under fire

Chapter 1246 The Life Harvester

After running westward out of the city gate, the bandit soldiers began to slow down after a quick run.

The mood slowly relaxed, and even looked back occasionally.

Facing the fear of the unknown, none of the bustling bandits broke away and ran to both sides of the road.

With black lights and blind fire firing everywhere, leaving the team means facing your fears alone.

Taking advantage of the light from the county town to brighten the sky, the bandit soldiers who had changed from running to fast walking began to ask each other for news.

The chattering bandit soldiers formed a long row on the road, clamoring and clamoring.

The team slowly moved westward.

Walking at the forefront, the bandit soldier saw a dark shadow on the company: "When did there be such a thing like a grave bag on this road?"

After finishing speaking, the bandit soldiers next to him just raised their guns to see what happened.

A tongue of flame began to flicker in the night.

tom tom tom...

The sound of shooting from the [-]th Maxim heavy machine gun was extraordinary. Facing the sudden change, the bandit soldiers subconsciously lay down on the ground.

When the bandits at the westernmost point lay on the ground, they were already unconscious
Heavy machine gun!
There are two in the headquarters, and I have seen the power of this guy during a live ammunition training.

The big guy left a deep impression on everyone, listening to the voice that seemed to come from hell deep in the memory.

The bandit soldiers who had been lying halfway wished they could turn into Tu Xingsun and get into the soil.

The heavy machine gun glowed with the breath of death, and the thumb holding the grip and pressing the trigger was trembling with the death machine.

The canvas belt bounced happily and stuffed it into the bolt. The jumping tripod rubbed against the reinforced sandbag back and forth, and the hot bullet casings slid forward from under the water barrel.

Heavy machine gun bullets have an extremely terrifying stopping power on the human body. As long as the body is hit by one bullet, at least one bullet will seriously injure the body, and most of them will be killed on the spot.

There was no need to stop in the middle, the bullets fired continuously by howling and screaming completely became a life harvester, the ballistic trajectory raged among the bandits lying on the ground, their heads were broken, their backs were broken, their arms were broken and their legs were broken.

Occasionally, bullets hit the metal part of the weapon in the bandit soldier's hand and on the back, and sparks scattered here and there.

The raging ballistic trajectory is like plowing the ground from more than ten meters in front of the position towards the city gate, tearing up all the bodies that hinder the bullet's advancement, crashing into the ground, and finally crashing into the city gate hole.

Mancang raised the grip slightly, and the ballistic began to pull out from the city gate again, crazily spraying the death curse.

Amidst the sound of manic shooting, most of the bandit soldiers on the ground even completely forgot that they should roll into the ditch next to the road. The road of more than [-] meters has almost become a purgatory on earth.

As soon as the heavy machine gun rang out, grenades began to be thrown down from the city gate.

The purpose is very simple, so that the bandit soldiers who followed and ran out of the city can't figure out what happened outside the city gate!
Behind the simple light machine gun positions built by three sandbags next to the heavy machine gun, Dirty Face held the body of the Czech machine gun, poked his head out from the sandbags, and looked at the scene on the road.

Familiar scenes began to appear in his mind. At a certain time, he was shot by the Devil's [-]nd heavy machine gun. The depressing feeling made him gradually become irritable.

His head suddenly retracted, and he buried his face directly in the sand that had just been dug out from behind the sandbag and pushed in front.

The deputy shooter lying next to him was startled, and quickly pulled out his dirty face buried in the sand: "Brother, what's wrong with you?"

The dirty face is breathing heavily, the mouth and nose are full of sand, coughing violently, and it takes a long time to get out of that scene.

This feeling was too depressing, so he jumped up suddenly, grabbed the Czech machine gun on the sandbag in front of him and subconsciously aimed it at the heavy machine gun that was firing next to him.
The deputy shooter next to him was taken aback, grabbed the barrel of the gun and lifted it up: "Hey, what are you doing?"

Da da da.
A three-shot shot into the sky.
Dirty face grabbing the machine gun and the deputy shooter both fell sideways
Hu Yi, who was next to him, heard the conversation between the two, and realized that something was wrong. He trotted to the side of Dirty Face, grabbed the dangling tripod of the light machine gun with one hand, and kicked Dirty Face's head wearing a helmet.

Then he ordered the deputy shooter next to him: "Take away his weapon and drag him to the back ditch to watch"

The heavy machine guns in the machine gun base did not stop at all until the last shell of the 250-round belt slipped from the front of the barrel.

The gunshots didn't last long, maybe more than a minute. For the bandit soldiers on the highway, it was their whole life.
On the south side of the heavy machine gun, Hu Yi readjusted the Czech machine gun.

Da da da.
The sound of three-point shooting was much clearer, and the target could not be seen clearly in the dark. He didn't care whether he could hit the target, as long as he suppressed the bandit soldiers lying on the ground from daring to get up.

"This scene is really big." The company commander of the Fourth Route Army next to Hu Yi stared wide-eyed, holding the rifle tightly in his hand.

As a representative of studying and communicating with the students of the Anti-Japanese University, his superiors did not arrange any specific tasks. Earlier, Captain Hu said that he would lead someone to clean up the battlefield later.
It feels uncomfortable to be underestimated.

Seeing the bullet casings constantly jumping out of the machine gun in Hu Yi's hand, he finally blushed a little.

The new Fourth Route Army is active between the enemy-occupied area and the Kuomintang-controlled area. They are really poor, and they are what they are talking about.

I heard that the heavy machine gun can fire 1 rounds of ammunition in one minute, and the ammunition in the hands of the soldiers of his company is only enough for the students to fire for one minute.
I don't know. When will I have such a big killer.
The light machine gun in Hu Yi's hand stopped firing
A muffled sound.
Suddenly a bright spot appeared in the sky, extremely bright.

I haven't, doesn't mean I haven't seen it
I knew the existence of this thing when I was raided by devils before.

My ears hadn't adjusted to the suddenly quiet battlefield in the west of the city, and the sound of gunfire from the direction of the county seemed very far away.

The company commander subconsciously followed the photo and turned his head. The surviving bandit soldiers on the road were struggling, and some stunned bandit soldiers stood up unsteadily.

Then, the rifles on both sides of the road began to ring sporadically, and the bandit soldiers who stood up trembled and then fell down again.
The flare finally landed.

The company commander felt his body was bumped.

Hu Yi's cold voice came: "What are you still doing? Hurry up and clean the battlefield, you only have 5 minutes."

The company commander came back to his senses and waved to the soldiers who were also in a state of confusion behind him: "Come on, everyone. When cleaning the battlefield, capture the prisoners first. If you encounter resistance, shoot them on the spot. If you lie on the ground, you must replenish your guns. Observers pay attention to the time. When the flashlight flashes once, everyone leaves the road immediately. After two flashes, you must be ten meters away from the road. After three flashes, the heavy machine gun will fire again. Go ahead”

One by one torches were lit: "Come on", "Hand in your guns and don't kill"

"The Eighth Route Army Treats Prisoners Preferentially" "Kill"

The bandit soldiers crawling hard on the road have no intention of fighting back at this time, so they can do whatever you tell them to do.
Hu Yi pressed the full magazine into the Czech-style bolt.

Going to the back, looking at the deputy shooter next to the dirty face: "Is he awake?"

The dirty face's eyes were still divergent, and he murmured: "Mr. Hu, I'm sorry."

Hu Yi patted his dirty face on the shoulder: "You can't do this next time."

Mancang took the bullet belt from the deputy shooter and put it into the bolt, pushed the bolt forward, pulled the canvas belt, pushed it back after the bolt returned, pulled the bullet belt again, and heard a crisp metallic sound. , the trigger returns to its position.

I reached out and touched the thick barrel of the machine gun. It was a little hot. Based on my feeling, it should still be able to fire a belt.
He took the water bottle from the soldier next to him, took a sip into his mouth, and then sat on the sandbag next to him with his eyes closed and waited.

He didn't go to see the scene of cleaning the battlefield on the road.

Because he didn't need to look at it at all, he knew what it was like.

There was no expression on the young face, like a machine.

The thumb was still vibrating subconsciously, as if waiting to adjust to the next jerk of the trigger.

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