under fire

Chapter 1302 From Legend of Paratrooper Rapid Fire

Chapter 1302 From Legend of Paratrooper Rapid Fire
The complexion of Li Laosi who was lying in the ditch changed, that pervert Liu Yuanqing was too damn accurate!
The rope pulling the landmine was just pressed by the front wheel of the Devil's car after emergency braking.

Life and death can't move at all.
Boom kicked his legs into the ditch, and with all his strength, he directly broke the fire rope
Si Daoye was dumbfounded

There is no other way, we can only ignite the fire and retreat according to the predetermined plan
Lighting a match with the devil behind his back, seeing the withered grass among the branches being ignited and the flames turning into balls, Si Daoye plunged into the ditch next to him and crawled eastward with his hands and feet.

The devils in the car jumped down one after another, followed by squatting on the ground to establish vigilance
Suddenly, a devil noticed a fire emanating from the ground 30 meters to the east.
The ghost lieutenant who led the team immediately hissed and shouted: "Shoot."

Looking at the shadow in the ditch, the lieutenant yelled, "Where's our sniper? Kill him for me."

The devils on guard to the east immediately fired, and the muzzle flames flashed into pieces in an instant.

A devil with a sniper rifle got out of the cab

Hearing the roar of bullets above his head, the east-west canal had a certain angle with the devil's car.

Li Laosi was not worried about being shot at all, and after only a short while, he climbed 50 meters, and there was no sound of bullets roaring above his head.

Hurry up and run north

After some shots were unsuccessful, the commander of the devils immediately ordered to stop shooting when he found that there was no return fire.

A few devils trotted to the front of the motorcycle to carry out rescue. A group of devils jumped off the road and searched eastward toward the fire.

Soon, a devil found the pull rope in the ground
He picked it up and looked at it, and was about to yell.
Da da da.
The flames were shining, and the rear of the third car was facing east, at a distance of more than a hundred meters, a Czech began to shoot aggressively under the moonlight.
Three bullets swept one after another, knocking the devil with the rope in his hand to the ground.

The rest of the devils yelled at the enemy, quickly got down on the ground, and started aiming their guns at the enemy.
Then, the second three-point shot of the machine gun pulled the devil who was squatting next to the devil's car on guard.

The devils who were squatting and prepared had reacted quickly, and immediately fired back at the flash of the firing machine gun.
The bullets whistled in the ears and above the head, and the dirty face was experienced. The devil's counterattack under the moon was completely based on feeling.

The machine gun position hastily piled up in front of him blocked his body, with only half of his head exposed. It would be bad luck if he also got shot.

Seven bursts of twenty rounds of bullets rushed out of the machine gun in about three seconds
The bullets fired back from the Devil's rifle began to gather, and the whistling sound passed by his ears and overhead.

Then, the devil's crooked handle rang, and the sudden sound echoed suddenly in the night sky.

More bullets smacked the dirt in front of Dirty Face.

Dirty face didn't dare to stay here anymore, quickly shrank his head, pulled the machine gun and crawled horizontally along the water channel
At a position more than ten meters away from the machine gun, Xiao Hongying, with half of her face exposed, was lying there, searching for the position of the Devil's machine gunner, and the crosshairs put the Devil's machine gunner's body inside.

The fire lit by Mr. Li is too important.

Now the entire east of the convoy was enveloped in the light of the fire.

A bullet was fired arrogantly, and in a little over one-tenth of a second, the bullet completed its mission.
Poof Devil Machine Gunner immediately fell over.
The crooked machine gun has a fatal flaw. The tripod is too high, and the gunner cannot hide at all when shooting in a hurry.

Seeing someone fighting back under the moonlit night, the devil's machine gun that was originally mounted on the roof of the car cab for vigilance was raised to point at the despicable attacker just now.
chug chug.
Another crooked handle fired violently.
The machine gun shot back and forth at the position where Xiao Hongying fired just now.
Da da da.
In the darkness under the moon, the dirty face that had just replaced the magazine fired again, directly misfiring the Devil's machine gun on the car
Well-trained devil observers soon discovered that there were not many people in the open land to the east.

The devil lieutenant kept yelling.

Under the cover of two light machine guns resuming firing, a squad of devil infantry charged northeastward, squealing.

After aiming for almost a minute, the grenade in Wen Wuquan's hands finally fired the first grenade.
The left and right deviation of the grenadier without an aiming system is easy to grasp. The difficulty lies in the control of the distance, which can only be controlled by feeling.

Xiao Hongying, who stabbed the hornet's nest, dragged the rifle and changed positions.

He pulled out the shell gun conveniently, and prepared to roll their names one by one when the devils came over.

She didn't use the handle of the gun in the holster like Wen Wuquan next to her did.

More than a dozen devil infantry who scattered and charged were getting closer.
At this time, we have to prevent the devils from throwing grenades!
Liu Yuanqing was unusually courageous, and hid in a ditch more than [-] meters west of the road.

Frowning, Lafa Dilei was clearly buried in the first car.

Li Laosi who lit the fire did not set off the mines, and immediately understood that something must have gone wrong.

By the light of the fire.

I saw the devils yelling and shooting eastward.

Half of the devils who were originally pointing their guns at the west side of the highway also turned their guns and joined the ranks of shooting east. There were only four devils left in front of and behind the three cars and they were still on guard westward.

Immediately raised the rifle and put the head of the devil in front of the first car into the front sight.

Knock the squatting devil directly to the ground.

Then quickly pull the bolt, aim at the body of the ghost between the first and second cars and shoot quickly.

Watching the shooting flash, the Japs on alert between the second and third cars quickly adjusted the eighth three covers to aim.
Liu Yuanqing's third bullet quickly came out of the chamber, knocked the guy down, followed the pull bolt to push the bullet into the chamber, moved his body steadily two steps sideways, and raised the gun again
The grenade fired by Wenwuquan just landed next to the second car and exploded suddenly.

Discovering the situation in the west, the vigilant devils behind the last car yelled "enemy attack" and then raised their guns to shoot
Can't see the target, can only shoot blindly at the opponent's flash position based on feeling
The sound of his call was just overshadowed by the sound of the grenade explosion.

Phew. The bullets fired by the [-]th cover roared past Liu Yuanqing's previous shooting position.
The fourth bullet fired by Liu Yuanqing slammed into the body of the last devil who failed to give the warning.
The rifle swayed from side to side, pointing at the backs of the devils who were squatting between the cars.

The method of judging that the opponent is a grenadier soldier is very simple, because these devils did not raise their arms to take a shooting posture.

Bang. The last bullet came out of the chamber, and the rifle was thrown on the ground beside him, and then he took the rifle handed over by Cheng Erzhang who had been following behind him: "Hurry up and press the bullet."

Before the battle started, Liu Yuanqing arranged for Master Cheng Er to be his second-in-command
The continuous gunfire from the west did not immediately attract the attention of the devils.

He knew that this time would never be too long.

You must kill the devil grenadier who turned his back before the devil came back to his senses.

Raise the gun and shoot at the back of the devil's bomb-throwing team squatting in the gap between the devil's cars
It doesn't matter whether you can be killed or not, as long as the devil is shot, he will basically lose his fighting power!
Even after being shot in the arm, it is extremely rare that it can continue to move.

Being shot in the back and still shooting grenades is basically nonsense.
The devils were busy shooting at the east, the gunfire was dense, and they didn't notice the appearance of a killing god in the west at all.

Thanks to the fire Li Laosi lit when he left.

Form a favorable situation where the enemy is in the open and he is in the dark.

Liu Yuanqing didn't dare to be careless, and still fired a shot and ran two or three steps sideways. Even if the devil found out and returned fire, it was unlikely to find the target.

Shopkeeper Cheng Er, who was lying on the ground and followed all the time, was already excited to see it!

He saw the only few soldiers called sharpshooters under the process sea group.

Compared with Liu Yuanqing, it is completely a dog against a wolf.

I have never seen a person who shoots a rifle like a machine gun!

Moreover, it can accurately judge and avoid the bullets fired back by the enemy.
The scene of killing an enemy with one shot, is this still human?

What kind of sharpshooter, in front of Platoon Leader Liu, is a complete scumbag
Hey my mother, this grandma is a killer
At this time, the hands no longer tremble, the feet no longer tremble, pick up the rifle on the ground, pull the bolt, and quickly press a row of bullets into the magazine.
Hearing the fifth gunshot, quickly handed the rifle forward.
He then picked up the rifle that Liu Yuanqing threw on the ground, and quickly filled the magazine with bullets.
【Thank you Hanjiang Chuxue, thank you Old Ni.】

(End of this chapter)

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