, are soldiers and eight-way, and there is no difference between them at all!
When the nine battalions fought against the devils, they did not care for themselves. When the devils were swept away, the guerrillas in the mountains always moved the people away first, and they themselves must stay at the back.

Villagers who joined the army in the courtyard.

No one asked about their education level.

No one asked about their family background.

No one disliked their ragged clothes.

No one cared about the occasional tick crawling on their clothes.

He could see clearly that the chief's wife had patches on the back of both elbows.

When talking to those dirty girls, there is no disgust in the eyes at all.

My own ideal. It turned out to be in these simple villages.

The child on the opposite side sucked back his snot and raised his face: "Uncle, mother said you can't ask for other people's money"

It is still a bit cold in places where there is no sun at the end of April in the Gregorian calendar.

The snot of the bare-ass kid slipped out of the two grooves and flickered from time to time.

"Uncle for you" Yang madman's eyes were sore: "You keep it"

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