under fire

Chapter 1245 The Royal Association Army is also divided into 369 classes

Although Neihuang County is located in a plain, because it is located in the old course of the Yellow River, there are undulating sand dunes, criss-cross ravines, dense jujube forests, and a barren and endless terrain.

More than [-] meters away from the city gate, Mancang commanded a platoon of soldiers from the Fourth Route Army who came to study and communicate, digging soil and packing sacks on the spot.

A company commander who came to study was very heartbroken: "We dig trenches for ambushes. If we do this, how many sacks will we have to destroy in one battle?"

"If you don't want to die, just do it" Mancang didn't have any more explanations.

With many people and strong strength, a machine gun base was quickly formed.

The heavy machine gun was carried into the circular machine gun base, and the canvas bullet belts were checked when the warehouse was full, and then cooling water was poured into the gun barrel
A raging fire ignited in the county seat, illuminating most of the county seat.

The fire caused by the smoke hall could not be contained, and soon formed a trend of burning the whole camp.

It seems that guns are being fired everywhere in the north, southeast, and there are eight-way arrogant shouts of "hand in the gun and don't kill".

However, the western half of the city was so quiet that it made one's heart palpitate.

According to this situation, it is basically impossible to persist until dawn.

The bandit soldiers gathered near the county government office began to panic and shout.
"Balu is calling"

"Something happened at the east gate!"

"An accident happened at the south gate!"

"Something happened at the north gate..."

"Don't panic, anyone who yells will be shot immediately"

In times of natural disasters, man-made disasters and troubled times, there are not many educated people among the bandit soldiers who go up the mountain to become bandits.

Immediately understand that Balu has used the good method of the ancestors: surround three queues and one!

The sky in the east is getting brighter and brighter, and the West Street is even more dark and empty.

The bandit soldiers on the west side of the county government looked at West Street, ready to move.

Whether it's a chance to escape from the sky or embark on the road to hell, no one knows!
Wang Sanzhu went to a military academy in Gongxian County, and he also established many rules in peacetime.

Coupled with the training of devil consultants, bandit soldiers also set up a military law team.

If you run away, you will definitely be shot.

No one wants to be that early bird.
The rattling of machine guns sounded like a reminder, and the screams of the bandits made their brains buzz.

The bandit soldiers gathered in the courtyards on both sides of the West Street saw that there was no movement on the street, and they kept thinking about Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Confused about the situation, he subconsciously thought that he should stay away from the sound of gunfire and explosions.

Gossip from the east is flying all over the sky, staying here is likely to wait for death!
The tight heartstrings can't be stretched
Finally, a certain bandit couldn't bear the hellish pressure of death and collapsed directly.

Jumped out from the base of the wall, muttered something, and ran towards West Avenue.

This one, who didn't care what to do, slipped under the wall to find cover, and ran westward in the middle of West Street in a panic.

The fire on the east side of the county seat was several feet high, and the light shone faintly on the back of the man.

The bandit leader of the military law team holding up the formation raised his gun and aimed at the back of the fleeing guy.

Hold your breath and slowly press the trigger with your finger.

Before he could shoot, the guy who was running away in a panic suddenly fell down.
Rolled twice on the ground, struggled to get up with limbs and staggered to continue running westward.

Perhaps because he thought it was okay to run away, the second bandit jumped out from the base of the wall and followed him to the west.
With the second, there will be the third, follow a group of bandit soldiers into the street, join the fleeing team
The little leader of the military law team became impatient, and immediately raised his gun, and there was no chance to find the one who ran first.

Had to shoot at the fleeing crowd.

The first one to escape to the west is fine!
Instead, there was a gunshot from behind, and it didn't matter who was shooting at this time.

On the side of the street, someone seemed to be yelling strangely in the dark: "Balu is calling, run away."

Is this still available?

Watching the wind and watching the sound of the wind, the bandit soldiers didn't care what to do at this time, they were surrounded by three queues, and they shouted heart-piercingly while running.

It seems that if you don't join them, you will be doomed.

Herd mentality is quickly contagious, just like herbivores migrating, knowing that there are lions and crocodiles, but still going forward bravely.

More bandit soldiers embarked on the road of fleeing in a panic, and the bandit soldiers who had been hiding in the courtyard around the county government also slipped out of the dormitory with their bags on their backs.

The bandits on West Street far away from the county government immediately became a mess. The leader of the Military Law Department whistled loudly, but no one paid any attention to him.
In the darkness, the muzzle of a black hole's pistol was aimed at the little leader of the military law team who was whistling harshly.

Another gunshot sounded, and the man from the Military Law Office fell back with his chest tilted, and the bandits from the Military Law Office hurried forward to help him.

A wicked and smoking grenade that fell from the sky suddenly exploded in the crowd.

"Run, Balu is calling."

There were people everywhere, and many bandit soldiers seemed to have lost their direction in a panic. Seeing that most of them were running westward, they followed the crowd and ignored everything, and ran away.

Some people who have seen the situation clearly intend to stay where they are, but seeing more and more figures running, staying doesn't seem to be the best choice.

There seems to be no machine guns on the tower of Ximen. Could it be that there are so few people on the eighth pass that they couldn't touch Ximen?

Staying in the city and continuing to follow the head of the family and the Eight Routes of Fire, or to escape first, fighting in the mind.

Wang Taigong's bandits were divided into four regiments!
That's right, there are indeed four regiments of bandits in the county!
In these years, officials are sealed casually, and when an official is young, he will lose face when he goes out to meet his colleagues.

However, there are only five or six hundred people in each regiment.

In fact, there are more than a thousand people under his direct line. Wang Sanzhu went out to take away half of the bandits, and then transferred some new bandits to join him.

Usually, the defense of the county is the responsibility of the direct descendant regiment who stayed behind.

The other two regiment leaders were his confidantes, almost all of them were bandit soldiers gathered together by having food, so they didn't have the consciousness of prohibiting orders.

One of the two heads is in the east of the county government office and the other is in the west of the county government office.

The peripheral team was in chaos, and the two regiment leaders immediately found that the battalion commander who was still beside him just now had disappeared.
Except for more than [-] members of the direct line guard platoon, there are only a few hundred bandit soldiers left under the walls on both sides of the Xida fortress position.

Almost instantly became a polished commander.

Ordinary bandit soldiers naturally don't know as much as the two bandit regiment leaders.

Last year, Li Ying, the No. [-] public security army, was beaten by the Eighth Route Army, and a brigade commander was beaten to death by the Eighth Route Army. It took five thousand oceans to redeem the body.

And there are armored vehicles on the Eighth Road!
The first thought of the bandit leader sitting on the west side of the town was to go back and report to the commander.

The battalion commander under him didn't actually run away, but seeing the chaos, he led people to the courtyard surrounding the county government office to stop and appease the flustered subordinates.

As soon as the head of the bandit ran away, the head of the bandit battalion who came back hurriedly asked the remaining bandit soldiers.

The bandit soldiers were in a hurry, and directly said that the regiment leader had run away.
They have dealt with the Eighth Route Army in the plain area for a long time, and many bandit soldiers even joined the Eighth Route Army. They left the Eighth Route Army only after they could not survive the hard life.

Who doesn't know who the eight roads are?

Eight roads are poor, every time you fight a war, you think twice before acting!
It seems that Balu is bound to win this time.

It's not a bluff, the entire east of the city has fallen into the hands of the Eight Route Hands, if you stay here, you will either be a prisoner or die!

It is true that the Eight Routes gave preferential treatment to captives, but you let me eat twice a day, and you still can't touch women. This life is worse than death.

And after leaving Eighth Road, there is no gun. In these days, without a gun is nothing.

With a gun, anyone who wants to vote is a guest!
What are you waiting for?Waiting for the head to come back and give orders to everyone as cannon fodder?

The more he thought about this, the more evil he became, so he directly ordered his subordinates to take his direct line and run away to Ximen, who hadn't fired much.

There are more than [-] bandit soldiers guarding the city gate, and they have been removed by the work team on the gate floor and students from a division.

The big dog hid on the dry moat embankment on both sides of the city gate to prevent the bandit soldiers from spreading to both sides after leaving the city gate.

The sound of chaotic running reached the city gate, and after the teeth-stinging squeaks, a bandit soldier came out from the crack of the gate.
The air outside the city is so damn good.
As more bandit soldiers arrived at the west gate, the gate was slowly pushed open further
A daring bandit soldier hesitated for a moment, and ran directly along the horse path to the top of the city gate.
"Hey, what happened in the city?" A voice from the city gate asked nervously.

The bandit soldier breathed a sigh of relief: "Balu is calling. Are you all right here?"

The city wall is surrounded by a circle. This guy thinks there is a gap in the city wall. As long as the ladder is removed, the eight roads will definitely not be able to get through.
Bandit soldiers are good at raiding houses and robbing villages, jumping over walls and entering houses, and the battle begins to seize the commanding heights. It's not that he doesn't understand this principle.

But when it comes to theory, if he can read a few words and understand some military common sense, at least he can work as a job in the regular Imperial Association Army of Commander Wang of An County, so as not to be reduced to being a bandit.
Seeing bandit soldiers running up the tower, the bandit soldiers who came out from behind immediately followed suit
Maybe it was because they thought they had escaped from the hell of death, so curiosity prevailed, and they habitually sought out similar news, so as to see if there was a chance to watch the excitement again.

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