under fire

Chapter 1194-Ambition

Chapter 1194-Ambition
After the spring and summer raids.

Pang Sun defected to the enemy, and Wang Puppet newly established the No. 20 Fourth Army of the Shanxi-Hebei-Luyu "Suppression Bandits" Peaceful National Salvation Army.

Pang served as the commander-in-chief and was reorganized intensively in Kaifeng.

Collect local armed forces everywhere, and soon form a puppet army of four armies.

The Devil's North China Command slowly kicked off the second phase of the mopping up by Hua Zhihua.

The Chongqing government in the north of the Yellow River has not been idle, and has continued to deploy manpower to the 24th Army, skillfully continuing to play the old trick of killing with a knife.

In the Central Plains, except for small-scale operations, the Eighth Route Army seems to have died down.

The rain is coming and the wind is all over the building.

Xiaowang Village.

Sun Youshang assembled a team of more than a thousand people from the whole regiment, waiting for the "head" of the county government to review.

The assembled soldiers of the Water Conservation Regiment bid farewell to each other, and seemed to have little enthusiasm for the upcoming county magistrate's lecture.

The queue is not very neat and even more chaotic when talking to each other.

Through the work report of the County Public Security Bureau, County Mayor Yang had a clear picture of the situation of the Water Conservation Corps.
A group of people rushed into the village led by head Sun who greeted him at the entrance of the village.

The walls of the village are full of bullet holes.

Along the way, the friendly and courteous conversation with Head Sun was over, and Sun Youshang didn't hesitate when he reached the front of the team, and directly asked County Head Yang for instructions.

The scene was a bit chaotic, Sun Youshang's face was dull, and he immediately yelled: "Stand at attention. I invite County Magistrate Yang to speak, and everyone gives Magistrate Yang a warm applause."

Immediately, there was thunderous applause, and they went straight to the clouds, even the Taishang Laojun who was practicing alchemy was startled.
County Magistrate Yang was so ambitious that he raised his hand and pressed down to show his silence.

Looking at the tough faces, everyone has a gun.

I finally had my own armed force, and without thinking too much for the time being, I walked to the front of the team excitedly, and began to give a speech with great ambition and affection at the top of my voice.

From the three major discipline education to the eight attention
From national independence to resistance to imperialism.
From overthrowing the reactionaries to talking about the glorious history of our army in resisting Japan and saving the country
From the viciousness of the aggressors, weeping, to the heavy casualties of the elderly
Good profound theory, good practical action instructions.
Under his leadership, it is absolutely easy to drive the little devil out of the Central Plains, just around the corner!

Talking to Niu means "Forget it, don't insult the cow."

The soldiers of the Water Conservation Regiment are arrogant bandits!If it weren't for Lao Qin's help, most people probably wouldn't even know a few of the big characters painted on the wall except for their own names.

The soldiers were uneducated, so naturally they couldn't understand County Magistrate Yang's carefully selected parallel sentences.

I don't even understand those profound and profound idioms.

What is the meaning of those allusions that can make people think deeply?

The above speech was extremely passionate, and the bottom was extremely enthusiastic and immediately held a small meeting: "Where did this Zhao Kuo come from?"

"Fuck, if I follow him, I won't be killed by Bai Qi?"

"Farting, that's called talking on paper, people use their mouths to be silly."

"I would rather listen to Lao Qin's nagging"

"Listen to him, the blue sky and white sun flag will fill the streets and alleys of An County tomorrow."

"Even the huts have to plant flags"

"What are those people he brought here doing?" Some soldiers noticed that the people brought by County Magistrate Yang were carrying buckets to make trouble on the wall.

"It is estimated that the slogan that the little devil brushed is going to cover the refresh slogan."

"Is this going to change?"

“I always feel like something is wrong”

Everyone has a heart for comparison. Hu Yi never mobilizes before a battle, and Sun Youshang's blood boiled when he heard it first.

But suddenly I thought of Su Qing's rigor, the ninth battalion commander's coldness, and Lao Qin's nagging about boiling frogs in warm water.
No matter how stupid he is, he still knows the purpose of county magistrate Yang's words: it seems that there is action?

It felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on my heart.

Forced himself to calm down, not to be infected by County Magistrate Yang, and did not even dare to watch County Magistrate Yang's passionate body movements.

Slowly hold your arms up and make a psychological defense.

County Magistrate Yang finally stopped speaking
County Magistrate Yang's long talk is finally over?
The dazed Sun Youshang let out a sigh of relief, and hurriedly raised his voice to get everyone to applaud
As a result, people just took a breather halfway through.
The speech continued, spittle flying everywhere.
Fortunately, I didn't applaud just now, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

Concentrate quickly and listen to County Magistrate Yang again about the latest instructions from superiors asking all ministries to carry out guerrilla warfare in enemy-occupied areas.
With thoughts, I can't concentrate and start to wander.

How can you be distracted when your superior is speaking?

As soon as he came back to his senses, he heard sparse applause from the team.

Sun Youshang quickly followed suit and applauded more enthusiastically than anyone else.

Seeing that the applause from his subordinates was not warm enough, he immediately opened his throat and shouted: "Be more enthusiastic."

As a result, the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun was knocked down by lightning.

This speech is mind blowing!
Sun Youshang's thinking was uncontrollable and divergent. If Yang Xian was asked to speak to the enemy before the battle, he would probably be able to make the enemy feel ashamed of speaking, obediently put down his gun and surrender.
County Magistrate Yang standing in front of the team was very satisfied, it was definitely his best speech ever!
The voice is cadenced, and at the same time it shows great ambition.

After the applause ended.

County Magistrate Yang felt that his throat was a little tight, and so did Head Sun, who didn't even prepare a glass of water.

Sucking hard at the base of his tongue to accumulate some saliva, he swallowed, and his smoldering throat finally recovered a bit of toughness.

He coughed and coughed twice, and shook his fist violently: "Next, we have to respond to the instructions of our superiors, remove the blockades on the blockade, and strive to be a model for the entire army!"

Sun Youshang was stunned for a moment, his face changed drastically, and he almost vomited blood
County magistrate Yang is very satisfied with the performance of head sun.

As long as he is in the county government, he must listen to the report of the Public Security Bureau every day, do everything by himself, and conduct many on-site inspections.

He knew that the county public security team and the armed task force had planted nails in the blockhouses on the blockade.

Now, the water will come when conditions are ripe, and with the combination of inside and outside, there is naturally no problem in taking down the blockhouse in one fell swoop.

When I went to a meeting with my superiors, I heard that nearly a thousand armed task forces had been established.

The brother troops in Shanxi entered the enemy-occupied areas to fight guerrillas, and several teams that took down the gun towers were rewarded by their superiors.

The chief of the County Public Security Bureau acted together with Jiuying to die. He always thought that Jiuying would come to him...However, the mud from the Ninth Battalion, which couldn't stick to the walls, didn't even look for him for such a long time. The Public Security Bureau under him didn't have the ability to take down the enemy's artillery towers.

During this meeting, when a colleague asked about it, he felt that he had lost face to his grandma's house.

Uncle can't bear it, auntie can't bear it!
Now that his subordinates are armed, they must flex their muscles and let those who look down on him drop their jaws!
Head Sun was really shocked and speechless for a while.

After nearly a year of preparation, the armed task force found out every puppet army veteran in the military, and then carefully selected a group of relatively reliable puppet troops, and then used the puppet army's family members to do their ideological work.

Lao Qin had even placed some soldiers in the Paolouzi.

To take down the turret, you don't need to do it at all!Plan ahead, and secretly replace all the puppet troops in the gun tower with soldiers from the Ninth Battalion.

As for the Water Conservation Corps, they have complicated personnel, so they dare not do this!

The county magistrate Yang is going to wipe out the blockhouses as soon as he arrives?
Isn't this killing the chicken and taking the egg?

This matter can't be said publicly, so I hurried to the county magistrate Yang: "It's easy to take down the gun tower, but the little devil will watch? It will definitely be surrounded by heavy troops, and we won't be able to hold it down!"

County Magistrate Yang understated: "Execute the order"

The magistrate Yang, who pretended to be calm, was not stupid. Of course, he could hear that what Captain Sun said was true.

However, taking down the gun tower is definitely a great achievement. Even if the enemy is encircling and suppressing, the enemy advances and retreats, can't the team retreat to the mountains?
Moreover, before leaving, those gun towers can be demolished and those blockades can be filled.

In the future, going out of the mountain and entering the enemy-occupied area will definitely be a long-distance drive, and you can pass wherever you want.

Unlike now, when passing the blockhouse, you have to sneak around in the middle of the night to let the inside line in the blockhouse respond.
Take down the gun tower, ten benefits and one harm, this must be done!
At that time, with this credit, I will definitely have no problem becoming the deputy secretary of the prefectural committee.

According to the superior enemy's report, the little devil's troops were transferred to the Pacific Ocean, and the troops in the counties were empty.

At that time, I will control the overall situation again, use this as a base, vigorously recruit troops, and destroy the enemy's communication lines in the enemy-occupied area to support the war. From then on, the devils no longer have the ability to maneuver.

The independent regiment and the supplementary regiment will have to follow their own orders to enter the plains and occupy the city.

Encircle the city from the countryside, then attack the local tyrants to divide the land, until the east is connected with the Shandong Military Region, go north to threaten Pingjin, and recover the land of the Central Plains behind the enemy
He was a national hero at that time.
That woman looks down on me?

From now on, this secretary will not even look at her straight in the eye.
(End of this chapter)

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