under fire

Chapter 1257 Not Simple Enemy-Friendship

Chapter 1257 Not Simple Enemy-Friendship
Liang Sansi was lucky, and followed the bandit soldiers to the east and escaped from the county smoothly.

It's a pity that the body is not as good as the bandit soldiers, and they got separated from the bandit soldiers in the dark.

Spread his legs and ran northward until almost dawn, and finally escaped.

Lying exhausted in the deserted village, I slept from dawn to afternoon.

My stomach growled and I finally opened my eyelids.

Looking around, the village was dead silent.

Habitually put his hands in his sleeves, and walked carefully in the village.

I wanted to get something to eat, but found that there was no one in the village
After finding the village office, I finally knew the name of the village from the sign: Donglu Village, Huilong Town, Weixian County.

He knew the place of Huilong, but he didn't know which direction Huilong Town was in the current village.

People are like iron and rice is like steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will feel flustered.

It's early in the morning and I haven't even touched a drop of rice, I haven't even taken a sip of water, my throat is smoky and my stomach hurts.
I couldn't find anyone to ask for directions, so I had to find a road at the entrance of the village, and I could always find a small town along the road. Although there were no people in the village, the Zhang River in the north should not stop flowing. Many people fled to the area along the river. Money, it’s definitely no problem to buy something to eat.

Liang Sansi had dealt with bandit soldiers for a long time, and he was not familiar with this area, so he did not take the main road, but walked in a dry small river three miles away from the main road.

Both sides of the small river ditch are full of dead shrubs, and people can just stick their heads out when walking in it.

As long as the robbers don't keep staring at the river ditch, they won't be able to find it at all.

As for whether there are robbers, he doesn't know, but he believes that if you are careful, you can sail forever.

After crossing the Zhanghe River, it is the territory of the security brigade commander Guo Qing. As long as you report your identity as an intelligence officer of the Imperial Army, it should be no problem to buy a bicycle from the security army and go back to the county.

In the sight of bandits who won't fall into the robbery.

Back to Longzhen.

The town is adjacent to Neihuang County in the south and is under the jurisdiction of the East Asian Alliance Autonomous Army.

The first regiment of Haibo, the first journey of the Autonomous Army stationed in the town!
The barracks are stationed at the north and south entrances of the town.

The layout of the town is simple, the main road from south to north leads to the whole town, and continues to extend south.

Due to the proximity to the Zhang River, refugees who fled here have set up countless shacks outside the town.

Directly connected to the north and south, it is very lively, and there are all kinds of shops.

The small town under the autonomous army is actually peaceful.


A procession hastily concealed itself in a field away from the road.

Because the land is close to the Zhanghe River, the crops in the fields are gratifying.

Hu Yi was dressed as a businessman, walking side by side with Officer Lin in front!

Crazy Yang, Houzi, and Luo Fugui followed closely behind with a girdle on their shoulders as guards at a distance of more than a hundred meters.

Ma Liang wanted to follow him into the town, but he had to lead a team to support him.

Director Lin introduced the situation to Hu Yi while walking: "Let's go to head Cheng first, he is our man."

He has never eaten pork, but has always seen pigs running, and has some understanding of the division work. Hu Yi asked: "This place is very close to the first division, why is it not assigned to the first division?"

Officer Lin thought for a while, and Minister Zhang said that Hu Yi was reliable, and it should be no problem to tell him about the situation in Pingyuan.

So he lowered his voice: "What I'm going to say next is top secret. The situation of the Autonomous Army is complicated. The commander of the army, Wang Tianxiang, is one of us. He originally planned to set up the third military division and he would be the commander, but Wang Tianxiang did not agree. It is more beneficial for us to develop base areas.

Deputy Army Commander Cheng Ximeng is a double-faced guy, but this guy's double-faced has nothing to do with us. He not only seeks refuge with the devils, but also secretly colludes with Chongqing."

Hu Yi was stunned for a moment. It seems that if he hadn't proposed to let the old bandit Qi fight under the banner of Chongqing, Director Lin would definitely not have said these things to him.

He began to think about the old bandit Qi, and now there are ready-made examples. Officer Lin brought him here, probably to let him learn from the situation here to solve the problem of the South Taihang Lingqiu Squadron.

Officer Lin began to answer Hu Yi's previous question: "There are more than [-] people in the eighth regiment of the four brigades of the Autonomous Army. Li Chenghua's department in the first brigade favors us. There are two regiments under him. Cheng Haibo, the leader of the first regiment, belongs to us. The second regiment division, Jianye, is a hardcore traitor.

On the second journey, Gan was born as a bandit, his regiment commander Cheng Kun and Guo Dehui are all hardcore traitors, and the brigade commander Cheng Qian has a grudge against Guo Qing!

The third is Cheng Ximeng, the deputy commander of Cheng Ximeng, and the two commanders under him are Cheng Xinghua and Cheng Daosheng.

Yang Faxian, commander of the fourth brigade, Wang Wenxiang and Lu Jingwen, the commanders of the brigade, are from Chongqing.

The military department also set up an assault regiment, headed by Zhang Luting, who is our comrade.

The devils arrange a small team in each brigade to supervise the army and have an economic advisor."

Hu Yi asked: "According to what you mean, some parts of the Autonomous Army are not under our control."

"The superiors have also considered eliminating several other forces. If we fight on our own, the devils will benefit in the end.

Moreover, it will affect the whole body, and we are not strong enough, and we have not participated in various raids in the spirit of the autonomous army, so we have not done anything to them."

Zhennan Checkpoint.

The self-governing army who set up guards outside the town saw Hu Yi and five people coming over, and immediately raised their hands to warn: "Brothers, remember everything, I don't care where you are from, just don't make trouble when you enter the town, it's good for everyone "

Officer Lin's identity was kept secret, so Hu Yi took out a piece of paper and handed it to the self-governing army: "Please inform me."

The Autonomous Army took it over and took a look: "Hey, the brigade commander's warrant? Who are you?"

"Hurry up"

Not long after, a tall and thin soldier came out behind the soldier of the Autonomous Army, his eyes lit up: "Monkey? Why are you here?"

Monkey smiled: "Hello, Captain Cheng, this is our captain Hu Yi!"

After the monkey finished speaking, Cheng Tuan looked up and down at Hu Yi who was standing in front: "Hello, Captain Hu!"

The visitor turned out to be one of his own, and even knew Monkey, so Hu Yi didn't think much about it: "Hello, Hu Yi!"

The thin and tall soldier nodded: "Brother Cheng Haibo, let's go, let's go to town first."

Hu Yi stood still: "I'll pick you up."

Cheng Haibo smiled, and lowered his voice: "The inspection team is in the battalion to talk to the army commander, and the army commander asked me to take you to the town for some food first."

Clerk Lin next to him nodded inadvertently, and Hu Yi stretched out his hand: "Please"

A group of people walked into the main street of the town, and Cheng Haibo led the way, turned around and walked into the nearby restaurant, and yelled at the shopkeeper: "Shopkeeper, arrange a table of good food, and two bottles of wine. Prepare another table. Prepare two tables for packing."

"Good. The best dishes are served in eight bowls."

"Don't make the soup for me. Find a food box and pack it"

"Just look at it."

Not pick-up time.

On the second floor, there were two tables of guests who were still drinking and chatting. When they saw someone going upstairs, Cheng Haibo, who was walking in front, glared at those guys.

Those who were drinking hurriedly picked up the plates and collected the leftovers on the table and hurried downstairs.

Saw those guys leave.

Cheng Haibo then turned around and walked in front of Hu Yi, and stretched out his hand: "Comrade Hu!"

Hu Yi was stunned, knowing that this was one of his own, but the boss, Officer Lin, just didn't show up.

Although a little unaccustomed, I still stretched out my hand and shook it with Captain Cheng
Leader Cheng didn't seem to know the specific identity of Hu Yi, and while shaking his hands excitedly shouted in a low voice: "This time, this time I finally have you guys here."

The two big men shook their hands, and Captain Cheng directly pulled Hu Yi to sit down at the table by the window before letting go, and then let go of the smoke and asked the others to sit down casually.

Hu Yi sat beside Cheng Haibo.

Officer Lin gave Luo Fugui a hand and sat at another table with the two men brought by Cheng Haibo.

Hu Yi took the cigarette and put it on his ear: "I don't smoke"

Cheng Haibo didn't mind either, and his tone was very affectionate: "Captain Hu, don't be so introverted, the people sitting here are all your own people, I know it's not easy for everyone in the mountains, it's rare for you to come out once, I will treat you to a good meal this time "

Unexpectedly, the other party wanted to invite him to dinner. After seeing Officer Lin, Officer Lin nodded. Hu Yi didn't talk much, so he just sat down.

Leader Cheng smiled wryly: "I'm a rough person with no education. The regiment headquarters is mixed with fish and dragons, so I won't take everyone to the regiment headquarters. Don't mind, everyone. Most of the people under me are bandits and hooligans. There may be trouble at any time." Betrayal, even our brigade commander has to compromise."

Hu Yi nodded: "The superior didn't send you someone?"

Commander Cheng sighed: "We have recruited bandits into the army for more than half a year, and there is a serious shortage of grassroots commanders. Fortunately, the first division has transferred more than [-] grassroots backbones from the main regiment, and is going to add them to our brigade as grassroots commanders. This time As long as the students are replenished, there will be a big change of blood for them. We really can't afford to bother you when training them..."

Hu Yi next to him was stunned, and finally wanted to understand what was going on with the students this time!

In Hu Yi's view, combat is to find the enemy and destroy it.

However, the plain situation is not a simple relationship between the enemy and us at all.

So, when Director Lin asked himself to come forward, did he let him learn from the autonomous army's practices, or did he let himself take the lead because he proposed a plan?

(End of this chapter)

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