under fire

Chapter 1260 Simulated combat training

Chapter 1260 Simulated combat training
On the other side of the ravine.

Zhang Weimin felt that his injured left leg seemed to be unconscious, and the military doctor next to him hurriedly cut open Zhang Min's pants, and the wound had turned black.
even stop the bleeding
The military doctor's voice trembled: "Batalion Commander, Balu put poison on the arrow."

"Don't talk about this with me, just deal with it as you want."

A month ago, we were fighting devils side by side, but we didn't expect the other party to attack the devils in turn.

This tone is absolutely unbearable: "Order, the first battalion and the second battalion will be dispersed, and the platoon will be used as a unit to launch a surprise attack on the Eighth Route!"

He didn't realize at all that he was now a puppet soldier working for tigers, no longer a soldier defending his home and country.

Then he gave an order to the guards: "Kill the guy who opened fire first."

"Now that the instructors of the imperial army are all dead, how can we explain to our superiors?" The adjutant's face turned pale.

Complaining in my heart, can't I just let my brothers go ahead to explore the way?

Do you have to fight in person?
The battalion commander's brain must have been kicked by a donkey
Zhang Weimin looked at the military doctor working on his thigh with a grim expression: "Are you blind? Didn't you see that so many brothers died?"

From the perspective of a soldier, Zhang Weimin should be considered a good soldier.

The chief surrendered to the enemy, and his previous values ​​collapsed.

Originally, I didn't have much interest in the Eighth Route Army. In the past, I cooperated in the anti-Japanese war, thinking that I was all Chinese, and I occasionally gave some help.

Now that the two sides have turned against each other, he will naturally not be lenient.

From the bottom of his heart, he despises these idiots
Fortunately, there is not much snake venom that can be wiped on the arrowhead. When the arrowhead got into the military uniform, it rubbed against the trousers and carried some of it.

The blood from the wound opened by the military doctor with a scalpel has turned red.

After the dressing was done, the injured area was still swollen.

However, he still couldn't figure it out, the man surnamed Qi must have been a soldier of the national army before, why did he vote for the Eight Routes?
In the ravine.

The guard squad leader of the puppet army lying on the ground saw that the battalion commander had left the ravine smoothly, and finally let go of his worries, and shouted to the old bandit with difficulty: "Leave me a whole body, hurry up! Don't let me suffer."

The old bandit Qi chopped off the head of a devil who was still alive: "I don't understand that you have the guts. If you don't want to be a good person, you have to be a dog."

"Soldiers, it is our duty to obey orders!"

"Oh, I can't bear to do it." The old bandit Qi squatted down: "You think I don't know? Those guys in Chongqing told your commander to let him be good at Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. Pooh, what do you think about those in Chongqing? The guy beat his own people with tricks, and you can trust the words of those officials who are treacherous?"

"Let's do it, I will die even if I die."

"Want to die? Hehe, I won't let you die. Come on, take this guy back and let him see how we beat the devils and puppet soldiers." After finishing speaking, the old bandit Qi turned his head and scolded the half-immortal behind him. Said: "You eat things from the inside out"

A few minutes ago, Banxian made old bandit Qi rebel
Banxian, who had calculated Fengshui with his fingers for a long time, was instructing his subordinates to throw the devil's corpse into the dead place he had calculated. Hearing old gangster Qi's scolding, Banxian shook his head: "Even if they went the wrong way, they should give them back!" A chance to turn around”

He himself has stayed in various teams, and it is common for him to surrender properly. He persuaded the security squad leader on the ground: "Hey, I said, isn't it just a surrender? What's the big deal? If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of death." Firewood, when the devils are gone, go back to your Po Nation Army, and let’s do a good job.”

"Go!" Old bandit Qi stood up from the grass, and gave an order to retreat to Li Laoba on the distant mountain ridge.

Li Laoba jumped out from the bushes: "That bastard Zhang Weimin doesn't give up. Letting his men disperse should be a detour to prepare for the attack."

Old gangster Qi sneered: "Hey, as much as he comes, I want him to die as much as I want."

"Captain Qi, what about these seriously wounded puppet soldiers?"

"You go and let Zhang Weimin send someone to clean it up, see if they can survive to see if their ancestors have accumulated virtue."

"Okay." The soldier hurriedly handed over the guns and ammunition hanging on his body to his companions.

When the two sides fight, they are deadly, and when they are not fighting, the two sides are not embarrassed to report.

But the equipment on his body is hard to say.

"Report to the captain, the ranger sent someone again, saying that no matter which team is in their defense zone, they must obey their orders and accept their command."

"Hey, these guys are still kicking their noses, you go and tell them that we are surrounded by a brigade of the puppet army, let them come to reinforce them quickly"


The old gangster Qi looked to the east: "All the ministries immediately put the mines on the strings, and set up all the traps for me. Dare to challenge me."

The Nine Battalion has a large number of talented people. He Chuanlin was originally a hunter in the mountains. Although he didn't fight many battles, Hao Ping's subordinates didn't fight any decent battles.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the Ninth Battalion, he participated in the battle of killing and capturing more than a hundred enemies and puppets.

The traps laid out at various intersections a few days ago will definitely come in handy this time!

He is 30 years old, and he is so excited that he has a snotty nose.
The sun is westward.

It's four o'clock.

Red instructor is cramming training.

She planned to finish the three-day short training in one day.

There must be a marching mission tonight, when the time comes, I will discuss it with Officer Lin, and I will take a gun tower by the way.
In the sand table training, the combat plan formulated by the students to attack the county town was found by the red instructor with dozens of loopholes.
The students who were mercilessly beaten by the red instructor again were downcast.

Instructor Hong didn't give them time to sum up and digest.

Following the order, the students were divided into two groups and simulated street fighting in the village.

One set of offense, one set of defense.

Liu Yuanqing, standing on the roof, served as the referee.

Watching the students slipping down the wall with a dark face, they rushed into the yard to fight the defenders with bayonets: "Girl, let's talk about this too. They obviously have mortars and grenades in their hands. Why don't they use firepower to smash him upside down?"

Xiao Hongying next to her was chewing peanuts: "I'm poor, I can't bear to use them."

Soon, the battle is over.

The team gathered at the grain drying field in the south of the village, and Liu Yuanqing announced: The attacking side was completely defeated.

The Eighth Route Army really has a way of playing defense!
"All stand at attention!" The voice was clear and loud.

The red instructor appeared again with his hands behind his back: "The rules of the battlefield remain the same. This time, all of you will participate in the defense. This time, the veteran students will attack. 60 of you will defend the village, and the attacking side will only have ten people."

"Remember clearly, being hit by a clod is considered a death in battle. As long as a sandbag is thrown into the house, the people in the house will be considered dead after three seconds. As long as the enemy and us face each other within ten meters, they will be counted as killed in battle."

Zhao Hu is no stranger to this kind of training: "Ten of you? Okay, I'll play with you."

Then recruited the team leader and began to arrange defensive tasks: "Hey, I really don't believe that we are soft persimmons. They can take over our headquarters. Later, let's seize the commanding heights first, and a group of three will cover each other. There are three lines of defense from inside to outside, and the first, second and third groups just watch the way into the village."

The trainees defended the village and regarded Liu Yuanqing as an imaginary enemy to attack.

Soldiers from the guard company watched the excitement outside the village.

The comrades from the Ministry of Political Affairs couldn't stand the noise in the whole village, so they all moved into the ancestral hall to avoid the big scene that was about to start.
Neither side knew the other's tactics.

The students opened up their positions, seized the commanding heights one after another, jumped over the eaves and walls, entered the room over the wall, echoed each other, and agreed on how to intersperse the cover
Take a twig as a gun and beat it loudly
After a while, Zhao Hu yelled in the yard: "Get ready."

Liu Yuanqing hid at the base of a wall outside the village, took Hu Yi away and took away the rest of the crooked melons and dates who followed Wang Xiaosan as cooking soldiers and began to change their clothes
A piece of military uniform full of patches is worn on the body.
The red instructor's tactic is very simple, let Liu Yuanqing pretend to be a student of the main regiment!
It has been said for a long time that both the enemy and us face to face and are sentenced to death in battle. Now that we have become a student of the main regiment, it is outside the rules.
The red instructor stood on the roof as the referee, and waved the two-color flag in his hand: "The attack begins."

All of a sudden, eight figures with towels on the attacking side quickly disappeared among the ruins.

Soon, several sandbags with grenades flew into the air.

Half an hour later, Liu Yuanqing wiped out the defenders in the village at the cost of three people
"You have kept people in the village ahead of time, and you pretended to be us, you are cheating." A group of leaders had dusty heads, and their faces were disaffected.

"Shut up." Zhao Hu yelled, "Climb wherever you fall."

The red instructor was carrying his back, with a serious face: "Soldiers are not tired of cheating. You have to understand that the enemy may not wear military uniforms. This is just the simplest move. Do you know what methods the devils have used to deal with us? They used poisonous gas, bacteria, and bombs. Poison, send spies. They have planes and cannons! As the defensive side, you haven’t even dug a basic position.”

"This is training, is it really digging trenches?"

"Hey, what did I say? As long as you draw two lines around you, it is considered that you have dug a trench, and you don't have to die if you drop a bomb, have you eaten your memory?"

"How can we dig in such a short time?" Another student team leader muttered.

"Liu Yuanqing!"

"Ah..." Liu Yuanqing, who was standing at attention, had a straight uniform of the Eighth Route Army, and his military posture was so standard that the students standing opposite him had to pull their clothes, stick out their chests, and straighten their legs.

"Dig a soldier pit and show him"


Liu Yuanqing took the engineering shovel handed over by the soldier next to him, and swung it directly on the ground.
One minute later, a shallow pit half a meter deep appeared in front of the students. Liu Yuanqing, dressed in a neat military uniform, jumped in without hesitation and curled up into a ball.
Give the red instructor enough face.

"If a grenade explodes on the ground at this time, do you think he will be injured?" The red instructor walked up to the unconvinced student team leader and shouted, "Say!"

"Report to the instructor, I was wrong!" the student team leader said.

"Next, Instructor Liu will tell you about various terrains and the offensive tactics of villages, artillery towers, strongholds, and towns." Xiao Hongying shouted a little loudly, her throat was itchy, and the mule got mints from the county seat
While the students were not paying attention, he took out a piece and put it in his mouth.
So sweet!

[Thanks to the first snow in the cold river, the swift wind when escaping, the landlord deserter king, 3962, 9455, and old Ni Tongren brothers who gave rewards, thank you brothers for your subscription and recommendation support]

(End of this chapter)

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