under fire

Chapter 126 The Difficult Retreat

Chapter 126 The Difficult Retreat
Xiao Hongying subjectively believes that since the fox was brought back by Luo Fugui, it must have been injured.

Now that regiment leader Ding is commanding, the little girl is not worried at all. It seems that he is not the political commissar who can command Jiulian's rotten garlic. Just herself.

She also knew that the fox was not dead, what could happen to a person who is alive and kicking and can pull a machine gun?
She was not an ordinary little girl in the first place, other tricks and abductions were not counted, just fighting, at least the number of devils, security forces, and anti-rape teams that fell into her hands was dozens.

Even if she borrowed the power of others, it is still because of the big tree of Jiulian Huyi, such a record is incredible.

Or there are many people who underestimated her as just a girl and killed her.

She is a soldier in the Ninth Company, a low-level soldier, but she is the real No. [-] figure in the Ninth Company.

From the command point of view, it is far better than Lao Qin who doesn't know fart. She followed Luo Fugui and knew how to escape, which is the best way. Of course, being sold by a mule is another matter. She is in Jiulian, What she said is often better than Hu Yi, the company commander. For example, in Jiuzhan Village, she has the final say on what is bright and dark.

The night sky turned black again. After the flares flashed, the night sky was even darker. Most people still had stars in their eyes. There were not many people lying on the ground, and the light from the bonfire by the river was even more dim.

Bullets are flying everywhere, there is no clear target, what everyone hits is the feeling.

The devils who are good at training, of course, have better marksmanship, the distance is far, and in the dark night, they seem to be competing with whoever has the most bullets, and shoot the bullets from the muzzle desperately without money.

The girl waved her small hand: "Run north immediately, Tang Dagou, you are still playing a fart, hurry up and run with Banxian and two people, Li Xiang, move faster, the devils are about to follow, pay attention to the devils by the river, take Commissars go together."

"Girl, hurry up and come with us!" Ding Deyi grabbed the girl's arm.

"Uncle Ding, I'm done with Hao Yun and Fox Mule! You go first." He broke away from Political Commissar Ding's hand.

No one questioned the girl's order, Ding Deyi had a black line, he, the political commissar, was marginalized, and the girl didn't even arrange his tasks, is this a contempt?

Is it necessary to compete with the girl for command power? For this group of miscellaneous troops, even if the command power is won, is it useful?
The half-immortals rushing forward were very happy. There were no devils ahead, and victory was achieved by rushing to the river. While running, the soldiers tied the emptied canteens to their rifles to cross the river. Even though the rifles were largely made of wood, they could It is still too heavy, and when it gets into the river, it will bring people to the bottom of the river together. At this time, the empty kettle will play its great role.

Hu Yi was not reconciled, what kind of turbulent waves had he never seen?If you want to capsize in this damned small mountain village, you would rather die on the way to escape, than foolishly fight against the devils. Knowing that there are many devils, but still fighting him with fierce firepower, that is a madman, an idiot!
Looking at the girl who came over after a long time, she said with a gloomy face, "Why didn't you leave?"

Innocent eyes: "Aren't you back yet?"

Hu Yi sighed and stopped talking.

The girl who jumped back from the boat did not tilt her handle, and raised a shell gun: "Does your shoulder still hurt?"


I rub it for you!Before Hu Yi could react, a pair of small hands pressed Hu Yi's shoulders.

When the severe pain came, Hu Yi grinned his teeth and took a big breath of air: "Do you want my life?"

"Hey hey hey"

A squadron of devils stopped at the entrance of the village. The lieutenant was stunned for a moment by the intensive gunfire in the northeast of the village. Eight roads appeared after occupying the place earlier?Pulled a ghost from the village, asked about what happened in the village, and immediately entered the village in a smooth manner.

Knowing that there is still a squadron ahead, they should not be far away. They played so lively, but they never came back to reinforce them.

The lieutenant led more than 200 devils and rubbed his feet on the road for three or four days. He had heard that there were eight roads blocking the front, but he suffered from the fact that there were too many imperial troops in front. Even if he wanted to join the battle, he couldn't It's not his turn, wandering around the hellish mountain road, it hurts to be idle early.

Right now, the squadron behind is following up, and there are still about ten minutes left, hehe, I finally have a great opportunity to show my skills, the darkness can't stop the lieutenant's passionate heart, and the immediate order is to go through the village and join the security forces left in the village , and then encircle and suppress those few fish that slipped through the net.

Right to hunt.

After clearing out the remnants of the Eighth Route Army before continuing northward, the captain issued an order to arrive at the Eighth Route Division Headquarters tonight. We have already traveled a long, long way, and the elimination of the Eighth Route Headquarters is just around the corner. The pontoon bridge on the river ahead has not been repaired yet. , These idiot engineers who only know how to eat.

Even if they are harassed by a few dirtbags, what can't be tolerated, let's guide these poor engineers!
Earlier, there was news from the captain that an advance team had almost arrived at the Eighth Route Division and was about to launch an assault on the Eighth Route Division, but they didn't know how many people there were in the Eighth Route Division. The most important thing right now was time, how to Keeping up with the advancing team and encircling the Eighth Route Division headquarters is the key point.

The eight roads in front of me are just appetizers.

The small village was quickly left behind by the devils and the vanguard, and the lieutenant came out of the woods.

In the darkness, a machine gun was bursting into flames, firing bursts of joy. Hearing the sound and rhythm, he should be an excellent shooter.

The lieutenant had some misconceptions, shouldn't that be something that only imperial warriors can do?

Finally, the machine gun stopped, and a little farther away, another machine gun with a crooked handle rang out. What a guy, he fought lively and showed momentum. It felt like he had held down the trigger of the machine gun and never let go.

The bullets were flying around, puffing and puffing into the woods. The lieutenant who had just left the woods was so frightened that he immediately lay down on the ground. Unlike the previous machine gun, the bullets of this shuttle had a clear and regular trajectory. The attacking soldiers went away, this messy machine gun attack, if it was my own men, it would be hard to explain my depression if I didn't slap him ten or eight times.

However, the two devils who had just come up were lying on the ground moaning, and the lieutenant had a black line. Such a shooting technique could also hit the imperial warriors?

Something is wrong!Tubalu's machine guns seemed to be shooting further and further away. What kind of tactic is this?
Aren't machine guns used for suppression?

The lieutenant was angry: "Grasher, heavy machine gun, immediately, destroy the eight-way machine gun!"

Unfortunately, just a few seconds after setting up the grenades and machine guns, Tubalu, who was messing around with machine guns, and the excellent shooter before, disappeared into the night again.

Afterwards, a burst of machine gun bullets and grenades from the devil scrambled towards the Eighth Route position.

There was no movement at all on the Eighth Route position.

These eight roads are rabbits, mice, mice, sparrows, flies, and mosquitoes that take a bite and run away!

The new lieutenant looked at everything in front of him, but he was satisfied with himself, and his mouth leaked: "Yo Xi. Yo Xi"

No counterattack means that the Eighth Route Army has been suppressed.

In the dark night, the army is superior, almost ten or twenty times that of the Eight Route Army, not to mention that there is a large army by the river, venting its anger to the other side of the river.

Directly crush those eight groups who don't even have a plan for fighting a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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