under fire

Chapter 1277

Chapter 1277
The fight in the village was in full swing.

The valleys and hills in the east of the village appear unusually calm.

Acting company commander Erniu was very angry, because the newcomer Liu Wenxia didn't listen to her command at all.

Liu Wenxia was worried: "Use your brain, you can't just rely on your own imagination, which time the enemy will sweep without devils?"

Er Niu's face was dark, and she couldn't see her expression under the moonlight: "If the devil really doesn't come out, we won't wait all night for nothing!"

Liu Wenxia firmly disagreed: "The mob of bandits and soldiers is not strong in combat. With Company Commander Chen, instructors, and Commander Sun around, they will definitely not have any problems relying on the village's terrain advantage."

The searchlights on the gun tower in the distance are all facing west.

From time to time, thin figures shuttled under the moonlit night, checking with the guard post hidden in the bushes in the ditch and shouting passwords.

A member of the children's regiment came back from the east artillery tower, and the immature voice of a child shouted excitedly: "Report to Acting Company Commander Han, there is news from the east artillery tower, and there is no movement from the devil's barracks in the direction of the county town."

Not long after, a figure on a horse with a torch came to the south in a hurry: "Report to Captain Liu, the guerrilla brigade has not found any enemy situation for the time being."

Two figures on bicycles came from the north: "Sister Erniu, a large number of security forces in the north are following the Second Battalion of the Water Conservation Regiment and are chasing southward. They have reached the vicinity of Xiaowangya, and there are sporadic exchanges of fire."

Every time a person came to report the situation, someone relayed the news to the village.

Han Erniu pointed to the map: "We have to stop this group of security forces who are chasing us."

Liu Wenxia immediately objected: "How to stop it? The puppet army dared to chase a battalion of the Water Conservation Regiment, which means that the puppet army will not be lower than one battalion at least. Just relying on the militia and the puppet army to fight in an open field is almost like dying!"

"Isn't Wang Pengying in the west? Let them come over and kill those puppet soldiers in one fell swoop."

"Don't fight two guerrilla wars, you don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth. Don't forget that our task is to ambush the enemies coming out of the county!"

Han Erniu began to endorse: "During the study, the instructor said that we can quickly assemble, form a local force advantage, and defeat the invading enemies who are divided into encirclement!"

"The instructor is right, but it also depends on whether our students have the appetite or not?" Liu Wenxia gradually couldn't stand it anymore.

"Think about it, even if the devils in the city come out, we have landmines on the road, and he will not come soon. Let's eat the puppet army in the north first, and then return to the defense in time!"

"Then do you know how many puppet troops there are in the north?"

"Uh, this black lamp blinds the fire ghost to know."

"In this way, there must be no problem in the village. I will take the militia company to the north, and you will stay and watch the east. If there is news of the enemy, we will retreat to the mountains together."

"Don't be so impulsive, okay? The main sixteenth regiment and the supplementary regiment have already spread a big bag in the mountain pass, just waiting for us to introduce the devils into the mountain area"

"If the devils don't come out, aren't they waiting in vain?"

"Our task is to fight for aid. As long as we can eat this group of bandits, how many weapons can we seize? Then we can arm more than a thousand combatants!"

"But Chen Chong shot them all. Is it true that our militiamen have trained for so long, so we are only worthy of leftovers?"

"I don't want to carry your elm head up!"

"Who are you talking about?" Han Erniu immediately stepped forward.

"I'll just say you. Why, not convinced?" Liu Wenxia rolled up her sleeves.

"Everyone stop!" Commissar Ding emerged from the darkness with his guards.

"Good morning, political commissar!"

"Hello, Chief!"

"Hehe, why are there differences?" Ding Deyi asked with a smile in the dark.

"Why are you here, political commissar? You have to judge this matter, Han Erniu."

Wang Liujin left with the soldiers of the secret service battalion in charge of security work, and took away Ma Liang and a dozen or so platoon leaders selected from the group of students in the first division.

Some people from each division were selected to study in the second stage of the Anti-Japanese University, while Ma Liang was the only one in the independent group.

In the vacancy left by Ma Liang's departure, Hu Yi did not choose the tallest among the dwarfs to select Ma Lianglian's platoon leader. Instead, he asked Wang Xiaosan, who was a cook, to act as the first company commander of the Ninth Battalion.

No one dared to object.

Otherwise, the soldiers in the cooking squad under Wang Xiaosan would shake their hands when they were cooking.
Since a group of students were drawn away to enter the second stage, the Ministry of Enemy Industry directly asked the backbone of the Ninth Battalion, who was in charge of the security work, to assist Cheng Haibo's regiment in reorganizing.

Officer Lin talked to Hu Yi in person, and the chief executive gave the order himself.

Hu Yi must nail the nails in the devil's heart!
At the same time, the big reorganization is about to start.

The main force of the Independent Regiment took root in the southwest of An County, and the Ninth Battalion cooperated with the Cheng Haibo Regiment to set up a village in the northeast of An County, responding to each other.

In addition, the Black Tiger Village of the Second Battalion and the Lingqiu Guerrilla Squadron of the Ninth Battalion, which extended into the Taihang Mountains in the southwest, formed a line with Commander Zhang of the Second Division of the Lu Provincial Military Region in the northeast.

Including the independent regiment, all the teams that entered the plain were organized into the third column.
The external designation of the Ninth Battalion is the Special Service Battalion of the First Regiment of the First Brigade of the Winter Asian Alliance Autonomous Army, and Hu Yi served as the staff officer of the regiment and the commander of the special service battalion.

For the time being, Hu Yi is still the commander of the Ninth Battalion of the Independent Regiment.

Hu Yi stayed in the independent regiment for six years, fought against devils for six years, and survived many times.

Hearing this arrangement, I was inexplicably disappointed.
Hearing that the main battalion commander of the Independent Regiment was seconded to the First Regiment, Cheng Haibo laughed from ear to ear.

A key meeting was held overnight.

Hu Yi took Luo Fugui, Li Xiang, and Ya Tou up to the second floor of the restaurant.

Seeing that Su Qing was also present at a glance, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Captain Su, I'm really sorry to wake you up just after you fell asleep." Captain Cheng smiled and greeted: "Please sit down."

Leader Cheng personally poured tea for everyone sitting here, and cut straight to the point: "Although you all came from the independent regiment, I still have to introduce that Comrade Su Qing was transferred to be the captain of the armed task force of our regiment. Comrade Hu Yi served as the regiment's staff officer and special agent battalion commander"

Luo Fugui's ugly eyes widened, Li Xiang was surprised but remained expressionless, the girl stared at Su Qing and curled her lips
Hu Yi was inexplicably worried. Such an arrangement by his superiors was equivalent to completely emptying the entire Cheng Haibo group. How could he be so happy?
Leader Cheng continued: "Now everyone is selected by the superior after investigation. Some things can no longer be hidden from you. Maybe you will think that I, the puppet army commander, was born as a bandit. How could I accept the reorganization of the Eighth Route Army?"

Speaking of this, he smiled mysteriously: "Everyone, don't worry, what I'm going to say next is top secret, and it must not reach the sixth ear except for the few present here.

First of all, Commander Wang of the Autonomous Army is actually the commander of the three military divisions. The brigade commander Li Chenghua of the First Brigade is the former captain of the guerrilla brigade in An County. As for me, I used to be the squadron leader of the guerrilla brigade. Everything may be an illusion, and the facts you see may not necessarily be the truth. "

As soon as these words are finished.

Several people present have different expressions.

Hu Yi was dumbfounded. In other words, his superiors had already started working in the plain area as early as the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War.

In other words, it was secretly arranged by the superiors to get back a large amount of supplies from the east.

The Ninth Battalion performed well in the mountains. After entering the plains and winning consecutive battles, they were assigned by the superiors to the autonomous regiment to cooperate with the reorganization.

Start higher than most.

It's normal to think about it. Huilong Town is located in the hinterland of the Central Plains, and the superiors will definitely arrange trustworthy people to sit in the town.

Moreover, he will be under the command of the devils as a puppet army for a long period of time, which makes him feel uncomfortable.

Luo Fugui almost laughed his face away. He subconsciously touched the gold bars on his body, and he can eat roast chicken every day from now on.
 History of the Eighth Route Army: The Hebei-Shandong-Henan Central Plains area belongs to the third column of the Eighth Route Army, and the headquarters is directly under it. In October, the headquarters merged with the [-]th. The Autonomous Army is also directly under the headquarters. Generally, this is not mentioned in film and television dramas, because the relationship between the various ministries is ridiculously complicated. Rong Quide's smoldering tyrant racked his brains to write slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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