under fire

Chapter 1218

Chapter 1218
Zhang Weimin's official promotion was fast enough.

A month ago, he was a battalion commander with a company, but now he is the captain of the Taihang Security Brigade, regiment level.

There are more than a thousand people under him.

At this time, he just got off the train and stood on the top of the stronghold gun tower.

His eyes followed the searchlight and looked at the illuminated land boredly.

There is no joy of promotion in my heart.

Instead, I felt extremely aggrieved, if I hadn't listened to the words of the deputy chief of staff, I would learn to play dumb in front of the devils.

Maybe it was ruthlessly cleaned up by the devils half a month ago.

If you don't want to be an imperial army, you have only one end: send to the coal mine to dig coal, until one day you are suffocated to death by gas outburst, or you are buried alive by the collapsed roadway.
Tomorrow, he will lead his men to collect weapons and equipment, and head west into the mountains again.

After they left, Ba Lu, who sneaked in to grab the territory, was driven out of Nantaihang.

He didn't find it difficult.

According to what Shangfeng said, to cast a devil is in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han.
A month ago, this area was a defense zone of the national army, and there would be no Eight Routes operating in the defense zone.

And now, the all-pervasive Eighth Road has entered the South Taihang Mountains!

When he goes back now, the first thing to do is to drive out the eight roads that occupied Huangqiu Cave.
Before and after the reorganization, the troops under his command changed a lot. Nearly half of them were local armed personnel captured by the devils.

The devil is reorganizing his security brigade, and his men are also reorganizing the armed forces in those places.

Except that the troops became the Loyalty and Nation Salvation Army, there seemed to be no big difference at all, and even the number was exactly the same as before.

It's just that his regiment headquarters has an extra team of courteous imperial army advisers.

Although the devil has arranged advisers in his army, the military power is still in his own hands.

This is the same as the practice of the military command!
In other words, if I want to kill these devils, I don't need to spend much effort!

He really couldn't understand, how could the little devil be so relieved to let him lead the team into the mountain?

Looking at the vast mountains to the west, he finally realized something.
The purpose of the devil is to ensure the smooth flow of the railway line. There is no opponent on the land of the Central Plains north of the Yellow River. Once the eight roads in the mountains are wiped out, the whole North China will fall into the hands of the devil.

I can't help but feel a little sad
What if you resist? If more than 1000 people lose their supplies in the mountains,

Maybe half a month at most, I will be starved to death in the mountains like Commander Ling of the 27th Army.
What Shangfeng meant was to bear the burden of humiliation. The devils are gradually at a disadvantage in the Pacific Ocean. As long as the devils are defeated by the big powers across the Pacific, the Chongqing government will launch a counterattack against the devils and restore North China in one fell swoop.
This is the top secret of the headquarters, and he is also fortunate to know this news as the commander of the security battalion.

The devil's strategic goal is to eliminate the Eight Routes, and everyone in the upper echelons knows it.

No matter overtly or secretly, even speaking must not give Ba Lu any face!
The devil's headquarters was very annoyed after repeated raids failed to obtain truly valuable results. The devil's intelligence system was also pervasive, and it was always watching the movement of the eight routes.

He was sure that, in addition to the devil's adviser on the surface, the devil's stuffed into the local armed forces under his command, there were also spies arranged by the little devil.

at the same time.

The military headquarters of the First North China Autonomous Army was brightly lit.

The sleepless puppet soldiers are discussing.

It's not a meeting, because in Nuo Da's house, besides the puppet army officers, there are also geisha from the main island.
After the devils raided the eight roads in the mountains again, the blockade on the plain continued.

Cleaning up those teams that have all the way is finally on the agenda.

Guo Qing was in a very happy mood, and the imperial army still valued him very much.

The adviser of the imperial army asked him to pull out the thorn in the side of the well-connected water conservation group!

Guo Qing has a feud with the Water Conservation Group, but he is afraid of Balu's supernatural powers.

So this time he didn't plan to mobilize the troops from the headquarters. He raised his glass and clinked glasses with Wang Sanzhu who came to discuss: "This time I will mobilize Brother Wang's Neihuang security team, and I will pay for all expenses. I wish Commander Wang Shao a success in this operation."

Wang Sanzhu later found out that he was ambushed more than a month ago, and it was the Eighth Route Independent Regiment who did it.

Having suffered such a big loss, this time someone paid for it, he just took the opportunity to get Liang Zi back: "Hehe, it's really a shame that Senior Guo generously donated money for this round of encirclement and suppression."

The two had their own ghosts, and they reached an agreement in private. Guo Qing grabbed the territory and wiped out the water conservation group. All the guns of the water protection group belonged to Wang Sanzhu.
Therefore, more than a thousand reorganized security forces will go to An County tomorrow, and first change defenses with Wang Jingchang's troops.

The little devil had been stationed in a certain place for too long in order to defend against the Imperial Alliance Army, and was instigated by the rampant Eight Routes.

Every year and a half, the Imperial Association Army stationed in various places will rotate and exchange defense zones.

The Imperial Association Army is frequently mobilized, and the Tuba Road Armed Task Force, which is good at intelligence and countering the Imperial Association Army, naturally cannot follow it.

This kind of defense change was a big move, and the puppet army had to leave a familiar place. Many puppet soldiers who had bought their property were 1 unhappy, but no one dared to disobey the order of the imperial army.

Some puppet army officers with family property naturally had to take their family members to new places, and the family property that was finally placed in the original station could only be sold at a low price to realize cash.

There are too many people in the puppet army who have such thoughts, everyone is selling together, the market immediately oversupplies, and the property has to be sold at a low price
And when they arrived at the new place, everyone flocked to buy, buy, buy, and drive up prices.
Some trading companies are naturally suitable for doing business, and naturally see huge business opportunities from them.

You can even double the price between buying and selling!
If you want to say that you are rich, it is definitely the deputy captain of Anxian county detective.

It is said that this popular man under Maeda Osamu often goes in and out of geisha halls with the president of a certain company in the Imperial Army, and he is completely a fellow who wears a pair of trousers.

Li Youcai discovered early on that after spending 2 yuan on the imperial army, he was equivalent to boarding a pirate ship.

He must spend 10 yuan a month now.
Once a person boards a boat, whether he can walk or not is no longer in his control.

Even if you don't want to go, the boat will take you with you.

Turning back is no longer possible.

Putting everything down and jumping into the river can escape this circle.

However, if he jumped into the river, he would probably be drowned.

Even though he has been careful, there are too many people who want his life.

Being a deputy captain in An county also moved the interests of some people.

Before he knew it, he stood on the cusp of the storm
The heads of the security forces around An County found him through various connections, only to buy and sell the houses of his officers
At least, Vice Captain Li's heart is not dark, and he is still doing business at the market price.
The gambling house is diagonally opposite the barracks of the puppet army.

Surrounded by smog and smog, Choi Jiu put his hand on the Pai Gow, holding the heaven and the earth below, and looked at Li Youcai who was facing him impatiently: "Are you following or not?"

Li Youcai was a little distracted, he had a pair of cards and a pair of cards, and someone next to him showed the world card, that is to say, he was sure to win.
Cut Jiu patted the table again, the dog traitor came back to his senses, turned over the cards in his hand and threw them on the table: "A monkey is still a monkey in a royal robe, what a fart you are!"

Choi Jiu smiled, he already knew what kind of card Li Youcai was holding: "Hehe, can't you spend too much money?"

Li Youcai said with a dark face: "Yu Jingsan will not die for a day, and the two of us will lose our heads at any time"

Cut Jiu waved his brothers to leave, then lowered his voice and shook his head: "As long as you don't leave An County, no one will dare to touch you."

"Now it's about to change drastically."

Cut Jiu lowered his voice and mocked: "How many boats do you step on? No matter how strong the wind is, no matter how high the waves are, you will be fine if someone capsizes the boat. Are you afraid of something?"

Li Youcai gritted his teeth: "Can it be done?"

Chop Jiu shook his head: "This guy has as many enemies as a cow's hair, he can survive in the troubled times, is it worth it?"

"Find someone to make peace, and reconciliation with him will cause me to lose money"

Choi Jiu frowned: "I don't understand, obviously I took someone to rob the goods, how could he find you?"

[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue, Fleeing is as fast as the wind, and forever Baggio for rewarding brothers and sisters who subscribed and voted]

(End of this chapter)

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