under fire

Chapter 1258 I want you to be a traitor

Chapter 1258 I want you to be a traitor

Liang Sansi was thirsty and hungry.

Feeling dizzy and about to collapse, I finally saw Huilong Town in the distance.

He didn't rush forward.

Seeing from a distance, the checkpoint seemed to have no intention of checking at all, and walked directly into the town.

The autonomous region seems to have become a paradise.

Liang Sansi, who only wanted to eat, finally saw a restaurant.

He walked up to the restaurant.

After entering the door, he yelled at the waiter standing at the door: "Hurry up and cut me two catties of pork head meat, and give me ten big steamed buns!"

In the Guizi security area, ordinary restaurants cannot sell white noodle steamed buns, only mixed noodle steamed buns.

Only the areas under the jurisdiction of the Autonomous Army dare to sell white flour steamed buns blatantly.

He chose a table by the window to sit down, grabbed the water that Xiao Er had poured, and poured it into his mouth.

Seeing that Xiaoer poured it for him again, he grabbed the teapot and poured it into his mouth.

He didn't start to look around until his throat stopped smoking: "What do you think I'm doing? I'm afraid I don't have money?"

After finishing speaking, he slapped a piece of ocean on the table.

It is not easy to be able to open a restaurant in these years, and Xiao Er is naturally a good person, so he took the piece of ocean and blew it before leaving with the teapot.


I didn't expect to have the opportunity to eat in a restaurant!
Moreover, the head of Cheng said that he would upload the legendary eight bowls, and Luo Fugui, a foodie, was already very happy.

The eight big bowls are special dishes of the Qing Dynasty, and there are thick and thin dishes, not to mention the fine ones, only the coarse dishes include: fried green shrimp, braised chicken shreds, whole stewed custard with crab roe, sea cucumber balls, ingot meat, clear soup chicken, and stewed Chicken, Roasted Carp
Spread to various places, naturally according to local tastes, characteristics vary.

Neihuang is located in the Central Plains with outstanding people, and the eight bowls are different, so they are called eight or eight bowls.

Basic sixteen dishes: Dish Bazhen and Bowl Bazhen.

There are four cold dishes and four hot dishes in Dish Bazhen.

There are four hard bowls and four soft bowls.

It's a pity that there are not enough ingredients in the troubled times, and three cold dishes are prepared: beef slices, marinated hoof flowers, and dried tofu.

There are also three hot dishes: sweet and sour carp, fried sea cucumber with scallions, and fried fish fillets.

Three hard bowls: sticks, crispy meat, and meatballs.

Three soft bowls: tiger preserved eggs, eight-treasure rice, and egg soup.

There are no appetizers in the town, but there is a must-have for drinking: fried peanuts.

The ready-made ones are served first, and the fresh-cut stewed beef is effortless
The twelve dishes on the table caught Luo Fugui's heart.

Drill the mixed fragrance into the nose

Luo Fugui's eyes shone brightly, and the bear's paws threw the peanuts in front of him into his mouth with a bang, plate after plate, his heart was like a cat's paw, and his Adam's apple flew up and down as he swallowed his saliva.
I kept looking around, but Boss Hu was talking with Captain Cheng, endlessly.
Luo Fugui couldn't bear it any longer, and reached out to get the roast chicken
Director Lin had sharp eyes and quick hands, and tapped Luo Fugui's hand with a chopstick: "Hey, pay attention to your image."

Luo Fugui was incredulous: "There are so many things that are not allowed to be eaten, aren't they scumbags?"

The chief and the soldiers eat and live together, and they are in poor health. Officer Lin was a little worried, and suddenly said: "If you can find a way to make the chief chief also eat something to supplement his nutrition, I will allow you to eat a plate first." beef."

"The chief eats these? Grandma's unless the big rooster lays duck eggs." Luo Fugui was discouraged, and the dishes turned in his mind for a long time: "If the chief can eat these dishes, my surname is Lin."

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

"It's still acceptable for the chief to buy some cigarettes and bring a few bottles of wine back."

"I now entrust this task to you"

Crazy Yang next to him also couldn't stand the temptation of the food in front of him: "Pack the vegetables and mash them all, add them to the porridge and finish!"

Seeing that the three-character scripture was not recited, Director Lin's eyes lit up: "Good idea!"

Luo Fugui couldn't bear it any longer: "Captain Huhu, why don't you talk about things after dinner?"

"My brother didn't arrange well." Cheng Haibo was a little embarrassed: "It makes sense, everyone hurry up and eat, I'm not hungry."

Cheng Haibo pulled Hu Yi over to sit in front of the table, and explained: "Everyone, don't think it's extravagant and wasteful. Even if we don't eat, these things will eventually be cheaper for those bandits and traitors. Only when we are full can we fight devils better, everyone. Say it right?"

After Li Laoba failed to track down the devil Gao Qiao, he returned to the support point, and he was ashamed to go back to the base with the large army.

Instead, they came to Lingqiu Cave.

at this time.

With a wooden arrow stained with snake venom dangling from its mouth, it quietly lurks in the wild grass.

He had no intention of using a gun.

Captain Qi has already said that no matter if it is a devil or a puppet army, as long as they cross the ditch in front of them, they will all die.

You only need to wait until the gang of devils pass by here to launch an attack.

Captain Qin led a platoon to lurk on the opposite mountain ridge.

Old bandit Qi listened to the suggestion of the devil in the team, got some fishing nets from somewhere, cut them into pieces for the soldiers to hang on their backs, and stuck them full of dead branches and leaves.

More than a dozen people were lying in the weeds like a large haystack.

There was a sound of footsteps, as if every step was on the hearts of the soldiers.

Those who came were not devils, but a group of puppet soldiers with disheveled uniforms.

This group of puppet troops must be the vanguard arranged by Zhang Weimin.

Zhang Weimin sent someone to send news last night, saying that the devil instructor ordered him to launch a campaign against the mountains, hoping that the old bandit Qi would back down a bit, and wait for the devil instructor to see and go through the motions.

The old bandit Qi and Captain Qin made a plan and didn't intend to give Zhang Weimin this face.

Do you want to cast devils as traitors?

Hey, if I kill those devils, you won't even be a traitor!

So set up an ambush and prepare to kill those devils!
The sound of puppet soldiers stepping on dead leaves made Li Laoba a little nervous.

The devil instructors who went into the mountains and swept through the mountains were very cautious. They were easily ambushed by the Eight Routes in the mountains, so they directly ordered a platoon of puppet troops to take the lead.

Zhang Weimin, who was following behind the devil, was in a bad mood, and the guy surnamed Qi was determined to do anything, and asked him to pretend to be a security brigade and refuse to do it.

And he also said harsh words, no matter who it is, as long as they can cross this ditch, they will die!

He was caught between the two ends, and the devil instructor told him that he had to sweep westward to eliminate all rebels, weaving out the broken soldiers in the mountains, and opening up the mountain passage westward to Ling County.

He couldn't let his brothers starve to death, and his superiors also made it clear that he was only temporarily forbearing, and he had no choice but to lead the team to take the offensive.

Say hello to old bandit Qi in advance, if old bandit Qi is ignorant, then don't blame yourself for being cruel.
Anyway, the superiors and the Eighth Route Army will not deal with it, if you do the same, then you will be killed.

Seeing that the vanguard had already left the ditch, I breathed a sigh of relief.

The ghost instructor ordered in broken Chinese: "Captain Zhang, hurry up and order the troops to follow."

The first platoon has established a guard on the mountain ridge.

Zhang Weimin had no choice but to order the troops to follow.

It was very quiet in the ravine, and there seemed to be no sound except footsteps.

After all, I stayed in the mountains for two years, and when I walked to the middle of the ditch, I felt a sudden chill in my heart.

Something is wrong!
Too quiet.

The birds in the mountains may fly away, but those summer insects are not afraid of people.

There is not even the sound of insects, and the bushes on both sides of the ravine seem to be wrong!
Raising his hand, he pulled out the pistol at his waist and shouted, "Everyone lie down."

This roar was truly heart-piercing.

The cotton military uniform couldn't stop the nearly three-foot-long wooden and iron arrows.

More than a dozen feathered arrows tore through the military uniform, tore through the flesh, pierced into the chest, the lower abdomen, and pierced the neck
The arrow that had just been stained with fresh snake venom came out from the other side of the devil's neck with the toxin that could instantly coagulate the blood. The scream was short, the toxin began to take effect, and the air exhaled from the chest made the vocal cords hiss.
The ghost instructor covered the neck pierced by the sharp arrow with both hands, and fell on his back in the ravine full of fallen leaves, making a dull sound
(End of this chapter)

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