under fire

Chapter 1287 Preparedness

Chapter 1287 Preparedness
The Wang'an Fort stronghold occupies a large area.

The devils drove the villagers to settlements, demolished a village and built a cannon building at the intersection.

It turns out that the villagers' houses directly serve as barracks, warehouses and canteens, and even livestock houses are all available.

Bunker fortifications, trenches, and barbed wire for tactical defense are arranged around the perimeter of the stronghold.

The bunker and the stronghold wall are connected as a whole.

The shooting holes were opened on the wall of the stronghold, and there was no one in the trench outside at this time.

The Eighth Route Army, which has no heavy weapons, has no way to take this stronghold.

It's okay for Balu to play a sneak attack at night, but attacking the blockhouse in broad daylight is completely overkill.

Moreover, the devil had made a detailed plan long ago.
Crazy Yang was wearing white gloves, took out his ID in a calm manner, and waved it in front of the Devil Sergeant who came out of the gun tower.

The sergeant who came out saw the second lieutenant's epaulettes, and was not sure for a while whether this was a fake.

Thinking that the machine guns in the gun tower had already been aimed at the team coming over.

Bite the bullet and reach out to stop Crazy Yang and his party, yelling at birdsong and motioning to show their IDs
Crazy Yang slapped him across the face, followed by Niaoyu: "Asshole, ordinary people can pass through the checkpoint, how dare you stop me?"

"Hayi." Seeing the other party's bird language fluently, the sergeant did not dare to resist, but still forced himself to calm down the bird language: "I'm sorry, you can pass the checkpoint."

Crazy Yang took out a certificate and handed it to the military officer, speaking fluently, "I want to make a call!"

The sergeant took a look at the certificate, and hurriedly bowed and saluted: "I'm sorry, Lieutenant Takahashi, if you want to enter the city, there is no problem. The headquarters has strictly ordered that no one, including the imperial army, is allowed to enter the city today without special permission." Anburg Stronghold”

Crazy Yang said in a serious tone: "Where the volunteer team is going, even the head of the Komatsu brigade has no right to ask."

"Stand up?" Sergeant was stunned for a moment, the certificate he gave just now seemed to be the second, second and third regiments!

The results of the stand-up team are well known, and they are not an existence that they can afford to offend. Even so, the second lieutenant still didn't dare to take it seriously: "According to the regulations, I must ask the headquarters for instructions."

"Hurry up, there are people from the Eighth Route Secret Service Group in the east of the city. You can't afford to miss something important." Crazy Yang's idea is very simple. Although the devil's intelligence system is powerful, if he wants to find out that he is pretending to be Takahashi almost impossible.

The mixed brigade of the defensive HD should not have the right to query the information of the standing team.

According to the devil's internal verification procedure, he had to call the North China Command first, and then go to the devil's first army for verification.

Crazy Yang's idea is very simple, the devil will verify his identity, and it will take at least an hour to find out.

During this time, I just tried to find a way to sneak into the gun tower.

After the battle between the Advance Team and the Eighth Route Special Service Group, the name Takahashi had long been listed as a missing person, and the Ministry of Intelligence kept a close eye on it.
As soon as the call was made to the HD Command, it immediately attracted the attention of the Devils Gendarmerie.
Then, the military police immediately asked to speak with Takahashi
The sergeant who had just returned to the base and made a phone call to the city was a little confused: It seems that this Second Lieutenant Takahashi really has a lot of background.
The sergeant trotted out again from the gate of the stronghold: "Mr. Takahashi, the gendarmerie asks you to go over and make a call."

Crazy Yang followed Second Lieutenant Guizi to carefully observe the situation of the stronghold.

He couldn't help frowning, it was almost an impossible task to take down the stronghold with the dozen or so people he brought with him.

He secretly thought of a countermeasure in his heart.
in the sun.

There was a sound of suona in the distance from the east road.

In a procession welcoming the bride from a distance, the head of the party was Wang Dasan, who was thick and tall, wearing a top hat and hanging big red flowers on his chest.

Riding on the back of a donkey, his feet fell to the ground.

"Mule, the donkey is almost crushed by you."

"Hurry up and make it more lively." Luo Fugui, a newcomer, kept his feet on the ground from time to time, and his ugly eyes were nervously staring at the situation at the checkpoint in the distance.

Crazy Yang followed Sergeant Cao to the second floor of the gun tower, quickly took out his bayonet, and stabbed Sergeant Cao horizontally across the neck like lightning.

Then he pulled out another bayonet and inserted it into the neck and throat of the devil's heavy machine gunner on duty on the second floor.

He stretched out his hand again and snapped the neck of the ammunition hand of the heavy machine gun of the stunned pseudo city defense army next to him with a snap.

Absolutely a murderous demon.
He killed three people in a row without even a drop of blood on his body!
The three specific corpses didn't even have a chance to snort.

While the body was still convulsing, Crazy Yang, who had drawn out his bayonet, had already run up to the top of the third floor.

The observation post of the pseudo-city defense army who just heard the movement upstairs and turned his head to look at it directly felt a chill in his heart.
"Ah..." Crazy Yang moved quickly, and the puppet army screamed shortly before they died.

Next to the gun tower, the detective team members were loudly yelling at the security forces on duty at the checkpoint to get some water to drink.
There are still many pseudo city defense forces who heard the scream.

Crazy Yang quickly returned to the first floor of the blockhouse and ordered in broken Chinese: "Everyone gather and roll call"

Even the Cao Cao of the imperial army stationed in the artillery tower was slapped by this man, and no one in the pseudo city defense army who heard the screams dared to ask Crazy Yang why
Crazy Yang made a gesture when he saw him walk out of the blockhouse.

The detective team members who had been muttering casually near the checkpoint suddenly exploded and rushed towards the two puppet city defense forces who had relaxed their vigilance.

A puppet soldier who came out of the gate of the gun tower with a teapot is still unknown.

When he was dazed, two men in black who were stuck outside the gate of the blockhouse rushed forward, one covered his mouth and the other stabbed a knife.

In the stronghold, the devils and the puppet city defense forces who had just taken the night shift were still sleeping in the camp.

Hear the assembly whistle sound.

The ghosts and pseudo-city defense forces lying on the bed quickly got up, no one suspected, put on clothes and took out guns and went out to gather
According to the stronghold guard regulations, the machine gun team facing the east in the bunker did not participate in the roll call.

Three puppet city defense troops are looking at the welcoming team coming from the east through the lookout.

One of them muttered: "Hey, it's almost noon, why do these people come out to welcome the bride?"

"Hey, it's just the bridal chamber to welcome back."

Two doors were opened in the blockhouse by the highway.

One is facing the road, and the other leads to the northern stronghold.

More than a dozen black-clothed detectives rushed towards the door of the blockhouse with their waists in their hands.

Each act according to the predetermined plan.

The two soldiers went directly to the second floor of the gun tower to seize the position of the heavy machine gun.

Others passed through the gloomy bottom of the gun tower and entered the interior of the stronghold.

More than [-] puppet city defense troops who were queuing up looked at the reconnaissance team trotting in, not knowing why.

One of the monitors asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

The detective team member dressed in black with thick eyebrows, thin eyes and bronze complexion said in a cold tone, "Assemble as soon as you are told, what nonsense."

Crazy Yang next to him smiled: "Hu Sang, see if you have any spies?"

The pseudo-squad leader explained in a daze: "Taijun, we are all city defense forces. We all have families and mouths in the city, and there are absolutely no spies."

The monkey next to him was holding a submachine gun: "Everyone squat down obediently, pay. Accept inspection by the detective team."

The pseudo-squad leader was furious when he saw a dog-legged person who dared to yell at him, "You detective team member, what qualifications do you have to inspect Laozi's city defense force?"

"You brat is really brave, dare to yell in front of Takahashi Taijun?" Monkey smiled: "Just relying on the submachine gun in my hand, do you see if you are qualified?"

In addition to pistols, the detective team usually didn't even carry rifles. Finally, the pseudo-squad leader felt that something was wrong, and subconsciously clenched the rifle in his hand.

The men in black dodged from the stronghold and rushed into the three bunkers respectively, waved the pistols in their hands, and yelled loudly at the puppet soldiers who were still looking out: "Hey, put down your weapons and don't kill!"

The pseudo-squad leader is also a veteran, so he hastened to observe the situation.

As soon as he raised his head, he saw the muzzle of the heavy machine gun on the second floor of the gun tower aimed at the team assembled in the stronghold.

The pseudo-squad leader is not stupid, he was startled, and secretly thought it was bad!

These people in front of them are neither the imperial army nor the detective team at all, they are all right!
He doesn't understand!

The City Defense Command issued an order early in the morning that no one, including the Taijun, is allowed to enter the stronghold today.

How could he take down the turret silently?
The facts are right in front of you, and it is useless to think too much.

I have done all the bad things, and I have long been listed as being eradicated by Eight Routes!
There are only five people around them now.
There are more than twenty brothers on my side, and there are seven or eight sleeping princes in the barracks.

If you resist, there is still a glimmer of hope for survival!

It's dead anyway!
Quickly pull the bolt.
Crazy Yang didn't wait for this guy to raise his gun.

He had already pulled out the Nanfang pistol in the dark brown holster around his waist, and the muzzle was smoking: "Ba Ga."

The pseudo-squad leader's eye sockets splashed with a cloud of liquid, and then he fell sideways.

The puppet city defense forces that were gathering immediately panicked.
The monkey next to him has already raised his Thompson submachine gun, and is ready to fire.
Hu Yi suddenly shouted: "The imperial army has something to say, don't shoot."

Luo Fugui saw a man in black on the top of the gun tower waving a flag.

Hurry up and run wildly with people, half a minute later, the team rushed into the stronghold.

A devil in a white shirt who came out of the barracks after hearing the gunshot rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked, "Where is the gunshot?"

But he saw a second lieutenant of the imperial army standing in front of him, about to ask why
The second lieutenant was staring at him fiercely, and yelled at him, "Go back to sleep."

On the other side of the river to the west of the stronghold.

A few ordinary people who were about to cross the river first saw the traitors of the investigation team holding Tian Tian by the bridge to check that the city defense troops had entered the blockhouse.

Is preparing to take the opportunity to evade taxes through checkpoints.

Afterwards, I found that the team welcoming the bride from the east was trotting into the stronghold.

Several people quickly retreated from the stone bridge.

Squatting on the side of the road and muttering: "Hey, is there someone in the stronghold getting married?"

"Who would be stupid enough to get married in the stronghold? Let the Taijun watch the bridal chamber?"

"What's the matter?"

"First, the detective team touched the city defense forces at the checkpoint. Most of these guys are trying to build a stronghold."


"It must be Balu? Other than Balu, others don't have the guts."

"Then what shall we do?"

"What else can I do? Go back and report to the imperial army to receive the reward."

The east gate of the ancient city.

The brigade of the Puppet City Defense Force, the Japanese Gendarmerie, and the Investigation Team came out of the three gates in the north, southeast and south, and ran eastward.

The execution ground is located in a mass grave surrounded by miscellaneous trees and bushes
The wheat field outside the mass grave.

Countless eyes watched nervously the enemy armored vehicles coming out of the East City Gate.
The two ordinary people, carrying their backpacks, turned from trotting to standing still, and stood by the side of the road waiting for the traitors of the detective team to come up and ask.

"What did you say? Eighth Route called the Wang'anbao stronghold?" The traitor asked with wide eyes, "Did you see it clearly?"

"Although the little old man is old, he is neither blind nor deaf. Not only can he see clearly, but he also heard a gunshot from inside the stronghold just now!"

The traitor of the detective team was taken aback: "You wait here first, if the news is true, there will be a big reward!"

The Wang'anbao stronghold is located in the east of the ancient city, which is a strategic city defense site.

A Liancheng defense force is usually stationed in the stronghold.

Because the imperial army was preparing to encircle and suppress the Eighth Route and was short of troops, two platoons were temporarily withdrawn last night.

The remaining imperial army plus one squad still has more than [-] people.

Not to mention anything else, a heavy machine gun, a light machine gun, and a rifle with more than [-] in the light gun building can be worth tens of thousands of oceans!
Eight Routes dispatched such a person to rescue Li Chenghua, which at least illustrates one problem.
Then Li Chenghua did vote eight ways!

There is a way to heaven if you don't go, but there is no way to hell you just want to break in.
A figure slipped quietly into the wheat field.

"Report to Deputy Commander Gong, the underground organization has received insider information. Brigadier Li Chenghua died under the torture of the enemy last night." The intelligence officer had tears in his eyes: "The enemy has set up a trap, we must retreat immediately."

Gong Shaofeng was stunned for a moment: "What did you say? Brigadier Li has already died?"

The intelligence officer looked anxious: "The intelligence has confirmed that the devils set up the execution ground to shoot out suspects. A large number of devils, fake city defense forces, investigation teams, and fake police have come out from the north gate, east gate, and south gate. Burial mounds outflank and come"

"All head east, retreat according to the original plan." After Gong Shaofeng gave the order, he asked the intelligence agent: "Have you notified the comrades at the south gate and north gate to help?"

"Someone has been sent to notify"

South of the city.

Wang Peng, who was hiding in the wheat field, was holding up a binoculars.

Beside him, his company commander was marking the movement of enemy troops on the map.

Seeing that the Devil's armored vehicle came out of the south gate, after leaving the moat, it directly detoured to the east.

Wang Peng put down the binoculars and ordered to the correspondent next to him: "Hurry up and go around to the east to inform Battalion Commander Hu, and let them start preparing to take down the Wang'anbao stronghold immediately."

As soon as the communication turned around, a correspondent ran over panting: "Report to Battalion Commander Wang that the first guard battalion has captured the Wang'anbao stronghold. Your department immediately find a way to blow up the big stone bridge on the Zhizhang River!"

The Zhizhang River is more than [-] meters wide. It was originally a flood channel for the Fuyang River that flows through the urban area, and the current is not urgent.

Since there has been no rain for more than a year, the river is very shallow.

There is a stronghold of the city defense army at the north end of the stone bridge, and there is only one gun tower on the south side.

An armed squad leader next to Wang Peng waved to Wang Peng: "The battle hasn't started yet, so don't expose it for now. We've been prepared to swim across the river and blow up the stone bridge."

The stone bridge is between two blockhouses.

An armed worker was holding a bamboo tube more than two feet long.

A fierce child plunged into the water and disappeared.

on the river.

The bamboo tube emerging from the water is moving longitudinally towards the bottom of the Zhizhang River Bridge.
[Thanks to Hanjiang Chuxue and Lao Ni for rewarding, two chapters in one]

 In the early days, the wedding time was usually in the evening, that is, at dusk.

  The "marriage" of the wedding comes from the "hun" at dusk, that is, the worship ceremony is held at dusk.

  Because dusk is the moment when day and night alternate, and then it is the best time for yin and yang to meet in the bridal chamber
(End of this chapter)

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