under fire

Chapter 1193 Where to live after the county seat is conquered?

Meixian is a model county of public security.

There are not many pedestrians on the street.

From time to time, the chief with a two-stroke beard on his lips walked into the shops beside the street.

Occasionally, there are puppet army patrols lined up in the streets, and they do not harass the people.

The staff of the Ministry of Work of the enemy was extremely nervous.

Fortunately, the chief just looked at the store and asked the price.

Don't buy anything, then leave the store and enter the next one.

Don't waste time talking too much.

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes and muttered, "It looks like a poor ghost from the mountains"

Occasionally, I would stop at a certain firm and chat with the shopkeeper for a while.

Xiao Hongying and a group of five swaggered past the gate of the Devil's Gendarmerie in front of her.

Little Hongying even deliberately looked at the devil sentinel standing guard at the door.

Lao Zhou followed the chief, constantly muttering about the situation in the county where no one was around.

From the deployment of Guizi's troops to the organizational structure and operation and management methods of the county government.

The composition of the people in the city, the relationship between the companies and the devils and traitors.

Passing through the gate of the gendarmerie and the police force next door, followed by the county government, the provincial county hospital, and finally the gate of the investigation team.

Followed through the county primary school, a childish voice in the school was singing a soft bird song.

The chief's face was serious.

Xiao Hongying suddenly stopped after walking past the smoking hall.

She knew very well that the chief hated the person who opened the smokehouse.

To her surprise, the chief with a two-stroke beard stood across the street from Yanguan for a long time.

Even raised his fist.

After a group of people hurried around the streets and alleys, they followed Lao Zhou back to Buzhuang.

Xiao Hongying and a few people followed behind the clerk of the enemy's Ministry of Work to guard the periphery.

There was a sudden screeching of motorcycles on the street.

Then, the motorcycle stopped at the door of a shop without a signboard.

Xiao Hongying stared wide-eyed, turned around and muttered a few words to the enemy worker.

"That's not good, there is no such item in the chief's itinerary."

"You're stupid, that motorcycle is the deputy captain of the former Meixian detective team, and now he's the deputy captain of the Anxian detective team. The guy next to the car is the team captain of the Anxian County police team. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to investigate the enemy's situation."

"Looking for the traitor leader to investigate the enemy's situation?" The secretary of the enemy's Ministry of Industry was startled.

"Hurry up and report to the chief, find a place, and I will let them report to the work one by one."

"Let the deputy captain of the detective team and the police team report to the chief, what are you kidding?"

"Go if I tell you, if you don't believe me, ask the fox. Ask Lao Zhou"

"Which old Zhou?"

"The county chief next to the chief, don't say you don't know his identity"

The officer of the Ministry of Work of the enemy looked serious: "How do you know he is the county magistrate?"

Xiao Hongying curled her lips: "Mother-in-law, don't move here, I'll go ask for instructions."

After ten minutes.

Little Hongying raised her legs and rushed into the casino.

not long time.

Li Youcai and Li Wei had a dark face at the same time, followed Xiao Hongying and turned a street, and entered the first floor of an inconspicuous restaurant.

Xiao Hongying took away Li Youcai's holster, which had never been fired before, and the two followed the guard up to the second floor.

Li Taiwei took the initiative to put the gun on the table, Li Laosi sat down beside Li Taiwei: "My name is Li Laosi, we are a family"

Li Taiwei didn't take a close look at the appearance next to him, beckoned Xiao Er to come over, and ordered a few dishes.

Then the two of them didn't say anything, and when the dishes came, they directly shoved them into their mouths.

In the corner of the second floor.

The middle-aged man behind the table is not angry and arrogant.

At a table next to him, there were four people, three young men, and Old Zhou looked out the window with his back to Li Youcai.

"Hey, this is the deputy captain of the detective team, Li Youde's younger brother, he knows more about the detective team than any of us."

When you enter a restaurant, you can't eat without eating.

The runners started to serve food on the second floor.

It took a long time for the group to eat. After an hour, Li Wei was invited to the second floor by the guards.

Half an hour later, the people upstairs left one after another.

Xiao Hongying remained in the restaurant and pushed back Li Youcai's shell gun on the table: "I'll treat you this time!"

Li Youcai stared at the little girl quietly, and suddenly asked, "Why are you here?"

The little girl snorted and rolled her eyes: "Why can't I be here?"

"Who were those people just now?" Li Youcai was actually in a good mood.

"Our nine-battalion instructor." Xiao Hongying opened her eyes and said nonsense.

"Instructor? The instructor is Qin You? Why is there an instructor?"

"You know too much" Xiao Hongying became serious: "Why did you return to Meixian?"

"Li Youde called suddenly last night and asked me to go back to Ye Ye Village." Li Youcai was very scheming.

"Then why did you go to chop nine?"

"Don't you know that I'm used to it?" Li Youcai suddenly reacted, did he have a problem?

Why are you talking to this girl?A little crazy, maybe because the middle-aged man put too much pressure on him just now.

Xiao Hongying nodded with some sympathy: "You really should go back to Ye Ye Village to have a look."

Li Youcai was immediately vigilant: "Have you met Li Youde?"

Xiao Hongying shook her head: "He hasn't seen me"

Li Youde really didn't see her last night.

"It's nothing, I'm leaving." Xiao Hongying suddenly stood up and smiled: "You have to sit here until it gets dark before you can leave."

"It's dark? How can I go out of the city and go back to Leaf Village?"

"Your vice-captain, is it so difficult to get out of the city?"

Li Youcai shook his head: "Who dares to ride this thing around after dark?"

"Just stay here until it gets dark." Xiao Hongying got up and went downstairs.

Li Wei rushed to Li Youcai's side: "Brother, why is this girl here?"

"The middle-aged man that you and I talked to just now must be an official in Eighth Road!"

"That's right, it must be the head of their independent regiment!" Li Wei looked determined.

Li Youcai pondered for a while, and suddenly said, "The eighth road is going to hit the county seat!"

The tail was startled: "Ah? Then do we want it?"

Li Youcai raised his hand to signal Li Taiwei to sit down: "If we go out now, we will be shot to death, do you believe it?"

Tail's face turned pale: "When we come back this time, we are just visiting relatives."

Li Youcai shook his head: "This day is going to change"

The tail was a little stunned: "The national army is defeated, and the north of the Yellow River is the emperor's army. Hasn't this changed a long time ago?"

"I said, can you have some brains? I just told you that Balu is going to attack Meixian"

"Didn't you say change the sky?" The tail couldn't turn.

Li Youcai wanted to beat up his sidekick, so he couldn't help getting up, leaning to the window and secretly looking down on the street.

The business is still the business, and the bosses are all shouting in the sun as usual.

It's just that there seem to be more people with eyes in the shops.

Go back and sit at the table.

I began to think, if Balu really hit the county, would it be good or bad for me?
What does Li Youde mean by letting himself go back to his hometown at this time?
Also, why is Su Qing so sure that she can eat Yu Jingsan?

The more he thought about it, the more headaches became, Li Youcai simply stopped thinking about it, and shouted to the downstairs: "The shopkeeper, serve two more pounds of beef."

Li Wei smiled shyly: "Brother"

Li Youcai sighed, and suddenly turned around and sat opposite Li Taiwei: "You said, is it useless to follow the second brother?"

Li Taiwei's eyes widened: "Follow Erge Meixian Anxian to eat black and white on the ground and underground, if this can also be called a coward, I would rather be a coward every day."

Li Youcai stopped talking.

Xiao Hongying was not reckless, and the chief went out to investigate, and he must have asked for the enemy's organization and operation mechanism.

Didn't the chief say time was running out?
Looking for Li Youcai and Li Wei to understand the situation will definitely save a lot of time.

The police team and the detective team are all together, and then let Park Buhuan invite Wang Jingchang out.
Cut Jiu is familiar with the three ways, and even has friendship with people on the railway, ready-made enemy insiders.

What else do you know about the situation in Meixian Town, Anxian County?

Xiao Hongying squatted outside the cloth house, staring at the steaming bun shop not far away in a daze.

I didn't sleep last night and yawned.
If the county seat is really captured, will I live in Chunxiu Building or the Gendarmerie?

Chunxiu Building is fine, the fox said that the place is not serious

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