under fire

Chapter 1241 The Party State Needs You

Chapter 1241 The Party State Needs You
As a popular figure under Maeda Shaozuo in An County, Li Youcai can be regarded as having a high status.

Well versed in the principle that citrons die first, dog traitors keep a low profile these days.

I dare not go out alone at all.

He sneaked out from the back door of the detective team late at night, and quietly returned to the kennel he bought in the county seat.

Li Weiwei knew about Li Youcai's situation, so he sent additional people to strengthen patrols on the street of Kennel.

As for who else is secretly protecting this dog traitor, it is unknown.

After entering the room, closing the door and turning on the light, Gou Hanjian froze on the spot, and the woman who had been thinking so much was sitting in the dark, as if waiting for him.

When I came back to my senses, I subconsciously asked, "Are you back?"

Lin Xiu looked a little cold in front of Li Youcai: "Are... are you okay?"

Li Youcai forced a smile on his face: "Not dead yet."

Lin Xiu's eyes were a bit complicated, and she said faintly: "The higher-ups are very dissatisfied with you."

Li Youcai looked at the snake brand on the table, remembering that he gave it to her for self-defense, and subconsciously laughed at himself: "I told you everything, what else should I do?"

"Someone offered a thousand dollars to buy your life"

"It seems that my life is quite valuable."

"Yu Jingsan agreed to join the ranger." Lin Xiu seemed a little embarrassed, sitting on the stool without speaking, looking at the dog traitor in front of her with flickering eyes.

She came to look for herself, because she wanted to put herself in the wrong place?
The dog traitor has a complicated heart. At first he knew that Lin Xiu had something to do with the Rangers, but he didn't care at all.

Until Lin Xiu, a young female student with no experience at all, was reused by the Rangers.

He rejected Lin Xiu's snare.

He is not stupid, he is valued by Maeda, and the Rangers obviously want to use Lin Xiu's relationship with him to achieve his goal.

Lin Xiuneng was favored by the Rangers entirely because of himself.

The dog traitor is frustrated.

Maeda is not easy to be fooled, knowing that he has something to do with the Rangers, so he stands on a high place and looks at the scenery with his eyes closed.

Not surprisingly, the Rangers must also know that they have a relationship with Eighth Route.

All three parties seem to have higher and higher expectations of themselves.

After a while, Lin Xiu raised her head: "Let's leave this matter as it is, but you must cut off contact with Eight Routes."

Li Youcai was suddenly a little angry: "Hehe, didn't you want me to enter the Eighth Route?"

"You are Monkey King, I don't want you to die"

In the past, the dog traitor wanted to hear this sentence very much.

Now, he felt that it was a little awkward to say these words from her mouth.

"You guys really want to do something to Eight Road?"

Lin Xiu shook her head: "We're just ants, we can't stop the game between elephants."

Li Youcai said suddenly, with a sincere tone: "We can leave here"

Lin Xiu looked at the dog traitor with disgust in his eyes, and finally sighed: "The country is ruined and the family is destroyed, everyone is responsible."

How could Li Youcai fail to see the disgust in Lin Xiu's eyes: "You Rangers are only short of wearing a pair of pants with Maeda."

Lin Xiu's gaze began to show murderous intent: "You have to be clear, those who sympathize with Balu must die."

"I'm dead, and the world will not be quiet." Li Youcai still looked at the snake brand on the table: "You have changed."

Lin Xiu had undergone professional special training in the military training camp some time ago.

She knew very well that in the past, she was favored by her superiors because of the traitor in front of her.

The current situation is completely different from before. If Li Youcai still has no clear relationship with the Eight Routes, he will also be included in the list of being eliminated.

In the eyes of military agents, there is nothing that cannot be given up.

The dog traitor rescued his father from the devil, and he also saved himself.

Although the dog traitor slept with her, it was evened out.

Li Youcai didn't seem to be nervous at all, and the two sat silently facing each other.

After a while, Lin Xiucai said calmly: "Balu is about to die."

"Hehe." Li Youcai was thinking, compared with someone like Kamikawa Chiba who has regained his strength, the Rangers are like paper.

"You don't seem to believe it?"

The dog traitor felt that he had slept with her. Although he was not her Monkey King, he didn't want her to die in an unknown way. He reminded, "I think you'd better not be impulsive, Balu is not as weak as you think."

"The situation is completely different now. In the past, there were national troops in the mountains to shield the Eighth Route in the south, and the Eighth Route can still be safe." Lin Xiu is a complete newcomer in the Rangers, but in terms of understanding the current situation, she is no match for a traitor. .

Li Youcai suddenly got a little annoyed: "You have said that the country is ruined and the family is destroyed, but you still play these tricks, is it interesting?"

The atmosphere of the conversation between the two was completely different from before.

For a dog traitor, even his ancestors can be sold, and there is no lower limit to his shamelessness.

He liked Lin Xiu from the bottom of his heart. The gendarmerie had captured many members of the Rangers, and he knew exactly how bad the Rangers were.

Lin Xiu's tone was flat: "You have to understand that the Eighth Route is the root cause of this disaster. It has been harming the local area since more than ten years ago. If the Eighth Route had not been against the party-state, the party-state would not have been so passive and led to the fall of the country. "

The dog traitor finally understood something. Compared with the shamelessness of the Rangers, he was completely insignificant.

Ba Lu was really ruthless when he attacked the devils. From his point of view, Lin Xiu was completely blinded by the Rangers. What Lin Xiu told him was completely playing the piano against the bull.

The dog traitor suddenly raised his head and looked into Lin Xiu's eyes: "I have never changed for you."

"I know, that's why I gave you a chance." Lin Xiu grabbed the traitor's hand: "The party and the state need you."

tuk tuk tuk tuk

Three urgent and two slow.

"Second brother." Li Weiwei's voice came.

Withdrawing his hand from Lin Xiu, Li Youcai walked from the house to the yard without any hesitation, and then pulled the bolt on the gate of the outer courtyard.

Li Weiwei looked anxious: "Second brother, it's not good."

"What are you panicking about, what happened?"

"Uncle called, there is a collective poisoning situation in Luoye Village."

Li Youcai frowned: "Have you figured out who poisoned you?"

"I can't be sure for the time being, but the head of Meng Village in Xiaowang Village caught a poisoned detective team member in the concentrated settlement. According to him, it was arranged by that bastard surnamed Shen from the Meixian County detective team. Dozens of them came here this time, all with arsenic on their bodies.”

"Mei County Detective Team? Ran nearly a hundred miles to An County to poison?" Li Youcai's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

"There must be something to do with it. I've sent someone to check it out"

Bandits are not monolithic.

Intrigue and struggle for power and profit are the norm.

In these days and years, who doesn't have three or two enemies when hanging out outside?

When Wang Taigong became a queen, he cherished his life very much.

Most of the time he stayed in the high-walled courtyard of the county government, and rarely showed his face in front of the bandits under him.

There were two consecutive gunshots in Nancheng, which aroused the vigilance of the old bandits hugging left and right.

Immediately ask your cronies to take someone over to check.

in the dark.

Li Huanzhang lay on the roof, watching a group of bandit soldiers trot out of the county government office, and immediately approached the county government wall quietly.

Luo Fugui was doing ideological work for the bandit soldier in black who was caught in the alley: "Grandma dares to say a lie, I will cut your penis first, and then skin you!"

"Master, everything my little one said is true, if there is a lie, there will be a thunderbolt!" In the darkness, the guy who just came out of the prostitute's house spoke in a mournful tone.

The soldier of the secret service company covered the mouth of the bandit queen with one hand, followed by the bayonet in his hand and pierced the bandit soldier's waist from the back bandit soldier's body, and the point of the bayonet emerged from the bandit soldier's body
"Grandma hasn't finished asking yet."

"What's the matter, there are more than [-] bandit soldiers in the county government. Eleven went out just now, but now there are only a dozen left, and it's just right to touch them now."

"What if the gunshots from Nancheng really went off the rails?" Luo Fugui really didn't want to enter the county government office.

(End of this chapter)

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