under fire

Chapter 1286

Chapter 1286
Shopkeeper Cheng Er was familiar with Wei County, so he sneaked into Wei County with an anti-rape team in the middle of the night, and hid in Cheng Haibo's courtyard in the county seat.

This time when entering the city, Xiao Hongying's special agent company sent out all the elites.

The first row is long Tang big dog, the second row is long with dirty faces, and the third row is long Liu Yuanqing
The reconnaissance squad leader Li Laosi, the fire squad leader Wen Wuquan, and Wang Jinghong, a new recruit from the first regiment.
The military headquarters of the Autonomous Army is located in the county government.

A battalion of the Self-Assault Regiment was stationed in the old barracks in the county seat.

The other two battalions were stationed in a town not far from the county seat.

The commander of the city defense army was concurrently held by Cheng Gan, the son of the deputy commander Cheng Ximeng.

The city defense troops were stationed in the courtyards near the four city gates.

More than [-] members of Wang Qinglin's pistol team lived in the yard next to the south gate barracks of the Devil City Defense Army.

The traitor dog knows someone wants his life.

This time has been reclusive.
The sun shines on the west wall of South Street, and the intersection of darkness and sunlight forms a line, slowly moving towards the center of the street.

Cao Shangfei was sitting on the second floor of a clothing store more than a hundred meters away from the city gate.

Through the gap in the window, carefully observe the gate of the courtyard where Wang Qinglin's pistol team is stationed diagonally opposite.

Two pistolmen came out of the yard to change shifts with the sentry standing outside the gate.

There were also signs of human activity on the roof.

Pedestrians on the street carrying goods, pushing wheelbarrows and holding baskets hurried.

The self-governing army wandering around on patrol with guns on their backs wandered around shouting with cigarettes in their mouths.

Shopkeepers and small roadside vendors quarreled with the patrolling self-government army from time to time, just to pay a little less tax.

Cao Shangfei wrote down what he observed on a piece of paper.

Pushing open the window, stuck his head out and coughed.

The half-grown child who was shining shoes on the side of the road looked up: "Uncle"

Cao Shangfei threw down the matchbox stuffed with the note.

The half-grown child looked around, picked up the matchbox, collected the towels and brushes, and walked slowly towards the city with the small bench.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er looked worried: "Wang Qinglin, that traitor dog, stays in the yard and won't come out. There is no way for us to wait like this!"

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "The city defense army is stationed next door to them, and a strong attack will definitely not work."

The shopkeeper Cheng Er thought for a while: "They have to order food from Wailian every day at noon, why don't we find a way to send a bomb in?"

Liu Yuanqing immediately objected: "It's better to send a bomb in than to send someone to find out where the traitor lives, and at night, use a grenadier to blow him up, bastard."

Xiao Hongying turned her head to look at the monkey: "Can you contact the military headquarters and find a way to get the mobile phone gun team out of the city?"

The monkey shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't work. Rumors are flying all over the sky now. The day before yesterday Xu Jinsen entered the joint area of ​​the autonomous military defense and Guo Qing's defense area and was beaten to death. All ministries are required to conduct a thorough investigation. Now the autonomous army is in danger, and no one can move anyone.”

Liu Yuanqing nodded: "As long as he doesn't come out, we'll have nothing to do with him!"

Since this guy is a traitor, the devil will definitely ask him to verify the situation. With the devil's temper, he will not take the initiative to come to the door, so let's wait at the gate of the autonomous army commander!
This is also a way, we can also bury electric bombs on the street, as long as the traitor comes out, he can be killed.
"Electric detonation? What's that?"

"Ordinary landmines are detonated by the pull-fire method. Electric detonation is much simpler. We don't have them here, but I know where I can get electric detonators."


"Traffic Wreckers! They've got a lot of goodies on their hands"

"The members of the Traffic Destruction Squad don't know where they are, so what you say is useless."

Hou Zi suddenly said: "Almost every train station has their people, and Kau Jiu has contact with them."

Xiao Hongying was stunned for a moment, it seemed that she had underestimated the vixen!

Her work team seemed to be doing nothing, except for Hou Zi and Liu Wenxia, ​​it seemed that she had no one under her!

The big man Yang who has a good relationship with the monkey has not been seen for a while.

Also, those student soldiers brought back by Ma Liang.

So far, it seems that they have not heard from them at all.

Su Qing said that he would enter the city overnight to eradicate Wang Qinglin, but now he can't even see the shadow of the traitor. There is something wrong with this matter.

Monkey, did Captain Su tell you anything?
The monkey thought for a while: "Remember, Cao Shangfei left Huilong Town the day before yesterday, that guy must be in the county town!"

Second Master Cheng, someone sent a note
take a look
Soon, a note was delivered to Xiao Hongying.

Xiao Hongying turned her head to look at Wen Wuquan: "Go to the roof and see if you can use the grenade to directly hit the pistol team's backyard."

Once she has money and wealth, she will start to cherish her life. If she hadn't, Xiao Hongying would probably send a death squad into the courtyard where the pistol team was stationed.

However, in Xiao Hongying's spy company, there is no death squad yet.
Xiao Hongying felt a little annoyed: "Looking at shopkeeper Cheng Er, we are nothing if we stay in the house, why not go out for a walk."

Rabbits don't eat grass by the side of their nests. Although the county town occupied by bandits is a mess, no one dares to openly rob and commit murder in the county town.

Who can really become a powerful bandit leader, and whose subordinates don't have two scholars who understand 36 tricks and Sun Tzu's art of war?
There are quite a lot of rich families with the surname Cheng in Weixian County, Anxian County, Neihuanghua County.

When he was away from home, he naturally talked about his ancestor Cheng Yaojin.

Speaking of which, if someone is not Cheng Yaojin's great-grandson of dozens of generations, it would be embarrassing to say it.

Xiao Hongying followed Second Master Cheng with her hands behind her back, wandering around the streets and alleys.

Food stores, soy sauce shops, rouge shops, and opium shops can be seen everywhere.

Xiao Hongying stopped outside the Great Smokehouse.

A man as skinny as a ghost is begging: "Just let me in, and I'll just smell it."

The man guarding the gate kicked the big smoker over: "I don't have any money, but I still want to take advantage of it. Do you really think that this is a place where Shantang does good things?"

"You used to spend thousands of oceans here, so why don't I go in and have a look?"

Xiao Hongying rolled her eyes: "Hey, tell me, let's give him two oceans and let him send the bomb to the mobile phone team barracks, okay?"

Shopkeeper Cheng Er was stunned for a moment: "This is a good way, but even a smoker still has a life."

Liu Yuanqing murmured: "The man who smokes opium sells his sons and daughters, and his wife sells his ancestral property. If he can really kill that dog traitor, he has accumulated virtue. Maybe he can be reborn as a dog in his next life."

The big smoker panted three steps, walked slowly into a small alley, and suddenly there was a light in front of his eyes: there was a bright ocean on the ground.
After quickly looking around, he hurried forward, ready to grab the ocean on the ground.
Whoosh, that ocean suddenly ran forward
"Hey, this ocean can still run away?" The big smoker said excitedly, "I don't believe I can't catch you."

After a while.

Liu Yuanqing pointed to the compound where the pistol team was stationed in the distance: "As long as you can deliver this small box to the courtyard guarded by those two people, this ocean will belong to you."

Although the big smoker has long been addicted, it doesn't mean that his brain is not bright: "Then, how do I send it in, is it okay?"

Liu Yuanqing froze for a moment: "Well, tell me, how do you plan to send it in?"

Big smokers used to be precious people. After smoking opium and ruining their family property, they wandered the streets and alleys all day long, looking like a local snake.

He knows a lot of gossip: "Wang Qinglin from the pistol team is indeed very strict with the nearby houses, but hey, it's easy to sneak into the courtyard where the city defense army lives next door."

Liu Yuanqing was stunned, as if that was the fucking thing.

How can ordinary people dare to trouble the city defense army?

Just make up a pretext, deliver vegetables, deliver food, pull sputum, and even say that they are going to wash clothes for the city defense army
It's easy to mix in!

At that time, it will be much more certain to climb the wall from the city defense army to shoot black guns, or throw grenades, than to bomb randomly with grenades.

As for how to get the guy into the city defense army garrison
An old man carrying two baskets of cabbage, when he entered the barracks, the bandits of the city defense army guarding the gate didn't even bother to ask.
Moreover, the city defense army also takes into account the task of collecting taxes
(End of this chapter)

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