under fire

Chapter 1240 Every detail is prepared

Chapter 1240 Every detail is prepared

The bandits on the plain are different from many green forest heroes who claim to rob the rich and help the poor. They kidnap, extort, and commit adultery. In the hearts of ordinary people, these people should all be shot!
The Eighth Route Army unites all anti-Japanese forces.

The decision to launch an attack on the bandits was completely unexpected by many people.

The Eighth Route Army, which is short of food, cannot afford to reform the bandits who defected to the enemy, and the bandits are vicious and hard to change. It is almost impossible to reorganize into the Eighth Route Army!

It is not easy to find out whether the captured bandits are heinous or not!

In the darkness south of the county seat.

The three cadets guarded by the Fourth Route Army did not return to the team. Don't think about it, those three shit stirrers must have entered the county.

Wang Liujin was a little worried about the safety of these three people.

Righteousness does not control wealth, and compassion does not control soldiers.

When the Enemy Engineering Division of the Fourth Route Army came to verify the situation, he just replied lightly that he knew.

The team assembles.

As the commander-in-chief of the commando, Wang Liujin followed the pre-war mobilization.

There is no need to distribute the battle plan, just give an order.

Go to the five districts of the three city gates in the north, southeast and start first.

Then a division and an armed task force moved towards the south wall of the county seat.

The heavy machine gun unit guarding the west gate followed quietly.

Wang Liujin suddenly grabbed Xiao Hongying who was walking behind the team, and lowered his voice: "Be honest, can Luo Fugui and the others complete the task?"

Xiao Hongying replied casually: "It shouldn't be a big problem, he used to be a bandit, so there must be no problem touching Wang Taigong's lair."

"However, they don't know our specific plan."

"What kind of plan will Ma Liang make, do you think Luo Fugui will not know?"

"You mean you have already discussed it?"

Xiao Hongying nodded: "Be confident in your comrades!"

"Don't forget the important supplies requested by the superior!"

"Don't worry, it's just some radio batteries and medicines. Although our Eighth Route Army can't take action against businessmen who are making money from the country, as for the county town being robbed by the defeated bandits, what does it matter to us?"

Wang Liujin nodded: "Okay, I have to take the artillery crew to the front to set up a position, and I will go to the West Wall City to command the battle later, remember to send me a signal with a flashlight after you set up."

"It's really long-winded!" Xiao Hongying saluted, turned around and trotted to catch up with the Ninth Battalion of heavy machine gun trainees who had already set off to the west.

The Eighth Route Army in the mountains is short of supplies, especially batteries for radio stations and medicines when the team is out for activities.

This time the county was attacked, the superior used the training to test the combat effectiveness of the troops was one reason, and the materials seized by the bandits was another important reason.

The two ambush teams of Big Dog and Crazy Yang, carrying rifles and submachine guns on their chests, approached the west gate of the county seat first while it was dark.

Five miles outside the west gate.

A shallow ditch.

Hu Yi leaned back against the ditch and stared at the fires on the distant city wall piercing the darkness.

Xiao Hongying next to her bumped her arm into the dazed Hu Yi, "Fox, except for the outlying troops, only one company actually participated in the assault on the county town. Do you really think Ma Liang's plan will work?"

Hu Yi turned around: "No matter how many bandits there are, they are mobs. They don't have a command system at all, and they will shirk each other when they encounter difficulties. From Jin Baoyu to the old bandit of Qi, and Wang Taigong and his son, they actually didn't fully grasp the bandits under their command. As long as Li Xiang and ten thousand small mortars are fired by the soldiers, the bandits will definitely become a swarm of bees."

"Why don't you fight for such a lively thing?"

There will be sacrifices in battle, Hu Yi looked at the darkness and shook his head: "Don't underestimate the bandits, many of them come from the defeated national army."

"Then do you want to set up machine gun positions first?"

"Don't worry, Big Dog and Crazy Yang set up an ambush on the road outside the west gate, and the gate of the county seat has long been closed. When the city was in chaos, the bandits guarding the city would not open the gate at all, and the bandits in the city would not open the gate at all. Fa out of town."

"Hey, it's really interesting to close the door and beat the dog. The bandits locked themselves in the city and let us shoot the target."

Hu Yi was silent for a while: "Although the bandits in the city are all doing evil things, they are also Chinese people anyway."

"Those who voted for devils and still harmed the common people should die. No, I don't think you ever cared about the life and death of the enemy before."

The raid point chosen by the armed task force coincidentally was almost at the same place as that chosen by Luo Fugui and Li Huanzhang.

The slight difference is that the armed task force has done more careful reconnaissance work, knowing that there are bandits guarding behind the gap, and the gap repaired with wooden door panels can easily cause movement, which is not conducive to assault.

The bandit patrol passed slowly.

A rope hook wrapped in black cloth flew from the darkness towards the city wall.

There were still shouts in the county town at midnight, which completely covered up the sound of the rope falling to the ground.

Following the team members who climbed up the city wall to feel the sentry, they hung nervously in the darkness outside the city wall, and looked around for a long time with their probes
No. Where's the observation post of the bandit soldiers?

I can't control that much anymore, I climbed up the city wall and pulled the rope.

Pulled up a large three-claw hook rope tied with a rope.

Soon, figures climbed up one by one.

An armed task force of more than ten people immediately formed a team and began to patrol the city wall.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, the bandit soldiers in the upper room immediately ran out to see what was going on, and turned around and yelled: "Clean up quickly, Commander Wang's patrol team is here."

"The chickens haven't crowed yet, why are you here so early today?" The people in the room muttered, there was nothing to clean up, just two dice and a bowl.

When the patrol team walked to the wooden ladder above the gap, they found that there was no movement below, and a three-person group quietly disappeared into the darkness.

"Hey? Why are you so early today?" Seeing the patrolman slowly approaching, the leader of the bandit soldiers in the city gate hurried out to say hello.

"The commander received the news that the Eighth Route Army will attack the county town tonight. Let's come over to strengthen the defense."

"Eight-way siege? Are you joking?" Is there anything funnier than this in the world?
Captain Geng continued to walk eastward, and Hu Yi made it very clear to him that he must be bold, and after mingling with the enemy, he would draw a bayonet!

Not every team member has the mentality of walking past the enemy's eyelids and ignoring the enemy without changing his face.

My heart was pounding, and the bayonet hidden in the sleeve even scratched the clothes.
The little leader of the bandits saw the reflection of the light from the oil lamp in the city gate building behind him, and immediately realized that the situation seemed not very good.
A command came from the front: "Stand still. Turn right."

Following the bayonets in the sleeves slipped one after another
The leader of the bandit soldiers was very skilled. When the team members heard the command and stopped, they raised their rifles and followed suit.
The distance between the two was too close, and the soldier who was shot tried his best to slash the bayonet across the neck of the bandit leader.

Then, his body fell backwards.

The soldiers next to him had no one to help him, and the bayonets in their hands began to stab the bandit soldiers standing in a mess at the gate of the city gate.

The sharp bayonet pierced into the flesh with a puff, and there was a short scream followed by convulsions
Then, members of another group rushed into the city gate with a pistol in one hand and a bayonet in the other.
There was no need for the team members to yell at the bandit soldiers in the room to hand in their guns and not kill them, they had already raised their hands.

A Czech-style light machine gun was lying on one side, ten rifles, one forged pistol, and no bayonets.
Then, a few bandits who seemed to be drunk on the city gate started to quarrel.
Hearing the gunshots, the bandit soldiers stationed inside the city gate immediately came out and asked, "Hey, what happened?"

Faintly heard a voice from the city tower: "...you dare to snatch Lao Tzu's woman"

"So what if I rob you?"

"Oh, you still dare to hit someone..."

Someone seems to be trying to persuade the fight: "If you have something to say, please don't do it."

Seeing that the people above were only focused on quarreling and fighting without answering, the bandit soldiers who were questioning below immediately went up the horse path to the city wall to see what happened.

bang bang.
A wine jar was thrown from above and smashed to pieces in front of the bandit soldiers
(End of this chapter)

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