under fire

Chapter 1236 Hu Yi's Conjecture

Chapter 1236 Hu Yi's Conjecture

The world is one family, the roots are yellow in the inside!

It is said that the traditional sacrificial culture and surname culture of the Chinese nation originated in Neihuang.

Hundred miles to the southeast, there is the Yellow River that has been dry for several years. Twenty miles to the northwest, there is the Wei River, which originates from the Taihang Mountains. The Wei River runs from the southwest to Tianjin in the northeast.

Years of warlord melee, the city walls of Neihuang County were filled with countless gaps in the brick-and-earth walls, which had long since become ruins.

In the original grain-producing county, the devils called the Nationalist government and went into exile.

Coupled with successive years of drought, the crops have not been harvested, and the common people have left their homes to flee famine.

Without the common people in the countryside, the common people in the city naturally have no way of life.

The devils came to burn, kill and loot, and the common people ran away.

Later, even the devils who occupied the county were unwilling to station troops here.

So Wang Taigong officially became the commander and county magistrate of Neihuang County, and the entire Neihuang County became a den of bandits.

Without the common people, there are not necessarily fewer ghosts and monsters.

Antiques are sold in ten miles and eight towns, and tomb robbers and cultural relics gather together at night.

Gradually, some shady people also began to take root here.

Under the lure of huge profits, some prostitutes opened their doors to make money from the country's financial crisis, and prostitutes opened their houses one after another, and prostitutes were everywhere.

It can't be said that people like leisure and hate work. Women with little feet don't want to starve to death and have no way to survive except to sell their flesh and blood. Even if they escape from famine, they will end up in the same way.

There is an unwritten rule in the county seat, you have to bring your own water when you go to Neihuang.

The two deep wells in the city don't produce much water and they still charge fees, which is extremely high.

Later, some nearby people who were unwilling to leave their hometowns also began to do some small business here.

When there are more people, all kinds of businesses will slowly become prosperous, and the market will open every three or six nines of the lunar calendar.

Few of the people who came to the county were decent people. Hui, Taoist, sect, bandits, gangsters, and robbers could be seen everywhere.

The Wang family's father and son made a lot of money just by collecting taxes, and they continued to recruit soldiers and horses when they had money.

More than a thousand people were knocked out by the Eighth Route, and in just two or three months, two or three thousand bandits from various nearby groups were once again focused.

The opium produced in several counties in the west was transported to Tianjin, and then the grain and goods were transported from Tianjin to the county town. The most novel things in the world appeared in the small county town.

The most sought-after things in troubled times are naturally guns, small workshops, collected from various battlefields, leaked from nearby security forces, samples of new weapons from foreign merchants, robbed from roads, and the source is a mystery.

The trainees were looking at the simulated Neihuang County in the sand table on the ground, and listening to the divisional armed work leader explain in detail the layout of Neihuang County and the bandits.

"Captain Geng, according to what you said, the county town is almost full of bandits and gangsters?"

"It can be said that ordinary people who do small business in sewing and laundry will basically leave the county after dark."

"There is no water, how can I wash clothes?"

"Flowing through the Wei River in the northwest direction of the county, a reservoir has been formed in a section of the river. What's the problem?"

The captain of the fifth division couldn't help asking: "According to you, there are at least two to three thousand bandits in the county. How can we fight with so few people?"

"Hehe, comrade, don't ask me this, it's a question for you to think about. I'm only responsible for telling you the situation in the county."

Until now, no one from the Ninth Battalion has spoken.

Captain Geng didn't care either, he was very familiar with Jiuying two months ago.

Next, Wang Liujin began to assign combat missions: "The battle is divided into two parts. In the first step, the students from the first division and the armed task force sneaked into the county town, raided Wang Taigong's lair, and tried to catch this old bandit. He ordered the bandit soldiers in the city to surrender and strive to take the county.

The second part is that no one was caught. The fifth division and the students from the independent regiment stormed outside the southwest of the county to cover the students from the first division and the armed task force to evacuate the county.”

"Report, Luo Fugui, a student from the independent group, and students from the first division did not participate in the study for no reason." Some of the students from the fifth division finally couldn't help standing up.

"You are good at reconnaissance, please sit down." Wang Liujin looked at the student, and then said: "Now the various departments are discussing and formulating a plan, and the captain will hand it over to me for review. After four or ten minutes, the equipment will be inspected, and we will set off in an hour!"

He didn't explain or ask Hu Yi about the questions of the students in the fifth district.

Wang Liujin and the captains Hu Yi, Zhang Lianchang, and Lu Battalion Commander from the three units sat in the corner under the torch to study the map.

Zhang Lianchang spoke to Hu Yi enviously in his tone: "Our division has jurisdiction over the Cavalry Regiment, the newly formed Fourth Route Army, and the Weihe Detachment. Nearly a thousand students from the Anti-University were selected at various levels, and it is impossible to divide the grassroots All the commanders were taken away to study, and only about three hundred people could participate in this study.

Company Commander Wang of the Division Guard Battalion, who came with the superior inspection team, personally trained, and only 30 people were lucky enough to participate in the study.

Unlike your independent regiment, even the squad leader and ordinary soldiers have the opportunity to learn from the secret service battalion."

Hu Yi looked at the dark sky and shook his head: "With 200 people fighting against [-], don't you think the superiors are examining the combat effectiveness of our Eighth Route Army?"

Wang Liujin asked casually, "What do you mean?"

Hu Yi withdrew his gaze: "Don't we think this matter is not as simple as it seems?"

Zhang Lianchang was stunned for a moment: "Can you stop beating around the bush?"

Hu Yi glanced at Wang Liujin: "The headquarters should have different opinions. The political commissar should let us use this battle to prove to the headquarters that our Eighth Route Army has the ability to counterattack!"

"Don't make random guesses, you're spreading rumors." Wang Liujin's face darkened, he paused for a moment, and couldn't help but ask again: "Why are you guessing?"

Hu Yi saw that although Wang Liujin stopped him, he still wanted to ask, and he didn't hide his thoughts. Some things are better said: "Neihuang county is full of bandits, and there is no decent fighting power at all. The chief is deliberately picking soft persimmons. "

"You know what a fart, if you don't pick the weak, you can't pick the soft one." Wang Liujin was taken aback. Could it be that the enemy's Ministry of Industry leaked the secret?

Pointing to Company Commander Zhang and Captain Lu: "Hey, listen up, both of you, absolutely no rumors are allowed."

Zhang Lianchang ignored Wang Liujin at all: "I think it's okay to force the county town!"

Hu Yi shook his head: "You think simply. We attacked Chaoge County last year, and the secret service team was almost wiped out."

Captain Lu immediately expressed his opinion: "The situation is different. At that time, there were still a large number of devils in the county, and there were devils in An County who were independently mixed into brigades and devil cavalry brigades. Now these elite devils have been taken away, and there are only a few puppet troops left."

Hu Yi frowned: "This is just one aspect. The Taihang base area is too important to us. The superior is worried that Pangsun's puppet army will return to occupy the southern Taihang. If this is the case, we will be in the Taiyue military area between Taihang and Zhongtiao Mountain in the south of Shanxi. It cannot be connected to the film”

Company Commander Zhang nodded: "I understand, the superior is planning to seize Nantaihang!"

Wang Liujin couldn't help but black face, his imposing instructor was not as far ahead as the students.

What Hu Yi said was completely true, and it was Director Lin who told him.

To fight Neihuang County, the main force is the student team.

Luo Fugui didn't care at all, he weighed the burden in his hands, and said with a dark face, "Is there something wrong with grandma's number?"

Something is wrong, in the past two months, for some reason, there have been a lot of military tickets and legal currency, and the price of gold has risen too fast. If you don't believe it, you can find out when you go to Neihuang County to grab two tongues.

"Half less. Too dark!"

"Damn mule, you don't believe me? It's a shame I bought you roast chicken out of my own pocket!"

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the people who gave you gold bars."

Li Huanzhang thought for a while: "I said mule, you brought so many things to the battlefield, what if you accidentally lost them?"

"Lost it? How is it possible, this time when grandma enters the county, I must find the loss back"

"Hey, you won't be punished if you don't hand over what you seized?"

Xiong immediately turned his face: "Captured? Which eye of your grandma saw that I captured it?"

"Tell me an experience"

"Do you know what an independent regiment is? Even if I capture it and hand it over, the leader of the regiment will follow along and send it to me, believe it or not?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you have an independent battalion? You find a way to transfer there and become a company commander."

"Uh, good idea, just as I thought." Li Huanzhang lowered his voice: "Hey, I stuffed a platoon leader into your soldiers in our division, and you have to return this platoon to me when the time comes."

"Hey, we two brothers, who is with whom? What's that name?"

【End of this chapter】

The Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army has a very special organization. See the author's words for the following content

 At the beginning of the War of Resistance Against Japan, the defense zone designated by Chiang Kai-shek for the Eighth Route Army was basically in remote mountains and wild places.

  After the Eighth Route Army entered the Taihang Mountains, the environment was very harsh. Even though there were not many people, they often had a meal without a meal in daily life, and weapons and supplies were very scarce.

  And the weapons get damaged in battle, so that recruits don't have guns at all.

  The Eighth Route Army itself is small and urgently needs to draw on the strength of the broad masses of the people.

  Under such circumstances, the headquarters had to use the establishment of the independent regiment. The original purpose was to provide a shelter for the people who participated in the Eighth Route Army, so that the people could contact the Eighth Route Army at any time and have a sense of belonging. The fighting enthusiasm of the personnel, the headquarters even sent only dozens of hundreds of experienced commanders.

  Under such difficult conditions, the Eighth Route Army thought of the common people in everything, and it was easy to win the common people. More than a dozen independent regiments that emerged successively are still slowly growing and growing in the arduous struggle against the enemy.

  Due to the continuous raids by the devils and the constant friction caused by friendly forces, the Eighth Route Army's headquarters has no fixed place, and the range of activities in the mountains is large, so it is difficult for various ministries without radio stations to communicate with each other.

  In the past two years, Lao Jiang also allocated military expenses. After [-] years, Lao Jiang did not even give money to military expenses.

  The life of the main force regiment is better, but the independent regiment is not only independent from the establishment, but also needs to be self-sufficient in supplies and military expenses. Even the regular troops of the Eighth Route Army are clinking poorly, so there is no extra money to distribute Uncle doesn't love the independent group that grandma doesn't love.

  Naturally, there is no need to turn in the captured items from the enemy
(End of this chapter)

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