under fire

Chapter 1219 Anti-Japanese County Government Meeting

Chapter 1219 Anti-Japanese County Government Meeting

Caigao Badou County Magistrate Yang personally commanded the battle of the end blockhouses, successively took down six blockhouses on the edge of the blockade ditch, and the report of the meritorious service was sent overnight to the Northern Bureau together with the headquarters.

The anti-Japanese county government compound, which had just moved to Xiaowang Village, was very lively inside and outside.

Soldiers from the public security team who can write are mixed with the propaganda officers of the county government, and are using sorghum brushes dipped in lime water to write large characters on the outer wall of the anti-Japanese county government.

The county government applied for a few students from their superiors, and they are posting slogans everywhere in the village.
The villagers followed the student cadres and shouted slogans out of righteous indignation, and the anti-Japanese enthusiasm in the base area was unprecedentedly high.

Inside the government compound.

The summary meeting hosted by County Magistrate Yang Da is drawing to a close.

It's a pity that the vulnerable puppet army ran faster than rabbits, and successively took down six gun towers, with very little captured.

If there were bullet casings left by the puppet army training near the gun tower, and some wooden ladder door panels were removed from the gun tower, a few wire piles were cut down, and hundreds of meters of telephone wires were cut down, this attack was almost fruitless.

County Magistrate Yang is summing up and looking forward to the future: "After this battle, the development and growth of the base area is just around the corner. Everyone must work together. The public security team is responsible for internal security and external reconnaissance. study at night”

The atmosphere at the scene was warm, the county government public security team was called, and immediately followed the speech of the county magistrate Yang to attack the enemy: "The public security team is short of manpower in the enemy engineering department. We are planning to develop personnel in enemy-occupied areas, but we need the county government to solve the funding problem."

County Mayor Yang realized the money problem, and immediately signaled to the secretary next to him, who had just taken office a few days ago, to make key records.

After being signaled by County Mayor Yang's eyes, the head of the political affairs department followed suit: "I think the most urgent task is to pay close attention to the construction of the political power, and at the same time plan the financial revenue and expenditure, ensure the supply of materials, gradually establish village committees in each village, develop activists, and organize grassroots cadre training. Then carry out publicity and education to the villagers, and at the same time, I make a suggestion: set up a county government guard platoon"

Sun Youshang, the great hero sitting at the bottom, was not at all joyful of victory, and his eyes were full of worry.

News has long been transmitted from the inside that the puppet troops guarding the gun tower are completely retreating in an organized manner
According to the analysis of the various unreasonable situations displayed by the puppet army when they attacked the gun tower, the enemy must have a conspiracy.

Although the puppet army is not strong in fighting and has the advantage of the gun tower, it is impossible to retreat without firing a few shots from the Water Conservation Regiment anyway.

The siege tactics used by County Magistrate Yang to attack the blockhouse is a complete joke
The devils will definitely encircle and suppress the base area in the next step, and the time will definitely not be too long.
It wasn't until the chief of public security next to him bumped him with his leg that he came back to his senses.

County Mayor Yang's face was not very good-looking: "Mr. Sun, can you concentrate a little during the meeting?"

Sun Youshang stood up directly: "No, there is definitely something wrong with this battle, and it is very likely that the enemy deliberately set a trap."

"The battle is over, and we have won." County Magistrate Yang Da directly blackened his face and sarcastically said: "You were afraid of war before the battle started, of course there is a problem in the middle of it."

Hearing what the county magistrate said, people from various departments nearby immediately looked at each other carefully.

Sun Youshang's eyes widened: "The time for us to attack the blockhouse is not ripe at all. There are our inside lines in the blockhouse, and the devils will counterattack soon."

Yang Deshi sneered: "The devils counterattack? A joke, do you really think that I don't know that the devils in the county town are weak? If they dare to come to the base area now, I dare to attack the county town!"

Sun Youshang was stunned for a moment: "The devil's strength is weak because most of the devils in the county were transferred to the south to reorganize the puppet army. Once they are reorganized, let alone devils, even if those second devils come back, we will not be opponents at all."

"When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue. Since you know that most of the devils have been transferred away, you should work harder to expand the results of the battle."

"You have seen it yourself. With the strength of a battalion, we have no way to take the stronghold where the puppet army assembled last. Without heavy weapons to storm the stronghold, our 300-odd soldiers may be completely wiped out!"

"You are afraid of death! We are revolutionaries who can sacrifice our lives for our ideals at any time!" County Magistrate Yang immediately slapped the table: "You are trying to build up the ambition of the enemy and destroy your prestige. Your thinking is very dangerous."

Sun Youshang was not afraid: "Then why don't you take the lead in the charge?"

"You..." county magistrate Yang was speechless. He was the magistrate of a county and was the supreme commander. How could he die in vain as a commando?

Sun Youshang didn't want to quarrel too much with County Mayor Yang, and the evidence began to soften: "I suggest that everyone must be prepared to move the people in the village to the mountains now."

County Magistrate Yang was so angry that he blurted out: "I have a situation to report. The superiors have formulated a partial counter-offensive plan. Before long, not only the supplementary regiment, but also the independent regiment will come out of the mountain, and even the brother troops in Shanxi will come to support us"

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking, and looked around at each participant: "This is top-secret information, and everyone must not leak it."

Last night, the head of the supplementary regiment, Chen, sent someone to send him information overnight. The correspondent repeatedly emphasized that he should not disclose it to anyone except him before the plan started.

He was still a little fortunate in his heart, if the situation had been delivered half a day earlier, he would not have been able to lead the team to take down the six blockhouses on the edge of the blockade ditch, let alone have the chance to make meritorious deeds.

Thinking that he had already told the people in the meeting, he was very clear about the situation of some people in the county government, and such things as leaking secrets would definitely not happen.

Besides, his superiors arranged for him to find a way to break into the enemy camp by taking advantage of his relationship with the county magistrate in the former anti-Japanese democratic government.

In order to gain the trust of the other party, you can even provide the other party with some unimportant or about to expire information
Therefore, he felt that it was nothing to tell his subordinates about it in advance.
Hearing that the county magistrate said that the Eighth Route Army was going to counterattack, everyone sitting there immediately whispered to each other, and the discussion was surging.

After being raided and suppressed by the little devils for so many years, and living under the iron heels of the devils, seeing hope now, they expressed their opinions on how to cooperate with the main force to counterattack.

It seems that the disagreement between head sun and the county magistrate just now didn't happen at all.

People from several departments of the county government have worked in the enemy-occupied area for so many years, so they naturally have good eyesight. They don't want to see a situation where the county magistrate and head Sun don't get along.

I hope that big things can be turned into small things, and small things can be turned into nothing.Armed, the speech is quickly over.

After that, County Magistrate Yang didn't mention the battle anymore, and started to make work arrangements: "The county public security team will draw combat personnel from various ministries to organize a guard platoon, and form a combat force as soon as possible."

The deputy captain of the public security team immediately stated: "I promise to complete the task!"

County Magistrate Yang raised his hand and pressed down: "The Administrative Affairs Division will organize the village chiefs to study, improve their ideological awareness, and vigorously develop activists."

The head of the political affairs section nodded: "The grassroots government model has already been established, and I will arrange the task today."

County Magistrate Yang turned to look at Sun Youshang: "My attitude was not very good just now, please forgive me."

Sun Youshang didn't expect County Magistrate Yang to apologize to him, so he was taken aback for a moment before quickly explaining: "It's nothing, I just think."

County Magistrate Yang interrupted Sun Youshang: "Because our base area is in the junction of the enemy and ourselves, it is difficult to survive. Regarding the issue of funds, the Water Conservation Corps, as a combat force, should strengthen training and hand over the business that was originally in the county to the county within three days. The government, and the intelligence system of the Armed Task Force, I will apply to my superiors and transfer it to our public security team.”

County Magistrate Yang still pays great attention to his own image. He thinks that he should do a good job when the division conducts criticism and self-criticism.

Seeing that things were almost arranged, he stopped talking and waved his hand to signal the meeting to end in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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