under fire

Chapter 1256 Take the initiative

Xiao Hongying went to the next door to chat with Crazy Yang for a while, then returned to the ancestral hall and was busy being her instructor.

Hu Yi couldn't help it either. In terms of killing the enemy in battle, he could beat a knife by a block, but when it came to team development, he was really not as good as a knife.

"Brother, how to develop the team, we can't be rash." Ma Liang looked at Hu Yi: "Although it's just an illustration of the situation, the Zhengfeng Yundong is going to be launched now, and the political commissar knows better how to avoid risks. The political commissar is not here. I think Miss Su Qing should know better than us more."

Hu Yi frowned: "This is originally done according to Gao Yidao's method of engaging the Black Tiger Army, okay?"

The last time he was chased and intercepted by devils, Ma Liang broke out and asked for help late at night. He was not clear about what happened next: "The old bandit Qi has not passed the formal review. I think it can be changed. Let Captain Qin act as the squadron leader of the Lingqiu Guerrilla Squadron. The old bandit will be the vice-captain for the time being. Captain Qin will definitely return to the team after he graduates from the Anti-Japanese University. At that time, Vice-captain Qi will be appointed as the captain. Create another independent squadron."

Hu Yi thought for a while: "Since it is going to be split, let's split it to the end. The Lingqiu Squadron asked Captain Qin to act as the agent, and let the old bandit Qi and He Chuanlin each form an independent squadron independent of the independent regiment."

"There is also a problem in the middle. The private armed forces directly believe that we are engaging in hilltopism. If the incident happens, many people will definitely die. The head of the political commissar and even the teacher will not be able to protect you."

Hu Yi shook his head: "Old bandit Qi recruited the defeated soldiers. We naturally had problems, but if we handed it over to the enemy's Ministry of Industry to lead, the result is completely different."

Ma Liang's eyes widened: "This is a good way! Even if the rout soldiers recruited by the old bandit Qi really turned out to be a moth, we are not responsible. It's just that Director Lin will take this risk?"

Hu Yi knocked on the table with his hands: "Now that the friendly forces have all retreated to the south of the Yellow River, if the old bandit Qi plays the banner of friendly forces, what do you think will happen?"

Ma Liang thought for a while: "The devils must first persuade them to surrender, and if they can't persuade them, they will suppress them. However, because of face, Chongqing will at least support them on the surface, and they will definitely send people to recruit Anyi in case the old bandits turn traitor?"

Hu Yi looked up at Ma Liang: "Are you afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty?"

Ma Liang became excited: "Hey, our team, it would be even better if those people from Chongqing can be taken away!"

"You just understand!"

"He took away a squad, and if he can return a platoon, he can take away a company and guarantee that he can return a battalion"

Su Qing saw the situation statement Hu Yi handed in.

It is obviously a split plan, splitting one squadron into three squadrons.

His face turned black: "How did you come up with this plan?"

Standing outside the window, Hu Yi was originally full of confidence. Hearing what Su Qing said, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty: "I learned a lot from Officer Lin during this period. said
No matter if we fight the devils for another ten or eight years, we will eventually turn against Chongqing, and this is just preparation in advance. "

Su Qing's face softened a little: "You mean, it was Director Lin's idea?"

Hu Yi shook his head: "Minister Zhang told me before he was transferred. I just mentioned it to Director Lin. He thinks that this plan should be feasible."

"Okay, tonight I will exchange opinions with Director Lin and report to the chief." Su Qing didn't mention the deal between Lingqiu Squadron and the puppet army.

Such an arrangement has risen to the strategic level, and it is not something that the independent group can decide at all.

Not to mention Hu Yi, the battalion commander, and her, the team leader.

Hu Yi looked at Su Qing, and carefully asked: "Is there nothing else?"

"Be careful to keep it secret." After Su Qing finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Hu Yi and added: "How many people know about this matter?"

Hu Yi plucked up the courage to look into Su Qing's eyes: "Girl, Ma Liang, and Captain Qi and Captain Qin."

Seeing that Hu Yi quickly looked away after speaking, Su Qing seemed to be a little pleased: "Wang Liujin took the guards of the spy company to the town. In the afternoon, you take the students to meet him."

"That girl is explaining theory to the students"

Su Qing glared at Hu Yi and raised her voice: "What did you say?"

Hu Yi shrank his neck subconsciously to explain: "The theory is not complicated. I originally planned to arrange Ma Liang, and Ma Liang wanted to write a summary of the war plan."

Su Qing was angry: "These students are from the company platoon leader of the main force regiment, you can really do it"

Hu Yi quickly explained: "I went to see it before I came here, and the students are very motivated to learn."

After lunch.

The students did not rest.

The sunlight outside the ancestral hall is very poisonous.

Xiao Hongying, who has already entered the role of instructor, praised the seriousness of the students.

A large group of old men were praised by a little girl, and the atmosphere was very strange.

Naturally, some people are not convinced.

Groups accepted the task of building a sand table, and finally some students began to question it.

Zhao Hu asked his own question without hesitation: "Report to the instructor, there is no problem with building the sand table, but I don't know if the red instructor can understand it?"

Xiao Hongying's eyes were clear and innocent: "Let's build the sand table first, and then we can count an hour."

"One hour, who do you underestimate?" Zhao Hu blurted out.

In his opinion, simulate a county town to build a sand table, build a circle of earthen walls, dig a ditch as a moat, build two suspension bridges, draw a few lines for the street, place a few stones for houses, and insert a few wooden sticks for the enemy's deployment. Isn't it just three to five minutes?
The students who were divided into three groups were unambiguous and took action immediately.

Ten minutes later, the three sand tables really appeared in the yard.

Zhao Hu looked at Xiao Hongying proudly: "How is it?"

Looking at the three broken tiles spread out on the ground, like three sand tables of ruins, Xiao Hongying nodded: "Not bad."

"Instructor, if you don't understand, I can explain it to you." A student team leader looked proud.

"I don't have enough experience, please ask, is there any patrol team for the enemy outside the city?"

"Outside the city? You didn't say anything." The student team leader blushed, and quickly placed a few more tiles around.

"Then, what is the enemy's firepower on the four towers?"

"Well, I'll explain it to you later."

"En!" Xiao Hongying nodded, and then asked: "Where is the enemy's headquarters in the city, where is the barracks, how is the deployment of troops, where is the enemy's arsenal, how many mules and horses are there in the mule team, how is the defense of the county government, and where is the commanding height?" where."

The group leader argued: "How can we know such details?"

"Well then, even if you don't have time for reconnaissance, don't you tell me that you didn't even arrange the internal response in advance? Where are they?"

"Forget it."

"After the battle begins, what method do you plan to use to communicate between the ministries?"

"Of course the correspondent ran away. Can you still shake the phone?" The team leader curled his lips.

"You don't know about flares?"

"We can't afford that thing."

"Even the bandits know a cloud-piercing arrow, and thousands of troops come to meet each other. Don't tell me, you can't make two fireworks?" Xiao Hongying's tone became higher and higher: "The offensive battle has started, and one side's advance is at a disadvantage. How should other attacking forces intersperse reinforcements."

"This is something that the head of the group will consider"

"Well, if the enemy uses the high walls of the county government to resist, what measures do you have? You won't bring the regiment leader too?"

"Does the enemy have a radio station, and what is the status of reinforcements?"


"What about the deployment of your reinforcements?"


There was no sound at the scene

The red instructor who hates iron but cannot make steel Kai Biao treble...

It feels so good...

After being slapped twice, I would be given a piece of candy. My mouth was dry and my tongue was red. The instructor walked up to Zhao Hu: "Student Zhao, come out."

Battalion Commander Zhao, who was shaking his head, followed the instructor into an unfamiliar courtyard, and an almost miniature version of the county seat appeared in front of him.

Obviously, the sand table was not built, but dug out from the ground in the yard!

somewhat familiar

Streets and alleys... Isn't this the city of Neihuang County?
On the flattened wooden strips are written Grain Shop, Pawn Shop, Silver Bank, Cloth Shop, Smokehouse, and Barracks.
There are even gate towers on the surrounding walls, small flags representing the strength of troops, thin wooden stick machine guns representing firepower, and thick wooden stick mortars...

The one in the middle surrounded by a large wall is naturally the county government office.

This is the first time he has directly looked down at Huangxian City!

Although the group also makes a sand table, it is definitely not so detailed!
Needless to say, it is clear at a glance.
Zhao Hu finally couldn't help blushing: "Report to the instructor, please give me instructions."

Xiao Hongying waved to Crazy Yang who was standing at the door: "Go and bring all the students here."

There are many advantages to being an instructor. After understanding the situation of the students, they will be disarmed and their spirit will be killed.

The students from the main regiment have fought countless battles and have rich practical experience.

If she told them the anti-Japanese questions and answers about guerrilla warfare, the students could break up with her for three days and three nights.

But the Eighth Route Army rarely fought siege battles.
The old Red Army naturally has experience, but the old Red Army soldiers will basically not still be platoon leaders!
Even if you are still a company commander, you will definitely not be a sand table!A commander who can be a sand table must be a battalion commander no matter what!
On the point of making a sand table to simulate offense and defense, Xiao Hongying successfully let the students from the grassroots commanders eat turtles
Dare to challenge my aunt, don't let your shame go to grandma's house, the wicked girl writes backwards
[Smoke and lack of morality, where is the recommendation ticket? 】

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