under fire

Chapter 1276 Courtyard Trap

Chapter 1276 Courtyard Trap
The machete looked at the bandits who climbed over the wall and entered the hospital in the dark, and asked the platoon leader next to him, "Why don't you do anything?"

The platoon leader glanced contemptuously at Chojiu: "Hey, I'll let you see what it means to close the door and beat the dog."

The bandit soldiers were like chopping bamboo, and they didn't encounter any decent resistance at all.

Immediately spread out and arrest people from house to house.

This kind of thing has been done a lot before, and there is no need for anyone to direct it.

The three leading bandit soldiers climbed up the wall from the side of the gate in the yard. This will prevent them from being shot black by the people hiding in the house.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual in the courtyard wall, he immediately propped himself up on the top of the wall and jumped into the courtyard.

"Ah" followed, the strange cry resounded in the village
One of the two bandit soldiers on the wall raised a gun to guard the yard to prevent the people in the house from coming out.

The other asked tremblingly, "What's wrong?"

"On the ground. There is an iron drill," the bandit soldiers in the yard answered intermittently.

The bandit platoon leader outside the wall immediately ordered: "Hold the lamp. Charge in."

Then, a bandit soldier struck a match and lit an oiled torch.

When the torch is burning,

More than a dozen bandit soldiers rushed in immediately
Carefully step on the ground with your feet so as not to step on the iron rod
Not to mention, I really found two rows of iron drills on the ground.

The bandit platoon leader at the back yelled again: "One group goes up to the roof to occupy the high point, and the second group surrounds the doors and windows!"

Then, the six bandit soldiers scattered and ran around in the yard, and went to the room to slip by the wall.

A black, smoking, swirling grenade was thrown from the house into the yard
"There is a collapse, quickly withdraw"

Bang bang bang.
The courtyard wall opposite the alley outside the gate of the courtyard suddenly burst into flames.

The shell gun fired repeatedly, and the bandit platoon leader was the first to get shot, and was pushed forward by the men behind him.

The bullets fired at close range penetrated and pushed away the second group of bandit platoon leaders, and the third group next to them.
The two sides were separated by five meters, and suddenly they were attacked, and the bandit soldiers who had already tensed up immediately rushed to both sides of the gate.

The grenade thrown into the yard exploded.
The bandit soldiers who ran to the door of the house didn't look out, and beat the house with their shell guns.
Suddenly felt that the body seemed to be poked, and the order was about to flash, but found that the body that was poked seemed to be grabbed by someone
Turn around and look.
A red-tasseled spear in front of a white wax pole is inserted at the waist.
Shouts that don't sound like a human voice echoed in the yard
After stabbing the bandit soldiers outside the house, the soldiers inside the house slipped directly into the hole next to them, not forgetting to cover the wooden planks above their heads.
The bandit soldiers screamed in the courtyard.
Some fast-moving bandit soldiers didn't dare to go through the gate. They just kicked up the big wall and jumped out of the yard: "Run, there is an ambush on the eighth road."

The voices kept coming and going, the village itself was not big, suddenly more than [-] bandit soldiers poured in from the west of the village, there were only more than [-] households in the west of the village, the lanes in the west of the village, and the bandit soldiers in the courtyard were densely packed.

Da da da.
At the end of the alley, a machine gun suddenly started firing.
The bullets raged in the alley, piercing through the bandit soldier's body while the heat was still there, and penetrated into the second bandit's body, stuck on a certain bone and stopped his progress.

The bandit soldiers in the alley reacted quickly and immediately lay down on the ground, intending to raise their guns to fight back.
Suddenly, two black and smoking grenades fell down from the sky.
This is a fart, and immediately got up and went back outside, regardless of the taboo on the battlefield that escaping at this time will expose the back.

A certain bandit platoon leader remained calm in the face of danger: "Drop the bomb, blow up the eight-way machine gun!"

The bandit soldiers didn't bring many grenades, they were originally intended to be used wisely!

This is finally useful
The machine gun in the distance just after firing suddenly stopped firing.
The two bandits still threw the grenade over by feeling
The bandit platoon leader has rich experience in the battlefield: "Brothers, rush over and kill the eight-way machine gun"

Whether it was a machine gun or a machine gunner, before the order was given, a rifle bullet fired from the roof penetrated into his chest.

This is not over yet, the bandit soldiers who got up from the ground ran forward in a panic
Boom, my feet are empty.
ah. ouch hello. my mother
A trap was dug on the ground!

As for the number of stakes inserted in the middle, it is temporarily unclear. Anyway, based on the feeling of piercing into the body, it should be a little thicker than a thumb
At this time, how dare I continue to rush to the center of the village.
Jumping directly into the courtyards with open doors on both sides, there was another scream.
Three Bandit Soldiers Stacked Arhats Ready to Climb the Roof
The top one just popped up
A spear stuck in the eye socket
I fell down without even humming.
"There's someone on the roof."

The bandits behind the cat pointed their guns at the shadow on the roof, and pressed their fingers lightly
The black shadow on the roof twitched for a moment, then became silent.
A loud shout suddenly sounded in the yard: "Kill!"

Da da da.
Then, at the end of the alley in the village where the bomb was originally fired, the machine gun rang out again.
Bang bang bang.
blah blah.
In the alley, the rescuer bandit soldiers in the trap were frightened to death, and they jumped into the pit right away.
The bandit soldiers lying on the ground, who had already lost their souls, hugged their heads again, and raised their guns to fight back indiscriminately.
in the yard.

There was also movement in the dark corner, a figure seemed to emerge from the ground, and the shell gun in his hand fired continuously at the shadows in the yard.

A brick from a certain wall is pushed out, followed by a rifle protruding from its muzzle.
Bang, one of the bandits in the alley fell down.

Rooftop trio of shellgun rifles firing alternately.
Bandit soldiers continued to fall.

The bandit soldiers who stayed outside the village and stuck to the wall before they had time to attack the village hesitated.
Let's fight, the front is full of the backs of the brothers who fought back and the chests of the brothers who escaped.
Don't fight, brothers are dying
Had to raise the shell gun and shoot back at those roofs that gleamed in the dark
"Machine guns. Machine guns quickly fire on the roof to suppress."

Da da da. Da da da.
The machine gunner behind seemed to have really heard his voice.
The sense of rhythm is really comfortable to hear, much better than the sheep shit played by the previous machine gunner
The bandit platoon leader suddenly felt that something was wrong. Why were there puffing and puffing sounds everywhere on the courtyard wall?
After the last two clicks, the machine gun stopped.

Should change the magazine, the bandit platoon leader was satisfied with his judgment, turned his head and yelled: "Damn, raise the muzzle higher, I told you to hit the eight roads on the roof"

Maybe the machine guns in the back were screaming too loudly, and the machine gunners didn't hear it
The rout soldier hiding at the root of the wall outside the village would not be so stupid as to enter the village. When the machine gun fired, he immediately realized that something was wrong. He lay on the ground and greeted the two brothers next to him: "Follow me quickly."


"Balu copied our back route."

As soon as a few people ran, they immediately followed a few others, heading south.

Machine gun ballistics are still flying over the courtyard wall
The sound of the three-point shot is still so pleasant.
Choi Jiu lay on the roof and pressed bullets into the magazine: "Hey, Shi Cheng, "How many shots did you hit? "

"Should have killed four of them." Shi Cheng pushed the breech bolt and loaded the bullet: "What about you?"

"There seem to be three..." Based on his feeling, he felt that he should have hit three. One of them ran out of the courtyard, and the other one was still howling in the courtyard.

Suddenly, he felt that the shell gun in his hand was not fragrant at all.

Shi Cheng began to look for a target: "Open your eyes and tell me that I am not as good as you. I only hit one and injured two."

Choi Jiu then raised his gun, and the bandit soldiers ran far away. He was discouraged and muttered: "Wang Sanzhu is known as the tyrant of Neihuang, and he has countless elite soldiers and strong generals. He used to dare to fight against the national army. How can this be so?" Vulnerable?"

Shi Cheng raised his gun and knocked down another bandit soldier in the alley: "Hey, if you teach me how to throw dice, I'll teach you."

Chiajiu was inexplicably excited, but said unrelentingly: "I'm not interested"

Shi Cheng fired another shot and knocked down another one: "Let me tell you, when you go to battle, the pistol in your hand is just a firestick, don't you understand?"

"Bullshit, I can shoot ten shots if you shoot one"

Shi Cheng aimed again, and he still had time to talk: "If the devils come, we can't do this, we either run, or we all go into the tunnel!"

"I want you to tell me"

Empty the magazine again: "What are you still doing, hurry up and clean the battlefield?"

"how about you?"

"The bandit soldiers from the north will come to die immediately, let's go down the tunnel quickly"

The two slid down the roof one after the other.

Kanjiu continued to ask: "Why didn't any of the landmines buried in the village sound?"

"Hey, the mines in the village are prepared for the little devils. We will kill the leader of this group of bandits as soon as they come up. Besides, they can't bear it."

After Shi Cheng finished speaking, he lifted a wooden board in the yard.

Cut Jiu immediately yelled at the men who were cleaning the battlefield: "Hey, don't run around in the village, the mines in the alleys in the north of the village have been stringed, and you have to take the tunnel or the stairs on the roof to get in and out of the yard, it's not a joke. of."

Shi Cheng, who was walking north with his waist down, asked Chojiu: "Are you going to the roof or the bunker?"

Chan Jiu followed behind Shi Cheng with a pistol in hand: "Wherever you go, I'll go!"

(End of this chapter)

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