under fire

Chapter 1237

Chapter 1237
After half an hour.

The combat plans of the three groups have been completed successively.

Taking advantage of the firelight, Wang Liujin spread out the battle plans handed in by the three teams: "Hey, take a look."

Taking a closer look at the combat plans of the students, Captain Lu blushed and spoke first: "These bastards who haven't made much progress."

Captain Zhang said with a dark face: "Forget it, this is still a fart, so I will do it according to the plan of the students in the group of Staff Officer Hu and make a copy of it for me as a souvenir."

Wang Liujin looked at it carefully: "Hey, actually some of the ideas put forward by your two teams are pretty good."

Captain Zhang shook his head: "It doesn't make any sense, I have an idea."

Captain Lu was a little embarrassed, and immediately hooked Hu Yi's shoulder: "I said, old Hu, you are hiding something. In my opinion, the team you lead can catch up with the level of the chief of staff of our regiment."

Zhang Lianchang curled his lips: "Brother Hu was originally the staff officer of the independent regiment, the key is the battle plan made by the company and platoon commander he led."

Captain Lu's tone was sincere: "Counselor Hu, I will learn more from you in the future."

Captain Zhang pursed his lips: "You learn a fart, their style of play, your logistics in the fifth division can't support it at all."

Captain Lu murmured: "I'm poor now, so when I get rich someday, won't I be able to use it?"

Captain Zhang then put Hu Yi on the other shoulder: "Counselor Hu, after studying, let's have a good drink. I have hidden a bottle of good wine. Our team leader asked for it three times and I didn't give it."

Being hugged by two big men, Hu Yi felt as if needles were pricking his whole body, and he was stunned on the spot.
"Look at the villains of you two. After this battle, I'm sure they'll be close to the whole family." Wang Liujin, who annotated Ma Liang's battle plan with a pencil, stood up and immediately called the students who were divided into three groups into four groups on the sand table. circle around.

Instructor Wang looked around: "Everyone is quiet, the battle plans of the three groups have been released, and the time has been advanced by 10 minutes. After discussion with our team leaders, the plan formulated by the first group is the best."

The first group is naturally the Ninth Battalion students of the most advanced study class.

"Now, let's ask the first group of students to explain to everyone. If you have any questions, you can comment after the explanation. Everyone is welcome."

It was Ma Liang who played, and if Xiao Hongying was replaced, she would be able to speak for at least half an hour.

Ma Liang stood beside the sand table and took a deep breath, subconsciously looking at Hu Yi.

Hu Yi sat on the periphery and nodded to Ma Liang who was looking over, signaling him not to be nervous.

Ma Liang took Wang Liujin and handed over a large command stick and a small command stick. He cleared his throat, pointed the stick at the sand and coiled it around: "Captain Geng has already introduced the strength and firepower of the bandits in the city. Then analyze the enemy situation."

Ma Liang quickly entered the state: "The purpose of this raid is twofold. The first is to control the old bandit Wang Taigong through the raid, and to take down the county through Wang Taigong's control. This is the first part. If the target is captured or the target dies accidentally, the raid will be upgraded to street fighting, and the bandit armed forces will be forced to surrender through combat power."

Having said that, Ma Liang paused. After all, some students might not be able to keep up with the rhythm: "The battle is divided into two parts. Let me talk about the first part first."

The wooden stick in his hand pointed to the south wall of the county seat: "In the first step, the armed task force selected fifteen soldiers as commandos, divided them into five combat groups, and approached the city wall from the southwest at night.

The bandit soldiers set up mobile observation posts on the city wall, and the bandits patrolling outside the city brought dogs, but the patrols patrolled the city regularly, and it was not difficult to avoid them.

Pre-plan: Make noise in other places to cause dogs to bark, and draw the attention of bandit soldiers on the city wall to observe the guard posts. "

Ma Liang Pause
Most of the students feel this way, and I know it too, right?

"In the second step, the commandos used hooks to quickly climb up the city wall, quickly controlled the mobile guard posts on the city wall in the dark, and then pretended to be them, and gradually cleared all the bandit guard posts on the city wall and replaced them with our assault team." At this point, the stick in Ma Liang's hand circled the city wall: "Then, four fire teams of 12 students from the division quickly went up the city wall, sent four light machine guns up and received the armed defense workers, and quickly established machine gun positions on the city wall .”

"Pre-plan, there may be a firefight during the process. You just need to yell at the city to get out of the fire. There is a great chance of cheating."

"Weapon configuration: the shell guns brought by the armed task force, four light machine guns, twelve magazines, and eight rifles in the cadet combat team. The firearms captured from the enemy are used as auxiliary weapons."

"Attention, the bandits have repaired the gaps in the city wall and opened shooting holes. When the commandos climbed the city wall, they must avoid these positions. In addition, due to my lack of troops, no prisoners will be left during the entire battle."

After a pause, the students started whispering and killing?
"In the third step, the armed workers withdrew from the city wall and entered the city from four directions. Each group headed towards the county government. The six members of the first and second combat groups seized the commanding heights around the county government respectively. The third and fourth groups Seize a private house on both sides of the street about 50 meters away from the county government, and the fifth and sixth fire teams of the sub-district students went up to the roof and established machine gun positions, and the sub-district staff members turned into machine gun teams to cover the combatants." Ma Liang pointed a stick in his hand. inner city.

"Weapon configuration: two light machine guns."

"Attention, the main threat comes from the bandits who enjoy the shade on the roof in summer."

"Identification of friend or foe: You cannot wear military uniforms during the sneaking process. Everyone must tie white towels on their arms. Emphasize that the towel must not be lost at any time."

Pause and mutter into pieces, did you hear clearly, did you understand?
"The fourth step is to follow up with the fifth, sixth and seventh groups of the divisional task force, trying to find a way to sneak in or climb over the wall to enter the county office, and throw two grenades at the opportunity to create chaos. After finding the target, use the green signal flare. The eighth and ninetieth groups of the task force Respond outside the county government."

"At this time, the follow-up students from the [-]th Combat Group dispersed to the county town, and each found a place to set fire, lest the county town fall into darkness, which would be disadvantageous to me. After the mission was completed, move downstairs to the machine gun group in the city as a cover for the machine gun group. The machine gun team will be replaced immediately after possible casualties."

"Precautions, pay attention to avoiding the main entrance of the county government office when responding, so as not to be accidentally injured by the machine gun team. Since the trainee team and the work team are not familiar with each other, each combat team must ensure that they stay at their posts. If the target has an accident, fire a red signal flare. Turned into street fighting and storming, the follow-up battle plan remains unchanged.”

"The fifth step. At this time, we seized a favorable high point in the city, and the city wall completely fell into our hands. After the signal flare was fired, the three machine gun groups in the north, southeast and south of the city wall opened fire immediately, killing and wounding the bandit soldiers who came out to watch the situation after hearing the explosion. .

The machine gun team opposite the county government was silent, throwing grenades in the dark to inflict maximum damage on the bandit soldiers. At this time, the bandits will definitely drill into the houses on both sides, and may even hit the wall. This is the most dangerous moment. The bandits on the roof were killed. "

"Pay attention to the alley, the machine gun team outside the west city gate must not fire, use it as a concealed firepower point"

"After the signal flare was fired in the sixth step, the artillery team of the peripheral students began to shell the bandit barracks, and the heavy machine gun team went to establish a machine gun position outside the west gate.

At this time, the bandits will think that the county seat has been occupied by the Eighth Route Army, and they will definitely find a way to escape from the city.
The machine gun team on the west wall has been silent. Most of the bandits will run to the west of the city in a panic. The heavy machine gun team needs to quickly lay down mines on the road. The guns do not kill, and the bandit soldiers have no other choice but to surrender.”

"Precautions, you need to pull the horse rope on the ground of the four gates outside the city to prevent bandits from fleeing on horseback in the dark."

"The battle plan may be adjusted at any time. Using the flashlight light on the west gate wall as the command signal, the instructor already explained the specific content yesterday at noon. My explanation is over, thank you!" Ma Liang stood at attention and saluted.

At this point in the battle arrangement, in Liang's view, even if there are three thousand bandits in the city, the overall situation is settled.

Because a large number of soldiers of the newly-organized Fourth Route Army have formed a siege at this time, which belongs to the first part and will not be explained.

Wang Liujin waited for the soldiers to digest for a while before he began to speak: "Now let's ask questions."

The students in the fifth division stood up: "I want to ask, the city is really in chaos, if the common people also take to the streets, don't you also shoot them?"

Ma Liang was still immersed in the battle scene in his mind, expressionless: "As long as you enter the street, you will be regarded as an enemy combatant!"

All the members couldn't help being surprised. Fuck, this is okay?
Another student stood up: "I want to ask student Ma, how much ammunition do you need according to your configuration? Can we afford it?"

Ma Liang nodded: "How many guns and ammunition do you think the two thousand bandits in the city can capture?"

"We don't take ordinary people's needles and threads. Such a battle will definitely destroy a lot of ordinary people's property. What do you think?"

"The devil's planes and cannons are bombarding, why don't you let him stop bombing?"

"Heideng is blind, even if you have a towel wrapped around your hands, what should you do if you accidentally hurt yourself?"

"There are sacrifices in battle."

"If the enemy is also wrapping a towel on his hand, how can he identify it?"

Unfortunately, the time was in a hurry, but I forgot about this, Ma Liang nodded to accept: "I forgot to write this, and add another battle command to that battle plan."

"You only made one battle plan, why not make a backup plan?"

"In half an hour, you can make two and I'll see." In half an hour, it would be nice to be able to make a simplified version...

"Who will be the commander-in-chief? Is it up to you?"

This man was clearly provocative, so Ma Liang squinted his eyes: "Why don't you come?"

The atmosphere is wrong.

The other one followed suit and stood up: "If the bandits don't go out of the city and fight stubbornly in the city, you don't seem to have a plan?"

Ma Liang wiped the sweat from his forehead: "If you can't even defeat the bandits, you might as well go home and farm."

These words smell like gunpowder.
The person who asked the question quit: "What do you mean?"

"It's not interesting. I want to ask you, have you beaten thousands of bandits?" Ma Liang thought that questioning him is equivalent to questioning Hu Yi. Who wouldn't be picky?
"I, you." The questioner was speechless, if I had beaten thousands of bandits, would I still be the platoon leader now?

Seeing that the situation was not right, Company Commander Zhang asked sincerely, "The new Fourth Route Army soldiers waiting outside the city, when do you plan to let them enter the city to take defense?"

Hearing Zhang Lianchang's words, the students in a division immediately fell silent.

Ma Liang thought for a while: "After capturing the bandits who escaped from the city, they immediately went into the city to eliminate the remnants of the enemy, and at the same time rescued the wounded and comforted the common people."

Director Lin of the enemy's Ministry of Industry, who had been standing in the dark, finally couldn't help but speak: "Let me also add a few questions."

[This chapter, I am suffocating, please advise everyone]

(End of this chapter)

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