under fire

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217
The students in the yard were in a mess, and Hu Yi frowned.

The nine battalions all formed a charge formation, as he expected.

However, he failed to quickly break through the scattered defense lines of the students in the division, which was beyond his expectation.

If Luo Fugui could gather all the students from the Ninth Battalion together and not disperse them, and defeat the superior student team in the district, there would be absolutely no problem.

It's a pity that the students were not determined to execute the tactics, and they were gradually divided and surrounded by the guerrilla tactics of the students in the division, like ants eating elephants.

Seeing the students of the Ninth Battalion gradually go from fighting to falling into a disadvantage.
Xiao Hongying, who had her back to the gate of the courtyard, was proudly talking to Hu Yi about the importance of reconnaissance and platoon promotion company. When she found that Hu Yi was absent-minded, she turned to look at the team of students who were making a pot of porridge next to her, and yelled: "Mule! .Concentrate troops in formation to form a local force advantage."

Hearing Xiao Hongying's voice, the students of the Ninth Battalion with bruised noses and swollen faces subconsciously leaned behind Luo Fugui, the human shield.

The beaten bear was followed by two, and then four behind, forming two triangle formations.

Relying on the large number of people, the students from the division surrounded and beat the students from the Ninth Battalion.

Once Xiong's side formed a formation, the students from the division outside could not squeeze in at all.

Luo Fugui stabilized his position, received countless punches on the head and chest, and the thick-skinned bear rushed forward with all his might.

He directly knocked over the tall and thin captain of the opposite division, and the students following him immediately rushed forward, directly separating the students from the division into two parts. .

Xiao Hongying looked at the scene of being knocked to pieces, turned her head to Hu Yi and muttered to Hu Yi: "The mule leader is not good, he always thinks that he can walk sideways with brute strength. Hey, fox, are you listening to me? "

But he found that Hu Yi turned his head to look at the door, and hurriedly followed Hu Yi's gaze to the gate of the compound.

Wang Liujin, the instructor who hurried to the gate of the courtyard, shouted with a dark face, "Stop it!"

The students from the division who were about to continue to surround them hurriedly shrunk their necks, and the fighting parties separated instantly
Seeing many students with shirtless arms and bare bodies, Wang Liujin sternly taught him a lesson and sneered: "Eight Points to Pay Attention to No. [-]: Don't hit or swear. Fortunately, you are still commanders. You learned all this from dogs. went?"

"Report to Instructor Wang, they were the ones who started it first," a student from the division immediately reported.

"Shut up." Wang Liujin yelled angrily: "Everyone copy the 'Questions and Answers on Anti-Japanese Tactics' once, and you are not allowed to have dinner until you finish copying."

Xiao Hongying next to her was dumbfounded: "Report to the instructor, we didn't do anything."

Wang Liujin glared at the little girl angrily, "Why, do you think you have been wronged?"

Xiao Hongying immediately replied: "You're not convinced"

"Hey, all the students of your team are here, and there are still people watching the fun, which means that the students are not united."

"Hey, isn't it good that I didn't do anything?"

"Don't stare at me, tell me again that I'll let you copy it twice." Wang Liujin said, turning his head right: "Captain Hu, Captain Sun come out with me."

This is the end of a storm.

The students were dark-faced. Fortunately, the number of words in "Anti-Japanese Tactics Questions and Answers" is not too many. If you copy soldiers must read it, it will make people collapse.
After dark, a train full of puppet troops that had just finished reorganization left Xinxiang Station in a hurry.

Every time we arrive at a station, a battalion of more than [-] people will be put down directly!
Changgou Station.

The steam locomotive is venting excess steam outside.

A burst of white mist enveloped the locomotive and several carriages behind it, and the white mist began to billow and then slowly dissipated into the night.

There was a lot of noise in the hard-seat car, and the devil instructor was waving his hands arrogantly, yelling loudly to let the puppet soldiers get off the car with a salute.

The locomotive ahead was filled with steam, and the soot trapped in the steam was a bit choking.

The puppet soldiers who got off the train coughed and choked in the gray smoke and white mist.

The puppet soldiers listened to the yelling of the devil instructor, but most of them couldn't understand what the devil instructor was yelling at.

Silently carrying the salute, hanging guns, carrying heavy weapons and luggage, they gathered on the platform.

There were footsteps and shouts everywhere.

If it weren't for the fact that the badge on the military cap hadn't been changed to a five-color republic, one would even think that the national army had recovered the train station.
The equipment of the puppet soldiers who got off the car was far inferior to those of the original puppet soldiers guarding the gun tower.

The weapons carried by the baggage team can be seen: mortars, heavy machine guns, light machine guns and even Krupp mountain guns!
The teams assembled in a mess, and after they lined up, they walked into the waiting room in a mess.
I don't know how many people got out of the car.

The train driver was in a heavy heart, watching groups of puppet soldiers enter the station, and the platform slowly returned to calm.

The electric bell rang, and with the wave of the station signal flag, he skillfully released the pressure valve
Hum. The siren beeped for a long time.

boom boom boom boom boom
The steam locomotive rumbled northward to the next station, dragging its long body.

Then put down a bunch of puppet troops.
There are devils and puppet troops defending along the railway line. What are they doing here in the middle of the night?
Maybe no one will believe it, they are strengthening the defense of the railway!

The Devils Gendarmerie cracked down an intelligence point of the Jiangbei Traffic Destruction Team.

In order to make meritorious deeds to survive, a certain traitor confessed that there are eight roads who are inquiring about the dispatch plan of the train transporting grain trucks.

It was normal for the Jiangbei traffic sabotage team to inquire about the railway dispatch plan.

The devils and the Chongqing side also seemed to have reached a tacit agreement, and the traffic sabotage team seldom came out for activities during this time.

With the surrender of the last formed resistance army of the national army north of the Yellow River, there are only eight groups of formed anti-Japanese armed forces north of the Yellow River.

The Guizi Gendarmerie Department analyzed intelligence and believed that Balu inquired about the dispatch plan of the railway grain trucks, indicating that Balu in the mountains was poor and crazy, and Gouji jumped over the wall and planned to attack the railway.

A few days ago, the Eighth Route guerrillas in An County attacked the artillery tower. It is very likely that the Eighth Route Army was deliberately testing the movements of the imperial army.

After the intelligence analysis was over, the North China Command began to make arrangements along the railway.

This time, it is not specific to strengthen the defense of which station.

Instead, the entire line from Baoding to Xinxiang for more than a thousand miles was deployed.

The devil now has a lot of people!

Fighting guerrillas in the mountains No. 20 The Fourth Army originally had only two armies, and they were directly expanded after surrendering to the devils for new masters.

Temporarily form three armies, and establish an independent [-] brigade, plus a Taihang security team
Four independent brigades of more than [-] people, under the supervision of the devil's adviser, went to more than [-] large and small stations along the Ping-Han Railway from Xinxiang to An County in advance, and secretly strengthened the defense along the Ping-Han Railway.

Almost every two stations, a regiment of the Imperial Association Army is stationed, with five times the strength of the original troops guarding the railway!
The devil puts his swords and guns in battle, and he is short of publicly publishing in the newspaper. Come on, I'll wait for you and see how capable you are!
You are not coming?Better yet, starve you to death in the mountains
Sun Pang's troops had only surrendered to the enemy for more than a month, and they began to guard the railway line for the devils who were life and death enemies. This kind of shocking thing happened in the Central Plains.

Are these soldiers really spineless?
Of course not, one is that a large number of traitors showed up and took the soldiers who surrendered to visit the school. Everyone has books to read, everyone has jobs, and everyone has fields.
The traitors went to the barracks in an organized way to ask questions, and told the soldiers that only common prosperity is the direction of future development
Slandering all armed forces that destroy common prosperity is rat shit.
Let the soldiers be hostile to the anti-Japanese armed forces from the bottom of their hearts.
The second is because the Chongqing government played a murder conspiracy with a borrowed knife in order to thorn in the Eighth Route Army.

The reason is simple, if you directly let the New Fifth Army or the 24th Group Army attack the Eighth Route base area and properly create friction, the soldiers will definitely not agree.
And the little devils encircle and suppress the Eighth Route Army, isn't that justified?

Devils are not stupid, how could they be willing to be taken advantage of, since Chongqing is playing tricks
Then I will accompany you. The devil's staff is so disgusting that the imperial association army will continue to use the original designation of the national army.
The New Fifth Army was expanded into the New Five Sixth Seventh Army, which duplicated the number of the existing troops of the National Army.
Wasn't Commander Pang the No.20 Fourth Army before he surrendered?The designation is still the same, it is still the No.20 Fourth Army!

I obviously want to make you fight among yourself. I just want to pour dirty water on you Chongqing people.
Isn't your military command going to infiltrate them and let them do whatever?
I open the door for you to come.
Now the soldiers have seen that under the rule of the Wang government, the common people live and work in peace and contentment, you see if they will go with the Chongqing government where you fled
Totally like a kid playing pretend play.
How is it possible to live and work in peace and contentment?

After two years of severe drought, almost all the poor and weak people in the Central Plains died, and the rest were of course the rich.
(End of this chapter)

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