under fire

Chapter 1235

Chapter 1235
The sun is hidden in the west mountain shuttle line.

Two shadows emerged from the woods.

One of them yawned: "Is it almost time?"

"It's about after the sun goes down, but it doesn't say when."

"Then you hurry up and enter the city early, or you will have to cry for a long time when the city gate is closed."

"Just call it, it's none of our battalion commander's business if you miss something."

"Li Da is long-winded, I will wait here, you remember clearly, if someone calls you after you get out of the gendarmerie, you should tell the truth."

"You have never seen the world?"

These two were Li Youde's confidantes, and one of them was going to the county seat to report that something abnormal had been found in the Luoyeying defense area.

The other keeps an eye on the ghosts in the county, and there are bicycles hidden in the woods.
He heard someone calling outside the city gate, saying that there was an emergency military situation in Luoye Village, but he saw the other party was only one person.

The puppet defenders opened the city gate
When Xinglong Town was attacked, the new Gendarmerie Commander received him in person for the first time, and looked at the soldiers of the Imperial Association Army in front of him seriously, "...You mean, eight roads passed through your defense zone last night?"

The soldier nodded: "Last night, because we didn't receive a regular call from the gun tower, the battalion headquarters thought that saboteurs had damaged the phone line of Lushuipu, so the battalion commander sent someone to check the line. Waited and waited, but nothing happened. Seeing the inspectors come back, a platoon was sent to search after dawn, but that platoon also lost news.”

The gendarmerie commander interrupted the long-winded guy with a dark face: "When was the last time you reported your safety?"

"Reporting to the majesty, the last time I reported my safety, I was screaming. Originally, the gun tower should have called the battalion headquarters. The operator of the battalion headquarters has not received a call, so I went to report to the battalion commander."

The commander interrupted again: "Send someone over today, what did you find?"

"There is no one in the blockhouse, our brothers are all gone, and many footprints are left on the ground"

"Have you figured out how many Eight Routes have come out of the mountain?"

"Let's say it's less. It's about one or two hundred. The footprints went all the way to the south. The people we sent chased them all the way, but they were ambushed. If it weren't for the large number of people we sent, the lives and deaths of the brothers would be unpredictable. Battalion Commander After receiving the news of an ambush, I immediately arranged for two companies to go for reinforcements, and then reported to the county phone and found that the phone was not connected, so the battalion commander sent someone to check the phone line, and sent me to the county to report the letter. On the way to the county town, I met the Eighth Route who was disguised as a detective team and set up a card." The person who reported it was definitely a talent. According to his report, he might be able to talk until dawn tomorrow.
The headquarters had already called to inquire about the situation of the attack in Xinglong Town. The Commander of the Gendarmerie was not in a good mood and waved his hand to the Gendarmerie to take this guy out.

Look at the map and think carefully about what happened in Xinglong Town
It was finally dark.

Night engulfed the land of the plain.

bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang
Gunshots rang out suddenly, and the distance was vague.

One, two, four.
It seemed as though guns were being fired everywhere.

There is an intensifying posture.

The phones of the security forces, constitutional corps, police force, county government, and barracks in various counties rang loudly, and the normally smooth phones suddenly stopped working.

When I shook it again, there was no response at all.
Naturally, a local counterattack will not be just an independent regiment attacking the enemy.

The devils seemed to have heard the news long ago, and deployed heavy troops along the railway line in advance.

In addition to the telephones along the railway line, the telephones in most of the blockhouses, strongholds, and towns on the plain have directly become decorations.

Fortunately, the county towns that are not on the railway line still have radio stations in the garrison, so they can communicate with each other.

The blockhouses canceled their shifts, and the security forces who had changed shifts in the strongholds and went to sleep were immediately assigned to the blockhouses to strengthen their defenses.

If the phone cannot be connected, it means that a security incident has occurred.

The police teams and investigation teams of the townships and townships outside the county sent personnel to the county town to report
The commanders of the gendarmerie in each county immediately activated the emergency plan, and the radio stations were turned on.

The gates of the city are tightly closed and cannot be opened without the order of the imperial army.

The garrison in the city went up to the city wall one after another, all the police force canceled their vacations, and the county town was under martial law.

All the detective teams were mobilized, climbed the rope ladder from the gate of the city, left the county town, and scattered into the dark and vast plain.
The ghosts and snake gods from all walks of life who have been hiding all this time are gearing up and preparing to take the opportunity to do a big fight.
The doors of ordinary people in the city are tightly closed, the door bars are added, and the cellars are drilled.

Many ordinary people in the villages on the plain hold sticks, machetes and red-tasseled guns in their hands under the instructions of their families.

He resolutely left the village and stood guard at various intersections.
More figures were climbing the poles.

"Oh, why is this thread still numb to the touch?"

The battle in the town draws to a close.

I heard that the devils ran away, and there was only one team.

Gao Yidao thought for a while, and asked the correspondent to inform the first company commander to give up the pursuit.

The information before the war said that there was half a brigade of devils in the barracks. Who knows if the little devils set a trap?

Also, it was getting dark.

Although there are not many little devils who escaped.

Unless the second battalion is overwhelmed by the military battalion, otherwise, it may not be able to beat the little devil.

It must be admitted that the little devil is better at night fighting.
The artillery platoon leader has returned, excitedly reporting that the town hall has been bombed!

According to the battle plan, the mission of the Second Battalion was to stop the devils, and it seemed that the mission had been completed without firing a single shot?

Wu Yan has advanced to the vicinity of the town hall.

Perhaps it was because it was about to get dark, but the security forces were still stubbornly resisting in several yards next to the collapsed town hall, and had no intention of surrendering in the face of shouting.

Wu Yan didn't hesitate any longer, and directly ordered the explosion with a grenade.

As a grenade was thrown into the nooks and corners of those Tibetans, every time the security forces fired a shot, they would be hit by a grenade, and the gunfire near the town hall finally gradually subsided.

Now only the north is still firing.

Battalion Commander Tashiro knew very well that the reinforcements from the security forces had not arrived.

Instead, they had fled and stationed in the gun tower. Seeing that the Eighth Route Army hadn't pursued them, the escaped security forces even organized the fleeing security forces to counterattack.

Finally, he ordered his third platoon leader to lead more than [-] soldiers to the north to reinforce Chen Chong.

The three platoon leaders crossed Qibadaogou in succession, when they heard Chen Chong's yelling, the team was retreating, and hurried into the gun tower next to the road to block the security forces coming from the north.

As soon as the machine gun in the gun tower fired, the puppet army chasing along the road followed and retreated.

The leader of the third platoon was a little curious and asked the guard post: "Hey, didn't you realize that those security forces are so stupid, they don't know how to detour from both sides of the road?"

The guard post sarcastically said: "Turn around? Hey, I think you are stupid. You didn't see that we set up an ambush position on both sides of the road. Who would dare to come here?"

The third platoon leader was stunned for a moment: "Why is your mouth so smelly?"

"It's none of your business here, why should the cadres go?"

The third platoon leader didn't move. The two companies usually speak virtuously. They took a closer look with the machine gun firing on the top of the blockhouse. The blockade ditch on the left side of the blockhouse was half filled. It can pass people. There seems to be a ditch in the distance. The east side also looks the same, just forming an overall defense line.

The blockade ditch runs from north to south, and its main purpose is to block the eight roads in the western mountainous area. It has no defensive effect on the devils passing by from the north, and can only be used as a firepower point.

The devil security forces who came for reinforcements were not fools, and they would definitely bypass the gun towers and attack south from the wilderness.

The excavated positions on both sides of the road were quiet.

Obviously, Chen Chong planned to wait for the enemy coming along the road to arrive, as long as he retreated to the next gun tower, the ambushes on both sides would be effective.

Li Huanzhang and Luo Fugui hooked their shoulders and put their backs together, the intimacy made people who didn't know the inside story feel their scalp numb and shiver with cold.
 Let me explain, the power supply used by the little devil is 110 volts.

  It is still the same until now, unlike our two hundred and two.
(End of this chapter)

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