under fire

Chapter 1209

Chapter 1209
Hu Yi shook his head: "It's not that studying is useless, but that everyone has already learned these contents a few years ago. I don't think there's any need to waste time."

The instructor of the enemy's engineering department, surnamed Lin, began to frowned, and his tone became a little excited: "Talk about your thoughts."

As early as when the Ninth Battalion was still in the squad, Hu Yi continued to impart basic tactical knowledge, and his tone was calm: "After we were promoted to the company, we had no problems with mortars, grenades, machine guns, grenades, landmines, etc. in defensive and offensive warfare. Collaborative use has been slowly mastered and proficient.

In addition to conventional ambushes and guerrilla tactics, almost all students in our class have mastered the deployment of troops in villages and street battles.

Even, most people can drive motorcycles and bicycles, carry out reconnaissance activities in enemy battle zones many times, and recruit defeated friendly troops to instigate rebellion against puppet troops.”

Hearing Hu Yi's plain talk, Instructor Lin was stunned for a moment. The reason for the arrangement of the Anti-Japanese University courses is because the Eighth Route Army has developed too fast in recent years. .

This study is to let everyone consolidate the basic theory and raise the level of command to a higher level.

After a while, Instructor Lin suddenly said, "Then what do you want to learn?"

Hu Yi knew very well that Instructor Lin, who had studied abroad, should have a high level of command. He sincerely suggested: "According to the deployment of the superior, we will pilot a partial counter-offensive. Therefore, I hope you will talk more about offensive tactics, including the offensive tactics during the Long March. City warfare, fortified warfare, how to defend against enemy aircraft bombing and targeting, how to defend against artillery, poison gas, bacteria, and enemy flamethrowers”

Instructor Lin suddenly remembered that when he was in the Independent Regiment, he saw the Ninth Battalion’s summary of the previous battle, and he couldn’t help laughing at himself: “It seems that I am a bit dogmatic, but I want to ask you a question: what you said. Understand?"

Hu Yi nodded: "Except for the lack of anti-gas equipment, I have never been attacked by flamethrowers. Most of them have experienced it before. It's just that everyone's study is relatively fragmented. I hope that I can systematically learn attack theory at home."

"How about this, everyone first learn the required readings for soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, and revise the teaching content in the afternoon." Instructor Lin walked to Hu Yi and smiled, lowering his voice: "Actually, I also feel that these basic theories of small-scale battles are taught every day. It's annoying. Come out with me!"

Although the Eighth Route Army is in the mountains, the enemy's Ministry of Industry has a good understanding of the international situation
Instructor Lin had studied abroad, and when he was in the division, he also specially organized and studied the mechanized lightning tactics of Mustache.

Even, through his classmates abroad, he specially obtained special operations materials on Simon Haye's sniper tactics to deal with large-scale attacks
Of course, the training method of the secret service battalion has to be kept secret, and it is not very suitable for grassroots commanders.

There are a lot of teaching materials for the preparation of the Anti-Japanese University. It is not a problem to find a series of teaching materials suitable for a strong combat force like the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment.

Instructor Lin was dismissed by Hu Yi with a few words.

Soldiers from the Special Service Battalion of the Division were on guard at the gate of the yard, and students were not allowed to leave the yard without orders.

Then, Ma Liang appeared at the gate of the small courtyard, whispering a few words to the soldiers on guard.

Then he waved to Hu Yi.

Hu Yi looked at the group of subordinates and classmates who were taking supplementary classes in the courtyard, and followed Ma Liang out of the small learning courtyard.

The rest of the make-up students in the broken yard immediately formed a circle and began to discuss the battle from yesterday afternoon to night.

Not long after, the division guards in the village brought in two long wooden tables.

There are still locks on the table, it is obvious which door panel was removed.

Logically speaking, this kind of thing should not happen. The Eighth Route Army has regulations not to take needles from the masses.

Sitting on the ground and practicing writing is naturally not as comfortable as sitting at a table.

Immediately afterwards, the platoon leader Hongying appeared at the door and gesticulated triumphantly: "I got this special approval from the enemy's Ministry of Industry. Before dark, you have to return the door panel to the temple in the east of the village."

More than [-] people crowded around the door and began to copy the third and fourth lessons that soldiers of the Eighth Route Army must read.

As anti-university students, the instructor directly arranged for everyone to copy it.

Ordinary soldiers also need to learn the required readings for soldiers. If they fail to pass the study, they will face the possibility of being streamlined according to the latest regulations of the superior.
The big dog sat at the table and expressed his opinion seriously: "Fuck, finish copying early and finish work early..."

"Grandma's words don't recognize me... If you copy them, it's just for nothing." Luo Fugui bit the tip of his pen and glanced at the dirty face next to him who was writing hard: "Can you write like this?"

Dirty looked up, surprised: "Didn't the girl say that you can draw circles for words you don't know?"

Wan Baxi pouted at the side: "Drawing a circle? You want to be beautiful, you, you are not writing a thought report, copying it, and you want to draw a circle?"

"Hey, let me be careful, we never wrote this before."

"You know what, it's because I don't know how to read, otherwise I would have been admitted to the Artillery School directly."

"Then tell me, do you not need to shoot cannons after you go to artillery school?"

"If I can enter the Artillery School, at least I can shoot accurately and beat those beasts to death."

It has to be said that seeing the evil that the devils did to the friendly field hospital in Huangqiu Cave, even Wanbaxi's consciousness has been improved a lot.

Only Li Xiang and Man Cang were silent, Li Xiang had already copied half of the 24 lessons, and Man Cang had copied the tenth lesson.
When studying intensively, it is most taboo for someone to talk, and if someone interrupts, all of them will be distracted, and the copying will naturally fail.

When Hu Yi was around, no one dared to speak.

Hu Yi was not there, and the learning scene was immediately heated up.

"Hey, the warehouse is full. If you can't finish the two boxes of bullets, give them to me." Dirty Face's official report to the regiment was the machine gun platoon leader of Luo Fugui's company, and he temporarily borrowed Xiao Hongying as the platoon leader.

Stop writing when the warehouse is full, and answer seriously: "There are not many bullets in the two boxes, and they can't be evened out."

After finishing speaking, ignore the dirty face and ridicule.

Dirty face made a fuss, turned to the girl who was squatting next to the heavy machine gun and said: "Hey, where is Mr. Hu?"

The girl squinted her dirty face: "Do mass work in the village, dig water canals for the villagers, do you want to go too?"

"Forget it, I don't wash my face." The dirty face turned around and poked Wang Xiaosan at the table next to him with a pencil: "Hey, did you cook this morning's meal?"

Wang Xiaosan slapped the pencil on the door panel: "You're never finished, you're just a rat droppings, spoiling a pot of soup"

The big dog had just finished copying the third lesson, smelled the smell of gunpowder, immediately put down the pencil in his hand, and began to add fuel: "What the hell is this breakfast porridge. I think..."

As soon as the conversation started, Dirty Face immediately turned his head and sneered: "You think it's a fart, I have a good relationship with Xiaosan."

"Don't think that you want Wang Xiaosan to copy the text for you, I will report it later"

"Aside from reporting, can you do something else?"

"Why don't you draw a line, I will accompany you"

"There's a big bandit named Shi Wenhu in this area. When this thing is over, let's fight him!"

Bang. Xiao Hongying slapped her hand heavily on the large water pipe of the heavy machine gun next to her.

The small eyebrows were erected, and the eyes were wide open: "Why are you arguing? If anyone can't finish copying the third lesson, there will be no lunch at noon."

Then without saying a word, he turned around and left the small study courtyard.

When I went out, I hurriedly slammed my little hands to catch the cool air
Ma Liang walked into the small courtyard where the enemy's Ministry of Industry worked.

He went straight to Hu Yi, who was discussing something with Officer Lin, with a serious expression on his face: "This area is the area where Shi Wenhu and his group of bandits are active. The peripheral soldiers have found signs of bandit activities."

"Don't say anything, the comrades in the sub-district discovered something was wrong last night, and it's daytime now, so we can't transfer it." Director Lin's expression remained unchanged, and he stood up and asked Ma Liang, "What else do you know?"

Ma Liang quickly replied: "After the year, I will go back to the base area and dispatch troops to sub-districts to eliminate the reactionary sectarian armed forces. I heard from the company commander of our battalion, Chen Chong, that Shi Wenhu voted for the devils on the surface, and secretly colluded with the Rangers. Moreover, Chen Chong was suppressing the horses." During the time of the big bangzi, a ranger was also wiped out."

Hu Yi frowned and asked Director Lin: "What do the people from the sub-districts say?"

Director Lin's voice was full of anger: "The division has never taken action against this group of bandits, because Shi Wenhu and his group of bandits did not attack ordinary people in the name of robbing the rich and helping the poor.

However, after the headquarters was raided by the devils last year, the gang of bandits changed their nature. There was originally a work team in the sub-district operating north of the Qi River, and more than [-] people were killed by the bandit traitor Shi Wenhu, Zhao Hutou's militia, and Guo Youmin's ghost district team. Surrounded by people, the two sides fought fiercely all day and night, more than ten members of the work team were killed, and five were arrested. Shi Wenhu escorted the arrested team members to the river and buried them alive.”

Hu Yi understood that this area was a defense zone, and Director Lin knew far more about the situation than himself, so he was silent for a while: "Why don't you go and report after the meeting of the chiefs, and kill this group of bandits by the way ?”

Officer Lin shook his head: "No, our task now is to protect the chief's safety!"

Hu Yi could understand, and changed the subject: "Do you think it's okay to ask Instructor Li to help bring a message to the Huangqiu Cave Guerrilla Squadron, so that they can come out of the mountains and suppress these bandits?"

Officer Lin was stunned for a moment: "Why haven't I heard of such an establishment as the Huangqiu Cave Guerrilla Squadron?"

Hu Yi didn't hide it: "This is a guerrilla team that was just formed in the western mountainous area in cooperation with the Independent Group and the Eighth District and Four District Committees. The political commissar had already written a report to the superior two days ago."

"Wait, what do you mean to say that besides the Water Conservation Group and the Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade, your Ninth Battalion has private teams?"

Hu Yi immediately denied: "The Autumn Wind Guerrilla Brigade is a brother army, and the Water Conservation Brigade is not a team of the Ninth Battalion."

Officer Lin thought for a moment, and then revealed a piece of news to Hu Yi: "We just received news through the radio this morning that the Water Conservation Corps launched a surprise attack on the blockades on the blockade west of An County, and took down six blockhouses in one fell swoop."

"What did you say?" Hu Yi's face changed drastically: "Who gave this bastard order?"

A guard hurried into the yard: "Report to Officer Lin. Uh, Captain Hu, are you there? The chief asked you to go there."

 "Eighth Route Army Soldiers Must Read" has a total of 24 lessons, which all Eighth Route Army soldiers must study.

  lesson one who are we
  Lesson [-] Why We Love the Eighth Route Army
  Lesson [-] Why We Should Resolutely Resist Japan
  Lesson [-] The Predecessor of the Eighth Route Army

  Lesson [-] The Birth of the Eighth Route Army

  Lesson [-] The leader of the Eighth Route Army - the Communist Party
  Lesson [-] The Eighth Route Army during the Civil War

  Lessons [-] and [-] Struggle for the Anti-Japanese National United Front

  Lesson [-] The Eighth Route Army in the War of Resistance
  No.11 Political Commissar System

  No.12 Lesson Political Organization
  Lesson No.13 How to be a Revolutionary

  No.14 to Class [-] Model Soldiers ([-]), ([-]), ([-]), ([-]), ([-]), ([-])
  No.20 lesson against corruption
  No.20 A lesson to clear up the feudal remnants*
  No.20 Lesson [-] Breaking Superstition*
  No.20 Lesson [-]: Where is the world going?

  No.20 Four Lessons of Communism

(End of this chapter)

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