under fire

Chapter 1261 Liang Sansi's Dream of Being Promoted and Getting Rich

Chapter 1261 Liang Sansi's dream of getting promoted and getting rich

Engage in a certain occupation for a long time, or do something all the time.

The details of these things will slowly sink into the bone marrow.

Even hearing a few words related to the profession or the things you are engaged in will immediately make your mind highly concentrated.

Liang Sansi, who hiccupped, was picking his teeth when he suddenly heard a word that made him concentrate: Chief.

His mind was buzzing, and the excitement from deep in his memory made him hold his breath immediately.

This word was very important to him, and he was so nervous that his hands and feet went limp immediately.

Generally speaking, the Eighth Route Army only calls the cadres above the regiment level the head!
There are big fish!
Swallowing the air, forcing himself to calm down, calm down again.

Inadvertently raised his arms, blocking his line of sight first.
As if inadvertently, his eyes flicked to the stairs on the second floor.

After a long journey, his face, which was covered with salt and sweat, was itchy from a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

He didn't leave right away, tremblingly held the chopsticks with his right hand, and gave him the leftover peanuts from the shopkeeper on the plate, sending them to his mouth one by one.

Chew slowly.

Seems to relieve tension.

Looking along the edge of his arm, he saw that Xiao Er kept delivering food to the second floor.

After a while.

The pupils that had dilated from the shock gradually shrank back to their original shape.

Stand up a little weakly, be careful sailing for ten thousand years!

Did not dare to go directly to the second floor.

He didn't even dare to ask the waiter about the situation on the second floor.

So, he slowly stood up and walked towards the door of the restaurant.

The waiter charged the guest an ocean in advance, behind the counter next to the door, the shopkeeper watched the dusty guests approaching.

Settlement according to the dishes ordered by the guests, you have to ask the guests for three cents.

The shopkeeper had some expectations in his heart, hoping that the guests would leave directly.

Although there are not many such things, there will always be a few high-rollers every few days.

The shopkeeper let out a sigh of relief, the customer really didn't come to check out.

In other words, he picked up three cents for nothing!
Although the triangular money was nothing compared to the three tables of dishes ordered by the head of the host upstairs, Cheng, but this feeling of taking advantage for nothing still made him feel relaxed and happy.

I couldn't help but ask the little girl who came from upstairs: "Is the food box ready?"

Xiao Er shook his head: "Leader Cheng asks us to find two buckets."

"What do you mean?"

"The leader asked us to pour all the dishes together."

Several people in the kitchen have been busy for a long time, but they want a hodgepodge?

The shopkeeper was stunned: "Is there still such a thing?"

"Let's not inquire about these things." It seems that Xiao Er has a good relationship with the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper sitting at the door raised his hand and waved to Xiao Er, but stopped talking.

Looking through the window pane next to him, he looked for the wealthy guest who had just left.

I hope he won't suddenly realize that he didn't give him money, and turn around and come back to ask for his change.

After only a few words with Xiao Er, the high-profile customer disappeared without a trace.

He hurriedly closed his eyes to the window pane, looked left and right, and found that there were not many people on the street, and he did not see the wealthy guest who had just left.

In broad daylight, did you see a ghost?

Quickly picked up the Dayang that was pressed on the account book and the change that he had prepared earlier, breathed heavily on Dayang, and put it to his ear to listen, the crisp and familiar buzzing sound of silver dollars, unmistakable
He weighed the ocean in his hand, and put the change into his pocket.

I am still a little curious, where did the high-flyer who went out just now go?
Inadvertently looking at the second floor across the street, under the setting sun, a small half of his face poked out from behind the window on the second floor of the opposite tailor shop
Even if he poked his head out and quickly retracted it, he could see clearly!

If it was someone else, he might not be able to remember it, but he really remembered the salt-stained face.

If he comes back, he will have to spit out the three cents he ate!
As the shopkeeper, his daily salary is only [-] cents!
Inadvertently looking away, he locked the piece of ocean on the table into the counter, then stood up and walked to the stairs by lifting the flap of the counter.

After confirming that the person on the second floor on the opposite side couldn't see him, he quickly walked up the stairs on the second floor.

He didn't go up to the second floor, but just stood at the corner of the stairs and raised his head slightly, calling softly: "Master, there is Xunfeng on the other side of the river."

After Cheng Haibo heard it, he lowered his voice: "Go to touch the code."

"Okay, I'm going to code people now." After the shopkeeper finished speaking, he hurried downstairs, went straight into the kitchen, and trotted out the back door.

Luo Fugui, who heard the conversation between the two, stared ugly and asked, "Are we being targeted?"

Cheng Haibo was stunned for a moment: "Comrade Luo, are you also from the north?"

Hu Yi kicked Luo Fugui, and Luo Fugui quickly shook his head: "No, the big boss I followed before joining the Eighth Route came from the north."

"Don't worry, everyone. In this town, no one dares to make trouble. Even if a little Japanese vagrant comes, he doesn't dare to make trouble." Head Cheng didn't care, raised his glass, and laughed heartily: "I think Tea instead of wine, a toast to all brothers."

No one turned to look out the window.

The scene on the second floor where everyone was drinking and eating meat was lively, as if nothing had happened.

Liang Sansi tried on the clothes and went down to the first floor. He was sure that he had heard correctly.

Now I have two choices, one is to go to the town office to reveal my identity and ask the autonomous army to send someone to arrest the chief of the Eighth Route.

But whether the Autonomous Army has anything to do with the Eighth Route is hard to say.

Because the head of the Eighth Route Army is here, there is absolutely no reason for it.

The second is to call the town office and ask Taijun to send someone to arrest him.

In order to show respect for the autonomous army's territory here, the imperial army will definitely not send anyone here.

But you can send a detective team that is secretly operating in this area to look for opportunities to catch people.

The elusive Balu will not always be here waiting for him to catch him.

You have to do it now to catch people. No matter what method you use, you have to go to the town hall.

However, going to the town hall is too risky!

I have seen a lot of strong winds and waves, and now that I am rich, I definitely can't do life-threatening things.

To be on the safe side, it is safer to go to the blockhouse and make a phone call.

For the same problem, after finding someone by himself, Balu may have disappeared long ago.

Go west from here and enter the security area of ​​the Imperial Army, not far away there is a blockade ditch and a gun tower
But the people who have reported to the letter investigation team by themselves don't know when they will arrive.

Although there is a high possibility of being empty, it is safe.

Carefully recall the details of studying in the Royal Military Police.

There must be a contact point set up by the detective team in the town, what a pity.I am not familiar with this piece.

Unless one by one goes to the contact point of the detective team marked at the door.

Even if you find them, you still need to check the hidden identity, and the devil knows whether these contact points are safe or not.

His expression was a little anxious, and he looked up from time to time to see the setting sun that was about to set.

Flying Huang Tengda is just around the corner!

How to do?
A jet-black bicycle parked in a tailor's shop caught his attention.

An idea came to my mind, buying a bicycle and riding to the blockhouse seemed to be the best way.

The owner of the clothing store next to him looked worried and worried Liang Sansi: "Hey, customer, this dress is made of high-quality materials. If it doesn't fit you can bring it here, and we will change it for you for free."

Liang Sansi raised his head: "Okay, pack all these pieces, and calculate how much it costs."

"Okay, the three pieces of clothes are worth two yuan and three cents in total, uh. This little coat is just a little extra."

Liang Sansi paid the money readily, and then asked, "By the way, can you lend me the bicycle downstairs for a ride?"

The boss looked Liang Sansi up and down: "Hehe, you are really good at joking, I have to ride him to deliver goods later."

"You send that kind of goods in a clothing store? I'll give you a deposit, it's all over, right?"

The boss's eyes lit up: "Of course it will work. I bought it for 30 yuan the year before last, so you can bet 50 yuan."

"You're too dark, aren't you?"

"Hehe, don't you know that the price of goods has risen sharply in the past two years? Even if my car is second-hand, it can be sold for five or sixty yuan now."

Liang Sansi nodded: "Alright, do you accept legal currency?"

"Hey, let's do business, so we don't do door-to-door business. However, if you use French currency, you have to bet 200 yuan."

Liang Sansi immediately turned black: "Your heart is quite dark."

"Guest, the shop has always been run with integrity, and you are a decent person, so don't talk nonsense about this kind of reputation loss."

Liang Sansi was familiar with all the law and order, and thought that he could also rent from a pawnshop: "Forget it, I'd better go to the pawnshop to rent."

The boss grabbed Liang Sansi and said, "You have to deposit at least 300 yuan to go to the pawn shop, so...my rent will be [-] cents a day cheaper for you."

Liang Sansi was angry: "Why don't you go grab it?"

The shopkeeper curled his lips: "To tell you the truth, if my wife hadn't given birth to me a cheap son and wanted to accumulate virtue for the boy in the family, I would have really robbed you today!"


"Don't bother, pay quickly."

Getting promoted and making a fortune is just around the corner, if this thing happens, maybe you can get a deputy chief of the detective team!
At that time, will you still be short of these two money?

Liang Sansi was also unambiguous, and then took out a lot of money.

After collecting the money, the boss sent a note: "This store is innocent, you have taken the ticket, if you don't come to return the car within five days, don't come to return it."

Liang Sansi pushed the bicycle to go out, thinking, dare to blackmail me, when this matter is over, if I don't ruin your family, this matter is not over!

The shopkeeper at the door is very happy, and when the time comes to return the car, I won’t make excuses for bumping here and there and blackmailing you to death. I won’t tell you to fly on grass!

(End of this chapter)

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