under fire

Chapter 1300 Gunpowder Keg

Chapter 1300 Gunpowder Keg

In addition to the autonomous army, most of the people in the county are family members of the autonomous army and relatives who have been linked with each other to survive.

There are many factions, and it is not a big deal to fight each other with a knife and two shots.

The military generally turned a blind eye and closed their eyes, too lazy to pay attention.

This time the nest played a lot and used explosives. This is the rhythm of demolishing the old nest in the county.

The military department was furious immediately, and the thieves shouted to catch the thief and ordered the assault regiment directly under the military department to leave the camp immediately and start a city-wide investigation.

In the one year since the establishment of the Autonomous Army, the security situation in the entire Zhanghe area has improved.

The devil's advisor in the military headquarters is happy to see the autonomous army fighting among themselves.

The fear is that the self-governing army will unite into a monolith.

The uneasy and well-meaning devils only need to control the top of the autonomous army, the mules below kill the horse, and the donkey bites the dog and doesn't care.

Collect food on time, and there are no sabotage activities against the imperial army by anti-Japanese elements under the rule. Hello, hello, hello everyone!

If the autonomous army has food, money and guns, it will naturally be able to recruit soldiers and horses to develop and grow.

From the initial establishment of more than [-] people to the current [-] people.

It is necessary to keep the autonomous army at a certain scale, so as not to form a situation where the tail is too big to lose.

For this situation, the devil was deeply disturbed.

Pigs have to be killed when they are fattened, and the pinching plan has been implemented.

Li Chenghua, the first brigade commander who was close to the Eighth Route, dared to publicly say that if he wanted to leave the Autonomous Army, he would have to die.

Next, clean up the disobedient ones one by one.

At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure the balance of forces within the autonomous army and prevent large-scale civil strife, which is not a small difficulty.
The military headquarters of the Autonomous Army not only has people from the Eighth Route Army, but also people from Chongqing. Do you really think devils are fools?

On the surface, the little devil only arranged for a squadron to go to the public security army, and many of the economic advisers stationed there were students who had graduated from various schools in Peking.

On the bright side, maintain local law and order and let the common people live and work in peace and contentment.
In fact, almost all of these people are members of the Little Devil's intelligence system.

Secretly, the situation of each department has been clarified.

These trivial things that happened in the county town are completely irrelevant to Captain Matsumoto.

He arranged for a team under his command to go out of the city overnight to suppress Xinglong Town!

If Shi Jianye can reorganize the first brigade commander, it's okay to give him a brigade commander
The quarters of the autonomous army are completely militarized.

There is no government, no gendarmerie, no police force, and no detective team.

The Autonomous Army acts as an omnipotent role.

It is completely a bandit cottage without a hill.

There are more than [-] people in the Second Battalion of Huilong Town.

Some guard the north of the town, and some are scattered in nearby villages, patrolling each village at night.

The autonomous army raises its own salary, and everything depends on itself.

Tied up one or two fat sheep worth extorting, and the money will come the fastest.

The little devil is very bad, he doesn't do anything, and keeps printing money with those people in Chongqing.

This directly led to soaring prices, and the wealthy small landlords in local villages were bankrupted by bandit soldiers.

The real rich families accumulate food and oceans, and then arrange for young juniors to join the self-governing army.

With the backing of the mountain, relying on the high-walled compound, I am not afraid of small groups of bandit soldiers coming to make trouble.

Now the self-governing army who was born as a bandit soldier can't even find a partner for kidnapping
Only then did the bandit soldiers suddenly realize that the most valuable thing was the weapon in their hands
The guy who is eating must not be lost. Losing a gun is equivalent to losing half a life!

His own defense zone is full of his own family members who are related to his brothers, so it is not easy to start.

If you don't have money, how can you guarantee to drink and eat meat?

Guns are worn out, bullets are worn out, and these have to be bought from the imperial army or on the black market!
Then find the rich family who can't deal with it.

As a result, in recent days, the open and secret fights between the various bandits on the hills have intensified!
Shi Jianye also knew what was going on!
Faced with such a situation, apart from guarding his old house, there is nothing he can do to solve it.

Even the private houses in the town are never open to the public!

Everyone is robbing and tying up.

As for his brothers going out to make money, they can only turn a blind eye and close their eyes.

Anyway, every time the subordinates go out and come back, he is indispensable as the head of the regiment.

This time the imperial army wanted him to eat up a group of his brother's team. From the heart, there was no pressure at all.

A regiment connects all directions, and even sends people to fight HD, the regiment headquarters is empty, as long as the regiment is reorganized, the foundation of the Cheng family in Xinglong Town will have to change its surname to Shi!

Then become the brigade commander himself.

Of course he knows what the general situation of a group is.

The only worry is that the old houses of Deputy Army Commander Cheng Ximeng and Second Brigade Commander Cheng Daohe are also under the jurisdiction of Huilong Town!
The whole Huilong Town is a powder keg.
As long as the foundation of these two hometowns is not moved, nothing will happen!
About five miles away from Huilong Town, more than a hundred people first touched the outskirts of Huilong Town.

The next step is naturally to surround Huilong Town into an iron bucket, follow Zai Enwei and let the group disarm.

A crescent moon in the sky shrouded the entire land in haze.

On the plain covered with ravines, more than a dozen ghost-like figures, three or four meters apart, sneaked southward in a serpentine shape.

A dark one walking in the front, observing the terrain while walking.

He stopped suddenly and slowly squatted down to look around.

There are sandy date forests on both sides, and Huilong Town is not far in front. The cool night wind blows, and the wind and the branches and leaves of the sandy date forest rub against each other, making a horrible and strange rustling sound.

The trunk of the tree pneumatically made a light clicking sound.

The scout bent and ran back: "Company commander! In front is Cheng Haibo's second battalion station. The south is surrounded by the outer wall of Huilong Town, and there are high walls in the northeast and west. We caught a tongue, and they set up two security guards all around. Eight guard posts, if we attack rashly, and the machine gun fires from the gun tower on the south side of the barracks, we will become a living target."

"Two alerts? When did the group raise their alert level?"

"It should be that they reorganized the first battalion, and the commander of the second battalion sensed the danger!"

The detective company commander thought about it, and it was really dangerous to attack directly like this.

Moreover, the other party was directly under Cheng Haibo's battalion, so he had no idea whether he could disarm them smoothly.

Turn around and send an order to the back: "Immediately report to the head of the regiment, at least one battalion of reinforcements must come over."

The scout hesitated and asked, "Should we take down the other seven guard posts around them first?"

The detective company commander nodded: "Wait for the opportunity, don't make any noise, if they shoot and kill them quickly, it will be said that the gun went off."

"Yes!" The scout ran back.


Wang Xiaosan came out of Commander Cheng's room, greeted Zhao Hu, the captain of any battalion deputy battalion commander, and each took two soldiers out of the barracks for a routine inspection.

Su Qing sat on the table and watched the latest information, and finally felt relieved.

It's not that she doesn't know anything about military affairs. Since the devils have captured Brigadier Li, they will also attack the first and second regiments.

A battalion "borrowed" from Wang Jingchang will arrive in Huilong Town in two hours.

At that time, with the strength of two battalions, it should be no problem to forcibly reorganize from the second battalion of the first regiment before dawn.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside the door.


Cheng Haibo ran into the clothing store with the guards.

Cheng Haibo was panting anxiously: "Captain Su, something serious happened. The brigade commander was killed by devils last night!"

"What?" She flicked her neck-length hair and stood up.

"Also, something happened to HD. The Eighth Route Army team that rescued the brigade commander was ambushed by devils, and the county brigade that was about to rob the execution ground suffered heavy losses."

Su Qing's fair face turned pale: "Is there any news about the guard camp?"

"Not for the time being, and there is a change in the Shi Jianye Group. After dark, a large number of people are heading towards Huilong Town."

"You mean, the Shi Jianye Group is going to stage a mutiny?"

Cheng Haibo's complexion turned black: "That's right."

Su Qing forced herself to calm down.

Faced with such a severe situation, it has already exceeded the limit of what she can handle as a work leader.

Although Su Qing is not an intelligence expert, her intelligence experience completely surpasses that of Cheng Haibo, the head of the autonomous army who was born in the local armed forces.

The work of the armed task force is carried out in secret, and it is difficult to know what they have done on the surface.

The room fell into a deathly silence.

Cheng Haibo thought of Captain Hu, a member of the Anti-Japanese University who was with his superiors, and would shrink his neck in front of Captain Su.

Therefore, he subconsciously regarded Su Qing higher.
However, he has no idea
Captain Su in front of him had no idea how to deal with the current situation.

After a while.

Su Qingcai subconsciously picked up a new pencil that should have been sharpened on the table, and followed the map on the table.
 This chapter is a bit long-winded, please forgive me.

  Huilong Town has a great background, and the military headquarters of the Allied Self-army once stationed here.

  Moreover, Wang Tianxiang, Li Chenghua, Cheng Daohe, Cheng Ximeng, Yang Faxian, and Ding Shuben are sworn brothers.

  First came the warlord melee.

  Following the invasion of devils, the Eighth Route, Chongqing, local armed forces, and the struggle of traitors and lackeys, the situation is so complicated that a book can be written.

  It is not easy for everyone to pull out a team and stand on the top of a mountain in troubled times.
  Let's still play a small scene
(End of this chapter)

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