under fire

Chapter 1208 Suggested revision of teaching content

Chapter 1208 Suggested revision of teaching content
In the darkness before dawn, Luo Fugui, carrying a bicycle and a machine gun, walked into Nanzhaigou Village in the mountains, sweating profusely on the undulating path in the mountains.

The support personnel from the fifth division have already been arranged in the village.

Surroundings are guarded by the enemy industry department and the divisional guards leading the division response personnel.

Hu Yi, who was in charge of the team's security, had a much easier job, and the second echelon brought by Xiao Hongying had also gone to the village to rest.

After walking all night, he did not sleep and rest in the village, but sat quietly at the entrance of the village and waited.

In addition to him, the people waiting at the entrance of the village were the leaders of the enemy engineering division of the fifth division.

He is very friendly to Hu Yi, because the team equipment that Hu Yi brings is really enviable. He is obviously relieved to have such a team to protect the safety of the chief.

For the sake of confidentiality, the two parties did not introduce each other's names when they met.

Hu Yi didn't know the other party. Apart from knowing that the other party was from the Division of Enemy Engineering, he knew nothing about other situations.

The other party was leaning against the big tree at the entrance of the village, already asleep.

There are mosquitoes in the mountains, Hu Yi can't sleep, counting the stars in the sky.
Even though he didn't want to admit it, he still regarded that woman as his goal in life.

Traveling thousands of miles from distant Shanghai to the Taihang Mountains, if you say that you have never had the extravagant desire to have more intersections with that woman, you are completely lying to yourself.

He is not a saint, just a soldier.

He is not good at dealing with emotions at all, and even treats the people around him rashly with the temper of a passionate soldier.

Seeing the crowd appearing in the distance, Hu Yi stood up and carefully distinguished the figure among the crowd.

Two days after they came out, they didn't even say a word between them.

It was as if everything had been forgotten by time.

Hu Yi seems to have an illusion that she seems to have forgotten herself.

If it weren't for the military uniform reminding him all the time, he felt that he and her were just strangers, or just an ordinary gay relationship.

The team got closer and closer, seeing Hu Yi's new military uniform, Su Qing suddenly smiled, then frowned again.

Including the team that came over, most of the military uniforms that were washed white were patched, but his new dark gray military uniform was straight.

Even the chief couldn't help but look at him twice.

Seeing Su Qing frown, Hu Yi had an indescribable feeling.

It feels very weird, maybe. This is the happiness that is remembered by others.

At dawn, the sun slowly rose from the top of the mountain in the east, climbed to the blue sky, and continued its day's journey.

Nanzhaigou is not far from the Ping-Han Railway, and the devils raided the mountainous area many times, so that the villagers sneaked back to their hometowns.

The task force carried out the investigation work as usual, and the head listened to the work report of the leaders of the division's enemy engineering department.

Xiao Hongying, who slept soundly all morning, hurried into a courtyard with her lunch box.

He sat directly next to Hu Yi, who was lying under the eaves, taking off his military uniform and only wearing a shirt, shorts and shorts, wrapped in a marching blanket: "Hey, fox, it's time to eat."

Hu Yi opened his eyes: "Aren't you going to sleep for a while?"

Xiao Hongying didn't seem to be in a good mood: "Why sleep? Later, you have to make up for the night study that you missed yesterday." The study arrangement of the Anti-Japanese University is very tight. During the day, you sleep in the morning and study in the afternoon. Hu Yi goes out with the leaders in the afternoon. The task was delayed for half a day.

Hu Yi took the lunch box: "When will it start?"

Xiao Hongying yawned: "You eat first, the director of the enemy industry department will come to make up lessons for you in a while."

Hu Yi frowned: "Or the 190 questions?"

"The basic tasks of retreating the enemy and attacking the middle class that I talked about yesterday. It doesn't work." Xiao Hongying suddenly widened her eyes when she said this: "Hey, wait for class later, why don't you give your opinion and ask the instructor to change the teaching content?"

Hu Yi glanced at Xiao Hongying: "Why didn't you mention it?"

Xiao Hongying's drowsiness has long since disappeared, and her tone is excited: "He is a platoon leader, and he will not be taken seriously if he mentions it. Otherwise, everyone listens to those basic tactics that can be said in sleep all day long, which is really boring."

The content of studying at the Anti-Japanese University is not complicated, and the improvement of ideological awareness mainly revolves around "Must-Read for Eighth Route Army Soldiers".

When the instructors faced the teaching of grassroots commanders, they focused on explaining the "Anti-Japanese Tactics Questions and Answers", which was distributed by hand.

The Q&A is divided into three parts and 190 paragraphs with [-] questions and corresponding explanations.

The first part is the squad’s combat and service. The teacher explains the squad’s offense and squad’s defense. Through detailed cases, the squad is serving as a military post, and the squad is serving as a military reconnaissance, including the basic tasks of the squad in retreating and attacking the enemy, and the follow-up tactics of the whole class. , Half-shift follow-up tactics and group follow-up tactics.

The second part is the battle and service of the platoon. It explains in detail the formation of infantry during defense, defensive warfare, and encounters. It teaches the commander how to command the opponent's next three squads to command when encountering various situations, supplemented by actual combat. Analysis and summary.

The third part is the battle and service of the company, explaining the key points of the company commander from reconnaissance to field position defense, from the beginning to the end of the battle to withdrawing from the battle, serving as the guard of the garrison, and serving as reconnaissance, supplemented by how the commander responds to the troops in actual combat Arrangements, how to arrange positions with the help of favorable terrain, and how to command the complete combat missions of the various ministries.
The officer of the enemy engineering department explained the theory, and Wang Liujin served as the practical instructor.

The anti-war teaching material was compiled four years ago. Due to the constantly changing situation between the enemy and ourselves, it was supplemented by the analysis of various types of combat cases summarized by the Eighth Route Army in the battle against the enemy in the fortnightly "Knowledge of Anti-Japanese War".

It summarizes the situation that the grassroots commanders may encounter in the battle.

And put forward corresponding confrontation strategies or action guidelines, so that grass-roots commanders can clarify the planning of all actions, use troops flexibly, actively and plannedly entertain offensive warfare in defensive warfare, preserve their own strength as much as possible and eliminate enemy.

Through theoretical study, supplemented by practical training, grass-roots commanders can understand how to adopt corresponding tactics in various complex situations after they go to the battlefield.

The most critical thing is that the grassroots commanders must convey these 190 questions to every soldier.

Many grassroots commanders of the Eighth Route Army didn't know a few big characters, but they fought very well, so it was impossible for them to impart knowledge. The superiors noticed this problem very early on.

Therefore, each company is generally equipped with an instructor to guide the soldiers of the whole company to learn to flexibly use the tactics contained in these 190 questions to fight against the enemy.

Hu Yi found out the day before yesterday that the teacher had taken great pains in teaching the students.

Therefore, an early shift was conducted to understand the actual situation of the grassroots commanders
I studied a lot of theories when I was studying at the Anti-Japanese University in the teacher's department. At least there was a library where I could look up materials. Without a certain cultural foundation, it was impossible to learn a lot of theories.

And this kind of teaching point learns with the team, and the content of the teaching is simpler and easier to understand.

He found that the semi-monthly "Anti-Japanese War Knowledge" published for four years, including the classic battle cases explained by the officers of the enemy's engineering department, rarely mentioned positional warfare, siege warfare, and special operations.

To put it simply, the teaching point pays more attention to the 190 questions that are flexible for grassroots commanders on the actual battlefield.

If you are studying ordinary platoon and company commanders, this kind of teaching can be regarded as solidifying basic theoretical knowledge, which can significantly improve the commander's command level.

However, it is obviously not suitable to still follow this kind of textbook and teaching mode in the Jiuying Camp.

In the dilapidated compound, students sat all over the place.

At the beginning of the make-up class, Hu Yi tactfully suggested to the teacher: I hope to change the teaching content.

When the officer of the enemy engineering department heard Hu Yi's question, he immediately frowned: "You mean it's useless for you to learn this?"

(End of this chapter)

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