under fire

Chapter 1301 Dare to bite anyone

Chapter 1301 Dare to bite anyone

late at night.

The crescent moon hangs high.

The car went about five miles north of the town.

A gun tower stands at the intersection of the three forks.

Outside the gun tower, a pile of bonfires were burning, and a village lay quietly beside the road.

The stationed vehicle headed to the second regiment's outlying checkpoint in the town.

A group of more than ten bicycles hurriedly stopped advancing under the dim moonlight.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er, who was holding the handlebar, raised his finger and pointed to the checkpoint ahead: "The front is the second regiment's defense zone, it's better for us to bypass them."

Liu Yuanqing pushed the bicycle: "Your self-governing army is really a wonderful thing, the brotherhood seems to be the enemy."

Shopkeeper Cheng Er smiled wryly: "Hehe, everyone is their master."

Liu Yuanqing looked at the dark ground: "Is their perimeter just like this?"

"That's right, our main force is deployed in the town, and the outskirts are just a blockhouse where there is a village on the main road to set up a checkpoint. In remote places, there should be secret sentries."

Liu Yuanqing felt a little unbelievable: "That is to say, in such a large place, we are the only ones who come and leave whenever we want?"

Shopkeeper Cheng Er nodded: "The place is too big, it really can't be deployed."

The team got off the road and prepared to make a detour.

Not far away, a ray of light suddenly came from a distance behind, accompanied by the faint roar of the engine.

Liu Yuanqing turned around, raised his binoculars and watched for a while: "One motorcycle and three cars, they should be the devil's motorcycle and car convoy."

"Did anyone find that we have caught up with us?"

Liu Yuanqing shook his head: "Probably not, the bicycles we ride can take trails at any time."

"Then what are they going to do?"

"The devil knows"

"There are only more than 200 devils in the county town. There must be a reason for so many coming out suddenly." Shopkeeper Cheng Er always felt a little uneasy in his heart, and was inexplicably worried.

Xiao Hongying jumped down from the back seat of Li Laosi and yawned: "Whatever he wants to do, he can't let them succeed in what he wants to do, just destroy it."

"One motorcycle, three cars, if there is no infantry, there should be only one squad size." Liu Yuanqing looked at the lights of the cars in the distance: "Just plant a few mines."

"Don't worry, I'll go to the village to find an acquaintance to inquire about the situation." Shopkeeper Cheng Er jumped on the bicycle, turned around, and ran quickly to the village ahead.

Not long after, shopkeeper Cheng Er threw away his bicycle and was about to sneak into the village, which immediately caused dogs to bark in the village.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er didn't think too much, he knew most of the people in the village.

It is not a big deal if there are dogs barking in the village in the middle of the night.

In the turbulent years, the village organized a village protection team.

"Who?" A childish voice immediately asked in the darkness of the village.

"Damn it? It's me, your Uncle Cheng"

"Second Uncle, why are you here now?"

"Did something happen?" Shopkeeper Cheng Er's heart tightened.

"Cheng Erwa, I'm the third aunt." Then, an aunt's voice appeared, her tone full of anxiety: "The soldiers stationed in the town gathered more than six or seven hundred people after dark, and headed south to Longzhen Yes, your uncle rode a donkey to report to Haibowazi."

"What? You said the head of the division brought people back to Long Town?" Cheng Er, the treasurer, was shocked.

"It's been almost an hour"

"Is there any other news? Is there any news from the gun tower on the village east road?"

Mao Dan added next to it: "No, no one is allowed to enter the blockhouse after dark, and people in the blockhouse are not allowed to come out. My father didn't even send a letter."

"Then be careful, I still have things to go first." Shopkeeper Cheng Er finished speaking and turned around immediately.

Seven or eight people quietly touched the road.

A total of three mines were laid.

The mixing mine is used to blow up the Devil's motorcycle, and the Devil's car behind it has to be detonated with a puller.

"Damn, I knew I would need two more explosives from the military." Shopkeeper Cheng Er looked at Liu Yuanqing as he quickly laid the mines.

Wen Wuquan next to him carried a bag of dry soil and kept spraying it on the ground where the mines were placed to cover up the traces.

"Enough, two Lafalei can at least blow up one of his cars." Liu Yuanqing has already started to put the rope.

The rope is not long enough to pull the hair at close range, and the person who pulls is very risky.

"Platoon Leader Liu, can you let me pull Lei this time!" Wen Wuquan looked excited.

"No, you have to use a grenadier to hit the devil's car! Lalei's work is done by Mr. Li, he runs fast"

Liu Yuanqing began to assign tasks: "Remember, there may be infantry behind the devil's car. After the rifle has fired a row of bullets, go around the town three miles ahead and meet at the big locust tree by the road. Let's kill him again!"

"After the battle starts, the dirty-faced machine gun on the east will shoot first. After the devil gets off the car, the girl and I will shoot the devil's machine gun and the grenade from both sides, and within 200 meters, everyone should stay away. Go south, be careful of accidental injury."

"After Li Laosi blew the landmine, light the fire in the ground, and then go directly eastward along the ditch in the ground. Don't shoot back at the enemy. The light from the fire will disturb the enemy's sight, and they won't be able to find your trace." After finishing speaking, he said to the shopkeeper Cheng Er: "Hurry up and ask the people in the village to find a place to hide in the west first."

Liu Yuanqing's layout is very simple, the ambush position is slightly to the north, instead of shooting directly at the mine explosion position from the side.

In this way, you can avoid being accidentally injured by your own people when you attack from both sides later.

Now there is another problem. I don't know if there are infantry behind the enemy convoy.

When you don't know the detailed situation of the enemy's military strength, you should still run away in accordance with the principle.

The number of people who came out was not large, and there was no way to formulate two combat plans.

You can only give the devil the first guy in the way that the devil has infantry.

For the first time, Xiao Hongying did not interfere with the formulation of the plan, because this kind of ambush plan was really not difficult.

She is still a frustrated instructor now.
Since Liu Yuanqing is showing off here, in her opinion, Liu Yuanqing is indeed a capable person.

As a commander, having been with the head and political commissar for so many years, of course he knew that he could not interfere in everything.

If something is missing, just add a couple of sentences.

Unfortunately, Liu Yuanqing didn't give her a chance at all.

With dirty faces, all five people, civil and military, quickly headed east, and quickly disappeared into the darkness.

The Devil's car kept a certain safe distance from the motorcycle.

Balu likes to play with mines, so the motorcycle in front is often used as a mine detector.

The motorcycle driver was a little nervous, but he wasn't afraid of land mines that were not very lethal.

The problem is that the explosion sound of land mines on the Tuba Road is really scary.

The convoy was driving fast all the way, and the road was uneven, so I kept staring wide-eyed to see if there was any abnormality on the road.

This time it came out suddenly, even if Eighth Road saw the lights of the convoy and hastily placed mines, it would usually be able to see some clues from the road.

After riding a motorcycle for dozens of miles, my eyes are almost blurred.
"Be careful." The devil in the car suddenly yelled.

Just finished speaking
The driver used the emergency brake with his hands and feet.

A fire flashed under the motorcycle bucket.

With a loud noise, the sound of the explosion suddenly shook the moon night.

The motorcycle was overturned directly.

A group of landmine fragments scattered with clods and sand in a hemispherical lasing shape.

After flying into the sky, it fell in a mess like rain, hitting the nearby roads and crackling on the ground.

The driver's legs were hit by countless fragments of gravel, which were thrown high up from the motorcycle and smashed into the soil next to him.

The motorcycle headlights went out instantly.
The Devil's car immediately behind braked suddenly, and the brake drums made a harsh friction sound.

The friction between the tire and the sandy soil on the ground brings up a puff of dust.
(End of this chapter)

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