under fire

Chapter 127 Same method, different results

Chapter 127 Same Method, Different Results
The crescent moon reflects the dim light, but it cannot illuminate the darkness in the narrow valley.

On the north bank of the river, a group of wet people crept up to the bank, and the panting mule half-twitched and half-carried Hu Yi to the bank, dragged and dragged, rolled and crawled to the bank, lying on the bushes, panting.

A group of people were shirtless, shivering slightly in the summer mountain wind. After wringing out their clothes, they put them on again. The little girl pulled the clothes out of the mule's bag and got into the bushes.

Looking back, the group of people saw that when they were crossing the river, they were swept downstream by the river for 300 meters, and drifted past the surface of the river where Chen Chong and the devils were shooting each other.Bullets screamed overhead.

The devil and Chen Chong and Pan Zhuzi were still fighting desperately, not noticing the messy shadows in the river.

"Count the number of people!" Ding Deyi ordered Li Xiang out of breath, this place is easy for him to manipulate.

Li Xiang immediately started counting the heads, which he is good at.

"Fox, what's the matter with you? Take a breath!" The girl, who had changed into an outfit, was wearing a bright red robe, fumbling around Hu Yi, who was lying on his back and panting.

Seeing that he had touched the armed belt, Hu Yi quickly reached out and grabbed the pair of devil claws, but he felt pain in his shoulders and back, and moaned: "Hey, don't touch blindly, just now the devil shelled, and the roof hit his back again!"

"Get smashed again?" The girl was dejected, and slowly pulled her hand back, sluggish in the darkness.

More than 100 meters upstream, the bloodshot eyes widened and stared at the other side of the river. Chen Chong and Pan Zhuzi fell silent after being excited, watching the devil nervously in a daze.

The black shadow floating in the river just now was finally not spotted by the devils on the other side. He breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately called the soldiers to reduce the shooting intensity, and got up and went downstream by himself.

Up to now, the ammunition is still sufficient. When we set off, we brought more, and the casualties were nearly half.

Pan Zhuzi was putting bullets into the gun, and there was only one squad left in the whole platoon, with nearly half of the casualties, and a few more wounded soldiers left, and now there is basically one squad leader.

On the other side of the river, in the camp where devil engineers mixed with infantry, the bonfire was still burning, but all the devils hid in the bushes behind the bonfire. Behind the stone, the gunshots from the eight roads on the opposite side became sparse. of!

The ghost lieutenant, who had been chased out of the village, stood in the darkness by the edge of the bushes by the river, frowning deeply, and slapped his subordinate Sergeant fiercely.

There was no one on the Eighth Road's position, and it disappeared out of thin air. It was said that Eighth Road could go to the sky and enter the earth, and it really lived up to its reputation.

"Report, eight road footprints were found by the river, eight road may have swum across the river!" a devil came to report.

The lieutenant's palm was slightly sore, he rubbed it, and gasped for breath: "Bage. Go upstream immediately, put out the torch, and swim across the river!"

"Hay... But, if you don't throw away your equipment, will you sink to the bottom of the river?" The sergeant dared not touch his face, but had to suggest.

The lieutenant snarled: "during training, didn't you teach you to cross the river with an empty water jug? Didn't you think of a woman's thighs and breasts, eh? What are you thinking?"

"Hay, thank you Lieutenant for your guidance." The sergeant no longer felt wronged by the beating, and turned to look at the ferry: "But, why don't the engineers go there?"

The lieutenant stared at the sergeant and blinked a few times, then stood up suddenly, raised his hand and slapped the sergeant again, and then pointed at the sergeant's nose: "Bastard, what you want to think about at this time is to cross the river. The engineers want to build a bridge, and they cross the river." It's useless, if you don't act again, I'll kill you!"

Sergeant Cao stood at attention and looked at the expressive lieutenant. In the light of the torch, his face showed a cooperating expression of admiration.

One shivered, and hurriedly asked the devils to empty the kettle, and after a while of confusion, they cleaned up again. The four kettles were tied together, and one devil was tied to his body, which was just enough for a class of devils. A safety rope to prevent being washed away by the river.

Everything was ready, the sergeant carefully observed the terrain ghostly, and was slapped on the face by the lieutenant again: "Can't you take a good look, there are no eight roads here!"

A new palm print appeared on Sergeant Cao's face, and he immediately slapped the devil soldier who was lighting the torch and ordered him to extinguish the torch.

Watching the devils, the lieutenant tiptoed upstream and slowly groped forward, and immediately ordered the messengers to convey orders to the engineers by the river, telling them to be careful that the people in the river were their own people.

The lieutenant immediately ordered the rest of his subordinates to put the crooked handle on, and the grenadier was also pulled away by the way, staring at the occasional muzzle flashes from Tubalu, which was having fun with the engineers on the other side of the river downstream.

The Devil Sergeant led the men, and slowly touched the river, and simply blocked the muzzle of the gun with cloth strips, and a group of devils slowly went down the river like driving ducks, holding the rifle with one hand, the butt of the gun was tilted upwards , Standing up to the standard, the devils were connected by safety ropes and slowly drifted downstream by the river.

The soldiers were hanging the kettle on their bodies, stood up the rifle, pulled out the cleaning rod, rolled some cotton that they didn't know where to get, and began to poke it into the barrel of the gun.

With a dark face, Hu Yi looked at Political Commissar Ding who was squatting next to him under the faint moonlight. A faint wry smile suddenly appeared on his tired face: "We should have succeeded. We have held back the devils for so long, so we should retreat."

"What did you say? Retreat?" Ding De didn't quite understand Hu Yi's suggestion: "Now that we have the advantage of the terrain, the devil wants to cross the river, but there is no door!"

"We have successfully dragged the devils for so long... If the devils really advance to the team, maybe they are the group that Wang Erniu and the others met this afternoon. There must be a radio station between the devils. Then, the devils are so eager to move forward, it means that the devils are advancing It is entirely possible that the team has arrived near the division headquarters."

"So, what do you think?"

"I have no idea, the water is coming and the earth is hiding. Since the devil's target is the division headquarters, we have to gather the team together, reinforce the division headquarters at full speed, go to the division headquarters to gather the main force, and then make the next step."

Bang, there was a sound of a kettle falling to the ground, and a figure came out of the darkness, bumping Commissar Ding into a stumble, and it was Chen Chong who hurried over, who didn't even bother to look back and squatted on the ground to pass the barrel of the gun brother, and said directly. : "Political commissar, company commander, the devil is here! Swimming over from the river!"

The political commissar and Hu Yi, who were lying squatting, turned over in an instant, staring into the dark night into the river without blinking.

"We set up a secret sentry by the river. We just came back. If there is no one behind you, those dark guys in the river should be all devils. There are about a dozen of them. They should come ashore from here later."

"I don't know...should I laugh now." Ding Deyi suddenly turned his head and asked Hu Yi. There are many places along the river bank that are steep. In this bend, there are only a few places that can go ashore. Devil Also coming here is something to be happy about.

Looking at the unshaven face of the political commissar, Hu Yi moved his shoulders, used the pain to drive away the tiredness, and smiled, although the smile was very weak, he stretched out his hand to straighten the military cap on his head, and neatly began to fasten it. Wear clothes in the water, and then adjust the length of the armed belt meticulously, feeling the tightness, so detailed that you can’t speak.

Finally raised his head and frowned: "Since the devil wants to swim across the river, hehe, there is no ferry now, they should all rush here, the devil must be watching on the other side, and will definitely provide cover fire, just kill the devil who crosses the river. The rest of the people... just watch the arrangements. Uh, besides, you go over and tell Pan Zhuzi to lead people to guard over there, pay attention to concealment, and let them ignore those guys in the river... take care of the devils on the other side of the river That's it."

Chen Chong thought briefly, and stood at attention: "Company commander, shall we move a few stones here? Build a fortification and get two machine guns, and everything will be fine?"

(End of this chapter)

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