under fire

Chapter 1285 Backbone and Grain

Chapter 1285 Backbone and Grain


Green gauze tent.

Green and yellow wheat field.

People began to enter and leave the city on the highway.

There are men, women and children, but there are no young girls.

Carrying a burden to sell vegetables, or carrying a bag on the shoulder, or holding a basket in the hand.

The world is bad, and survival is the only extravagant hope.

The common people, who were so poor that they could hardly support the wheat harvest, tried their own ways.

Borrowing grain from relatives is the first choice. If you can’t borrow it, you can borrow it from the landlords in the villages. If you can’t borrow it again, you can only sell the fields left by your ancestors.

A village outside the east gate of the ancient city.

Nie Ziwen, who fled from the south to his uncle's house two years ago, makes a living by teaching the children in the village to read, writing letters, and writing sacrificial rites.

Now his wife is seriously ill in bed, and the old uncle's family has no food left.

He has no land here, let alone any property, and it seems that he doesn't even have anything to sell
Nie Ziwen in a long gown was standing at the gate of Xu's compound in the next village.

A member of the detective team at the door sneered: "You have been borrowing every month since the Chinese New Year. Do you really think that our uncle Xu is a kind person?"

The other one persuaded: "Let me tell you, how good would it be to give your daughter to my uncle as a concubine?"

Nie Ziwen's face was dull, and he shook his head: "Although my Nie family is poor, we haven't reached the point of selling our sons and daughters."

"Hehe, then go find your own uncle Nie, he is Commander Komatsu's guest"

"Hey, even if I starve to death, I won't eat his family's food."

"Yes, you have the guts. You don't want to go to your family, and you don't want to send your daughter over. It's because of Uncle Nie that I didn't ask you to pay back the food. My uncle is kind, and you are poor and poor. Already? Get out now."

"I am a dignified provincial middle school teacher, how dare you say that about me."

"Okay, I respect you as a literati. These days, literati are useless? The Imperial Army School recruits teachers in the city. You say you don't want to be a dog. Since you have the backbone, you still have the face to come to the dog to borrow food?"

When the detective team next to him heard what his partner said, why did he say something wrong: "Hey, Xu Er Bangzi, how dare you call our uncle a dog?"

Xu Erbangzi was stunned for a moment: "Hehe, I was wrong, this poor man wants to be a whore, and also wants to set up a memorial archway. Is there such a good thing in the world?"

"Nie, if you have nothing to do, hurry up and go, don't come here early in the morning to cry."

Nie Ziwen had no choice but to turn around and leave.

I only drank a bowl of millet soup last night, and my chest was so hungry that I felt a little dizzy.

The thin and thin figure walked step by step on the path in the middle of the wheat field.

From time to time, look at the ancient city wall not far away, which seems to have never changed.

In order to survive, his family rented a piece of land from the landlord Wang's family, but the wheat in the field was still filling.

The sweet potatoes haven't bloomed yet.

It seems that I have to go to a handful of wheat and red leaves to make porridge.
He felt that he really didn't have more strength to go around the mass graves in front of him and walk home.

I plan to take a shortcut back to the village from the sorghum field next to the wheat field.
"Stop!" A low shout came from the sorghum field, followed by two young men with patches on their bodies appearing in front of him.

"Hey, isn't this Teacher Nie?" The one who spoke was Guo Hui, the eldest son of Guo Dong of the village. He had long heard that he was "rebelling" with the Eighth Route Army!
"Guo Hui? What are you doing here?"

"Ms. Nie, have you gone to the Xu family to borrow food again?"


After the two parties greeted each other, Nie Ziwen continued to go deep into the green gauze tent,

The soldier next to Guo Hui asked, "Do you want to keep him under control?"

"No, Mr. Nie has a lot of backbone. The devil asked him to teach in the city several times, but he refused. He stayed in the village to teach the children how to read. After a while, everyone gathered together and sent ten catties of fried noodles to his house." After finishing speaking, Started to rummage through his dry food bag.

Nie Ziwen tightened his belt, and walked slowly to the big pagoda tree in the south of the village. He felt dizzy, couldn't hold on any longer, and fainted in the nearby wheat field.

After a while, Yoyo woke up and heard someone muttering.

"Hey, if you catch that guy Guo Hui this time, it won't be the end if you don't ruin his Guo family!"

"Be careful what you say, there are eight eyeliners in our city defense force"

"You get paid as a soldier, and even if you get paid by the imperial army, you still want to mess things up all day long, and you must find out all those who have evil intentions."

"Boy, if you want to live a long life in this year, keeping a low profile is the long-term solution. After you fight with the Eighth Route Army, don't rush forward. The gun has no eyes."

"Cut, it's a precious risk. If you kill an Eighth Route Imperial Army, you will be rewarded with ten yuan. I just hope that this time I can kill a few Eighth Routers and then marry a concubine."

"Why haven't those bastards from the detective team come yet?"

What do they do?We just need to guard the bridge and shoot black guns.

This time, it was a brigade commander of the Autonomous Army who was shot dead. Since the army did not send anyone, how did the Eighth Route Army be provoked?

Brigadier Li must be a member of the Eighth Route.

Is Balu stupid?How dare you come to rob the imperial army's execution ground
It is estimated that this battle will be fought until dark, so let's go to the kiln for a stroll.
"Shut up, someone is coming."

Nie Ziwen saw two guerrillas sneaking out of the green gauze tent with guns in their arms.

He hurriedly crawled along the ditch on the edge of the wheat field with his feet, went around to the east of the village and quickly disappeared in the village.

As soon as Guo Hui walked out of the dilapidated courtyard where Nie Ziwen was staying, he bumped into Mr. Nie who was coming back.

Nie Ziwen looked at Guo Hui: "Why are you here?"

Uh, I brought some food to your family
"Hurry up and get out!" This guy has no good intentions, he came to deliver food, it must be a weasel giving a New Year greeting to the chicken, and most likely he came to find his own daughter.

Guo Hui smiled awkwardly: "Hey, I'll deliver food to you, pay attention to what you say"

Nie Ziwen's face was dark: "What's your heart, boy, do you think I don't know?"

"Okay, there is something else, let's go first."


"Uncle, do you have anything else to do?"

"Are you going to rob the execution ground?"

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

"There are members of the City Defense Guard hiding in the south of the village. When I passed by, I heard them muttering that they were going to wipe out the Eighth Route."

"Hey, it's nothing. I have nothing to do, so I'm leaving first."

The edge of a sorghum field.

Villagers with patches on their shoulders, elbows, and knees looked around.

A traitor from the detective team in black came to the edge of the green gauze tent: "Why are you here now?"

"Didn't you want me to see clearly, they are hiding in the sorghum field east of the village."

"you sure?"

"Of course, they hid in the sorghum field last night. My second boy is watching."

"how many people?"

"If you say less, there are dozens of them, and there are still some who don't see clearly, more than 100."

The traitor picked out a few slips from the bag, and picked the one with the largest number: "Okay, you did a good job. Later, you can register with the detective team and get fifty catties of millet."

The man looked excited: "Then I'll go back first."

"Hey, don't get too close to them, just watch them."

"Don't worry, I can still handle something."

In the field, the traitors of the detective team in black hurried to the direction of the gun tower.

He wants to go to the blockhouse and make a phone call to the city to report the movements of these eight roads.
Unexpectedly, I was mixed with a dog gnawing shit by the rope on the ground
overwhelm a piece of sorghum stalk
Suddenly, two young men dressed in villager clothes, covered in sorghum leaves, appeared next to them.

A man with a rifle on his back and a scythe in his hand.

Another young man with a pistol in his hand stepped forward, put his foot on the traitor's neck and asked triumphantly, "Dog traitor, let me see where you are going!"

Looking sideways at the black muzzle of the gun, half of the black and half of the shiny sickle, the traitor was frightened half to death: "Baye, please forgive me, I have an eighty-year-old mother"

"You can spare my life, just tell me everything you know!" The man with the gun took off the gun from the traitor's shoulder while speaking.

With the knife resting on his neck, the traitor dared not hide it.

In a panic, he poured beans out of the bamboo tube and told everything he knew.

"Unfortunately, there is no useful information." The man with the short gun murmured at the man next to him with the sickle
The man with the sickle covered his mouth and dragged the sickle across the traitor's neck.
The man with the gun jumped away quickly to avoid getting blood on his body.

Weighing the traitor's pistol, he looked at the traitor whose neck had been cut in half and seemed to be dying: "Don't look at me like this, I really didn't kill you. I didn't do it."

The dog traitor no longer twitches.

The young man with two guns began to grope the traitor: "I said, can't you strangle him to death?"

Another stuck a sickle into the soil to wipe away the blood: "The father and son of the villagers who tipped off the traitor, do you want to kill them?"

(End of this chapter)

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