under fire

Chapter 1207 Dark Walker

Chapter 1207 Dark Walker

Hu Yi led people to hide in the dark, and asked Dagou to release a puppet soldier back to the gun tower to report.

The pseudo-company commander received the news that all his subordinates were captured with guns by the unidentified team. After thinking for a while, he did not report to the devil instructor immediately.

Instead, a platoon of puppet troops was immediately assembled, and they hurried out of the blockhouse with two light machine guns and rifles on their shoulders.

Tell the puppet army on duty that if the imperial army resting in the stronghold village asks, he will go out for routine inspections at night.

The puppet company commander stopped far away in the darkness, not daring to risk himself, and ordered his platoon leader to negotiate with the puppet army who reported the letter.

As a negotiator, Dagou did not have the rifles in the hands of the puppet soldiers who did not plan to guard the gun tower.

Directly proposed to the pseudo-platoon leader to exchange the motorcycle for the heavy machine gun in the gun tower.

The fake platoon leader was stunned for a moment, a motorcycle can be exchanged for ten Min [-] and [-] heavy machine guns!

The key point is that motorcycles are completely priceless on the black market. Under the eyes of the imperial army, who would dare to ride such a thing?

Hurry back and report to the false company commander.

The person who can become a false company commander is naturally not stupid, and after careful consideration, he agreed to this deal.

The value of the motorcycle is much higher than that of the Miner [-] quadruple machine gun. The pseudo-company commander has a simple idea. If he can take back the Imperial Army motorcycle, it will definitely be a great achievement.

After the pseudo platoon leader made two more trips, the pseudo company commander found it troublesome to pass on the message.

Seeing the sincerity of the other party, he directly brought someone over to have a face-to-face meeting with Big Dog. Big Dog exchanged the motorcycle for a heavy machine gun at the price of cabbage, and the two quickly reached a deal.

Normally, the devil instructors in the gun tower would count the weapons, so it was not acceptable to exchange them directly.

If you lose that thing, there is a risk of losing your head. After muttering for a while, the two sides finally figured out a way.

exchange on the battlefield
The pseudo-company commander readily agreed that he would shoot all the bullets in this battle.
The devil instructor usually lives in the village next to the stronghold, and finally decided to choose a place a little farther away from the stronghold to fight.

Big Dog also wanted a mortar, and the false company commander shook his head. If so, the business would be impossible.

In the end, he agreed to give Dagou two boxes of [-] shells, that is, six rounds, and put forward a condition that Dagou swear to God that he would not use these shells to hit the gun tower he was guarding!
For the big dog, swearing is absolutely no different from farting, and immediately swears a poisonous oath to Taishang Laojun with his real name Luo Fugui
The two parties agreed on the contact information in the future, and then took their people away.

Not long after, gunshots began to sound from the side of the blockade ditch.

Then, the false platoon leader rushed back to the gun tower.

Then, a four-man mortar team carried the artillery, a four-man machine gun team carried heavy machine guns, and ran along the blockade ditch carrying shell boxes and ammunition boxes.

Light and heavy machine guns clamored in the dark night, shells exploded in the dark night.

There were mortars on both sides, and the fighting was fierce.
On both sides, you attack and I defend, and you defend and I attack. They pulled back and forth several times
The nearby artillery towers immediately organized reinforcements. The instructor of the Imperial Army led the Imperial Association Army with torches to slow down the troops. The battle was almost over before they reached the battle scene.
Presumably, the defeated soldiers who came out of the mountains saw the imperial association army coming to help everywhere, and they were frightened and retreated southward to the mountains.
It was a battle, and the Royal Association Army won a complete victory.

With the strength of a platoon, they repelled the attack of more than a hundred rout soldiers who came out of the mountain, and their own side suffered heavy casualties. More than a dozen imperial association troops with bandages on their arms and heads were moaning on a stretcher at this moment!

Great results!

Recovered a Luwang motorcycle stolen by the imperial army in a surprise attack by the rout soldiers, and killed and injured countless rout soldiers.

It's a pity that the opponent has a large number of people, and they snatched away the wounded and carried away the corpse
The biggest loss was due to the untimely retreat and the loss of a heavy machine gun.
As for how it was lost, the pseudo-company commander personally reported to the Imperial Army Sergeant Cao, saying that there were too many defeated soldiers, and the other party also had mortars.

When the two sides attacked and defended each other, they were blown up, and before they could be carried away, they were picked up by the other side.

Moreover, the heavy machine gunners were also injured, several of them were still lying on stretchers, no one knew if they could survive
The pseudo-company commander asked Sergeant Cao if he wanted to go into the mountains to pursue him, but Sergeant Cao resolutely gave up after looking at the wounded soldiers all over the place.

Sergeant Cao thought he had complete control over the situation at hand.

A few months ago, a group of Eight Routes also took the opportunity of attacking the artillery towers, causing heavy casualties to the pursuing imperial army and imperial association army.

There is absolutely no other possibility for Heideng blindly entering the mountain to pursue him, other than being ambushed.

The rout soldiers obviously wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, or divert the tiger away from the mountain.

It is absolutely impossible to do this. After pretending to condolences to the injured Imperial Association Army, he took the motorcycle back to the gun tower to make a phone call. The motorcycle that was snatched in the afternoon was found in the evening. Based on this, half a month later He can be transferred back to the city within a few days, and he no longer has to stay in this broken blockhouse to feed mosquitoes every night
Devils really look down on Min [-] water-cooled heavy machine guns.

One is that apart from the crooked and crooked machine guns at home, other weapons are simply looked down upon.

The second is that the caliber of the ammunition and the devil's ammunition are not compatible, so it is troublesome to supply, and it is necessary to add water when shooting.

The third is because the defense of this thing is indeed a big killer, and how could the imperial army defend?What's more, there is no established national army in the entire north of the Yellow River, and only Tuba Road is left to fight guerrillas in the mountains. It is unlikely that there will be a situation of positional warfare. The heavy machine gun is too heavy. The Tubalu, the best weapon to use is the accurate Tomosaka rifle.
The frame of the Min [-] quadruple machine gun was separated, and the dirty face threw the barrel to Mancang: "You release the water yourself"

Dirty Face didn't want to carry this thing at all. After throwing it to Mancang, he pretended to start maintaining the crooked handlebars that were removed from the motorcycle.

Wen Wuquan, who was next to the two of them, stroked the machine gun mount, and his nose was so excited that his nose bubbled.

People's mentality is very strange. Knowing that after going to the battlefield, light and heavy machine guns are the key targets in the devil's eyes. As soon as the gun is fired, all the bullets and grenades of the devil will greet this guy, but there are still many stunned youths who like it .

The big dog is not stunned, so he doesn't want to stay with Mancang at all, and directly gives Mancang the two puppet soldiers who just got back and haven't had time to educate them as deputy shooters. Had to bow his head.

The two of them are not stupid. After they left the team in the afternoon, such a big incident happened. Even if they can go back, they probably won't be able to please them.

Finally contacted Ma Liang's pioneers who sneaked across the blockade from the west, and the team reunited again.

Mei County Hospital.

Gendarmerie directly enlisted several yards near the hospital.

Nurse Keiko felt a little strange. There were not many patients in the hospital. Why did the military police conscript so many houses?

Pushing open the two creaking swing doors, she emerged in the yellowish light of the electric lights, feeling relieved that it was off-duty time.

"Miss Keiko!"

Following the sound, I found a three-wheeled motorcycle parked in the dark, and the dog traitor was sitting on a broken basket smoking a cigarette.

Seeing Li Youcai, Nurse Huizi was not too worried: "When did you come back?"

Li Youcai threw away the cigarette butt: "Yesterday."

Huizi stopped opposite Li Youcai: "What can you do with me?"

Li Youcai smiled under the dim streetlight: "I'll take you home."

Keiko pursed her lips and smiled: "What you promised me has never been fulfilled..."

"I've got an idea, I'm serious, you really shouldn't be curious about Balu, if you do this, it will probably hurt you"

Keiko nodded: "Thank you for your concern, I'm really just curious"

Li Youcai is not so sophisticated in handling women: "Let's go, I'll treat you to dinner, and I'm going back to An County tomorrow."

Keiko shook her head subconsciously: "It's too late, it's not good..."

Li Youcai couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "There is something I want to ask."

Hearing that Li Youcai had something to ask for advice, Keiko felt that he seemed to be quite useful: "Okay then."

There were not many guests in the restaurant at night, so Li Youcai ordered four dishes.

"You ordered too much, you can't finish it." Keiko quickly stopped: "Just tell me, do you have anything to ask?"

Li Youcai lowered his voice, "I have a friend who wants to buy some medicine, can you help me?"

Keiko was stunned for a moment: "What medicine do you want? If it's not a particularly important medicine, I can give it to you if you don't need much."

Li Youcai smiled: "How can it be done, since it is a purchase, of course you have to pay, at the market price."

Keiko shook her head: "If you sell it, I can't help you."

"Aren't you looking for Gao Yidao? That's what he wants"

Keiko was stunned for a moment, her face seemed to be a little hot: "The name of the medicine. Is there. How much does he want?"

(End of this chapter)

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