under fire

Chapter 1210 The First Training Mission

Chapter 1210 The First Training Mission

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Shaanxi folk congregations often wore Guanshan knives that were three feet long and two inches wide. They were mainly active in the west of Tongguan and the banks of the Weihe River east of Xi'an. They were often called Guanzhong swordsmen.

Guanzhong Swordsman is famous.

In the Republic of China, various forces were surging, vying for the Central Plains.

Farmers went bankrupt, handicraft workers were unemployed, urban poor and vagrants, the kung fu swordsmen developed from small groups to later gradually formed big gangs, and some of them had guns and became big swordsmen. In order to gain a good reputation, they directly Touguanfu turned into a militia.

In the Central Plains, the warlords have been fighting for years, and bandits are in groups. The desperate villagers have to organize red gun clubs, white gun clubs, blue gun clubs, black gun clubs, and yellow gun clubs to defend their homes.
After seven or eight colors are named.

Some people who have studied in private schools for a few years and know how many words can read a few words, Tianmenhui, Sun Zhenhui, Shengdao, and Mao Zedong came into being in response to the situation.

In the Central Plains, there is gradually a saying that being a swordsman is not a hero.

The devils invaded, the New Five Army was defeated and turned to the enemy, and the swordsmen and soldiers who were unwilling to be traitors fled.

The defeated soldiers only wanted to have a way to survive, and to build a mountain and a stronghold, they naturally had to come up with a majestic name. A certain mountain, a certain village, and a certain cave sprung up everywhere like mushrooms after a spring rain.
However, God is not open, and there have been severe droughts year after year, and locust plagues have occurred everywhere.

After the great famine, gnaw bark, eat grass roots, swallow Guanyin soil, sell sons and daughters, change sons to eat each other, and the common people live in dire straits.
The land of the Central Plains was overcast for a while, traitors and bandits were rampant, and the blue sky and daylight became smoky.

It was noon, and a black-clothed detective team pushed their bicycles and walked in the valley heading southeast out of the mountain.

Hu Yi was dressed as a traitor, with a pistol slung over his shoulder, recalling a sentence he heard during a meeting: Killing the enemy and capturing them is the means, and self-reliance in production is the foundation.

The chief's words are meaningful.

Captured by the enemy, the source is still the common people.

In addition, I also heard a new word: Chinese people!
It is said that the word first came from Sima Qian, China. It means Kyoto
He is not very interested in culture.

I am not a cultural person.

The mountain path leads directly to the mountain pass.

On the low mountain ridge next to the mountain pass, hidden in the dry grass, two soldiers from the fifth division were in charge of security.

Led by Wang Liujin, who was in charge of the training, a group of students hid their bicycles in the valley and followed them all up the mountain.

The plain under the sun in the east is dilapidated, and there are rows of blockhouses along the railway line, and the low-slung railway station buildings can be seen vaguely.

If it weren't for the Ping-Han Railway from south to north, people would even think that there was a desert in front of them.

Where is the scene of a prosperous Central Plains.

Bringing a group of students from the Ninth Battalion to practice, Company Commander Wang Liujin felt aggrieved and aggrieved.

Hu Yi is completely dressed as a traitor of the detective team, and he respects him.

The problem arose with that girl.

When setting off, Xiao Hongying's military uniform was changed into black clothes and black trousers, with a little chirp tied on the top of her head
Wang Liujin asked to keep the marching formation, and Xiao Hongying said that the detective team kept the formation when traveling, so it can still be called the detective team?

He wanted to talk about the theory by marching, and the students didn't need him to remind them at all. The vanguard, the guard after the break, and even the people on the two wings of the mountain ridge were all premised.

As for his proposal to sneak through the blockade in the middle of the night when the enemy's defenses were empty, Luo Fugui said that when the Ninth Battalion crossed the blockade last month, they directly took down the train station
They're all old acquaintances, and they're still training farts, so let's forget about being a spectator.
The students lay directly on the mountain ridge in a mountain basking in the sun and fell asleep.

As an instructor, he was directly reduced to the point of standing guard with the divisional traffic officer and the security post.

The guard post was loyal to his duty, and he looked through the cracks in the grass, keeping his eyes on the east, because a group of figures came out of the small town on the other side of the train station.

After careful confirmation, there are at least thirty people.

The soldier who existed as a secret whistle did not move. After reporting to Company Commander Wang next to him, he still quietly watched the target approaching the mountain pass.

Upon hearing the news of the situation, the students didn't seem to be nervous at all, they should go to sleep.

But the big dog who has never been interested in these things touched the grass and started to observe with a telescope.

What came was a group of puppet soldiers, but the leader was dressed in short gray clothes, with a knife behind his back.

It should be this guy who tipped off the puppet army and led the puppet army into the mountain to check.

The puppet soldiers didn't find anything unusual, talking and laughing all the way.

Of course, tell them that it doesn't matter if there are abnormalities.

Now this is the territory of Brigadier Liu Yueting. If those routs and bandits in the mountains are sensible, run away quickly, or pay money across the border.

I didn't notice that the mountain seemed to be extraordinarily quiet today, and I didn't see anyone in the front, back, left, or right.

No one is right.

If it wasn't for the defense notification from the imperial army in the north, they wouldn't even enter the mountain.

Entering the mountain pass, I immediately saw something dazzling.

Several puppet soldiers yelled and ran into the ditch.

Lifting the fresh shrub branches, I immediately found a row of bicycles lying in the ditch.

The false platoon leader who led the team suddenly stopped, his chin dropped to the ground, he stared wide-eyed at the mountain ridge and blinked vigorously, raised his hands to rub, and blinked again.

That's right, more than [-] detective teams appeared on the low mountain ridge.

All of them had guns in their arms, and the muzzles were black.

This is not a bloody detective team!
The reconnaissance team travels with only a shell gun.

There were at least three machine guns above, and the false platoon leader fell from the ground in a daze.

The jaws that landed couldn't close at all.

This group of rout soldiers is solid stubble, and the rout soldiers fall into the grass, but he is still a soldier.

The pseudo-platoon leader didn't think that his crooked melons adapted from the militia had the ability to fight against the rout soldiers.

He saw a broken soldier striding down from the low mountain ridge.

The guy in the lead looks like five or six people, with a smile on his face, but that smile is obviously full of surprise: "Hey, when you meet my lord, why don't you introduce yourself?"

The puppet army lined up with more than [-] people, but none of them had the courage to raise their guns.

The fake platoon leader tried his best to twitch the corners of his mouth and lift his chin, and answered with weakness, "My lord, I... just came to see..."

"Then what did you see?"

The false platoon leader was about to cry: "I... didn't see anything."

"Oh." The king smiled and nodded: "Hey, you are not waiting for me to teach you how to do it now, are you?"

If you can be a platoon leader, at least you will not be a fool, and immediately ordered to the left and right: "What are you still doing, put down the guns."

Then a bear appeared on the ridge, and rushed into the valley with a cloud of dust.

If he didn't say anything, he immediately began to attack the puppet soldiers who put down their guns, rummaging through their pockets and pinching the corners of their clothes.

Groping up and down, a lot of things immediately appeared on the ground.

"Grandma's, get rich." Xiong stared at his ugly eyes, and laughed with his mouth open.

"Mule, we're done searching, what should we do next?" Wang Liujin tried hard to make himself look more like a defeated soldier.

Luo Fugui turned his head when he heard the sound, and found that the instructor didn't seem to know what to do, so he smiled triumphantly: "Hey, the next step is to put one back and let them take the money to redeem them."

These words shocked the puppet army, and they gritted their teeth: "How much do you want, my lord, please make a price, we will redeem it ourselves!"

Xiong blinked his eyes and scratched the back of his head: "You paid for it yourself? Are you rich?"

The puppet army stared blankly at the unscrupulous bear for a few seconds, then bit the bullet: "We have contracted this area, so our company commander won't care about our lives."

Xiong was stunned for a moment, natural disasters, man-made disasters and strange things happened: "How much can you pay?"

When the false platoon leader heard this, you asked for a price all over the sky, so I can pay it back?I've heard that the rupee kills people without blinking an eye, but don't waste your personal money, kneel down on the spot with a thump, rub your eyes and cry to the bear: "We brothers, old and young, can make up a thousand dollars. money, and ask the king to give me a way to survive."

Wang Liujin was full of black threads, the Eighth Route Army didn't take the masses with a needle, and the puppet army could be the masses after being educated!

What kind of mess is the dead mule playing here? Isn't this discrediting the Eighth Route Army?
However, the chief inspector couldn't reveal the identity of the Eighth Route Army now, so he froze on the spot for a while.
The first task that my teacher led the team to perform. Could it be kidnapping and blackmailing to be a robber?
No, absolutely not!

These puppet troops should be handed over to the comrades in the division!
Wang Liujin immediately had an idea.

(End of this chapter)

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