under fire

Chapter 1255 Defense zone ownership

Most of this group of students came from the main regiment in Jizhong.

The trainees of the company platoon leader naturally looked down upon the instructor arranged by their superiors as a little girl.

They even whispered to each other whether this girl had ever been on the battlefield.

The captain's name was Zhao Hu, who had only been promoted to battalion commander not long ago, and he was very prestigious among the students.

Although I don't know why the instructor arranged by the superior is a little girl, I still respect the instructor Hong very much.

The main regiment attaches great importance to the daily study of grassroots commanders and soldiers.

Unlike the independent regiment, most of the platoon leaders can't even read a few words.

At least on the surface, he still gave Instructor Hong enough face.

With teaching plans, it is not difficult to analyze the current situation according to the scriptures.

The clear and clear voice described the current situation clearly and clearly, especially the fearless aura of the red instructor who had entered the state, which made the platoon leaders put away their contempt for a while.

Into the plains in summer, the climate is very hot.

After the sun came up, the yard quickly became impossible to sit in.

Instructor Hong directly ordered the students studying in the open air to rest temporarily, and then transferred to the ancestral hall to continue studying the required reading for soldiers.

According to Instructor Hong's request, the students who were re-divided into groups collected their pens and notebooks, and those who were supposed to go to the toilet went to the toilet, and after entering the ancestral hall, they sat down on the ground again in an orderly manner.

Zhao Hu stopped Instructor Hong outside the ancestral hall: "Hey, is Company Commander Wang and the others okay?"

Xiao Hongying put her little hands behind her back: "Huh?"


"I don't call 'hey'."

Zhao Hu froze for a moment, blushing: "Report to the instructor, I have a problem!"

Xiao Hongying glared at Zhao Hu: "Don't ask if you shouldn't."

"Instructor Red, don't tell me, I just want to ask who will host the training in the afternoon?"

Xiao Hongying straightened her small body: "Of course it's my instructor, who do you think it is?"

"You?" Zhao Hu was taken aback. They only had three days to study in rotation training with the special agent company. Could it be all wasted on this little girl?

Xiao Hongying waved her hand: "Hurry up and sit down. I will copy the required reading for soldiers in a while, practice in the afternoon, and learn the anti-Japanese tactics quiz in the evening."

Captain Zhao had no choice but to raise his hand in salute: "Yes"

The students in the ancestral hall had long been arguing, obviously dissatisfied with the instructors arranged by their superiors
"...It's no different from what we study in the regiment."

"Yeah, waste of time"

"The theoretical level of the red instructor is not low"

"No matter how much theory is learned, can a devil be killed by theory?"

Seeing Zhao Hu come in, a student immediately came up and asked, "Captain, you should be able to meet the comrades from the spy company during the afternoon training, right?

Zhao Hu shook his head: "Don't ask questions, take study notes and obey the orders of the superiors."

Although the military uniforms on the soldiers were worn out, their spirits were not low.

After the situation is finished, the soldiers who follow the mimeograph must read the pamphlet.

Instructor Hong quickly finished his lecture according to the script.

Next is the must-read for students to copy soldiers.

Xiao Hongying circled around the huddled students in the ancestral hall.

Seeing the students put the small books on their laps to copy the military must-reads, it was a beauty in my heart.

Those who have not experienced being a teacher will not understand that this is the highest enjoyment in life.

It's just that Xiao Hongying's idea is unusual, if all these students get the Jiuying, it will be perfect
The students are all from the main group, does the uncle not love the independent group that the grandma doesn't hurt?

People don't pay attention to it at all.

Obviously, just a thought.

She originally thought that there would be a scene of trouble in the classroom, but she had already thought of a countermeasure.

However, the students obeyed the discipline and did not give her a chance to perform.

The food brought by the students was handed over to Wang Xiaosan, and the surroundings were guarded, and the village still lit fires in broad daylight.

After watching for a while, the students were seriously copying the required reading for soldiers.

There were too many people crowded in the small ancestral hall, and many people didn't take a bath in the hot weather, and the smell became more and more smoky.

Xiao Hongying felt that she would definitely be fumigated to death if she stayed any longer, so she quickly turned around and left the ancestral hall.

He waved to Crazy Yang and Liu Yuanqing who were standing guard at the door.

The "teaching assistant" sitting in the yard hurried forward to take over the post.

Students who have entered the study class cannot wander around casually.

Xiao Hongying took her two dog legs back to the yard where the students of the Ninth Battalion lived.

Crazy Yang suddenly asked: "Do all commanders at the grassroots level learn?"

Seeing this man not reciting scriptures, Xiao Hongying was not used to it: "Ordinary soldiers must attend literacy classes."

Crazy Yang compared the Eighth Route Army with the National Army in his heart and suddenly realized that learning must be an important reason why a team without heavy firepower equipment can fight the National Army for more than ten years.

"What are you thinking?"

"If this method can be popularized in the national army, it will definitely defeat the little devil!"

"Those people in Chongqing planted many spies in the Eighth Route Army. Do you think they don't know?"

"How do you say it?" Crazy Yang lost his temper.

"The Eighth Route Army is dedicated to the common people. The soldiers don't even have military pay. Let's set up a table in any village to recruit soldiers. The common people who sign up for the Eighth Route Army can line up from the east of the village to the west of the village. Do you want to know why?"

"Please enlighten me!" Crazy Yang actually knew the general reason, but still wanted to hear what Xiao Hongying had to say.

To teach?WTF?Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes and said, "Hey, when our Eighth Route Army has no combat missions, no matter where it is stationed, some soldiers carry water for the common people, some help the common people plant crops, and some repair houses, roads, Bridge, the propaganda team gave the common people an eye-opening view of the situation, the work team taught the common people’s children literacy and culture, and the local cadres led the common people to increase production. Can those people in Chongqing do it? Qian, can he compare with our Eighth Route Army?"

Crazy Yang did not give up: "Not to mention anything else, the troops of the national army should be able to do it."

Xiao Hongying waved her hand triumphantly: "If he does it, he will become the Eighth Route Army."

Crazy Yang is angry.
"Don't be unconvinced. In the early years, when we were still willing to fight the local tyrants to divide the land, who would not have the same heart as the poor at that time?"

Having said that, Xiao Hongying turned into the yard.

Crazy Yang dragged Liu Yuanqing to the courtyard next to the Ninth Battalion soldiers who did not participate in the study.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw some of the soldiers clamoring around a sand table to play offense and defense
The other part faces the writing on the wall and writes on the ground with wooden sticks.

The two looked at each other, this is just an ordinary soldier!

What if it is the national army?

At this time, apart from training, they either sleep or get together to play cards.
Xiao Hongying entered the room, grabbed the water cup sitting in front of Hu Yi opposite Ma Liang, and poured it into her mouth.

Hu Yi immediately thought that the little girl must be asking the students to copy the required readings for soldiers, so she slipped away by herself: "Instructor Hong, didn't you bring a water bottle with you when you lectured?"

"How can a pot of water be enough to drink? Don't talk about this, Fox, how do you arrange the training in the afternoon?"

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment: "Let the soldiers of the secret service company take charge of the practical training. Why, are you addicted to being an instructor?"

Xiao Hongying put down the water glass: "Isn't it okay to be idle?"

"Then help me write the situation statement."

"Didn't you see that I was busy keeping my feet off the ground!" After finishing speaking, he leaned over to look at Hu Yi: "Have you finished writing your situation statement?"

"Soon." Hu Yi didn't hide it.

Xiao Hongying took a general look, and shook her head: "You write like this, completely taking the responsibility on yourself. If there is something wrong with Lingqiu Squadron, you can't bear the responsibility."

Hu Yi nodded: "Then tell me, how do you write it?"

"The higher-ups call on all ministries to break up into parts and enter enemy-occupied areas to carry out wider guerrilla warfare. The best way is to split them up."

"How to dismantle it?"

"It's not good to be high, but the organization of the team is indeed better than us. He dared to let the soldiers under him turn into local armed forces. We can follow the example of the gourd."

Ma Liang shook his head: "But, the old bandit Qi is in the defense zone of the brothers' troops."

"Hey, it's not clear who this area belongs to and which division it is. Let's occupy the space first, and it will be the defense area of ​​our independent regiment in the future." Xiao Hongying stopped here, stared at Hu Yi again and asked, "Hurry up and tell me, What about the afternoon training!"

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Just follow the training method that Instructor Wang gave me, shorten the time a little bit, divide the students into three groups and make their own sand table, choose the winner, and then you will tell Ma Liang's battle plan again. , it can be dealt with in one afternoon.”

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